
Silas and Kein

Oct 20th, 2012
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  1. <NitroglycerinExplosion> The afternoon was warmer than usual, he thought, though the clouds made it bearable. Even so, it was humid, and Silas wished he'd waited until it was a little later in the evening, and cooler, to grab his bike and go. It would've made biking a much more pleasant experience. But it had been a long day, and he desperately wanted to do something besides sit around and do homework or listen to his parents, or, God forbid, a silent house, all evening. He sighed and braked near a bend in the concrete sidewalk where there was a convenient drinking fountain -- a pleasant relief after exerting himself as he had.
  2. <NitroglycerinExplosion> [oOPS wow I'm]
  3. <NitroglycerinExplosion> [really sorry for being long-winded]
  4. <NitroglycerinExplosion> [ono]
  5. <tacturnAlbinsim> (WOAH,okay it's okay)
  6. <tacturnAlbinsim> (bahhhh lemme think of a way to reply to this..)
  7. <tacturnAlbinsim> Just then a man wearing a black hoodie, what, a hoodie? What on earth is he doing? Oh whatever, anyways he walked up to Silas, tapping his shoulder. His hand was deathly pale, and to some extent that was slightly frightening,"Hello, would you happen to know where we are?" he said, his voice gravely. Underneath the hoodie, you could see two red eyes, and a p-
  8. <tacturnAlbinsim> air of glasses underneath them.
  9. <tacturnAlbinsim> wait)
  10. <tacturnAlbinsim> *ON TOP OF THEM
  11. <NitroglycerinExplosion> [I was about to say, haha.]
  12. <NitroglycerinExplosion> [Those are some pretty messed up eyes.]
  13. <tacturnAlbinsim> (pfft i notice my mistakes rather quickly)
  14. <tacturnAlbinsim> (And pFPFPFT)
  15. <NitroglycerinExplosion> ...uh, that wasn't creepy or weird at all. Silas lifted his head from the water fountain to look at the odd fellow, taken aback. That was kind of a weird question in the first place, from what seemed to be a pretty weird person. A black hoodie on a day like this? He answered, regardless: "We're, uh, in Manchester Park...are you lost...?" He raised a dubious eyebrow, just slightly.
  16. <tacturnAlbinsim> "Yes, I am indeed very lost. I understand why you are looking at me with confusion. I realize I am wearing a hoodie in ninety degree weather. You see I am albino and I ran out of sun screen, thus meaning I must wear a hoodie." he muttered quietly,"I apologize for interrupting your drinking."
  17. <tacturnAlbinsim> "Oh and the reason I am lost, I got kicked out of the place I was staying, because I was a nuisance to them. I don't blame them though.."
  18. <NitroglycerinExplosion> "Ah, right." That made sense. Still, a little weird. Silas was interested, though -- he didn't usually talk to people when out on bike rides, certainly not such unique individuals. He said nothing at the apology, barely even processing it -- he was busy pondering the situation. And then -- kicked out of his place? "Uh-huh... D'you need directions, then?" He was perplexed by the man, and it showed in his voice, though he almost sounded annoyed. "How were you a nuisance, anyway?" It didn't occur to him that those words might be a little tactless.
  19. <NitroglycerinExplosion> [I've got the log. uvu]
  20. <NitroglycerinExplosion> [I can give you the whole thing later.]
  21. <tacturnSODONE> (oh god thank you))
  22. <tacturnSODONE> "I uhm.."
  23. <tacturnSODONE> "They really didn't tell me, the just said get out.."
  24. <tacturnSODONE> "And as for directions.."
  25. <tacturnAlbinism> He gulped,"Oh man, I must annoyed you, I'm sorry..." he muttered hanging his head,"I'm so stupid, I should have just figured out where I was by myself."
