
RevoX Chapter #5211

Sep 23rd, 2015
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  1. [World]LuffySanz:butaw last cause he put 2 or 3 crew members
  2. [World]LuffySanz:that damn strong
  3. [World]Vithril:lol i like yur crew sanz
  4. [World]LuffySanz:thx but i su ck *_*
  5. [World]LuffySanz:2 weak for my level
  6. [World]LuffySanz:omg butaw has ss haki
  7. [World]UallHoes™:OP
  8. [World]Reki™:[Display]*Armament Haki*
  9. [World]Vithril:i wish i had a 40 haki
  10. [World]LuffySanz:nice A haki
  11. [World]LuffySanz:Reki's robin is OP
  12. [World]LuffySanz:if he would have black moon ring it would be even OPPER
  13. [World]Eagle™.sng_20:Oh ladder reset
  14. [World]Vithril:how do i get AWS?
  15. [World]UallHoes™:eagle can you do lort ?
  16. [World]Eagle™.sng_20:If I'll get enough time
  17. [World]UallHoes™:i mean ladder :3
  18. [World]Eagle™.sng_20:I know
  19. [World]UallHoes™:thanks
  20. [World]Eagle™.sng_20:try to do some batles now
  21. [World]UallHoes™:im on here with pph *: cant really open pp on office net
  22. [Notice]Tony_salor has won 10 consecutive battles in the arena. Who can stop him?!
  23. [World]Malaysia46:2days ... 0 win ... pak pak pak
  24. [Notice]Congratulations to Reki™, the new Champion of the Arena!
  25. [Notice]Congratulations to Reki™, the new Champion of the Arena!
  26. [Notice]Congratulations to Reki™, the new Champion of the Arena!
  27. [World]Ripperzumi:how can i have a ***le here?
  28. [World]Ripperzumi:t!tle
  29. [Notice]Congratulations to Reki™, the new Champion of the Arena!
  30. [Notice]Congratulations to Reki™, the new Champion of the Arena!
  31. [World]Rooffy:do enies lobby for tiTles
  32. [World]Ripperzumi:anyone?
  33. [World]Ripperzumi:ohhh
  34. [Notice]Congratulations to Reki™, the new Champion of the Arena!
  35. [World]Ripperzumi:how can i do that thing?
  36. [World]Ron.:The further you get in Enies, the better your t!tle becomes
  37. [Notice]Congratulations to Reki™, the new Champion of the Arena!
  38. [World]DonJoe:is there a way to get past that 5m hp oars at stage 50 ? xD
  39. [Notice]Congratulations to Reki™, the new Champion of the Arena!
  40. [World]Ripperzumi:any level requirements on lobby?
  41. [World]Ogden:yess
  42. [World]Vithril:relog
  43. [World]Ron.:Freeze him with Kuzan, use Usopp..
  44. [World]Ogden:80 i think
  45. [World]Vithril:or use ussop
  46. [World]Ogden:ace, magellan
  47. [World]Vithril:fire drain 10 percent hp
  48. [World]Ripperzumi:80? okay thanks ***
  49. [Notice]fenken killed the Treasure Seeker and obtained the Treasure Map*amount.
  50. [World]Ripperzumi::)
  51. [World]Vithril:1time i seen this shanks wih 10 mil hp
  52. [World]Ripperzumi:i hope they just give that "battle result" thing for free
  53. [World]Ripperzumi:it takes so much time to battle stuff here
  54. [World]Ron.:Still waiting for compensation. ;v
  55. [World]Ripperzumi:compensation for what??
  56. [Notice]Congrats to Butaw for successfully defending 10 times in tournament, but ATK, DEF, SPEED decreased by 10%!
  57. [World]lucario:csw
  58. [Notice]Congratulations to Butaw, the new Champion of the Arena!
  59. [World]Eagle™.sng_20:I've done lort munub
  60. [World]Ripperzumi:what t!tle does butaw have?
  61. [World]Ron.:Being a nub. :v
  62. [World][Red Diamond VIP]Butaw:Sky God King, the Supreme Ruler of the Skies
  63. [World]Ripperzumi::v
  64. [World]Ripperzumi:holy hell
  65. [World]Ron.:Same thing Taw.. :v
  66. [World][Red Diamond VIP]Butaw:lol :v
  67. [World]Ripperzumi:is he THE butaw?
