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Dec 7th, 2016
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  523. <div id="rules" class="popup_block">
  524. <h2>please read!</h2>
  525. <p><center><small>
  526. This is an independant, semi-selective, non-exclusive; roleplay blog for <b>Sebastian Michaelis</b> from Yana Toboso's <b>Kuroshitsuji</b>. Portayal is mostly based on the manga but includes characteristics from the anime. It also includes personal headcanons and respective development.<p>
  527. <h2>Following + Content</h2>
  528. <p>
  529. I do not always follow everyone that follows me but I may interact with non-mutuals. Priority is given towards mutuals but once in a while, I include followers into starter calls and will respond to memes from them whenever possible. I may unfollow for several reasons, the main one being you have unfollowed me first. Too much out of character content, untagged #nsfw or drama will earn you an unfollow. You are free to unfollow me whenever you wish and for whatever reason! No hard feelings c:
  530. <p>
  531. I <b>request</b> that you tag your #nsfw, #eye horror and #gore (especially live action or something very graphical). Thank you!
  532. <p>
  533. As for content, the mun of this blog is well above the legal age of consent (currently 22 years old) and will write mature topics. The blog will contain sexual themes (which are tagged as #nsfw), triggering topics (#blood tw, #body horror tw, #skeletons tw, #gore tw, etc) and mentions of abuse and animal death ( #abuse mention cw, #animal death cw), it will also invole mentions of alcohol, drugs, demonic and religious symbolism, may include dark humor which can be considered insensitive to some and other darker topics.
  534. <p>
  535. Anything you need a proper tag for, please leave me a message!
  536. <p>
  537. <h2>SHIPPING + WRITING</h2>
  538. <p>
  539. This blog <b>does not</b> ship Sebastian and Ciel. I will not ship with underaged muses. Romance and sexual themes are reserved for muses and muns that are above the legal age in most countries (18+). Shipping is not my main focus but it may happen with proper development and communication. Keep in mind that there can be other relationships beyond romantic or sexual such as platonic, friends and enemies!<p>
  540. As for writing, I use small text (sub+sup) and tend to format it using bolds and italics. I use icons as well but you are not required to match the way I write nor use icons. All that I wish is for you to respect the length of my reply and try to give me something to work with. If I write several paragraphs and you reply with only a few lines, it tends to demotivate me and lose interest in the thread and future interactions.
  541. <p>
  542. <h2>BASIC INFORMATION</h2>
  543. <p>
  544. You are free to send me messages (ic and ooc) whenever you want. You may send memes and request a thread or suggest any ideas for a plot. Mutuals may use the I.M feature to approach me whenever needed and I may give my Skype contact as well!<p>
  545. If we are mutuals, you are free to mention me in posts and tag me in any random starters you may want to write for me. I promise to do my best to reply to them and I always try to leave a message saying that I have seen the starter and have saved it in my drafts.<p>
  546. Please do not reblog too much content from me as it tends to flood my activity feed. I do not practice reblog karma so, go ahead and reblog a meme from me even without sending anything, I do not mind! But do not be shy if you are interested in sending one, alright? :)<p>
  547. Please do not take content from this blog without proper permission. I have given credits on a proper pop-up page and I would like you to refer to that if you wish to see where I have taken some icons from. Do not take headcanons from this blog or pieces of writing without asking me first.<p>
  548. Please do not spam me with messages and try to be patient with how I write. I will always respect whatever time you take in answering threads or messages so, never feel pressured to match my speed.