  26. <NitroglycerinExplosion> Oh God, the guy seemed genuinely upset. Silas felt a jolt of panicky nerves, realizing quickly he must've sounded irate. "What? I -- no, it's...fine. I'm not annoyed. Really, it's fine." He raised his hands in a placating gesture. Wanting to change the subject and remedy the situation, he added quickly, "Uh, my name's Silas. Who're you?"
  27. <NitroglycerinExplosion> Sometimes, he just didn't know what to do with people.
  28. <tacturnAlbinism> "Oh alright, my Name's Kein, do you want a full name?" Kein said looking up/down him.
  29. <NitroglycerinExplosion> "Uh...sure." He really wished he wasn't so poor at socializing.
  30. <tacturnAlbinism> Ah Kein was that way too, his sister used to refer to him as,"The awkward butt." of the family. That statement was true, very, very true.
  31. <tacturnAlbinism> "Kein Alexzander Lunetta Ludo."
  32. <tacturnAlbinism> He gently pulled down his hood, then fumbled for his sunglasses, hissing at the sunlight.
  33. <NitroglycerinExplosion> "Silas August Kiffe." He hesitated, gripping the handles of his bike tightly. Tentatively deciding he couldn't just part ways with the guy when he needed help, he added, "So, uh, about directions... Are you heading anywhere specific or...?" He absently glanced around for a more shady area to talk in. Despite the clouds, the sky was searingly bright. It was beginning to get to him, and he wasn't albino.
  34. <tacturnAlbinism> "No..I just need somewhere to stay.." he muttered,"But directions would be nice so I could stop burning the fuck outta my goddamn eyes." he had a sudden mood swing.
  35. <NitroglycerinExplosion> [Whoa, sorry, I about fell asleep, oops.]
  36. <tacturnAlbinism> (ahh it's okay)
  37. <NitroglycerinExplosion> "Yeah, it's bright out here..." He considered the first part of the statement briefly but shook it off -- there was no way his parents would let him have some random person he met at the park stay at their house. "There's a coffee shop across the street where we can talk," he observed.
  38. <tacturnAlbinism> "Alright." he said nodding a tad.
  39. <NitroglycerinExplosion> Silas nodded in kind and leaned on his bike as he began to head to the coffee shop, trusting Kein to follow. "So are you, uh, from around here?"
  40. <tacturnAlbinism> "I'm actually from Germany, I moved here when I was little, so I have no accent." he said following closely.
  41. <NitroglycerinExplosion> "Right," he answered. That would explain the surname. To be fair, he was pretty sure Kiffe was also German, but Silas was from Virginia, so surnames were hardly a sure thing. "You remember much about living there?"
  42. <tacturnAlbinism> "No not really.." he said looking melancholy,"All I remember is my dad got killed in war so my mom took me and my sister to America.."
  43. <tacturnAlbinism> "I mean my sister and i."
  44. <NitroglycerinExplosion> Silas wasn't sure what to say to that, so he simply mumbled, "Oh...sorry." He took an uneasy breath. "What're your mother and sister like?" he added, changing the subject a little, as they approached the corner coffee shop. He leaned his mode of transportation against the wall -- he'd never had a problem leaving his bike unattended around here.
  45. <tacturnAlbinism> He shifted,"I don't like talking about it..."
  46. <tacturnAlbinism> "But.."
  47. <tacturnAlbinism> "If you really want to know I guess I can.."
  48. <NitroglycerinExplosion> "You...don't have to," Silas interjected.
  49. <NitroglycerinExplosion> "If it makes you uncomfortable."
  50. <tacturnAlbinism> "I also makes me sad."
  51. <tacturnAlbinism> *IT
  52. <NitroglycerinExplosion> [pfff]
  53. <tacturnAlbinism> (aaahhhheheh)
  54. <NitroglycerinExplosion> Damn it, now he'd screwed up. He reached for the handle of the shop and held it open for his new acquaintance, uncomfortably examining the concrete sidewalk underfoot.
