
3DW Thoughts

Aug 14th, 2015
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  1. opinionated bullshit about speed or something idk
  3. i honestly think 3d world is a good/really optimized speedgame however i do not think it deserves to be in a future GDQ. yeah the cat momentum is interesting for 5 minutes and there are some cool strats and skips like FTM or meowser, however the run just simply isn't interesting enough to hold someone's attention for very long especially since it's nearly 2 hours long.
  5. i don't feel like the map glitch justifies it being back in because honestly yeah it's cool when you first see it but it's not that spectactular of a glitch and it's pretty much over as soon as it starts so one of the "big new things" is only like 20 seconds long and isn't that visually interesting or entertaining even if it shaved off 2 minutes off the route.
  7. before you claim this is because i don't like the speedrun then you are mistaken. i do like the speedrun from like a speedtech or optimization sort of view because i used to run this game, but in my opinion, in terms of the actual run? no. compared to some other platformer runs like SMS or especially rayman legends it's just a boring run that doesn't catch my attention in the slightest.
  9. this isn't necessarily bias since i run both modern rayman games and used to run 3dw. i know the speedtech in all the games and remember the routes by heart. Legends IMO is just a more entertaining run because the movement is faster and more precise, there's a lot of advanced speed tech and strats, the skill gap between beginner and advanced is huge (where as in 3dw it's way smaller), the run is shorter (rayman legends is 1h30 compared to 3dw's 1h55), there's always something going on and it has WAAAAAY less than downtime between levels than 3dw. 3dw has like 30-40 seconds of bullshit downtime inbetween each level. legends has at most 20 due to the way the route is arranged so there's always something happenning or a new level being played nearly constantly.
  11. unfortunately because of the popularity of "some individuals" 3DW is probably more likely to get in than rayman. it's a modern mario game that everyone likes because hurr durr it's mayro and it'll get in and raise money and retard mcdouchefuck will get even more popular over runners that deserve the exposure instead of self-indulgent asswipes who have nothing better to do
  13. i honestly hope that either me or spike get accepted for AGDQ with legends. even if it isn't me who runs it i'll still gladly take it over 3dw, especially since spike is one of the OG ramone bros that knows his shit.
  15. i'm currently raising money to go to this AGDQ maybe. if one of my stupid shits gets in i'll have to go, but if BfBB or Legends get in then i'll probably go there to commentate those runs or even just attend the event in general. we'll see tho
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