
FoE RPG G0 - #007 Boundless Hunger

Mar 12th, 2013
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  1. [19:55]<SpiritOfFate> Group 0: *Epitaph* - Session #7
  2. [19:56]<SpiritOfFate> =========================================
  3. [20:04]<SpiritOfFate> Every action is a gamble with destiny, which may bring great fortune or equal disaster, but even doing nothing comes with a price. As the ponies watch Hearty Broth's eyes going wide, one more gamble is set to be made. The small jenny yells. "What are you doing?!" Before looking back at the corridor she came from. Hoofsteps can be heard approaching from the back of the house, and even closer ones come from the other side of the hall.
  4. [20:06]<SpiritOfFate> Royal_Lace's tail is covered in poorly hidden needles and thread. A spool rolls just by Hearty's hooves at the northern door. All of you are sat by the table in the center of the room
  5. [20:09]? Fyrefly turns from her spot across the room, eyes darting from the spool to Royal Lace's tail...and with her small frame, the box held under the table. Listening to the footsteps of doom, the filly leaps toward Royal Lace...and removes as many needles from her tail. "Put them back!"
  6. [20:11]<SpiritOfFate> Firefly manages to take most of the needles out of her tail, only 3 remaining.
  7. [20:17]? Royal_Lace allows firefly to continue picking the needles and thread from her tail as she looks over to the two others in the room, fixing them with a pleading gaze as she begins to beg them in a small whisper. "Please dont say anything, We have so little, please please dont say anything to her!"
  8. [20:20]<SpiritOfFate> The jenny seems to panic, holding her ears as she looks back and forth between doorways.
  9. [20:23]? Wintergreen turns, jumping off of her seat and maneuvering around the jenny and into the corridor. She looks around for the source of hoofsteps.
  10. [20:24]<SpiritOfFate> Wintergreen sees the chubby mare on the far end of the corridor. There is a very visible look of irritation on her.
  11. [20:27]<SpiritOfFate> Knick knack trots halfway down the corridor. "What is going on there?!"
  12. [20:27]? Wintergreen blinks, trying to think of a plan. She pretends to gag, collapsing on the floor in a... not-so-clever ruse! "I-I'm choking!" She coughs raggedly. "I d-didn't know forks were not edible!"
  13. [20:29]<SpiritOfFate> The door on the other side of the hall opens, a confused Flanel looking through it to the dining room.
  14. [20:33]<SpiritOfFate> The chubby mare blinks. "Gah! You stupid slave." She takes a few steps ahead. "Flanel, where are you? Call Chroma, quick!"
  15. [20:34]? Wintergreen continues to cough and gag.
  16. [20:34]? Whisky_Heart Quickly takes all the remaining needles out of Royal's tail, quickly tossing them under the table and hopfully out of sight! then makes a shushing motion towards Flanel in hopes that she wont make this an issue!
  17. [20:35]<SpiritOfFate> Flanel blinks and nods. "I'm on it, miss Knack." She shoots back to a back door of the house, disappearing from sight.
  18. [20:36]<SpiritOfFate> All the needles are removed from Royal_Lace's tail.
  19. [20:38]? Sotho ( has joined #FoEG0
  20. [20:43]? Fyrefly taking the box of sewing materials and the rest of the needles, including those on the ground, Firefly tosses them into the box and closes the lid. She runs under the table, doing her best to keep out of sight of the pirate mare, and jumps up, putting the sewing box back where it fell from.
  21. [20:47]<SpiritOfFate> Firefly manages to set the box back to where it was just as Knick Knack reaches Wintergreen on the corridor.
  22. [20:48]? Wintergreen is still rolling around on the ground, hacking rough coughs.
  23. [20:57]? Royal_Lace tucks her tail under the table as she watches Firefly do her work out of the corner of her eye. Bringing her hooves together she attempts to reason with the donkes one last time. "She scares us and we are new here. Please dont say anyththing to here or she will come down on all of us, think of the filly!". Her eyes guide theres to Firefly, hopeing that seeing the filly will help convence them
  24. [21:06]<SpiritOfFate> The jenny seems to be on full on panic now. "B-but, but. No! Nononono, you are going to ruin everything!" She seems to dance in place of nervousness. Knick's eyes promptly move to the jenny.