  55. <tacturnAlbinism> "Thank you..." he walked in,"You didn't have to hold it open you know," now he just feels bad.
  56. <NitroglycerinExplosion> Silas, lost for a verbal response, waves a hand dismissively. The action was hardly a big deal for him, and had always seemed like the natural thing to do. "It's fine. Anyway, uh, the lighting's a lot more comfortable in here, I think," he stated, brushing off the matter.
  57. <NitroglycerinExplosion> [oops, I switched tenses]
  58. <tacturnAlbinism> (pfft)
  59. <tacturnAlbinism> (oh no)
  60. <tacturnAlbinism> "It should be." he muttered slipping off his hood. Kein looked down at the ground, shifting his long hair to his shoulder, lightly combing it with his fingers.
  61. <tacturnAlbinism> brb)
  62. <NitroglycerinExplosion> "So, uh, what exactly happened with the getting kicked out thing...?" He wasn't sure how to approach the matter, so a fairly direct question would have to suffice. He really hoped it wasn't another awkward or sad topic -- this Kein seemed like a pretty troubled guy, though kind enough.
  63. <tacturnAlbinism> "Oh well...I.."
  64. <tacturnAlbinism> "They kicked me out because apparently I was too much to pay for. I was apparently eating too much, and I was taking up too much space? I don't know, they just said I needed to get out and find a job.
  65. <tacturnAlbinism> *"
  66. - {Day changed to Mon Oct 22 00:00:00 2012}
  67. <NitroglycerinExplosion> Right. Another sad and awkward subject. Silas shifted his weight uncomfortably. It wasn't that he didn't sympathize -- he did -- but he didn't know what to do. "Right. Well, do you know anyone you could stay with for a little while? At least until you get on your feet." He'd offer, but he couldn't imagine it even in the range of possibility, with his parents. They had a spare bedroom, but it hadn't been opened in years. His dad would never tolerate the idea of just taking in someone off the street, regardless of the circumstance.
  68. <tacturnAlbinism> "No I don't, I
  69. <tacturnAlbinism> enter stop)
  70. <tacturnAlbinism> "No I don't, I'll just have to stay on the streets for a while."
  71. <NitroglycerinExplosion> "What? No, that's --" Silas paused, cutting off his incredulous and hasty protest in favor of a calmer tone. "That's not necessary. There are homeless shelters around here that specialize in getting people jobs. How, uh, old are you?"
  72. <tacturnAlbinism> "I'm barely 17." he said hanging his head.
  73. <NitroglycerinExplosion> "You can be employed legally, then, and legally live on your own if it's necessary -- you'll be okay." Silas did his best to sound encouraging, but he was pretty sure it fell flat. He remembered talking with Lark, encouraging her to finally attend college and find what she wanted to do -- to move forward and life -- and tried to remember what he'd said to help her. He was drawing a blank, but then again, he wasn't sure why she was his friend in the first place, let alone why she listened to him. The train of thought did nothing to help his current situation.
  74. <tacturnAlbinism> "But do I need an ID? I don't have that.."
  75. <NitroglycerinExplosion> "Well. Hm. I'm sure you can get a copy. But you're gonna have to find a place to stay anyway, so going to a shelter is something you're gonna want to do soon. I bet they'll be able to get what you need, or to help you get it, at least."
  76. <tacturnAlbinism> "Oh..thanks..I didn't even know they had those."
  77. <tacturnAlbinism> "I can't thank you enough.."
  78. <NitroglycerinExplosion> For the third time that day, Silas waved a dismissive hand. He never knew how to respond to gratitude. "No problem. Here, I'll look up the address of the nearest one on my phone and write it down for you..."
  79. <tacturnAlbinism> "Thank you Silas."
  80. <NitroglycerinExplosion> "Any time," Silas mumbled, scribbling distractedly with a small notebook and pen he'd produced from his pocket (he made a habit of carrying those kinds of things). "Do you want me to write down my number, too? I wouldn't mind knowing how it's going, if you have the chance to call."
