
Trixie X Anon Of Magic and Men

Sep 7th, 2014
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  1. >You are the Great and Powe-
  2. >no.
  3. >You are the Great and Humble Trixie.
  4. >After your second debacle in Ponyville you gave up that title.
  5. >Currently, you were in Canterlot in front of a foal class putting on a show.
  6. >Unlike before, you didn't need to boast and gloat about your accomplishments.
  7. >These little ponies were happy enough to see you weaving your illusions.
  8. >Even the teachers seemed to enjoy it.
  9. "And for Trixie's next trick, she shall summon a great beast from thin air!"
  10. >the little faces in the crowd flickered from awe to fright and back to awe'
  11. >With a spark of blue magic from your horn a mist rolled from the stage.
  12. >As you began to channel your spell a great flash of light sparked beside you.
  13. >There on the stage, a strange looking creature slowly rose to it's knees.
  14. >It was far larger then even you.
  15. >Even bent over, the strange beast looked frightening.
  16. >a low groan echoed through the room.
  17. >The foals looked a little frightened.
  18. "Do not fear little ones, he is made of nothing more then Trixie's magic."
  19. >The creature turned it's covered head towards the crowd.
  20. >"Liiiiittle ones..."
  21. >It's voice was deep and masculine.
  22. >now you leap from your stage to the center aisle facing down the mist wreathed creature, this might be more then you planned for
  23. "Begone creature, you shan't find your meal while Trixie is here."
  24. >It turned to you.
  25. >"Oh... just a taste... please?"
  26. >Your audience was enraptured from fear and curiosity.
  27. "Nay! Now return from whence you came!"
  28. >You magic flew from your horn and stuck the creature in its chest.
  29. >It swayed.
  30. >"Come now... you could manage more then that Trixie."
  31. >the way it hissed your name sent a shiver down your spine.
  32. >The creature walked uneasily towards the stage edge, sweeping it's forelimbs over the crowd.
  33. >they were not hoofed.
  34. >they instead were more akin to a minotaurs.
  35. >With long slender talons.
  36. >More magic pushed it back.
  37. "They will not be your meal, creature!"
  38. >It lowered itself into the coiling mist.
  39. >"We shall see about that Trixie"
  40. >you magical mist obscured it.
  41. >you could hear it scampering.
  42. >perhaps you cast your spell a little too well.
  43. "Stay behind me all of you, this is a very rare occurrence."
  44. >With a stomp of your hoof the mist disappears.
  45. >The creature sprung from center stage and landed before you.
  46. >it reached out it's appendage for you.
  47. >"If I can't have them... I'll have you instead!"
  48. >With another simmer of magic, it and you were put back on the stage.
  49. >Disoriented it looks around slightly dazed.
  50. >wasting no time you fired yet another spell at it, this time hitting in square in the forehead.
  51. >it flew back a few feet into some barrels you had set up earlier.
  52. >it twitched slightly but stayed still.
  53. "See! Trixie knows the way to deal with such things."
  54. >you hope you didn't hurt 'it' too much.
  55. "Trixie hopes you enjoyed her show and must now deal with her errant apparition."
  56. >With a puff of smoke you, your creature and the shatter barrels disappeared to your wagon.
  58. >'it' stirred.
  59. >"You know, when I suggested a horror show, I did not expect to be the horror."
  60. >you tap him with your horn and your numerous enchantments come undone.
  61. "But what a horror you were! Come Anon, tell Trixie if she hurt you."
  62. >he looks at you and sighs.
  63. >"You're doing it again."
  64. >You blush.
  65. "Tr- I'm working on it Anon, after so many years of talking like that, it's become habit"
  66. >he smiles and ruffles your mane a little.
  67. >"So, how did we do?"
  68. "Sold out house, even if it was only a few bits a seat. Their teachers told me other schools came to watch."
  69. >He seemed to beam brighter.
  70. >"That's great! Even closer to your goal then?"
  71. "Our goal."
  72. >You nod and correct.
  73. "I'll go get us something to eat, you rest. That last part looked like it hurt."
  74. >This was the way of things ever since you first crossed paths with the human Anon.
  75. >As you trotted out of your little wagon you smiled at the thought.
  77. *************
  78. Flashback
  79. *************
  81. >You are Trixie.
  82. >Twilight Sparkle had beaten you again.
  83. >she took away the Alicorn amulet and you once again left Ponyville.
  84. >you didn't ever want to go back.
  85. >even if Sparkle had forgiven you.
  86. >you just wanted to cry.
  87. >your quest for revenge only suited to further ruin your reputation.
  88. >and in show business, that was all you had.
  89. >you moved your house wagon off of the path and started a small fire.
  90. >why did she have to be so much better then you.
  91. >why did she have so much that you didn't.
  92. >even thinking about it know why you even tried to get back at her in the first place.
  93. >you were jealous of everything she had.
  94. >sometimes, life wasn't fair.
  95. >as you moped a nearby bush began to rustle.
  96. "W-who's there?!"
  97. >The bush stopped moving.
  98. >"Please tell me you aren't another Griffon."
  99. >the male voice that rang out from behind the bush sounded a scared
  100. "No, Trixie is a pony."
  101. >"You aren't going to attack me, right?"
  102. "Of course not! Unless you are going to try and hurt me."
  103. >with a few struggled groans the voice's owner emerged.
  104. >what you saw gave you pause.
  105. >It looked like a bit like a minotaur.
  106. >far less broad, and far less hairy.
  107. >no hooves or horns either.
  108. >The remains of whatever it was wearing was tattered and barely covered it at all.
  109. >it also seemed to have a lattice work of cuts and gashes across its chest.
  110. >you openly stared at it as it disentangled itself from some unseen brambles.
  111. >"You must have a name. Mind telling me?"
  112. >you freeze.
  113. >"Even the griffons that tried to hunt me had names, not that I care to remember them. I'm Anonymous, or Anon for short."