  68. [World]DonJoe:yup he is xD
  69. [World][Red Diamond VIP]Butaw:No and yes
  70. [World]LuffySanz:obviously
  71. [World]LuffySanz:wat u mean with no and yes *_*
  72. [World]LuffySanz:your ***le red diamond vip
  73. [World]LuffySanz:ti tle
  74. [World][Red Diamond VIP]Butaw:The guy playing the account isn't, but the account is
  75. [World]Ripperzumi:he hell is with no and yes? :v
  76. [World]LuffySanz:what happened
  77. [World]Ripperzumi:ohhh...
  78. [World]LuffySanz:to the butaw then
  79. [World][Red Diamond VIP]Butaw:I ran into some trouble while taking out the trash
  80. [World][Red Diamond VIP]Butaw:He*
  81. [World]LuffySanz:do you know his real name
  82. [World]Ripperzumi:lol :v
  83. [World]LuffySanz:are you brothers? 
  84. [World][Red Diamond VIP]Butaw:Trash God King, The Supreme Ruler of taking out the trash
  85. [World][Red Diamond VIP]Butaw:Not related, only know him through PP
  86. [World]Ogden:that's taw for ya!
  87. [World]EyeToKill:God of pirates,help me
  88. [World]LuffySanz:you bought his acc?
  89. [World]Ripperzumi:hahaha :v
  90. [World]LuffySanz:traded?
  91. [World]LuffySanz:he gave it to you?
  92. [World][Red Diamond VIP]Butaw:gave
  93. [World]Ripperzumi:geez... maybe a pilot?
  94. [World]LuffySanz:so you were friends
  95. [World]LuffySanz:so he quit?
  96. [World]Ripperzumi:the hell? :v
  97. [World][Red Diamond VIP]Butaw:He quit, so technically it's not called pilot anymore
  98. [World][Red Diamond VIP]Butaw:if he's never coming back
  99. [World]Ripperzumi:ohh..
  100. [World]LuffySanz:so your the new king of the pirates
  101. [World]LuffySanz:right?
  102. [World]Ripperzumi:and when you die we will inherit your will
  103. [World][Red Diamond VIP]Butaw:If I'm the King then Reki is my Queen :s
  104. [World]LuffySanz:who's stronger you or reki?
  105. [World]EyeToKill:what the fuuf
  106. [World]LuffySanz:the king?
  107. [World]Vithril:lol
  108. [World][Red Diamond VIP]Butaw:I'd say he has a slight advantage
  109. [World][Red Diamond VIP]Butaw:Since he has better haki+better prot
  110. [World]LuffySanz:why
  111. [World]LuffySanz:theres no better prot right? ._.
  112. [World]LuffySanz:i thought they were all the same in there own unique ways
  113. [World][Red Diamond VIP]Butaw:Since Doc is better than sniper
  114. [World][Red Diamond VIP]Butaw:Sniper is the weakest, the rest are about even depending
  115. [World]LuffySanz:oh so they all have another weakness
  116. [World][Red Diamond VIP]Butaw:what your resources are
  117. [World]Ron.:Doc is overused. :v
  118. [World]LuffySanz:so how did you get red diamond
  119. [World]LuffySanz:vip
  120. [World][Red Diamond VIP]Butaw:By being vip12, and The Sky God King
  121. [World]Ogden:uhm.... butaw, the original owner simply topped up
  122. [World]LuffySanz:damn
  123. [World]Ogden:an enormous amount of gold
  124. [World]LuffySanz:im only vip 4
  125. [World]Ripperzumi:can i reach anything in this game without vip?
  126. [World]LuffySanz:yea
  127. [World]LuffySanz:just that it will take longer
  128. [World][Red Diamond VIP]Butaw:It's too late now tbh
  129. [World]Ripperzumi:damn it.i hate waiting :v
  130. [World]LuffySanz:so butaw why dont you use change cl*** card?
  131. [World]Ripperzumi:why??
  132. [World][Red Diamond VIP]Butaw:You'd have to have been here since the start
  133. [World][Red Diamond VIP]Butaw:I'm currently planning on turning into a doc soon
  134. [World]Ripperzumi:why did i have to be here from the start?
  135. [World][Red Diamond VIP]Butaw:Still waiting since I need to get in touch with the real taw
  136. [World]Mugiwara93:Rayleigh is coming soon ??