  81. <tacturnAlbinism> "Sure..why not.."
  82. <tacturnAlbinism> He just looks like he could use the biggest of hugs right now.
  83. <NitroglycerinExplosion> Silas nods and scribbles down his full name and number below the address, then rips off the sheet and holds it out to Kein. He hesitates to say anything -- words aren't forthcoming -- but trudges onward, nevertheless. "You'll be okay, alright?" He wasn't the touchy-feely type, so a hug was out of the question -- but he did raise a fist to bump. It was what he could offer.
  84. <tacturnAlbinism> He nods slowly,"Yeah thanks." he gently bumps his fist back. In fact the bump was so gentle it almost felt like a little feather tickled him. Suddenly his stomach grumbles and he looks down at it,"Oh that's right, I haven't eaten in two days.."
  85. <NitroglycerinExplosion> Silas was silent for a very brief moment, incredulously wondering how someone said "oh that's right" about something like that, but immediately pointed to the counter. "Go order something good; I'll pay. The shelter should take care of meals when you get there, but you really need to have something."
  86. <tacturnAlbinism> "Ah, alright." he walks up to the counter and orders a sandwhich of some sort.
  87. <tacturnAlbinism> wow fail)
  88. <tacturnAlbinism> *sandwich
  89. <NitroglycerinExplosion> [haha]
  90. <tacturnAlbinism> (8D)
  91. <tacturnAlbinism> oh, did i ever give you kein's reference?)
  92. <NitroglycerinExplosion> Silas orders himself a coffee and covers the bill without a problem. He takes a seat at one of the small tables situated in the middle of the room.
  93. <NitroglycerinExplosion> [Nope. o:]
  94. <tacturnAlbinism> He walks over, slightly timid.
  95. <tacturnAlbinism> except now he has freckles)
  96. <tacturnAlbinism> He then sits down, nibbling at his sandwich.
  97. <tacturnAlbinism> (ya there?)
  98. <NitroglycerinExplosion> Silas observes in silence for a few minutes, used to being fairly quiet. He abruptly remembers Jackson telling him not to sit there in silence like that -- either do something or talk -- so he takes a sip of his coffee and says, "So what...has life been like for you?" The piece of him that Jack has influenced more than he'd care to admit realizes as soon as the words are out of his mouth that that was a really stupid question.
  99. <NitroglycerinExplosion> [Yeah, sorry. Neat picture!]
  100. <tacturnAlbinism> (ic drew it)
  101. <tacturnAlbinism> Kein scowled,"What kind of question is that?"
  102. <tacturnAlbinism> UGH)
  103. <tacturnAlbinism> ENTER)
  104. <NitroglycerinExplosion> [ff]
  105. <tacturnAlbinism> Kein scowled,"What kind of question is that?" he honestly felt offended,"You would think the hints I gave you were enough, I might as well tell you anyways. Life has been incredibly shitty and it's all my fault," he said flatly. The albino licked off some mayo that got on his fingers then looked at Silas with depressed eyes. He just didn't feel well, and for
  106. <tacturnAlbinism> -c- for him to ask something like that really did not help. It sucked being kicked out of a house where you thought you could stay in peace. YOU THOUGHT. But no, they told him to get the fuck out
  107. <tacturnAlbinism> (there i'm trying to be somewhat long winded.)
  108. <NitroglycerinExplosion> [You're doing well! c: You did a good job of describing his emotions, especially since I suppose they've kind of built up, with Silas being horribly tactless basically since they met.]