  114. "Trixie. Formerly, the Great and Powerful but I am definitely feeling anything but."
  115. >it sits down near you, still far enough away to make you feel comfortable but close enough so you don't have to look across the fire
  116. >"That sounds like a story. Care to talk to me about it?"
  117. >You deadpan at him.
  118. "Trixie does not know how Anonymous would react to her previous indiscretions"
  119. >he smiles.
  120. >you notice its elongated canines for the first time.
  121. >"Well, so far you are willing to share a fire with me. I've got some berries and a few veggies left over from my impromptu camping trip if you want to make it dinner too. You can't have done anything worse then I have seen back at home. Besides, you certainly seem the friendly type. I wouldn't mind getting to know my saviour a little better."
  122. >you smirk at the compliment.
  123. >but would he really still want to be your friend after everything you did in Ponyville?
  124. >You throw caution to the wind and let this new 'friend' know everything.
  125. >from your first time in Ponyville.
  126. >to the run in with the Ursa.
  127. >to the Alicorn incident just a few hours earlier.
  128. >for the most part, Anon just listen impassively, nodding occasionally or asking for clarification.
  129. "-and that's how I ended up at the here and now."
  130. >"Well. That settles it."
  131. >Anon stands from his seat and moves right beside you.
  132. >Confused, you let him sit.
  133. >"I think I have come to a conclusion."
  134. >you await his decision.
  135. >he moves right beside you.
  136. >he sits down really close to you.
  137. >his arm wraps around you and pulls you to his chest.
  138. >"Of everyone I have ever met, you are the most in need a friend."
  139. >you cry.
  140. >loudly.
  141. >He pets your mane as you sob unashamed into his chest.
  142. >you could hardly think.
  143. >All that bottling up finally got to you.
  145. **********************
  147. >you are Anon.
  148. >you are so far out of your depth that you can't even see the shore anymore.
  149. >you appeared in Equestria only about a week ago and so far the only things you've come across have tried to kill you.
  150. >Hell has nothing on magical creature world.
  151. >this however.
  152. >this was new.
  153. >this little Mare just told you how she used her magic to enslave a small town.
  154. >now she is crying against your chest.
  155. >muttering how sorry she is.
  156. >It's okay.
  157. >you didn't need your heart anyway.
  158. >you just pull her up into your lap and rock her back and forward.
  159. >"Why...why don't you hate... Trixie like everyone else?"
  160. >She barely chokes out between sobs.
  161. "Everyone needs a second chance. You realized what you did was wrong, you even managed to keep yourself from making the ultimate mistake..."
  162. >Her sobbing quieted down and you looked down into her eyes.
  163. >her amethyst eyes look at you questioningly.
  164. "And if the others can't see that or accept that you changed... I can and I do."
  165. >she nuzzles back into your chest.
  166. >you just keep rocking slowly.
  167. >Maybe Equestria isn't so bad.
  169. *************************
  171. >back to the present.
  172. >you are Anon in Trixie's Wagon.
  173. >Well it was as much yours as hers now.
  174. >Since that night you started traveling Equestria with her those few years ago.
  175. >You remembered every single day with crystal clarity.
  176. >You got yourself a sketchbook to draw the impressive vistas you had seen.
  177. >You could sell them if you need to.
  178. >You remember the first time you asked if you could be her assistant.
  179. >She short on bits so she agreed.
  180. >Up until that point you had pretty much just kept her wagon tidy, or practice your art.
  181. >You agreed to only appear if the show starts to go sour.
  182. >for the most part, she ignores the heckling of the crowd and continues her act.
  183. >when someone mentioned summoning a rampaging Ursa you started to see red.
  184. >Trixie used a simple smoke screen to try and leave the stage.
  185. >but you stomped on to the stage snarling in the smoke.
  186. >the crowd quieted in shock.
  187. >Trixie caught what you were doing.
  188. >weaving a few quick spells you now looked more feral.
  189. >you remember how scared those upper crust ponies looked.
  190. >Trixie was a terrific actor.
  191. >You snarled and spat.
  192. >It was also the first time you felt Trixie's magic.
  193. >she threw you across the stage .
  194. >it would have hurt if she didn't catch you with her magic.
  195. >She would then "tame the wild Hue-man" and then you became a curiosity.
  196. >the next night was a sold out show.
  197. >you smiled at the memories.
  198. >a knock came on the door.
  199. "That's odd... Trixie never knocks"
  200. >you open the door to see nothing out of the ordinary.
  201. >you feel a dull thump against the back of your head.
  202. >you fall forward.
  203. >darkness consumes your vision.
  204. >you don't even feel when you hit the ground.
  206. ********************
  208. >You are Trixie.
  209. >You see have a pair of sandwiches in a bag to share with Anon.
  210. >You come upon the little wagon you share.
  211. >Something is wrong.
  212. >there's something red on the ramp and the door is open.
  213. >you rush to the wagon.
  214. "Anon?! Anon are you alright?!"
  215. >he isn't inside.
  216. >there is no note.
  217. >the only thing you see is his sketchbook lying open to a picture of you.
  218. >in it you are sleeping with a smile on your face.
  219. >Blood stains the picture.
  220. >you scream.
  223. >You are Anon.
  224. >your head is splitting as you recall what happened to you.
  225. >something covers your eyes.
  226. >what in the world did you do to deserve this?
  227. >To your knowledge, you hadn't done anything to hurt anyone here.
  228. > It couldn't be griffons.
  229. >they wouldn't have attacked you like that.
  230. >they enjoyed a good fight.
  231. >you hear a chittering from behind you.
  232. >"Oh it's waking!"
  233. >That was no voice that you have ever heard before.
  234. >"It is! We can taste it now!"
  235. >And another.
  236. >"We know you can hear us hue-man. We have been watching you and the Blue Unicorn for awhile..."
  237. >watching us?
