
JC has trash taste, vol. 1

Apr 13th, 2016
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  1. JC has trash taste: Love Live! School Idol Project Ep. 1
  3. NOTE: I haven’t really organized my thoughts, and this assumes you’ve seen the episode as well. If you haven’t, then this is going to make no sense. You’ve been warned.
  4. The opening of the show was unique. Not the actual theme song, mind you, that’s kinda forgettable and too sugary sweet to be noteworthy. I mean more the way it starts with one song & then immediately stops to tell the actual story. It was an interesting way to go about it, I guess. I don’t really want to give the plot too much shit, like yes it’s dumb and not the best, but really it’s serviceable and does its job, and is interesting enough. Does it really need to be strong considering what kind of show it is? That’s just unfair nitpicking at that point.
  5. Honoka was the most interesting member of the main trio of friends, with her pals Umi & Kotori being a little too not-there for me to care much for them. I think part of it is because I’ve not really watched a whole lot of anime, so while I don’t think Honoka’s kind of character is unusual, it stands out to me. She’s stupid and reacts a little too strongly to things (HOW DOES HEARING YOUR SCHOOL’S GONNA CLOSE DOWN CAUSE YOU TO FALL UNCONSCIOUS WHO IN THE KNOWN UNIVERSE WOULD REACT LIKE THAT), but I think it works really nicely for this sort of protagonist, especially considering the other characters are more reasonable sorts. There’s something appealing about her in her sort of stupid overreacting goofiness, and while I think she’s reacting way too strongly to it, I can appreciate it as being decent enough motivation for the story & I honestly really like how it ties together with her family.
  6. I don’t know the names of most characters, and most of them didn’t really had a strong effect on me. Honoka’s sister & mother, as mentioned before, worked well enough as side characters for her. The school council president & vice president are alright, I can tell things will happen more with them later but I’m not going to find out what it is any time soon. Umi & Kotori were just there, but their little flashback where they talked about how Honoka always has had bad ideas is a nice way to at least show us them actually being friends for a long time, it’s the kind of thing that I appreciate now since I’ve seen so many things where I’m just told they’re friends. However I did at least recognize Maki; I liked the small scene that introduced her. I don’t like the musical nature of the show (I KNOW THIS IS THE POINT OF AN IDOL SHOW I’LL GET TO IT),but Maki’s song was actually really good & I might end up looking up the proper version of it or something (I’m pretty sure one exists, it sounds VERY familiar). I think a big part of me liking it was just because I recognized her from before & I kinda like her appearance-wise; if I had gone in with less experience with the show (not that I had a lot going in), I don’t know if I’d have liked her as much.
  7. On the note of it being really musical, I can’t get into the musical segments, I’ve just never really had an interest in idol stuff so music & cute girls in pretty dresses dancing just... doesn’t click with me. The songs seem decent enough, just not my kind of thing for the large part. Besides Maki’s small part, I liked how it ended with the song being shown at the very start, it’s a neat way to actually end the episode.
  8. Overall, doesn’t seem like my kind of thing, but I honestly can’t say it was as bad as I thought it was going to be. I enjoyed a pretty good amount of it, just not a whole lot & especially not the things that people who’re watching this should probably care about.
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