  109. <tacturnAlbinism> (pfffft, thank you nitromama)
  110. <tacturnAlbinism> Shaking hands put the sandwich down,Kein's fragile body began to shake. Tears streamed down his face, he sobbed and held his head in his hands, his shoulders shuddering. Everything was blurry and he was having issues forming words. Here he was, at a coffee shop, sobbing over something he screwed up. In reality he did nothing, but to him it was everything. -c-
  111. <tacturnAlbinism> Everything came in a waterfall of depression, and he just couldn't hold up the dam anymore. He was done, he was tired, he wanted this cycle to stop. But what's the point? The universe hates him so there's no hope in that.
  112. -*- tacturnAlbinism falls over)
  113. -*- tacturnAlbinism good go that paragraph)
  114. <tacturnAlbinism> *god)
  115. <NitroglycerinExplosion> [It is a fantastic paragraph. This is when you find a note from Momtro that says, "IF YOU'RE READING THIS, YOU HAVE SUCCESSFULLY DESCRIBED YOUR CHARACTER'S THOUGHTS, FRAME OF MIND, AND BODY LANGUAGE. I AM SO, SO PROUD OF YOU."]
  116. -*- tacturnAlbinism falls over and sobs in joy)
  117. <tacturnAlbinism> (that's actually not even the best i have done in paragraph BUT THANK YOU MOMTRO)
  118. <tacturnAlbinism> (you there?)
  119. <NitroglycerinExplosion> Silas throws up his hands as if to form a defensive wall, staring with wide eyes as the young man, who'd been fairly calm until now, snaps harshly at him. This isn't something he is unfamiliar with -- Jack, Lark, almost all of his friends had, at first, boiled over and snapped at him and they had all come so close to completely rejecting him, always because of his stupid mouth. It's always a painful process, and this time no less. His pride feels wounded, and he feels angry because he was, as always, trying to help -- he didn't mean to be such a jerk, but he never did. He holds his tongue and watches Kein drop the sandwich and instead sob into his hands in a raw, painful show of emotion. Silas balks. He hasn't dealt with tears since...since Lark, and that was different because that was Lark -- but he couldn't just do nothing. Swallowing his pride, he scoots his chair closer and rests a consoling arm on the young man's shoulders. He remains silent as he does so, half panicking internally. Every time he opens his mouth, he seems to make things worse, so maybe he'd better just shut up.
  120. <NitroglycerinExplosion> [Yes, sorry.]
  121. <tacturnAlbinism> (ah it's okay)
  122. <NitroglycerinExplosion> [And since I keep mentioning these people that Silas knows -- Jack and Lark are two of his best friends.]
  123. <tacturnAlbinism> ( i see)
  124. <tacturnAlbinism> Kein sobbed until his voice was raw,finally he stopped everything slowly coming into focus. The albino turned to Silas, looking at him, his eyes showed that he was unsure of him now. Trust was a big thing for Kein and for Silas to break it wasn't the best feeling. He bit his lip, lightly prying his hands off his shoulders,"I'm sorry..but..please refrain from
  125. <tacturnAlbinism> -C- Such questions right now. I am sorry for snapping like the asshole I am."
  126. <tacturnAlbinism> *asking such
  127. <tacturnAlbinism> He rubbed his eyes and felt his lip quiver again, "F-fuck." was all he said, going back to pitifully crying.
  128. <tacturnAlbinism> you there?)
  129. <tacturnAlbinism> nitromama?
  130. <NitroglycerinExplosion> Silas willingly backed off when it seemed like the sobbing fit was done -- he really wasn't comfortable with trying to comfort people physically, but it seemed like all he could've done. "...It's not your fault," was all he mumbled in response. He wasn't used to people apologizing for things caused by his tactlessness -- he usually got chewed out. At least he knew how to deal with that. But this was so utterly foreign to him... And then Kein was crying again, though it seemed a little softer to him. He flinched and heaved a weighty, uncomfortable sigh. "Look, I'm...sorry, okay? I didn't mean to pry and...definitely didn't mean to upset you. You're not an asshole for snapping." He paused, then, painfully, mumbling, added, "I was wrong." The truth, he knew. He hated himself sometimes.
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