  238. >"We could taste you both, your emotions are so different from those po-nies"
  239. >"From the very first night. You were like a roaring fire amongst a moonless night."
  240. "What... what are you?"
  241. >A sharp pain digs into your leg.
  242. >"We are the ones who will ask, hue-man."
  243. >"Even it's pain is exquisite! Let us have a taste."
  244. >what the hell are they talking about?
  245. >Taste?
  246. >"You are confused hue-man. Let us enlighten you. We once were a powerful race. Our leader had a grand plan. She was thwarted. We were left alone without her influence."
  247. >"We were starving..."
  248. >"Our minds so quiet for the first time..."
  249. >your confusion only seemed to grow at their chiming.
  250. >"We were forgotten, and truly alone for the first time."
  251. >"We subsisted..."
  252. >you struggled against the bonds.
  253. >"Then after so much time, we tasted you!"
  254. >"We followed you from the Griffon camp all the way to Trix-ie's wagon."
  255. >"You fear sustained us..."
  256. >"But what came after was far greater..."
  257. >"You care for that unicorn Trix-ie."
  258. >you struggled harder against the restraints.
  259. "If you so much as touched a single hair on her head-"
  260. >an all too familiar voice.
  261. >"A..a..anon..."
  262. >Trixie.
  263. >you batter yourself against the restraints.
  264. "Trixie! Trixie did they hurt you?!"
  265. >you could feel whatever they held you with deeply biting into your skin.
  266. >sickening hollow laughter rang from the unknown things mouths.
  267. >"They... they're hurting me A-aaah!!!"
  268. >A pained screech.
  269. "Trixie!! What are you bastards doing to her!?"
  270. >you could feel yourself get weaker and weaker.
  271. >the laughter getting louder and louder.
  272. >even with your blinded eyes the world grew even darker.
  273. >"Anon... help me... it hurts..."
  274. >gathering whatever strength you had left you you fought as hard as you could against your restraints
  275. >"It's no use..."
  276. >"It's hopeless..."
  277. >"She is ours..."
  278. >exhaustion.
  279. >you blackout.
  281. >be Trixie.
  282. >your still screaming.
  283. >Canterlot guards are combing the scene looking for any traces of where Anon could have gone
  284. >"Ma'am"
  285. >A stern looking Night Guard came up to you.
  286. "Have you been able to find my friend?"
  287. >"No Ms.Lulamoon, we are working under the assumption that he was ponynapped."
  288. >you grimace.
  289. >Canterlot was such a large place and he could be anywhere.
  290. >"Ma'am, while we are aware of your past we want you to know that are investigating this as best we can."
  291. >that did nothing to curb your fears.
  292. >he was a strange creature in a strange land.
  293. >some more unhinged ponies might consider trying to examine him.
  294. >you shudder at the unwanted image.
  295. "I need to go look for him."
  296. >the guard nods to you.
  297. >"Stay on the main roads in the lights. We don't need another missing pony on our hands."
  298. >you didn't even know where you were going.
  299. >but you had to find your friend.
  300. >you hadn't been without him for years.
  301. >you needed him back.
  303. *************************
  305. >You are Anon.
  306. >You awaken again still tied to whatever they had you on.
  307. >you can hear Trixie sobbing.
  308. >It was just like that night all those many years ago.
  309. "Trixie...?'
  310. >"Looks like our meal is stronger then his little mare friend was..."
  311. >"Shall we dine again?"
  312. >you snap.
  313. "Listen up you bottomfeeders, I don't give a damn what you do to me but there is no way I am gonna just sit here and let you hurt Trixie."
  314. >the hollow laugh rings again.
  315. >"like this...?"
  316. >Trixie screams in agony.
  317. >the thing leans close to your face.
  318. >you can smell it's breath.
  319. >"And what can you 'do' hue-man?"
  320. >the restraints were pushed to there limits.
  321. >you bare your white teeth in sneer.
  322. "I'll tear you apart."
  323. >you are growling now.
  324. >you could feel them getting looser.
  325. >you just needed them to make another mistake.
  326. >"It thinks it can hurt us..."
  327. >"How quaint..."
  328. >you could almost feel the things snout against your face.
  329. >come on.
  330. >"How weak you are..."
  331. >"Can't even protect your little mare..."
  332. >"What a shame..."
  333. >"Maybe... We should have fun..."
  334. >you did not like the sound of that.
  335. >Trixie squeaks.
  336. >"Yesss.... let's have a little fun..."
  337. >"Grab her back hooves.."
  338. >you knew what was happening.
  339. >you knew you had to stop it.
  340. >you cocked your head back and slammed it into the things face.
  341. >fury overrode pain.
  342. >Your restraints tore like wet paper.
  343. >as did your blindfold.
  344. >Before you was a scene from your worst nightmare.
  345. >Strange pony shaped bugs crowded around your friend.
  346. >you had to tell her after this.
  347. >They looked shocked.
  348. >you slammed your foot on the one you downed a moment ago.
  349. "I can do this."
  350. >you repeated the action, this time on it's neck.
  351. >you aren't sure if you killed it.
  352. >you don't care.
  353. >You leapt towards the next nearest bug.
  354. >your fists easily caved the weak carapace .
  355. >the other two made a move to save their fallen friend.
  356. >One latched onto your arm and ripped into your flesh with sharp teeth.
  357. >the other jumped for your throat.
  358. >you rammed your fist straight into the leaping things face.
  359. >with a sickening wet crack it fell against you, twitching.
  360. >the last moved to gnaw you further but with a pained grunt of exertion, you ram it, the arm it was biting and yourself into the stone floor.
  361. >It's body fell limp.
  362. >you turned to Trixie.
  363. >she looked scared.
  364. "Hey now, it's-"
  366. >Your eyes widened.
  367. >you had just presumably just killed three... whatever the hells with nothing more then your bare hands
  368. >you reach out a hand to her.
  369. "I was trying to pro-"
  370. >"Get away from me!"
  371. >she shrunk away from you.
