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- The Globular Geisha. Its name has been spreading around Equestria for almost a month now. Its sudden appearance had already been the talk of all of Canterlot for months now, with rumors that the place specialized in, well larger ponies. Its patrons are rumored to include some of the most elite members of Canterlot and Equestrian society. But you tonight, are a lucky patron of this establishment. What happens tonight, is up to you:
- I heard the rumors about the place for a while now. The Globular Geisha. Such a name would do better to serve some whore house in the worst side of Manehatten, yet apparently many of Canterlot’s rich and famous were known to frequent the place. The thing is though, this place, this establishment, specialized in one thing and one thing only, fat ponies. I know I know its crazy, how could anyone find fat ponies attractive? Well, I guess i’m one of those ponies. More or less I have always loved fatter ponies, specifically colts. I always wanted to date one, or, to be more blunt about it, fuck one. But i’ve always been too nervous to do it. There were a lot of cute chubby colts back in high school, but I happened to have a decent amount of friends, and lets just say being with a chubby colt, yet around being around one was simply frowned upon. Didn’t help that no one knew I was a colt cuddler. But now that I’m finally out, I at long last am free to fulfill my desires. Now, as for those rumors I was talking about before. I had heard about The Bloated Horse for a while, even when I was in high school. Even outside of Canterlot rumors spread about it quite fast. As soon as the rumors hit the town I lived in, I knew I had to visit it. Only downside, the price. I had heard it was extremely expensive to get in. Apparently it was almost over 500 Bits just to be able to partake in the pleasures of the place. Now you don’t have to be a genius to realize that is a shit ton of money. But I was determined nonetheless. For months I had been saving up, working shitty part time jobs in order to finally save enough money together. Of course I wasn’t going to tell my parents what I was doing with it, or hell, even asking them for money. If they found out I was gay, and if they found out I liked chubby colts, Id be kicked out of the house. Once I finally had the money I needed, I just needed an excuse to tell my parents why I was headed into Canterlot. Thats the thing about living at home, parents tend to be quite overbearing. Finally I convinced them I was headed there with friends, and they of course signed off on it. At long last. I thought to myself, I can finally fulfill my fantasy I had waited so long to fulfill.
- The train ride to Canterlot took over an hour, yet at the time I was on the train, I couldn’t help but think to myself
- What are the colts like? Are they cute? What if I fuck up and make an ass of myself?
- I kept thinking this over and over until I finally arrived in Canterlot. I had been to Canterlot before with family and friends a couple of times, and yet it always never failed to amaze me. From the elegant architecture of the houses, to the shops full of expensive trinkets and items, to the people, wearing the finest of clothing and the most expensive of jewelry. Finally of course one could not forget the castle of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, which was always quite a site to behold.
- I wonder if they ever visited this place? I thought to myself. Nah of course not there’s no way they possibly would…. would they?
- Eh I was overthinking the whole thing, right now I needed to find this place. Now I certainly couldn’t start asking random people about where this place was at. I mean this was Canterlot for Celestia’s sake. I was mingling with the elite here, I would have embarrassed myself if I even bothered to ask these people where I could find a restroom. Nope, I had to find this place on my own. I knew this place could only be in one possible destination: The Back Alleys. I had heard about them, but had never had the opportunity to visit, probably because I was still underage at the time. The Alleys weren’t slums mind you, but rather they were… brothels of the highest caliber. You’re talking high class whores who will charge you over 200 bits per hour just to spend time with them. Then again the place I was going required 500 bits, so maybe it wasn’t too bad. I searched up and down the Alley, passing by the lit up brothels, hearing the noises of chatter and passion.
- For Luna’s sake where in Tartarus is this place?
- I thought to myself out loud. This was getting insane, i’ve walked past every single damn brothel right now and I just can’t find it. Honestly I was getting ready to go home when….there it was. Right in front of me, in a sign with fancy cursive writing, was The Globular Geisha. It just… appeared. I can’t explain it at all honestly. Maybe its because I wasn’t looking hard enough or whatever, but there it was. The building was…. well it was simple. No windows or anything. Just a simple plain door that looked like it was rotted almost. I mean aside from the nice looking sign it looked like absolute shit.
