
We're going on a camping trip.

Jul 20th, 2014
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  1. Patient 573, 15/07/06
  3. Dr J Arkman: Well Anthony, we would like to hear your story about your alleged encounter with a strange creatue.
  5. Anthony: "We're going on a camping trip.",John said. We were packing our supplies for the camping trip that we have scheduled a few weeks ago. Everybody was excited except for Mike. He hated camping trips because of an incident he had when he was a kid. Since the incident, he always had a look of hatred and malice. "I said before that I hate camping trips.", said Mike. After that, Mike stormed into my house and stayed inside. "Maybe it's for the best that we leave him inside.", Edward whispered.
  7. Dr Arkman: Continue.
  9. Anthony: It was time to go anyway, so we climbed inside John's caravan and left. During the drive, Edward started shivering as if he was seeing things. A few hours later, we arrived at the woods where were camping for a few days. On one of the days, we heard what sounded like running. We were puzzled, since there were no one else around the area. Edward hid inside one of the tents we had set up. We then sent John to check the noise out. After several minutes with John not coming back, I sent Edward to find John.
  10. After a while, I heard a loud scream. I then sprinted towards the noise and what I saw next terrified me. I saw a tall, a hunchbacked creature with giant, jagged teeth and yellow eyes. It then looked at me and hissed. After it looked at me, I ran for my dear life and then ended up here.
  13. After that, this audio tape was found damaged in a open field. No one knows what happened to these two men. If you see these two men, please contact your local police department.
  15. - Alexander, Kansas Police Department.
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