  137. [World][Red Diamond VIP]Butaw:Since this game is an extremely slow paced game
  138. [World]UallHoes™:well do it on rebate im sure it will be doen :*
  139. [World][Red Diamond VIP]Butaw:And now there's no way to catch up unless you spend
  140. [World][Red Diamond VIP]Butaw:atleast a few thousand dollars
  141. [World]LuffySanz:with your money
  142. [World]LuffySanz:or butaws?
  143. [World]Ripperzumi:hmm.. i dont actually want to catch up.
  144. [World]Ripperzumi:i just wanna have the main OP chars in my team
  145. [World]Ripperzumi:and see them battling on my side :v
  146. [World][Red Diamond VIP]Butaw:With Butaw's old gold and stuff he left for me
  147. [World]LuffySanz:lucky ***
  148. [World][Red Diamond VIP]Butaw:You can do that Ripper
  149. [World][Red Diamond VIP]Butaw:Just don't expect good arena rankings
  150. [World]Mugiwara93:Rayleigh is coming soon ?
  151. [World]LuffySanz:anyone can win this
  152. [World]Ripperzumi:well if only i had that. haha :v
  153. [World]LuffySanz:with allot of time
  154. [World]UallHoes™:lol
  155. [World][Red Diamond VIP]Butaw:No Mugi, he's never coming
  156. [World]Ripperzumi:yup. guys in arena are really strong T_T
  157. [World]LuffySanz:IKR!
  158. [World]Ron.:Too strong. :v
  159. [World]Mugiwara93:ok thanks
  160. [World]LuffySanz:i have to use my daily gold
  161. [World]LuffySanz:to switch
  162. [World]Ogden:guys in chat are low level
  163. [World]LuffySanz:and find lower levels
  164. [World]Ogden:you better don't spend your gold there, LSz
  165. [World]Ripperzumi:oh sorry ogden
  166. [World]Ogden:never ever spend gold at all^^
  167. [World]Ripperzumi:didnt know there was a rule that you should be 140 to chat
  168. [World]LuffySanz:not*
  169. [World]LuffySanz:dont know what to waste it on
  170. [World]Ripperzumi:actually i did
  171. [World]Ron.:I always say to myself: Dont spend gold now..
  172. [World]Ripperzumi:i spent everything in the bar :* even the 1k gold PP gave me
  173. [World]Ron.:But in the end.. I always do. :v
  174. [World]Ogden:really, gold in arena is wasted
  175. [World]LuffySanz:i wasted it on haki
  176. [World]LuffySanz:without even knowing
  177. [World]LuffySanz:on red haki
  178. [World]Ogden:well, i wasn't a saver till recently
  179. [World]LuffySanz:i didnt know anythingi
  180. [World]Ogden:but saving gold is worth it, really worth it
  181. [World]LuffySanz:._.
  182. [World]Ogden:especially 30 and 50k events
  183. [World]Ripperzumi:i think red haki is nice
  184. [World]LuffySanz:and then what do we spend it on
  185. [World]Ogden:especially the 50k events
  186. [World]LuffySanz:?
  187. [World]Ogden:and if you do not have the patience to save 50k gold
  188. [World]Ogden:at least save for big upcoming events
  189. [World]LuffySanz:ofc i DONT!
  190. [World][Red Diamond VIP]Butaw:Be remember, you need to be vip6+ to do the 50k events
  191. [World]LuffySanz:like?
  192. [World]Ogden:like helloween, thanksgiving and x*mas
  193. [World]Ogden:oh, tru dat. well... save 5k than, guys
  194. [World]UallHoes™:Be Remember :V RIP English
  195. [World]Ogden:if you're free players
  196. [World]MonkeyCroc:why vip6?
  197. [World]Ripperzumi:who the hell has the patience to save for 50k gold
  198. [World][Red Diamond VIP]Butaw:Obviously meant but :s
  199. [World]liexan:hahahah that rip english
  200. [World]Ron.:For Christ sake.. Helmeppo needed for Zoro..
  201. [World]UallHoes™:if you want to be strong follow ogden :V
  202. [World]MonkeyCroc:why vip6+?!
  203. [World][Red Diamond VIP]Butaw:Gotta wake up in 4 hours :s going to bed now
  204. [World]liexan:dont get zoro just get someone else
  205. [World]LuffySanz:what if you already have zoro
  206. [World]LuffySanz:*gulp
  207. [World]Ron.:i need Zoro's card.