- This can’t be it can’t it? I mean it looks like a shithole!
- I said out-loud. I was expecting something grandiose, something marvelous and fancy, not this place.
- “I honestly thought the same thing when I first saw it” a voice said out of nowhere.
- I looked behind me to see a rather well dressed looking gentle colt. He was defiantly older than me, with grayish hair and a long, thick mustache. He was wearing what appeared to be a rather expensive looking suit, complete with a gold chain which I could only assume led to a rather fancy pocket watch. Basically the colt was the very definition of Canterlot royalty.
- ”Yes I thought it was all some kind of ruse when I first came across it, but its far from that”.
- He said looking at the building, almost caught in a trance, completely ignoring my presence for a moment.
- “Its… absolute paradise. Pure ecstasy at its finest. No whore house could possibly compare to the grandiose splendor that this place is! Well, that and the assessment of ‘goodies’ this place has”
- He said chuckling. He turned back to me again, finally snapped out of that trance he was in.
- ”And it can all be your’s if you’re willing to pay the price my good sir, and let me say, its worth every single last bit”.
- He said as he finally walked past me and went inside.I stood transfixed for a moment, my disappointment transformed into a state of curiosity. Could it really be that good? Could my fantasies truly be fulfilled? Was it really worth the steep price of admission?
- Only one way to possibly find out. I said to myself as I finally opened the rather plainly, rotted door.
- This can’t be right?!”
- I thought to myself. I mean seriously, this simply can’t be possible. There’s just no way. It was beautiful on the inside, absolutely stunning. It was defiantly a desert theme that much I can say, Saddle Arabian in nature that’s for sure. But the way everything was set up was amazing, and this was just the damn lobby! Beautiful silk curtains hung from the rafters up top, embodied with what I believe was gold. Beautiful hand woven rugs covered the floor, each one I could tell was hand crafted by a master artisan. While I could tell there was concrete on the floor, it was so smooth you couldn’t even tell. I swear I could even see intricate little designs painted on it as well. Couches adorned the lobby, each one quite soft and silky, defiantly made for keeping the clients and the ‘goodies’ as the old man called them quite content. What I loved the most where the colors. Beige, burnt orange, crimson, aubergine, plum, dusky salmon, they all brought the place to life. It was almost like a beautiful sunset on the inside, but with a Saddle Arabian theme to it. How they managed to make this place look this amazing compared to the outside I simply had no idea, nor did I ever question it. As I approached what appeared to be a desk of sorts, I could see…the most beautiful looking mare I had ever seen. Now look i’m quite gay as I’ve said before, but her… I mean she could have made any cult cuddler straight in a heartbeat. She was defiantly from Saddle Arabia as far as I could tell, and quite tall. Her beautiful, slender features, her face, her eyes, all accented the pink hue of her body. Its so hard to describe her even still, you would have to have seen her yourself to understand how beautiful she was.
- “Welcome to The Globular Geisha, first time I bet”?
- She said in a quite sweet zone of voice. I was still at a loss for words
- ”
- Not much to say, heh don’t worry everyone is speechless at first when they see me”.
- She said smiling and laughing a bit
- “Y-Yeah I can defiantly tell”.
- I said trying to keep the conversation going. She smiled again before she got back to business
- “I can tell its your first time here no? You must have heard the rumors about this place, that’s the only reason you came here. That and the ‘goodies’ we have”. She said matter of factly.
- “W-Well I heard this *cough* establishment is home to well…larger ponies right?” I said quite shyly.
- This woman, this total stranger, was the first person I ever told about my love for bigger ponies. She smiled back at me quite quickly.
- “Indeed, we are THE premiere establishment of the finest portly ponies in all of Equestria” She said with pride in her voice.
- “My people have always prided larger ponies. In our homeland we would personally seek out larger ponies and have them in our harems…. well mostly the rich anyway”.
- ”I see, well that would explain quite a lot”. I said chucking bit. She didn’t laugh back, but she did give another smile.
- ”Well lets get down to the real reason why you came here no? Colt or Mare?” She said. I guess she was asking about what kind of pony I wanted.