  372. >you terrified her.
  373. >she ran.
  374. >you knelt between the fallen bodies of your kidnappers.
  375. >what were you going to do?
  376. >Even in self-defense you had killed.
  377. >the one thing that you loved more then anything was afraid of you.
  378. >she ran away .
  379. >a tear streamed down your face.
  380. >the very thing that made you who you were.
  381. >that sheltered you.
  382. >kept you safe.
  383. >that loved you.
  384. >that now ran away from you.
  385. >You were a broken man.
  386. >You paid no heed to the tears that flowed freely from your eyes.
  387. >All you felt was pain.
  388. >you questioned your actions.
  389. >they were going to-
  390. >you didn't want to think about it.
  391. >she had made her choice.
  392. >you were no better then they were.
  393. >with silent tears you lay where she was.
  394. >you curled into yourself and cried.
  395. >you were alone again.
  396. >and amongst your fallen captors you lay your head on the stone floor.
  397. >you had in a single moment threw away your new life.
  398. >with a single action, you threw away your future.
  399. >you fell into an uneasy sleep...
  401. >Be Trixie.
  402. >You are rushing down the streets of Canterlot looking for Anon.
  403. >There is barely anypony out at this time of night.
  404. >Everypony you did ask had no idea who you were talking about.
  405. >You would think they would have seen something of an almost six foot tall, mostly hairless ape.
  406. >Alas.
  407. >As you ran your mind began to wander to Anonymous's picture.
  408. >You recall when he first convinced you to let him get a sketch book and drawing pencils.
  409. >Bits were so tight at the time.
  410. >"I used to be something of an artist back on Earth."
  411. >You had told him that to afford that, one of you would need to go without eating .
  412. >He agreed before you told him you were half joking.
  413. >You remember going to the store with him.
  414. >"If it comes to it, we can always sell them for some extra bits."
  415. >You remember opening the door to the parchment store
  416. >The sight of your human companion the unicorn shopkeeper frowned.
  417. >"Ah Miss, I'm sorry but you can't bring your animals in the store with you."
  418. >That upset you.
  419. >You were ready to give that Unicorn a piece of your mind.
  420. >But Anonymous laid one of his hands on your neck.
  421. >"I'm not worth it Trixie. If it is such a problem I'll just wait outside."
  422. >If the shopkeeper was surprised by hearing Anon talk, he hid it well.
  423. >Your fury still simmered.
  424. "But he just-"
  425. >"It's fine Trixie. I've been called worse for less."
  426. >Grabbing the door handle, Anonymous went outside.
  427. >Why did that bother you so much?
  428. >You had been called so many things just like that by ponies.
  429. >As you now ran through the streets of Canterlot, you realized why.
  430. >Your boasting nearly destroyed a small town.
  431. >And you were vindictive enough to return and try again.
  432. >Anon had done nothing but simply be different.
  433. >He never once did he strike back when the cruel ponies said such horrible things.
  434. >He was no pet.
  435. >He was your friend.
  436. >He was your best friend.
  437. >And now he was missing.
  438. >You would find him.
  439. >No matter what.
  441. ****************
  443. >You are 'Trixie'.
  444. >You aren't really but it was a good a name as any.
  445. >You were running from the terrifying hue-man that most likely just slew your broodmates.
  446. >As you run through the darkened halls of your- now former- hideout, you vaguely realize that the hue-man wasn't following you.
  447. >You had taken the mare's form originally to get a greater emotional response from it.
  448. >And it worked.
  449. >It was intoxicating.
  450. >Hue-men seemed to have far more complex emotions then ponies or griffon.
  451. >After he fainted for the first time, your broodmates suggested pushing him farther.
  452. >Originally, you wanted that too.
  453. >But when you heard how they changed their plans...
  454. >You were only supposed to sit and cry to get the hue-man upset.
  455. >Your broodmates had grabbed you.
  456. >When you squeaked, that was genuine.
  457. >So much time without the Hivemind made it difficult to read your fellow changelings.
  458. >You knew what they were going to do.
  459. >Enough times spent in the wrong parts of bigger pony cities taught you as much.
  460. >After it broke free and saved yo-
  461. >It saved Trixie.
  462. >Nothing saves a changeling.
  463. >The way it looked at you.
  464. >The way it's emotions tasted.
  465. >Relief.
  466. >Passion.
  467. >Anger.
  468. >Guilt.
  469. >Sorrow.
  470. >Happiness.
  471. >Love.
  472. >You almost rushed into it's arms.
  473. >But you couldn't.
  474. >They were the only friends you had, and it had killed them.
  475. >You ran from it instead.
  476. >You could still feel it's single minded agony from here.
  477. >It was a sickening bitter taste.
  478. >You had to do something.
  479. >It was a monster.
  480. >You only wanted to eat.
  481. >...
  482. >Perhaps the guard...
  483. >You could lie...
  484. >Yes... you would need to find the guards...
  485. >It would be easy to follow the emotions back to it...
  486. >Revenge would be yours.
  487. >With that thought in your head, you picked up your pace and ran for the cellar doors.
  489. ***********************
  491. >You are Trixie.
  492. >You ran all around the Upper district looking for Anon.
  493. >It feels like it's been hours.
  494. >"Ma'am! What are you doing here?"
  495. >It was the guard from earlier.
  496. "Whatever do you mean? Trixie told you she was looking for her assistant."
  497. >"I recall that, but you also came to one under my command shortly after and declared that you had found him."
  498. >what?
  499. "Trixie did no such thing! Trixie had been looking for him since we last spoke!"
  500. >The Guard looked at you with a serious expression.
  501. >"We need to get you to the barracks. Something weird is going on."
  502. >You both head to where they say they had found Anon.
  504. **********************************
  506. >You are Anon.
  507. >You could hear hoofbeats above you.
  508. >Sounds like quiet the commotion.
  509. >It slowly sinks in that you are not back at the wagon.
