Guest User


a guest
Oct 5th, 2013
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text 0.76 KB | None | 0 0
  1. # [VoteLink] Plugin by McServerExpertDe | Color codes:
  2. Various:
  3. NoPermission: No Permission!
  4. PluginReloaded: Plugin reloaded
  5. UnknownCommand: Unknown Command
  6. WhereConfig: Where is the config? Creating new one...
  7. PluginBy: Plugin by
  8. Vote:
  9. KlickHere: 'Klick here:'
  10. Info: Please klick at the link above!
  11. Broadcast: voted for this server. Type /vote to get
  12. Console:
  13. FailVault: Failed to load Vault! Install it!
  14. Help:
  15. VL: Shows this message
  16. Reload: Reloads the plugin configuration
  17. Vote: Shows the vote links
  18. Listener:
  19. Thanks: Thanks
  20. VotingFor: for voting for
  21. Voted: voted for
  22. Get: You get
  23. UnknownPlayer: An unknown player has voted for
  24. EconOff: Economy is disabled, so you can not get a reward.
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