
FoulMouth's Flutterswear: The Toweling (not feels)

Aug 14th, 2013
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  1. >You're upstairs taking a shower.
  2. >There's fuckin all water and shit in your eyes and you reach for a towel.
  3. >404 not found.
  4. >'Shy? For fuck's sake Shy did you take the goddamn towel while I was showering.'
  5. >No answer.
  6. >'Don't ignore me you bitch!'
  7. >Downstairs Fluttershy is sitting with Rarity and Twilight.
  8. >They are aghast.
  9. >"Are you really going to allow him to speak to you like that?"
  10. >Fluttershy shrugs and gives a little grin.
  11. >"Oh girls, he's just a little cranky right now. And you know what humans are like. It's fine if he wants to vent a little steam once in a while. I don't mind."
  12. >"Actually we don't as he's the only..."
  13. >You stomp down the stairs in just a towel.
  14. >'Shy I swear I'll motherfucking... Oh, morning ladies.'
  15. >You duck into the kitchen after a glare and a sharp nod from Fluttershy. She follows, making her excuses.
  16. >She lowers her voice to a vicious whisper while you chug OJ and try not to drop your towel.
  17. >"You fucktard. I told you the girls were coming over and you're there running your damn stupid mouth like some fucking moron."
  18. >'I'm sorry Shy, I forgot they were here.'
  19. >"I know, prick, otherwise you wouldn't be swearing up a fucking storm in my bathroom. I'm going back out and I expect you to apologise to the girls."
  20. >'Sure, whatever.'
  21. >"Not 'whatever', you shit-munching cocksucker, 'Sorry'. And after that try to keep a civil fucking tongue in your head."
  22. >"Fluttershy?" A voice from the sitting room. "Is everything ok?"
  23. >"Oh yes, thank you. Everything is just fine. Anon has something he'd like to say to you both though."
  24. >You both leave the kitchen. Your head is low.
  25. >'Sorry girls.'
  26. >They both acquiesce. Everything is fine.
  27. >Just as you're heading back upstairs Fluttershy grabs you into a hug.
  28. >"I fucking forgive you, dicknose. I like it, but around the girls a little less cursing." She whispers.
  29. >'I'll do my best, assclown.'
  30. >Exeunt Anon by the stairs.
  32. >"So... since that's happened I may as well tell you; that stallion I'm seeing pulled my mane and called me a bitch last night."
  33. >Fluttershy gasps.
  34. >"Rarity!"
  35. >"I heard Celestia call Luna a 'painted whorse' once."
  36. >"Twilight!"
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