  25. [21:10]? Wintergreen sits up and flails her hooves near Knick's field of vision. "H-help! F-f-fork!" She coughs more, collapsing again and rolling around, starting to hold her breath as to make her face turn purple.
  26. [21:13]<SpiritOfFate> "Gah! Do I have to do everything here?" Knick Knack drags Wintergreen to the dining hall by the tail. "You, slaves, carry her!"
  27. [21:18]? Fyrefly looks up at the Pirate Mare, and sees the now purple-faced Wintergreen. "Miss Green" The filly shrieks in terror before running over and starting to do a nervous prance, not sure what do to help.
  28. [21:20]<SpiritOfFate> Two sets of hoofsteps approach again from the back of the house, from the other side of the hall.
  29. [21:21]? Royal_Lace moves to Ms Greens side and fans her with a rag
  30. [21:22]? Wintergreen lets herself breath a little, and then continues to hold her breath, keeping up the act.
  31. [21:24]? Fyrefly continues do dance, whining a bit. She doesn't know what to do and Miss Green just keeps getting worse. Tears start to form in her eyes.
  32. [21:24]<SpiritOfFate> A light blue earth pony mare trots into the dining room along with Flannel. "Alright, who's the pony and what is wrong with them?"
  33. [21:26]? Wintergreen makes this obvious with her loud coughing.
  34. [21:28]<SpiritOfFate> The blue mare rushes to Wintergreen. Knick Knack looks at her. "The stupid filly ate a fork or something."
  35. [21:28]? Fyrefly can't take it, the coughing is too much. She starts crying.
  36. [21:30]? Wintergreen tries to ignore Fyrefly's crying... for the time being.
  37. [21:31]? Royal_Lace rolls winter over on top of her and smacks her back as she hoves out one of the forks she stole. "Breath Miss Green Breath!". After a few dramatic lines she lays her back and holds up the fork.
  38. [21:32]? Royal_Lace she tosses the fork behind her, "Got it out of her, just in time I think"
  39. [21:37]<SpiritOfFate> The blue mare observes all of it, blinking. "Well... good work." She leans by Wintergreen. "How are you feeling?"
  40. [21:37]? Wintergreen coughs weakly and nods her head. "F-fine... thank you for asking."
  41. [21:39]? Fyrefly crying softens to whimpers as she looks up at the blue mare and Miss Green. "I-is she gonna be ok?"
  42. [21:40]<SpiritOfFate> She shares a skeptical look with Royal_Lace and Wintergreen. "I'm glad all got solved then." She turns to Fyrefly. "I'm sure she will be fine."
  43. [21:41]? Wintergreen turns and gives Fyrefly a hug, unable to handle the sad filly. "I'm alright..."
  44. [21:42]? Fyrefly hugs Wintergreen back, nice and tight.
  45. [21:43]? Royal_Lace looks up to Nick Knack, "We are terribly sorry for this distaction from... errr... your dinner plans"
  46. [21:44]? Wintergreen releases Fyrefly and nods her head to Knick Knack apologetically.
  47. [21:45]? Fyrefly isn't letting go. If she does, Miss Green might eat a fork again!
  48. [21:46]? Wintergreen pats Fyrefly. "It's okay... I'm fine, Fyrefly."
  49. [21:48]<SpiritOfFate> Knick Knack frowns at all of you. "I... you... ugh! Forget it! You aren't getting dinner or anything. Stupid ponies."
  50. [21:49]? Fyrefly looks up at Wintergreen. "Ok...don't eat anything you aren't supposed to!" The little filly looks up with a serious expression, but then she looks up at Knick Knack's pronouncement. " food?" Her eyes grow large, and her lower lip trembles.
  51. [21:51]? Royal_Lace looks between Firefly and the scary overweight slave owner, "Could the young one at least have something? Perhase some scraps to go? She is young and pickings at the slave house are slim. How ells will she be able to work unless she at least gets something in her?"
  52. [21:55]<SpiritOfFate> Knick Knack looks back and forth between Royal_Lace and Fyrefly, puffing her cheek before sighing. "Alright, alright. But just because I'm a much better owner than my dad."