  549. <p>
  550. Anything else you may need to know, my askbox is always open!
  552. <p>
  553. Here is an adorable video of some <a href="">cute animated cats</a> in case you needed it!</small></center>
  554. </div>
  555. </div>
  557. <div id="about" class="popup_block">
  558. <h2>basic information</h2>
  559. <p>
  560. <img src=""><p>
  561. <small><center>
  562. <b>NAME:</b> Raum, Knhum (?), Sebastian Michaelis ( human name )<br>
  563. <b>AGE:</b> Unknown, over two thousand years old as of early 1800's<br>
  564. <b>SPECIES:</b> Demon, a fallen angel<br>
  565. <b>APPEARANCE:</b> Always tall and pale with very bright coloured eyes, appearance may change depending on verse and contract but for convenience's sake, it will be the default one seen in the franchise<br>
  566. <b>VOICE CANON:</b> CDAWGVA = <a href="">example 1</a>, <a href="">example 2</a>
  567. <p>
  568. <h2>background story</h2>
  569. <p>
  570. Before you read this, please understand that I have come up with a very specific universe that harbours several religions but may not be a hundred-percent accurate to how they work. Summoning demons is not as easy as making some type of ritual, I see God, the 'Devil', angels and demons as how most see them but some things may change. This is how I have chosen how to portray Sebastian Michaelis, it is in no way related to canon since there is not much information on his origins to begin with.
  571. <p>
  572. Once an angel adored by the Creator and his bretheren, Raum was one of the most beautiful angels in Heaven. His wings were well-kept, his hair and eyes reminded other of the Earth and he seemed to have a bright attitude. After decades after decades of observing mankind, Raum started to grow rebellious, believing they were unworthy of life due to their selfish and violent nature as an attempt to learn and commune with humans to change his views, he left Heaven and began mingling with the mortals.
  573. <p>
  574. With time came patience and with patience came understanding. He saw kindness in the world even with all of the cruelty, understood that humans deserved to be alive and to be given the chance to learn just as he had been given the chance to thread between them. He fell in-love with a woman, not knowing much of affections besides innocent touches he ended up sleeping with a female human and succumbing to the sin of lust. He was forced to return to Heaven to meet a disappointed Creator, told that he would have to leave Paradise for succumbing to carnal desires and becoming emotionally attached to a human.
  575. <p>
  576. After the Fall, Raum found himself losing his wings; though in a metaphorical sense. They would exist physically but darkened and heavy, impossible to use to symbolize the weight of his sins. Dragged into Hell where the Princes of Hell sealed any memories related to his life as an angel, Raum was 'reborn' as a demon and with hatred towards the Creator and angels, began experiencing his new life as a creature from the underworld.
  577. <p>
  578. After the Black Plague which he unleashed to gain a large amount of power, he was 'promoted' to a higher-position in Hell. Given an army, a mansion, powers he never had dreamed off, Raum became one of the most powerful demons in a short amount of time. He is still power-hungry; his personality is corrupted, he is capable of being cruel and kind, unpredictable and difficult to read. He is sadistic, manipulative and violent at times but there is still a part of him that never seemed to be locked away; the ability to revert to a kinder state from when he was an angel. Raum is prone to fits of pyromania, suffers from a large ego which makes him arrogant, often sees others as inferior if they do not match him in physical nor mental strength.
  580. <p><b>He is always being developed! </b>
  581. <p>
  582. <h2>more information</h2>
  583. <p>
  584. For a detailed description of his powers and some headcanons about this muse, feel free to <a href="/p">check out this page!</a> Information may be subject to change and is not 100% reliable so, take this page with a grain of salt. As more canon information is released, this page will be edited in whichever way necessary. Anything you need to know, message me and I will do my best to answer you!
  585. </small></center>
  586. </div>
  587. </div>
  589. <div id="navigation" class="popup_block">
  590. <h2>related to the muse</h2>
  591. <p>
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  613. <b>BACKGROUND:</b> official art's edit by <a href="">vengefulsoul</a>
  614. <p><b>ICONS:</b> most cropped by me from the manga, some edited from bases ( <a href="">here</a>, <a href="">here</a>, <a href="">here</a> ), some cropped from official art, fanart and doujinshis ( pink kitten, kuromamepack, shina himetsuka, sagawa x and others ), chibi icons cropped from <a href="">tenshi-no-hikari</a> works
  615. <p><b>THEME'S CODE:</b> <a href="" target="_blank">naps themes</a></center>
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