- “Uhh, Colt”. I said back a little hesitantly. She gave that smile again
- “Oooh a colt cuddler, we’ve had several of those come in already, though not as young as you though” She said giving that smile yet again. I swear that smile is burned into my head and my mind.
- “Now, since you’re new here, let me tell you how things work: First, you pay upfront, 500 bits per hour. Secondly, you may chose one and only one mare or colt in your case. Once you enter that colts’ room the timer starts. During that time you may do whatever you wish with him, so long as you do not physically hurt him. You do that, you will be kicked out permanently. Finally: once time is up you must leave the room. You will hear a buzzer sound when your time is up so no need to worry. Pretty simply huh?”
- The rules for the most part were a little strict, only 1 hour was shorter than I thought, but I suppose I couldn’t argue with it. Still though, 500 bits was a lot, so the rumors didn’t lie about that. A shame, but nothing I could do about it, I would have to make my time worth it here. I dropped the money on the counter in front of her. 500 bits. This better be worth it. I thought to myself.
- ”Oh don’t worry it is, it always is” the saddle arabian pony said.
- Damn it did was I speaking out loud or something? I didn’t bother to dwell on it, though it still nagged at me a bit. She smiled back at me yet again and handed me what appeared to be a small little book.
- “Inside this book, this small, simple book, are your ‘poisons’. Pick whichever one you want, and he shall be yours. Oh and do take your time, no refunds after all”.
- I nodded and slowly took the book from her. As soon as I opened the book I instantly got hard; picture upon picture were some of the most portly, most obese, most cutest and sexist colts I had ever seen. Hell I didn’t even care at the time that I was hard right in front of the arabian horse, I was too lost in my own fantasy to even care. As I skimmed through the book, I made sure to take notice on what each colt looked like. I know I know I said before I like chubby colts, but still, I’m a very picky pony mind you when it comes to them.I looked over each colt in the book and made sure to measure them up. I wanted to know how big their bellies were, I wanted to know how many chins they had, I wanted to know just how thick their flanks and butts were. I had to know everything. I could imagine myself feeling each of them up, rubbing their large, soft bellies, feeding them all sorts of delicious treats, fucking their soft, big fat asses into oblivion, gods the thought of it was driving me mad. Each and every one of them looked good I had to admit, but there was one colt, one single colt that stood out from the rest of them. The colt had a simple brown coat to him, nothing special, and from I could tell was a unicorn. His hair was a mishmash of white and black, braided backwards so that he almost looked like a girl from behind. But what really made him stood out was….well its was everything. The way is belly dropped over his thighs, his chubby cute cheeks, his double chin, and of course his thighs. Those large, thick thighs that I could tell led to a large massive ass. This was it, this was the one I wanted. I went back to the attractive looking saddle arabian((I have to get her name next time)) and told her this is the one I wanted.
- “Ahh, him”. She said, smiling again “He’s new her actually, just started a week ago. Believe it or not you’re going to be his first client.”
- My joy went through the roof. I was going to be his first! I was going to get to break in this adorable, sexy colt that no one else has ever even touched. It was almost a dream come true for me.
- ”Simply go down the hall behind me and follow it six doors down on the right hand side, and in there your fantasy awaits”.
- She said as she gave that smile yet again. I nodded and said thanks before I walked past her.
- “Oh and remember, one hour only”. She said, making sure perfectly clear I remembered the rules. I smiled back and nodded, getting her point clearly before I went off.
- The hallway was longer than I thought it was going to be, with doors on each side all exactly the same, yet all decorated in that Saddle Arabian like fashion. As I walked down the hallway I could overhear the chatter of the other patrons. It was hard to make out but I could defiantly here the sounds of laughter, the moans of ecstasy, and simple, idle chatter. After a little while of walking, I finally made it to my destination; 6th door on the right hand side, the true beginning of my fantasy. I knocked on the door slowly, mostly out of my nerves getting the best of me. It took a few seconds before I heard a soft, gentle voice say:
- “Its open love, come in”.