  510. >Slowly your mind pieces together what had happened, just a few hours earlier.
  511. >You remember your anger.
  512. >You remember her fear.
  513. >You weren't sure what to do now.
  514. >You could stay amongst your fallen captors, eventually succumbing to hunger and thirst.
  515. >No.
  516. >You could try to find your way out.
  517. >But where would you go?
  518. >The Wagon was your home.
  519. >Trixie was your only friend.
  520. >Before you had a chance to ruminate on that any further a voice rang through the halls.
  521. >"Attention! We have you surrounded! We are coming in, any attempts to resist will be met with force."
  522. >Sounded like the guard.
  523. >They had found you.
  524. >You made no attempts to stop them as they magically bound your hands
  525. >Mutters of "By Luna." confirmed your fears.
  526. >They were afraid.
  527. >You couldn't blame them
  528. >As you were lead out, you saw her amethyst eyes in the crowd.
  529. >In your shame, you looked away from those disapproving eyes.
  530. >You remembered how they were so full of happiness earlier.
  531. >Funny how quick that all changed.
  532. >As you were set into the guard's wagon you remembered the plan you had made with Trixie just after a year of traveling together...
  534. ****************************
  536. >You are Anon.
  537. >It's a bright afternoon on the road.
  538. >Trixie has been abnormally quiet today.
  539. >As you walked beside her she turned to you.
  540. >"You know Anon... Trixie does not always want to be a traveling showmare."
  541. >This was a rare glimpse into the mind of Trixie.
  542. >The mind behind her stage persona.
  543. "Oh? And what is it you'd rather do?"
  544. >She looks a little embarrassed.
  545. >"Promise you won't laugh at Trixie?"
  546. "Promise."
  547. >She takes a deep breath
  548. >"Trixie wants to open her own theater, and maybe teach little ones the joys of magic... but with how things are going... Trixie doesn't think she can do it anymore."
  549. >you look and see her sad face.
  550. >She hardly ever gets discouraged.
  551. >Even in the face of heckling from a particularly jaded crowd.
  552. >You reach into your pocket and pull out a small satchel of bits
  553. "What if..."
  554. >You began. Twiddling with the small bag of bits in your hands.
  555. "What if I help you? I could do a few more pictures to sell."
  556. >"A-non. It would hardly be-"
  557. "Just listen for a second. Please. I owe you a lot, even if you don't think I do. Why don't we make this our dream? As your assistant and friend, I would love to see this happen."
  558. >Trixie looks away from you.
  559. >"Trix--- I would like that."
  560. >That was the first time since your first night she referred to herself as I.
  561. >You took some pride in that.
  563. **********************
  565. >Back in the present.
  566. >You are being escorted into a holding cell.
  567. >On your way in, you see Trixie being guided to the same barracks as you.
  568. >Her eyes are different.
  569. >They are happy to see you.
  570. >They are filled with relief.
  571. >Your mind fills with questions.
  572. >How did she get here before you?
  573. >Why was she coming from Uptown?
  574. >Why did she look so happy to see you?
  575. >Wasn't she still afraid?
  576. >Something about this made your mind hurt.
  577. >The Night Guard saw where you were looking.
  578. >His eyes followed yours.
  579. >Beneath his breath he spoke to himself.
  580. >'Captain is with the victim? But he was finishing his sweep..."
  581. >Something was very wrong.
  583. >Be 'Trixie'.
  584. >This was bad.
  585. >Really, really bad.
  586. >Why did you want to go to the guards?
  587. >The real Trixie was here now.
  588. >No amount of misdirection was going to get you out of this.
  589. >You were in over your horn on this one.
  590. >You were lead to your own interrogation room.
  591. >You just had to tell them what happened.
  592. >What you saw.
  593. >They'd believe you.
  594. >Right?
  596. ***************************
  598. >Be Trixie.
  599. >See yourself be lead into an interrogation room.
  600. >Literally.
  601. >The night Guard beside you called for his subordinate.
  602. >"Care to explain to me how Ms.Lulamoon was just lead into an interrogation room?"
  603. >The other guard looked incredibly perplexed
  604. >"Sir. We found Ms.Lulamoon in on the streets running from the original victim."
  605. "Anonymous."
  606. >They turn towards you.
  607. "His name is Anonymous."
  608. >"We need to ask you some questions, Ma'am."
  609. >you nod.
  610. "Might I see him?"
  611. >"That's not a good idea. He was in a fight with some Changeling stragglers. There is no telling what they said or did to him."
  612. >Changelings?
  613. "Well... where are they?"
  614. >A third officer emerged from other Trixie's interrogation room.
  615. >"This just got a lot more complicated. Ms.Lulamoon you are under suspicion of being a changeling spy."
  616. "But I've done nothing wrong!"
  617. >You feel magical shackles be placed on your forehooves.
  618. >"For the time being, both Lulamoon's will be placed under arrest. As well, Anonymous is under arrest for suspected murder."
  619. >you drew in a sharp breath.
  620. "A-non? But he wouldn't hurt a fly!"
  621. >"The bodies in the morgue say otherwise."
  622. >This was all together too much to take.
  623. "I think... I think..."
  624. >You don't finish your sentence.
  625. >You faint.
  627. ***************
  629. >You are 'Trixie'.
  630. >You tell the Night guard everything that happened.
  631. >With a twist.
  632. >You were ponynapped too.
  633. >Anon thought you were one of them.
  634. >He broke free from his restraints and attacked your ponynappers.
  635. >Then he turned on you.
  636. >You ran away.
  637. >Not your most intricate fable but it seemed to work.
  638. >They did, however, lock you in.
  639. >Still.
  640. >The guard believed you.
  641. >You hoped.
  643. ***************************
  645. >You are Anon.
  646. >You lay starring at the ceiling.
  647. >"Mr. Anonymous. I am the Captain of the Night Guard... I need to ask you some questions."