  208. [World]liexan:dont use him
  209. [World]liexan:ok i get it
  210. [World]LuffySanz:y not
  211. [World]LuffySanz:hes better then doflamingo
  212. [World]liexan:he is just not strong
  213. [World]Ogden:SSS Doffy is better, s
  214. [World]LuffySanz:800% attack aint strong?
  215. [World]liexan:i prefer dofla
  216. [World]LuffySanz:i dont trust
  217. [World]LuffySanz:i dont trust none of u
  218. [World]liexan:yeah
  219. [World]kellar:it's overpower
  220. [World]LuffySanz:im gonna ask butaw
  221. [World]Ogden:he won't answer
  222. [World]liexan:he's asleep now
  223. [World]Ogden:maybe taw2 will
  224. [World]UallHoes™:doffy is ****
  225. [World]LuffySanz:i dont trust u people D:
  226. [World]LuffySanz:zoro * doffy
  227. [World]UallHoes™:augur SS anyday
  228. [World]liexan:just use dofy
  229. [World]liexan:or augur right
  230. [World]liexan:but not zorro
  231. [World]LuffySanz:i preffer zoro
  232. [World]LuffySanz:zoro has more health
  233. [World]LuffySanz:and more damage
  234. [World]liexan:wrong
  235. [World]UallHoes™:pfft
  236. [World]LuffySanz:nope
  237. [World]LuffySanz:read wiki
  238. [World]LuffySanz:its upgraded version of doffy
  239. [World]LuffySanz:turn down 4 what
  240. [World]liexan:youll see it when you level up
  241. [World]LuffySanz:lol ill 1 hit
  242. [World]LuffySanz:when i reach him to level 140
  243. [World]liexan:wiki dont always tell truth
  244. [World]LuffySanz:just u watch ima beat butaw and claim myself king
  245. [World]LuffySanz:then ill put zoro all over ur face
  246. [World]UallHoes™:if you even beat his prota, ill be surprised
  247. [World]LuffySanz:believe it
  248. [World]LuffySanz:okey :3
  249. [World]liexan:your zoro wont even hit me with his skill
  250. [World]LuffySanz:will u marry meh if i beat his prota to :3
  251. [World]LuffySanz:we'll see
  252. [World]liexan:and why your zoro wearing seagod set
  253. [World]liexan:hahaha so funny
  254. [World]LuffySanz:cause i cant offer better set yet
  255. [World]LuffySanz:havent mastered the fire dungeon
  256. [World]MonkeyCroc:same reason ur franky has fire god
  257. [World]LuffySanz:pfft u have no gear on ur prot
  258. [World]LuffySanz:who su cks now
  259. [World]liexan:yeah
  260. [World]Ron.:liexan, I won a duel against you.. :*
  261. [World]LuffySanz:shouldnt franky have speed gear?
  262. [World]LuffySanz:omg
  263. [World]Ron.:I feel so happy.
  264. [World]LuffySanz:ima duel him and see if i can win
  265. [World]LeoDNave:your sanji also has seagod wtf
  266. [World]Ron.:Only prot and croc though. :v
  267. [World]MonkeyCroc:wont be hard with franky with fg anbd sg robin ;d
  268. [World]LuffySanz:i cant affoard much demmit
  269. [World]liexan:im not gonna use my sss croco to you. he is about to turn 12
  270. [World]liexan:120
  271. [World]LuffySanz:liex ur crew died or what *_*
  272. [World]LuffySanz:i think ur trolling
  273. [World]LuffySanz:putting nothing on ur prot?
  274. [World]liexan:wait im putting my gear
  275. [World]LuffySanz:ugh i have to pay again to duel u
  276. [World]LuffySanz:mah silver D:
  277. [World]LeoDNave:you should let your zoro tank instead of franky
  278. [World]MonkeyCroc:and put wind god on dat franky
  279. [World]Fujitora.:y
  280. [World]Ron.:wg set + fg gun.
  281. [World]MonkeyCroc:sanggy*
  282. [World]liexan:go on challenge me
  283. [World]LuffySanz:hmm
  284. [World]RoberTcoOl:how to use the seal stones guys ?
  285. [World]LuffySanz:god sea things?
