
CATastrophe Blurb

Oct 6th, 2013
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  1. The Sunken Ruins of Babylon: In days long past the Earless built mountains of steel and glass. With the coming of the flood many of their cities fell beneath the waves. Babylon is one such city, hundreds of chrome spires languish beneath the waves, surrounded by the lofty roadways that allowed commuters to reach every section of the city. People tend to avoid these ruins since they are infested with Dangerous animals and Old Guard.
  3. Akadmee: Deep in the Ruins of Babylon lies Akadmee, a submerged tower that for a reason unknown lies untouched by the waves. A single door about five stories above the waterline is their only link with the rest of the world. They are odd Kemonomimi, they speak the language of the Earless and have a mastery of technology, medicine and other lost arts. Though, like all Kemonomimi their attention to philosophy and navel gazing is short and their use for such technologies tends towards the whimsically practical.
  5. Silver Mountain: This island is a Geometrically perfect circle 15 miles wide in diameter. It is a peaceful place, the locals live in coastal villages and jungle clearings with little more than solar panels and a handful of looted appliances to make their lives that much easier. Their dwellings are kept above the occasional floods via sturdy stilts and the locals tend to get by fishing, hunting game, and growing fruits and vegetables. They avoid the 15 story glass and steel pyramid that lies at the center of their island due to their belief that it is haunted by ghosts, also, there are lots of Kleptomanders in there. Though it's the alleged source of all tech on the island so they may plunder the ruins occasionally.
  7. Water Bus Route: "The Water Bus" is the term used to refer to a series of ships that stop off near a series of odd, white structures that stick up out of the waves. They ships ferry travelers to and from Rim Town and Silver Mountain in exchange for barter or currency.
  9. Rim Town: This town is built inside of a deep crater. For whatever reasion the seafloor hear is shaped into an enormous bowl and on the rim of this bowl a wall stands. This wall keeps back the ocean and the winds and protects the board walk town that lies inside. The locals farm fish, kelp, and ranch a number of animals. (Inkers, Sea Cows, Ray Dudes, Electrolotls etc.) They use a combination of solar panels and wind turbines to provide their town with power and take pride in providing Silver Mountain with repairs and trade goods.
  11. The Peak: A massive structure, Hundreds of stories tall and dozens and dozens of miles wide it rises out of the blue and serves the dual purpose of landmark and water source. for whatever reason it is wider and shorter during the day and taller and thinner during the night. During the day it leaks fresh water and during the night it seems to suck in water and material from its surroundings.
  13. Sunset reef: A massive reef that has taken over a "suburb" of The Babylon ruins. Silvery Towers support a massive coral growth that stretchs for miles in every direction. This coral is a distinctive orange-red in color and is home to billions of life forms. It's also home to a handful of Stalker Old Guard that guard a massive building deep in the heart of the reef.
  15. The Maw: A massive rift that lies deep beneath the ocean. This stretch of The Blue is much beloved by Hunters for the strange armored fish and massive predatory creatures that call the area home. It's rumored that creatures that could destroy cities may dwell here but on The Hunters would know for sure.
  17. Diver's Bay: Diver's Bay is a mobile city, a chaotic mess of ships, buildings, airships, Air Places, Submersibles and all manner of adventuring equipment gathered together by the nine clans. They roam the Endless Blue in search of the best diving spots and a good time.
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