- As I opened the door, I saw him. The colt that I had chosen. He was exactly the same as he was in his picture, instead I could actually see him physically. He was lying down on a large, luxurious bed, complete with satin sheets and a fair amount of small, soft pillows, lifting up with his magic what I could only assume was a piece of cake.I could see that he was reading what appeared to be some kind of a magazine, of what kind I could not be sure, flipping through the pages with his magic while he was simultaneously lifting up the large piece of cake, bringing it to his mouth and taking quite a large bite out of it. As soon as I entered the room, he looked over at me and smiled.
- “Well, she was right, you are a cutie”.
- That moment I started getting hard.
- He only said one thing and i’m already hard? God damn it he’s just perfect! I said thinking to myself. He motioned his hoof to the bed, as if he was inviting me to sit with him. Turns out he was actually.
- “Well? Gonna leave me hanging? You only got an hour after all, might as well enjoy yourself no?” He said quite directly, although he still had that soft, gentle tone in his voice
- I gulped and slowly went over to the bed, sitting down right next to him, noting how soft the bed was. For a few seconds I said nothing. I just sat there, looking the other way, completely unsure of what to say to this handsome colt. I could tell he was nervous to, despite the fact that he was quite direct and confident when I first walked in.
- “S-So…. i’m your first huh”? I said, saying the first thing that popped up in my head.
- “Yup”. He said back pretty quickly.
- Gods we’re only a few minutes in and I already seemed to fuck things up. I’m your first, Celestia what was I thinking? For the oddest reason, maybe it was because I was horny, or maybe it was because I wanted to break the ice, I looked over at him and placed my hoof on his belly. He gasped a bit, perhaps because my hoofs were cold or something like that. But he looked back at me and smiled, albeit a bit hesitantly.
- ”Its soft isn’t it? I really take pride in it”.
- He said, smiling happily. I gently rubbed it a bit more, making sure to move my hoof in a circular motion. It was soft. Softer than the satin sheets I was sitting on, and oh so squishy to. I pressed my hoof in a bit, only to notice that it indented into his belly, only for it to puff up again and go back to its original shape.
- “Hehe, I really love my belly a lot. Its easily the best part about me”.
- He said smiling again. I couldn’t help but smile again as I leaned down against his belly, pressing my lips against it. I gave it a small little kiss before looking back up at him.
- “It really is”.
- I said, doing my best to give off a husky voice, though I failed miserably. He giggled back at me.
- For the next few minutes we sat there, making a little small talk while I rested my head on his soft pillow of a belly. He told me that he always loved being fat, and that he started working here recently just so someone could appreciate it. I told him simply that I just love fatter colts and always wanted to fuck one. I wasn’t going to get into my personal life with him. I mean after all he was a fucktoy, albeit a cute one. He started to stroke my mane suddenly with his hoof while I continued to rest my head against his dome of a belly. I could help but let out a small little moan. I could hear him giggling again, before he forced my head up. I looked at him with a little shock before he pressed his snout against mine and kissed me on my lips. It was so sudden, so forceful that I didn’t know what to do. After a moment I closed my eyes and embraced him back, wrapping my hooves around his body and holding him close to me. Our tongues danced each other’s mouth, each battling for superiority. I was amazed, it seemed my little fucktoy had a little dominant streak in him. I broke off the kiss for a moment and looked at him. Lust filled our eyes as we kissed again, this time however I forced him on his back. Breaking the kiss, I started to lick his neck slowly up and down, enticing him to let out a long, slow moan. I kissed along his neck, moving down from the top of his belly down to his belly button, slowly giving little kisses along the way. When I reached his belly button I looked back up at him and our eyes crossed again, he then said to me
- “Do whatever you want, I’m yours”.
- Well no need to tell me twice.
- I said to myself before sticking my tongue into his belly button. To be honest, I had no idea why the hell I did that. I guess I was just so lost in lust I wanted to try something different. I swirled my tongue around inside, licking all the corners of his navel. He let out a loud moan of passion, digging his hooves into the bed as I continued to lick him. It was…. tasty. Delicious honestly, probably one of the best things I have ever tasted. It was almost a mixture of the sweetest candy, mixed with some sort of…. I don’t know what it was but it tasted damn good. I continued to lick his navel again before deciding to get out of it. I looked back up at him and smiled.