  53. [21:56]? Royal_Lace smiles and nods, "Oh absolutely mistress, by leaps and bounds!"
  54. [21:56]? Royal_Lace knows it cant hurt to stroke the mares ego a bit
  55. [21:58]<SpiritOfFate> Knick smiles slightly and turns back to the corridor. "You all go back to the table, and don't eat /anything/ until I say so."
  56. [21:58]? Fyrefly grins up at the mare. "Thank you!"
  57. [21:59]<SpiritOfFate> She trots back to the kitchen, leaving just you, Hearty and Flanel
  58. [22:00]? Royal_Lace looks around amongst the group, a light blush on her face.
  59. [22:01]<SpiritOfFate> Flanel blinks. "...what did just happen?"
  60. [22:01]? Wintergreen glares at Royal_Lace and whispers harshly. "You risked all of our lives." She points to Fyrefly. "Fyrefly's life. For needle and thread!"
  61. [22:01]? Fyrefly looks over at Flanel and grins. "I'm cute!"
  62. [22:03]<SpiritOfFate> "Oh, yes you are." Flanel smiles to the little filly, patting her mane.
  63. [22:03]<SpiritOfFate> Hearty is shaking quite a bit, her eyes over Royal_Lace.
  64. [22:04]? Royal_Lace backsteps a bit, "Well Im obviously very sorry for that and terribly embarased about the whole situation..."
  65. [22:04]? Fyrefly grins up at Flanel before walking over to Hearty. She eyes the jenny carefully for a second before she reaches over and gives her a hug. "We can't ever give up hope."
  66. [22:05]? Wintergreen sighs. "Just be more careful next time..." She looks to Flanel and Hearty. "I trust you two will keep this all confidential?... Please."
  67. [22:08]? Royal_Lace smiles sheepishly, "We would very much appreciate it"
  68. [22:09]<SpiritOfFate> Hearty seems to get ahold of herself with Fyrefly's hug, she nods silently. Flanel just blinks, though "Confidential? What?", to which Hearty's eye twitches slightly
  69. [22:10]? Wintergreen blinks. "That I swallowed that fork... It's quite embarrasing..."
  70. [22:11]<SpiritOfFate> "Oh. Don't worry about it." She nods, smiling a bit. "I still didn't find the sewing materials, though. I'm sorry."
  71. [22:12]? Fyrefly releases the hug and looks up at Flanel. "Oh! Liberty Dream found them. There up on that shelf!" The filly points to where she put them back.
  72. [22:39]<SpiritOfFate> Flanel blinks. "Liberty?" She trots back to the hall. "Oh, here it is!"
  73. [22:40]? Fyrefly nods at Flanel. "Yeah, she's my friend!"
  74. [22:42]? Wintergreen raises her eyebrow. "Who's Liberty Dream, Firefly?"
  75. [22:43]? Royal_Lace leaves Wintergreen and trots to Flanel, "Oh you found it? How lovely!"
  76. [22:44]? Fyrefly looks up at Wintergreen. "You didn't see her tangled in that glowy thread?"
  77. [22:44]<SpiritOfFate> Flanel hooves it to Royal_Lace. "Now, I need to remember to put it back in the right place once you are done."
  78. [22:44]? Wintergreen quirks her head. "What?... No, I did not. Where was that?"
  79. [22:45]? Fyrefly points out in the hall, right by where Royal Lace and Flanel are. "Right over there. Then she had to go, I guess."
  80. [22:46]? Wintergreen nods. "Right. Fyrefly, tell me when you see Liberty again, please."
  81. [22:48]? Fyrefly nods at Wintergreen. "Ok! I'll wake you up if she visits during the night again."
  82. [22:48]? Wintergreen smiles. "Right, well, let's sit at the table, Firefly. Then you can eat soon."
  83. [22:49]? Fyrefly bounces over to the table with a smile, hopping into her seat. She sits up straight and tries to look like a proper pony.
  84. [22:50]? Royal_Lace smiles, "Of course darling, All I need is a few needles and a spool for my project. I have seen little Jenny around the grounds, I trust I can pass them along to her when Im done?"
  85. [22:50]? Wintergreen sits in the chair next to Fyrefly.
