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Mercy by FrostedCupcakez

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Aug 9th, 2015
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  1. Mercy
  2. Written by FrostedCupcakez
  4. Fallen: Chapter One
  6. Sky stared at what was left of her kingdom, while tears streamed down her face. After endless fighting, all the cannons and screaming had stopped. But the smell of gunpowder and crimson still lingered in the air, making her sick to her stomach. She took one last look at the place she once called home and began to run, until her feet could no longer keep up. And with that, everything went dark…
  8. A splash of water woke Sky right up; she opened her eyes and saw the mysterious face of a person.
  9. “Glad you’re awake, it took you long enough.” Said the mysterious person.
  10. “Who are you? Where am I?” Sky croaked.
  11. Looking to her left and right, Sky could see that she was in a hospital bed with plain white walls and boring paintings.
  12. She glanced up to see a hand extended her way; she took it and got up. Face to face with the person, she could now see his beautiful dark brown eyes and heart-skipping features.
  13. “Call me Andrew, or my battle name MasterProX,” he said with a shrug, and then he asked, “What’s your name?”
  14. Before my mind could catch up, the words “Frozen Solstice” seem to escape from my mouth.
  15. “Frozen Solstice… I like it. But what’s your real name?” He questioned with a smile.
  16. “Uh… E… Elsa.” I spoke with a stutter.
  17. He gave me a nod and started to explain how he had found me unconscious in the woods, covered with blood and half-dead. Afterwards, he began to explain where we were. The kingdom of Avicus he spoke with pride, I then asked if I could clean myself up with that, he responded with a nod, then directed me to the bath and handed me a blue dress to change into.
  18. “If you need me, I’ll be downstairs.” He spoke.
  19. I thanked him and turned on the shower, rinsing all the blood and dirt off. I winced when I touched my back, a deep scar now there. I bandaged myself up the way my father taught me with some equipment I found in a drawer then dried myself off. I put on the blue dress and head out the door.
  21. Reunited: Chapter Two
  23. A high-pitched scream wakes Spooks with a start, causing him to fall off the tree he’s perched in. He instantly jumps to his feet and starts toward the area where the scream came from. As Spooks begins to run out of breath, he sees a girl huddled by a tree. Her hair is dirty and muddy, and her battle gear broken but she still seems as beautiful as ever.
  24. “Petlas, is that you?” Spooks questions.
  25. The girl seems to perk up when she hears the sound of his voice; she looks up to see Spooks at her feet.
  26. “Spooks! Thank IvyCode you’re here!” she exclaims with a smile as she hugs him, and then she begins to explain what happened until they hear a branch snap.
  27. “Stay here…” Spooks whispers as he draws out his shining sword.
  28. Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye Spooks spots DaGoldBrick. DaGoldBrick lunges forward with his sword, but Spooks ends him in two quick swings with his sword. He smiles, thinking that he just made one great impression on Petlas. Spooks turns around to an astonished Petlas, he grins and says with pride; “Let’s go home.”
  30. Elsa makes her way down the stairs of the glamorous cabin, picking out every little detail such as the custom engraved awards and silk banners hanging on the walls. When she reaches the bottom of the stairs, she notices a group of people sitting at a large mahogany table. As she approaches them, Andrew stands up from his chair and begins to introduce her to everyone.
  31. “Welcome to the Berzerk cabin” states a member known as Smit.
  32. “Spooks should be returning from walk soon, for now you can sit in his chair” exclaims Nate with a grin.
  33. “Why can’t she sit next to me?” Steven complains with a whine in his voice.
  34. When Elsa is about to sit down, the doors of the cabin burst open. Spooks runs in carrying Petlas in his arms. His armor glimmers in the light, making him look heroic.
  35. “I need help!” he shouts.
  36. “What happened?” Kat shouts worried.
  37. Spooks begins to explain until Snow bursts through the doors and runs towards Petlas.
  38. “Oh my poor Petlas!” He cries.
  39. Spooks slowly places Petlas down on the table and the team begins to aid her.
  40. “Take her up to the hospital area, I’ll be there in a second!” Annamarie shouts.
  42. ✧ Two Hours Later ✧
  44. Petlas lies in the hospital bed, weak but her breathing is steady. Snow is holding her hand, praying to IvyCode that she’ll be fine. A cough escapes from Petlas as she begins to regain consciousness, Snow starts crying and kisses Petlas’ forehead. Spooks instantly gets up and is on his feet, he rushes to her side however he accidentally knocks over a vase on his way.
  45. “I’ll clean it up.” Spooks says.
  46. “Petlas! You’re okay!” Snow says with a smile, joy fills his eyes. Petlas whispers “I’d never leave you” then she kisses Snow.
  47. Spooks starts to walk faster towards the supply closet, tears filling his eyes as his heart shatters into a million pieces.