- “Delicious I said to him, I wonder what else is tasty hmm”? I looked at him lustfully, rubbing his belly again.
- “It felt so good. Please…. would you lick me… down here”?
- He said. He moved his hooves over to his belly and lifted it up, revealing his already rock hard member, which before was nestled safely away in the confines of his belly rolls. It was… small to be honest. Smaller than most colts. But in a way it was cute. It suited him honestly, the cute little fucktoy that he was. I don’t know what came over me in that moment, but all of a sudden I started to lick his cock. Ok this was weird I had to admit, I mean wasn’t I supposed to fuck him, not to service him?
- Oh well, this tastes too good, better than his belly.
- I said to myself as I continued to lick it, before I slowly began to suck on it. God it was tasty! Just like a lollipop. I thought to myself. I slowly began to bob my head up and down on it, enticing yet another loud moan out of him. I could see one of his hoofs twitching as I sucked him off. So damn cute! As I continued to suck him off, I swirled my tongue around it, hoping that, somehow, it made his experience even more pleasurable. I guess it was working because he really started to moan.
- “Don’t stop please just don’t stop”!
- He said, almost crying out for me to keep going. Of course I had no intention to continuing with this. No, I had another way of making him cum. I stopped sucking him off, looking back at him with a look of pure lust. He looked back at me, with disappointment that I stopped. I smiled and kiss him again gently.
- “Turn around.”
- I said, forcefully and to the point. He nodded his head and turned around. My gods. That ass. The ass was fat. It was so big, so soft, so round, that I couldn’t help but drool at the sight of it. It also helped that his thighs were also quite big and chunky.
- “You like?”
- He said, wiggling his ass at me. I smacked his ass when he said that, making him yelp.
- “Oh yes, I love it”!
- I said happily, giving it a gentle kiss where I smacked it. Finally the moment was here, I was going to claim that ass of his. I didn’t waste any time, I spread his ass apart, revealing a tight, pink pucker. I’m going to be his first. I thought to myself, smiling happily. Without hesitation, I slowly inserted my rock hard cock into his ass. Dear Celestia it was tight! So tight, so warm. All this fat was just making things so much better. He let out another loud moan. He loved it I could tell. I smacked his ass again as I started pounding into that fat, delicious ass. Ripples flowed throughout his body the more I thrusted into him, almost as if he was literally made of jello. Indeed he was quite jiggly, as I caressed that ass of his, rubbing my hoof in a circular motion along it, I couldn’t help but marvel just how soft it really was. It was like the fluffiest pillow in all of Equestria was right in front of me, and I literally fucking it. Well technically I was but you get the point. As I pounded into him more, I was getting closer and closer to cumming, and I could tell he was to.
- “More, I need more bucking damn it”!
- He said, practically begging me to never stop fucking him.I mused as I smacked his ass again, picking up my pace. I knew the moment was coming, so I wanted to make these last moments worth it for him and for me. Finally I came. I simply could not hold it back anymore. I blew my load right into his tight ass, still trusting and humping as I did. At the same time he came to, his small, below average cock twitching as he let loose his load as well.
- I finally pulled out of him, literally exhausted. Finally I had done what I always wanted to do, and it was more than worth it. For the next few minutes we just sat there, resting my head on his dome of a belly, while he gently stroked my mane and scratched behind me ears, causing my hooves to twitch a bit I have to admit. Finally, I heard a buzzer go off. I sighed as I knew what that meant, time was up.
- “Well, looks like I gotta go”
- I said getting up slowly, not wanting to leave his side.
- “Y-Yeah looks like it” He said dejected and upset. As I finally walked toward the door he said
- “Will you come back soon? I really had a lot of fun with you”. He said, smiling at me. I couldn’t help but smile back
- “Of course I will, that I promise you”. I said winking at him.
- Before I was about to walk out, a thought crossed my head. I didn’t even get his name! Shit I was so focused on the pictures in that damn book that I didn’t even bother reading his name off.
- “What’s your name? You know so I remember you when I come here next time”. I said
- ”Sweet Cakes”. He said.
- I smiled one last time and left the room, with only one final thought in my head; It was defiantly worth the price.
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