  86. [22:50]? Fyrefly looks over at Hearty Broth. "Ooooh, do you know what were gonna eat?"
  87. [22:52]<SpiritOfFate> Hearty grumbles slight to Royal_Lace. "I guess." She looks back at Fyrefly. "Mom is making vegetable soup now."
  88. [22:53]? Fyrefly claps her hooves together. "Oooh, I've never had that."
  89. [22:53]? Royal_Lace smiles as she moves over to the table, selecting a few needles and a spool or two of thread. "Excelent, I shall do my best to get them back to you as soon as possible"
  90. [23:02]<SpiritOfFate> A voice comes from the back of the house and Hearty follows after it, soon bringing back a large can-made pan full of soup. Knick follows as well.
  91. [23:04]? Royal_Lace smiles and waits to be served
  92. [23:05]? Wintergreen sits patiently as well, though she is still suspicious.
  93. [23:06]<SpiritOfFate> Hearty serves a bowl full of thick carroty soup for everypony in the table, including Knick before taking the pan back towards the corridor doorway. "Um, is that all?"
  94. [23:07]? Fyrefly waits patiently for Knick Knack to say they can start eating.
  95. [23:10]<SpiritOfFate> Knick starts eating as soon as the food is served, but in a surprisingly well manered way. She doesn't say anything, though.
  96. [23:11]? Wintergreen takes the time to examine the soup for anything... suspicious.
  97. [23:11]? Fyrefly waits. She said she would say...and Firefly was always best at Celestia Says.
  98. [23:12]? Royal_Lace beings to delicately eat, minding her manners as she sips the soup.
  99. [23:14]<SpiritOfFate> Wintergreen can't find anything wronf with the soup.
  100. [23:15]? Wintergreen shrugs, but waits for Knack's instruction.
  101. [23:20]<SpiritOfFate> Knick looks up from her food. "Huh? How come you aren't eating?"
  102. [23:21]? Wintergreen frowns. "You said to not eat anything until you said so."
  103. [23:22]? Fyrefly nods in agreement with Wintergreen.
  104. [23:23]<SpiritOfFate> "Ah. I said. So, you can now."
  105. [23:24]? Whisky_Heart attempts to eat well manored like Royal but isnt exactly practiced at it, eats slowly to not burn his mouth.
  106. [23:24]? Fyrefly grins at Knick Knack. "Thank you!" She starts to eat slowly, blowing on each spoonful of the hot soup so it won't burn her mouth.
  107. [23:25]? Wintergreen starts to slowly sip her soup.
  108. [23:26]<SpiritOfFate> None of you remember eating something so good since your days of freedom, if you even had such days and the chance to eat anything as good.
  109. [23:28]? Wintergreen smiles and continues to eat at a quickened pace.
  110. [23:28]? Fyrefly continues to eat slowly till the soup is cool, and then quickens her pace. She eats carefully, trying to get every last drop.
  111. [23:29]? Royal_Lace delicately nurses the soup
  112. [23:33]? Whisky_Heart is clearly straining to not drink the soup from the bowl with a loud slurp
  113. [23:34]<SpiritOfFate> Knick Knack finishes her own soup, getting up. "Now... hmmm..." She looks over to you as you finish your own food, seeming to be trying to think.
  114. [23:36]? Fyrefly finishes her food when Wintergreen does, happy now with a full tummy.
  115. [23:36]? Wintergreen smiles, now done, and waits for Knack to finish thinking. However long that will take.
  116. [23:40]? Royal_Lace whipes her mouth with the edge of her napkin and politely waits for the rest to finish there meal as well.
  117. [23:41]? Whisky_Heart eventually finishes after scraping his bowl as clean as he can.
  118. [23:45]<SpiritOfFate> Knick smiles and trots out of the dining hall, going upstairs.
  119. [23:48]? Fyrefly looks up at Wintergreen and then the others. "That...was tasty."
  120. [23:48]? Royal_Lace looks about the table, a confused look on her face. "Odd, where do you think she is going?"
  121. [23:48]? Wintergreen nods to Fyrefly. "It was, though I'm not sure where she's going..."
  122. [23:57]<SpiritOfFate> =========================================
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