  648. >You sit up and look at the bat pony.
  649. "Sure."
  650. >"How long have you and Ms. Lulamoon been traveling together?"
  651. "Almost three years."
  652. >He nods.
  653. >"How did you end up in that basement?"
  654. >You think for a few moments
  655. "It was just after our little Magic show at one of the local schools. Trixie went off to get us some dinner, and after a little while a knock came on the wagon door. I remember thinking how odd it was for her to knock... I guess it could have been a fan."
  656. >The bat nods again
  657. >"And then?"
  658. "I opened the door then... that's all I remember."
  659. >"What happened after?"
  660. >"I woke up restrained. They kept talking about how I tasted...? I didn't really get that part. I heard Trixie moaning in pain and I blacked out."
  661. >The guard captain sighed
  662. >"Anything else?"
  663. "I came to again, the made some more comments about my taste... then they threatened Trixie. I started to see red, the call one of the others to hold her back hoofs and I just flipped. I won't deny that I attacked them, they were threatening my friend-"
  664. >"Just a friend? Nothing more?"
  665. >you shake your head.
  666. "I had intended on telling her after our 3rd year Anniversary show in Ponyville."
  667. >The Bat Pony nods one last time.
  668. >"You killed those changelings."
  669. "Changelings?"
  670. >The Captain paused.
  671. >"You don't know what a Changeling is?'
  672. "No sir."
  673. >He walks away from your cell
  674. >"This certainly changes things."
  675. >you can only sit confused as to what he meant.
  677. ***********
  679. >You are Trixie.
  680. >You awaken in an interrogation room
  681. >The guard that brought you here sits across from you.
  682. >"Feeling any better Ms. Lulamoon?"
  683. >You shake your head no.
  684. >"Are you well enough for questions? If I find the answers satisfactory, I could probably let you see Anonymous."
  685. >You perk up at the mention of your friends name
  686. >"Ms. Lulamoon, how long have you been traveling with Anonymous?'
  687. "Two years, 11 months and 17 days. We were planning a special show in Ponyville."
  688. >He nods
  689. >"And where were you after we spoke at the wagon."
  690. "I was running around Uptown asking anypony that I could find if they had seen anything. It felt like hours. Then I ran into you."
  691. >He nods one last time.
  692. >"I see... The charges against Anonymous will be dropped. Though he did kill those changeling, he was protecting 'you'. Or at least something that looked like you."
  693. >You nod.
  694. "Could I see him now?"
  695. >"Soon. I just have to confer with my other officers."
  696. >you felt a little betrayed, but you still hoped that you would get to see your friend.
  697. >was he really only your friend?
  698. >No.
  699. >He was more then that to you.
  700. >And once this ordeal was over, you planned to tell him.
  702. ***********
  705. >You are the Captain of the Night Guard
  706. >In your twenty years serving, you had seen some real mind twisters.
  707. >This was in a league of it's own.
  708. >Some extra dimensional alien.
  709. >Changelings.
  710. >Two suspects that also happened to be victims.
  711. >You had the human thing sorted out just fine.
  712. >He was trying to protect his special somepony
  713. >His methods, thought brutal, were efficient.
  714. >You had been struggling to wipe the last of the changeling cells out of Canterlot, since the Royal Wedding.
  715. >Any other time, you would have given him an accolade and a few bits for his services.
  716. >No, the hard part was those two mares.
  717. >Everything you ask fits the story that the human told you.
  718. >Every time you prod about the past, it matches the file.
  719. >Neither is lying but one isn't telling the whole truth.
  720. >You might have to resort to some "unorthodox" means.
  721. >That human would know better then any file would.
  722. >You would have to ask him to assist you.
  723. >This might be the only way to handle it.
  724. >Luna damn them, both could be changelings.
  725. >You decide not to think to much more along those lines.
  726. >Way too deep.
  727. >You move back to Anonymous's cell.
  729. *****************
  731. >You are Anon.
  732. >You tried passing the time counting the tiles on the wall.
  733. >The sounds of hoofbeats alerts you to a pony's presence
  734. >The Guard Captain had returned.
  735. >"I need your help with identifying a mare."
  736. >His tone is serious.
  737. >You rush towards the bars.
  738. "It's not Trixie is it? Those bug things didn't get her did they?"
  739. >He shakes his head no
  740. >"The didn't touch her. In fact, the Trixie you tried to save might have been one of them. I'll spare you and me a long explanation. There are two Trixie's here. I need you to identify which one is which."
  741. >Relief floods your body.
  742. "I can do my best."
  743. >The captain smiles
  744. >"That's all I'm asking."
  745. >He opens your cell door.
  747. ************************
  749. >You are lead into a room with a Trixie in it
  750. >She looks shocked to see you.
  751. >"Anonymous! You're well! I was so worried about you."
  752. >she came up towards you and nuzzled your chest lightly
  753. >You look at her confused.
  754. "Trixie, it's very important you answer my question. What was the last thing you talked to me about before this whole thing started?"
  755. >"It was right after our performance, I went out to get us both dinner."
  756. >You nod your head.
  757. "I have to talk to the chief again Trixie. This was all I was allowed."
  758. >She frowns.
  759. >You leave the room.
  760. >She looked like Trixie
  761. >She sounded like Trixie
  762. >But was she?
  763. >You told the chief you'd need to talk to the other Trixie.
  764. >Again he lead you to another room, with yet another Trixie in it.
  765. >She takes one look at you and comes over to you.
  766. >"Anon! You look a mess, whatever did those monsters do to you?"
  767. >This also took you by surprise.
  768. "I'm sorry Trixie, but the chief said I was only allowed to stay and ask one question."
  769. >She nods her head.
  770. "Trixie, what was the last thing you said to me before this whole thing started?"
  771. >She concentrates for a moment.
  772. >"I was worried that I had hurt you during the end of our performance."
  773. >You nod and tell her you would hopefully be back shortly.