  49. Revival: Chapter Three
  51. “I’ve got it sir, just as you requested; the crown of the fallen king” speaks a voice.
  52. “Good, hand it over” another voice replies.
  53. The cloaked figure hands over the crown without hesitation, he knows what will happen if he disappoints his ruthless leader Sli.
  54. “Jiphy, what are you still doing here? Get out!” Sli shouts.
  55. “But sir… M…My reward?” Jiphy stutters.
  56. Sli throws a bag of gold his way then waves him off. Jiphy quickly scurries off; he then mounts his horse and gallops off into the woods. In the middle of a ring of trees, sits a small rundown cabin with overgrown grass surrounding it. Jiphy dismounts his powerful steed then makes his way in. “Home sweet home” he thinks to himself, he pulls out the bag of coins and begins to count. 20 gold sits in the palm of his hand, it was better than nothing he supposed… Out of the corner of his eye, Jiphy sees a movement. Before he has time to react by drawing his sword, he’s pinned against the wall with a dagger to his throat, a cloaked person stands before him.
  58. “Hello Jiphy, I think we need to talk” a feminine voice speaks.
  59. The cloaked person removes her hood, and a gasp escapes out of Jiphy’s mouth. What stood before him was a beautiful girl with silky brown hair; her eyes cold as ice. Jiphy gulped, unable to speak.
  60. “Britney? Is that really you?” he finally managed to blurt out.
  61. Britney raised an eyebrow, and slowly remove the weapon from his throat.
  62. “It’s nice to see you again Jiphy, now tell me… What the heck are you doing working for Sli?” she harshly stated.
  63. Jiphy closed his eyes and took a deep breath and began to explain how he was banished from his kingdom, and how he had lost everything in weeks. Britney sat down next to him and sighed, the happy and innocent boy she once knew was gone.
  64. “Let me show you somewhere, maybe you can call it your new home.” Britney spoke with passion.
  65. And with that, the two rode off North towards the kingdom of Avicus.
  67. Elsa and Andrew walked down the main staircase; he had just shown her around the large cabin. Elsa was fascinated by everything; from the weapons room to the training hall, this place had everything!
  68. “If you need me, I’ll be in my room” said Andrew with a smile.
  69. Elsa blushed, his smile made her melt on the inside, he was so… Charming. After bidding farewell, Andrew shut his door lightly and headed straight to his drawer, he pulled out a large box and began to shuffle through the papers. He froze when he stumbled upon a picture of him and a smiling girl named Faith; she had meant everything to Andrew… But one day, she just dropped everything and left. Tears fell from Andrew’s eyes; he’d give anything to have her back. Where could she possibly be? He needed some air, so he collected his sword and ran out the door towards the forest.
  71. Release: Chapter Four
  73. Faith huddled in the dark corner, staring at the tally marks she had drawn on the wall. It had been a month since she was taken, she felt so alone and scared without Andrew by her side. Why had she left in the first place she wondered? Suddenly, the door opened letting in all the sunshine, it made Faith have to cover her eyes and then a voice spoke: “It’s time to go.”
  74. Without hesitation, Faith got up and headed toward the voice.
  75. “Hello Case…” she spoke quietly.
  76. Case, the second in command for Sli chained Faith up then dragged her along to a carriage.
  77. “You’re sick for doing this, you know that right?” she spit harshly.
  78. Case gave her a glare and pushed her into the carriage, getting in after her.
  79. “I just want to be loved…” Case mumbled to himself, silently playing with his hands. Then he laughed like a maniac, while hiccupping in between.
  80. “Where are you taking me?” Faith asked.
  81. Case didn’t answer. He just continued to laugh, and then he went silent and played with his hands once more. Faith knew what she had to do; this was her chance to escape. So she took it, she bashed her chains against Case’s head knocking him out cold. Then she kicked the door open and jumped, and then she ran until she couldn’t breathe anymore. She could hear the sounds of Sli’s army nearby. There was no way she could escape… Then she heard a voice, it was as gentle as an angel.
  82. “Faith?” the voice asked. “Is that really you?”
  83. She spun around to see Andrew carrying his sword, she could start crying with joy but she knew they were in trouble. Andrew perked up when he heard the shouting of soldiers; he knew they were close and that they could no longer run. A mounted solider approached them, and Andrew drew his sword. Before anything could happen, an arrow flew right past his head and straight into the soldier’s chest, he fell like a sack of potatoes off his horse.
  84. “You better start running while you can!” Shouted a familiar voice.
  85. “Elsa?” Andrew asked.
  86. He looked up to see her in a tree, a bow in her hand.
  87. “Well? Are you going to run or not? I’ll hold them off!” she yelled.
  88. With that, Andrew and Faith mounted the soldier’s horse and together, they rode all the way back to the kingdom of Avicus in the sunset.
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