  286. [World]LuffySanz:that thing made me rage so much XD
  287. [World]LuffySanz:got bad luck D:
  288. [World]liexan:your zoro wont even hit
  289. [World]Ron.:liex, only 4 crews? :v
  290. [World]LuffySanz:your riht
  291. [World]LuffySanz:my zoro didnt hit you
  292. [World]LuffySanz:i beat you before he even had the chance
  293. [World]LuffySanz:OHHHHHHHHHHHHH
  294. [World]LuffySanz:YOU JUST GOT BURNED
  295. [World]LuffySanz:afk my aunt is calling me to eat
  296. [World]LeoDNave:what a stubborn noob haha
  297. [World]LeoDNave:haha hes a kid
  298. [World]LeoDNave:liex wtf is with your franky get a dif set
  299. [World]MonkeyCroc:even i defeated hiom xd
  300. [World]liexan:what you defeated me? got to be kidding me.
  301. [World]liexan:you woudent stand a chance with my original crew.
  302. [World]liexan:i just put in does for that luffyzan
  303. [World]MonkeyCroc:probably ur 127 after all =]
  304. [World]BimBim:*Luffy*
  305. [World]UallHoes™:liexan too stronk
  306. [World]Ron.:Bim, give me your Luffy. :v
  307. [World]liexan:nice joke
  308. [World]MonkeyCroc:109lvl with garp...fq dude ;*
  309. [World]Ron.:I see lots of people of lvl 89 with Garp etc.
  310. [World]kroSSeRR:how mcuh power do you have liexan?
  311. [World]Vithril:who ron?
  312. [World]liexan:only 120
  313. [World]Ron.:ID for example.
  314. [World]liexan:i want to have garp too
  315. [World]kroSSeRR:got only 113 lol
  316. [World]MonkeyCroc:i want robin or aokiji =[
  317. [World]liexan:my warship is only moby****
  318. [World]liexan:why aokiji?
  319. [World]liexan:wh not akainu or kizaru?
  320. [World]kroSSeRR:get franky 1st :)
  321. [World]Ron.:Kiji is awesome. :v
  322. [World]MonkeyCroc:hes my favorite character in the anime xd
  323. [World]MonkeyCroc:i want to walk around like him xd
  324. [World]liexan:are you pertaining to the buff he gives
  325. [World]Ron.:*Aokiji*
  326. [World]MonkeyCroc:hey ron
  327. [World]liexan:oh you just like him as him ok i get it
  328. [World]BimBim:*Aokiji*
  329. [World]Ron.:Haii
  330. [World]MonkeyCroc:pfff
  331. [World]MonkeyCroc:fq all bye
  332. [World]Ron.:Can't wait to have luffy.
  333. [World]Vithril:only 89 garps is id and fiona
  334. [World]Ron.:Few Arlongs, few Enel + his crew left..
  335. [World]kroSSeRR:equip your crew liexan. i want to duel you
  336. [World]LAWÖ:duel me instead
  337. [World]Ron.:Lawo too strong.
  338. [World]LAWÖ:u just need more hp ron
  339. [World]Ron.:I know lol. More shells..
  340. [World]นาสา:*นาสา*
  341. [World]LAWÖ:and ship enhancement
  342. [World]Ron.:Enhance rank is now 4. :v yours?
  343. [World]liexan:lawo your a shichibukai right*?
  344. [World]LAWÖ:no
  345. [World]liexan:even before?
  346. [World]liexan:why stay at 101
  347. [World]liexan:110
  348. [World]LAWÖ:just if flawless and ghifari are not online
  349. [World]LAWÖ:csw
  350. [World]liexan:ok
  351. [World]liexan:what year did you start playing?
  352. [World]LAWÖ:2014 in october
  353. [World]LAWÖ:but i am free user
  354. [World]Vithril:liar
  355. [World]liexan:oh ok me it was 2013 or 12 ithink
  356. [World]Vithril:im a free user and i been playing since 2012
  357. [World]liexan:i play along with blood sword and jack 84
  358. [World]Ron.:I really need to re*order my shells someday..
  359. [World]liexan:me and my brother stoed playing for 2 years
  360. [World]liexan:*stoped
  361. [Notice]Kamui.s09 has won 10 consecutive battles in the arena. Who can stop him?!
  362. [World]EyeToKill:wow i got over 9000 power
  363. [World]liexan:wow great news
  364. [World]EyeToKill:that pun
  365. [World]liexan:sorry
  366. [World]Romero.s005:its over nine thousaaaaaand
  367. [World]EyeToKill:what nine thousand
  368. [World]Romero.s005:thats no way it could be right
  369. [World]EyeToKill:funny
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