  774. >The captain retrieved you after your question.
  775. >Both of you sit down at his desk.
  776. >You could see the question in his eyes.
  777. "Yeah... I know which is which."
  778. >"From just that?"
  779. "Yup. I know which one is real and which one is fake. And it is....."
  781. ************************
  783. "...the first one I talked to."
  784. >The Captain looked stunned.
  785. >"How are you so sure?"
  786. "Two things. First, the last thing Trixie said to me was about how she thought she hurt me after our show. Second, one of those Trixie's that was brought in had already seen me. So being shocked to see me up and a about is a dead giveaway."
  787. >"Listen kid, if being that mare's assistant ever gets boring..."
  788. >You smile.
  789. "I'll look you up, but as you know I am hoping to be a little more."
  790. >"Standing offer. I've got to go handle arresting that changeling so I'll have one of my subordinates fetch your Trixie for you. You aren't going to be able to leave right away but at least you can wait together."
  791. >You nod.
  792. >It's was almost over.
  794. *************
  796. >You are Trixie.
  797. >You still felt a little faint from earlier, and you were hoping that you'd be free soon.
  798. >You did nothing wrong.
  799. >The door opened.
  800. >'Another set of questions.'
  801. >It was Anon.
  802. >Still ragged and looking tired.
  803. >But it was Anon,
  804. >Your friend.
  805. >Your assistant.
  806. >Your lo-
  807. >"Hey... are you the one that was scared of me or was that the other one?"
  808. >You shoot him a look.
  809. "Whatever for? I was scared for you! When you disappeared I nearly died!"
  810. >You felt the prickling of tears in your eyes.
  811. "I haven't very well been without you near me for almost three years. To see you up and gone..."
  812. >You choked up.
  813. >Anon leaned down and picked you up and held you to his chest.
  814. >He sighs.
  815. >"When I was down there... One of them looked like you. I was so scared they were hurting you, I broke free. After I... did what I did, it called me a monster and ran away. I thought... I thought I lost you for good."
  816. >You could feel little wet spots drop on your fur.
  817. "Don't be silly. It would take more then that to get rid of the Great and Humble Trixie."
  818. >You didn't have to look to feel his smile.
  819. >Commotion from the other room startled you both from your shared moment.
  820. >You hear a lot of yelling and slamming.
  821. >Something was very wrong.
  824. >You are Anon.
  825. >You know the sounds of a fight when you hear it.
  826. >Gently, you place Trixie back down.
  827. >"Anon, what are you going to do?"
  828. >You run your hand down her mane.
  829. "I have to help them if I can. Stay here where it is safe. I don't want to have to pick out which one is you again."
  830. >"Anon..."
  831. >You give her your brightest smile.
  832. "It'll all be okay. I swear. I'll even treat you to the finest dining in Canterlot."
  833. >She smirks.
  834. >"Come back in one piece... we have something important to discuss."
  835. >You really hope it's what you think it was.
  836. >Steeling yourself, you throw the open the door and see the havoc.
  838. *******************************
  840. >You are not 'Trixie'
  841. >You don't even know who you are anymore.
  842. >When the guard came to arrest you, you panicked and rushed him.
  843. >Your guise had fallen off.
  844. >You didn't care.
  845. >You needed revenge and the handful of guards wouldn't stop you from getting it.
  846. >Tables had been flipped. Papers scattered and only two night Guards remained between you and your target.
  847. >There!
  848. >He left the relative safety of whichever room he was in.
  849. >He saw you.
  850. >The real you.
  851. >You charged him, horn forward.
  852. >Now was your chance.
  853. >He would pay for what he did.
  854. >Nothing was going to stop you.
  855. >The guards were too stunned to stop you now.
  856. >You felt your jagged horn tear flesh.
  857. >You had him!
  858. >He would pay dearly for what he did.
  859. >You crashed with him into the door.
  860. >The guards ran towards you.
  861. >You didn't care.
  862. >He was gone.
  863. >You won.
  865. >You are Anon.
  866. >You didn't even have a chance to react.
  867. >You just got the door closed in time to see the changeling barreling towards you.
  868. >There was no place to run.
  869. >You felt the bug thing's horn pierce your flesh.
  870. >The guards quickly gathered their wits and pull the bug off of you.
  871. >You look down at yourself.
  872. >Your right hand, which you had raised to cover your face on instinct now sported a gaping hole.
  873. >"Anon. Are you alright?"
  874. >You look at the Captain, who is now restrained your attacker.
  875. "Just fine. My hand isn't though."
  877. >Trixie opens the door and sees you holding your hand in pain.
  878. >"Anon. What did it do to you?"
  879. >She strikes a stance you know from her show, she is going to do some magic.
  880. >You raise your non-wounded hand.
  881. "No, Trixie. Don't hurt it."
  882. >Everyone assembled is dumbfounded.
  883. >A Unicorn mare in a white coat comes to your side and sets about weaving a healing spell and bandaging your wound.
  884. "It was scared back then, not just of me but of what it's friends were going to do to it."
  885. >The Changeling looked shocked.
  886. "They said it. So long from the Hivemind, something had to dominate them. What if... what if his personality dominated you?"
  887. >It sputtered and faltered.
  888. "You hurt me yes, but so did I hurt you. Maybe... maybe someone can help you. Captain, is this an acceptable course of action?"
  889. >The Changeling no longer fought in it's restraints.
  890. >"It will need to stay in it's cell but I could speak with the Princess about it."
  891. >You nod.
  892. >You didn't even notice the pain in your hand anymore.
  893. >You look at Trixie's disbelieving face.
  894. "Everyone and everything needs a chance to be forgiven. It didn't hurt me seriously, and I am more then willing to get it help if I can."
  895. >You knew in that moment you weren't just talking about that imposter.
  896. >You were talking about Trixie too.
  897. >She now nodded in agreement.
  898. >The rest of the evening was a blur.
  899. >You were asked another set of questions.
  900. >You were told to lay off using your hand for a week or so, that way it could fully heal.
  901. >Both you and Trixie were released and escorted back to your wagon home.
  902. >Now however, you lay on your back with Trixie resting beside you.
  903. >She had been quiet since you got back.
  904. >You assumed she had fallen asleep.
  905. >Sleep, however, seemed to elude you.
  906. >"Anon... are you awake?"
  907. >Trixie's voice was just above a whisper.
  908. "Yeah. I couldn't sleep. Something on your mind?"
  909. >You hear her rolling over to face you.
  910. >"No... well... yes. Is what you said true? About everypony needing another chance."
  911. >You turn your head to see her piercing gaze.
  912. >It's not uncomfortable, it was strange to see her so unguarded.
  913. "Of course it is... but it looks like you have something else on your mind too."
  914. >"You know me so well... Anon, I'm scared."
  915. "Of?"
  916. >"W-what if more come? And they take you away again?"
  917. >You reach your good hand out to touch her.
  918. >She obliges you with a nuzzle.
  919. >You weren't sure what to say.
  920. >Maybe actions would work better
  921. "How about you sleep with me tonight?"
  922. >No words.
  923. >This could be bad.
  924. >You could barely hear her when she did respond.
  925. >"...we wondered how long it would take for you to ask Trixie..."
  926. >She slide herself close to you and buried her head under your neck, careful to mind her horn.
  927. >You smiled and pulled her as close to you as you could manage, then grabbed the blanket.
  928. "If they come again, we'll be together."
  929. >A sleepy murmur came from your cuddling partner.
  930. >"Always."
  932. ************************
  934. >You are Anon.
  935. >It has been a few weeks since the incident.
  936. >You finally convinced Trixie to let you take her out for that dinner you promised her.
  937. >Your new clean, black suit and pale blue tie were definitely appropriate for this occasion.
  938. >You even managed to get your unruly hair to play along.
  939. >"Trixie is unsure of if she should go out like this."
  940. >You sigh.
  941. >She had locked herself in the wagon for over an hour.
  942. >For someone so against going out, she sure was taking this seriously.
  943. >You certainly were.
  944. >There was a little something burning a whole in one of your inside jacket pockets.
  945. "Trixie, I am sure you look-"
  946. >The door opened.
  947. >The fluttery purple gown looked beautiful on her.
  948. >She had even done up her hair.
  949. >Words failed you.
  950. >Trixie blushed.
  951. >"Shall we take your silence as a compliment Anon?"
  952. >You nod.
  953. >She looked magnificent in your eyes.
  954. >She giggle and you lead her to Hoity Toity's.
  955. >Everything was going to be great.
  957. *****************
  959. > It was a disaster.
  960. >Sure, it started out nice enough.
  961. >The balcony seat over Canterlot city at night was nothing short of breath-taking.
  962. >You had arranged for some wine to be brought to your table before hand.
  963. >When your waiter was coming over to you, he tripped and spilled the whole bottle onto Trixie's dress.
  964. >Trixie, for your sake, shrugged it off.
  965. >Dinner took over an hour to get to your table and not only was it undercooked, but the portions were so pathetic even a foal would still be hungry after eating it.
  966. >Upon seeing this, you took Trixie's hoof and both left.
  967. >You ended up going to the pony equivalent to an all night dinner instead for veggie burgers and milk shakes.
  968. >Carrying your food out, you found a small park nearby to sit and have an impromptu picnic.
  969. >You carefully laid your jacket on the ground for Trixie to lay on while you ate.
  970. >You were recount a story from when you were back home when she stopped you and lay on her back, looking up at the stars.
  971. >"You know Anon. Even though our original dinner plans went awry, I am still having a lovely time with you."
  972. >You scoff.
  973. "Thank Celestia you aren't a normal girl. I'm pretty sure they would have taken off back when the waiter dropped our wine in your lap."
  974. >She giggles.
  975. >"Anon. I have to ask, have you ever thought of... what I mean to say is..."
  976. >You are really hoping she's going where you were hoping she was.
  977. >"Gah... How is it you make me so tongue tied and flustered."
  978. >You lay back beside her and pick a non-existent twig from her mane.
  979. "Probably the same way you do that to me."
  980. >A breath catches in her throat.
  981. >It was now or never.
  982. >As you sit up and look over your best friend you sigh.
  983. >Here goes.
  984. "Trixie. We've been traveling around for a while now and I am not sure I just want to be your assistant anymore."
  985. >You could hear her gasp.
  986. "No, I really want to be something even more. I want us to be more then friends. I want to wake up holding you. I want to be able to tell you everything. I want to help you open that Magic school. I-"
  987. >You didn't get to finish.
  988. >Trixie leapt up with tears in her eyes, kissing you right on the lips
  989. >You both tumbled for a moment and came to rest a few feet away from your jacket.
  990. >She stood over you with a smile on her face as wide as you've ever seen it.
  991. >" I want that too! I want you to stay with me. Now and always! Will you stay with me Anon?"
  992. "If you are willing to take a man like me."
  993. >She nuzzles into you again.
  994. >"Of course she is. You are now her special somepony."
  995. >You smile at her show of affection.
  996. "Oh, in my jacket! I had something to give you."
  997. >Without moving she levitated it over to you.
  998. >You reached into the inside pocket and produced a small silver ring with a pale blue sapphire setting.
  999. >"Is that...?"
  1000. "It's a promise ring. For your horn. I thought it would ma-"
  1001. >You were cut off with another kiss.
  1002. >"Trixie thinks it's time to go home."
  1003. >There is a hint of mischief in her half lidded eyes.
  1004. >You know exactly how she feels.
  1005. >You stand without once letting go of your, now giggling, marefriend. Stopping only once to retrieve your jacket.
  1006. >The two of you rush home in a laughing fit.
  1007. >It may have been a total disaster, but you couldn't argue with the results.
  1009. *******************
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