

Dec 3rd, 2013
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  1. <Boilerplate> I wonder if anyone has come up with a alternative "WoD" setting before?
  2. <DarthDavid_ooc> what do you mean?
  3. <`Evil`OWoD-Ventrue-Ties> define alternative
  4. <DarthDavid_ooc> I had a friend that wrote up a WoD game on what if Cain did not kill abel, but instead learned from his mistake and the following year Cain was blessed and Abel wasnt, then abel killed Cain. so they were Abelites. Different clans, powers
  5. <Shimon_OOC> interesting
  6. <Boilerplate> Which for example, instead of Vampires, there are Revenants, Instead of Werewolves they are Shapeshifters, instead of Fae/Changelings they are simply Spirits, instead of "Wraith" they are incomporal undead, and perhaps "Mages" would remain similar to Acension but except instead of the Traditions being based on sterotypes, maybe perhaps have splats based on actual magical traditions
  7. <Boilerplate> Revenants as in Corporal Undead
  8. <Boilerplate> in every type
  9. <Boilerplate> DarthDavid_ooc: That's not the alternative I have in mind since it still uses Masquerade's christian basis cosmology
  10. * DIna_Corazon is now known as Dina_Corazon_BoH_SL4
  11. <Boilerplate> As for "Demon" I would entirely ditch that since it's entirely a Christian concept.
  12. <Boilerplate> Since "Demons" in Abrahamic mythology are really just demonized versions of other Deities from other religions.
  13. <Sociopathicus_dreaming> why not just make a whole new game, based on alternative mythology?
  14. <Sociopathicus_dreaming> there's plenty of them around.
  15. <Boilerplate> That's what I have in mind actually
  16. * PerkyMew has quit (Quit: The computer fell asleep)
  17. <`Evil`OWoD-Ventrue-Ties> there's a local owod troupe game that has shifters based chinese zodiac
  18. <`Evil`OWoD-Ventrue-Ties> auspice still determined by moon, but breed determined by year in the 12year cycle
  19. <Boilerplate> I don't think the Chinese Zodiac has anything to do with Shapeshifters, I would rather stick true to Theology/Mythology/etc 100% completely including approaching other culture's religions/etc respectivly.
  20. <Sociopathicus_dreaming> so ... since you can't be true to every belief system at once, which would you pick?
  21. * Sefina ( has joined
  22. <Boilerplate> Actually you can since I would go with the "All Myths are True" route
  23. <Boilerplate> rather than have one define them all like Christianity has in some many medium
  24. <Boilerplate> or rathe All Belief systems are True and Valid
  25. <Boilerplate> Thus creating a dense diverse world
  26. <Boilerplate> Let's just say I'm trying to avoid this trope at all costs:
  27. <Boilerplate> In short: You can be true to every belief system and I would them all coexist
  28. <Sociopathicus_dreaming> how can you be true to them all, when even their creation myths differ?
  29. <Boilerplate> Because their creation myths are also all true
  30. <Sociopathicus_dreaming> sorry, you've lost me there.
  31. <Boilerplate> I guess I just went over your head
  32. <`Evil`OWoD-Ventrue-Ties> you confused me alot too
  33. <Shimon_OOC> This is interesting and I would like to read more, but I gotta go start dinner.
  34. <Shimon_OOC> I'll be back tomorrow
  35. <Shimon_OOC> !op
  36. * ChanServ sets modes [#cam-ooc +o Shimon_OOC]
  37. <`Evil`OWoD-Ventrue-Ties> and I'm only a few credits short of officially being an anthropologist
  38. <Shimon_OOC> actually, i can just afk and lurk, read it all after dinner :)
  39. * Shimon_OOC is now known as Shimon_AFK
  40. <Shimon_AFK> !deop
  41. * ChanServ sets modes [#cam-ooc -o Shimon_AFK]
  42. <Sociopathicus_dreaming> no, you didn't go over my head. I just don't see how it's possible without resorting to a trope you want to avoid.
  43. <Boilerplate> Well there isn't one way of doing things you know
  44. * Cdn_Mark_M_bleh ( has left
  45. <Boilerplate> What I had in mind however that their all true is because humans created them eversince the Middle/Upper Paleothic eras and before that, maybe perhaps the "Materialist" paradigm was the default one and we just added more layers of reality due to our creative minds.
  46. <Sociopathicus_dreaming> no, there isn't.
  47. <Sociopathicus_dreaming> and the trope(s) you want to avoid are done dozens of ways. but, there's a difference between all myths being true, and all myths being different ways to describe one event. and I"ll leave my input at that.
  48. <Boilerplate> Of course the latter you described is what i'm trying to avoid
  49. <`Evil`OWoD-Ventrue-Ties> it's not that all myths are true, it's taht all myths are, in part, based upon historical events relative to the culture the myths belong to
  50. <`Evil`OWoD-Ventrue-Ties> add into that that many myths are also stolen from earlier cultures
  51. <Boilerplate> Even though those eariler cultures still exist though and their religions are still being praticed believe it or not.
  52. <Boilerplate> What your referring to is cultural approation where one comes in dominates the other culture and using their culture as entertainment instead of respecting where they came from.
  53. <`Evil`OWoD-Ventrue-Ties> teh religions not so much as the bastardisation of their beliefs
  54. <Boilerplate> well also cultural imperialsim
  55. * Sefina sighs
  56. <`Evil`OWoD-Ventrue-Ties> you don't have to explain to me what it is that I was referring to
  57. * `Evil`OWoD-Ventrue-Ties points to the anthropologist part of his earlier comments
  58. <`Evil`OWoD-Ventrue-Ties> what's wrong Rachel?
  59. <Sefina> I almost had to tell someone that I wasn't about to change my tweeting habits just for them
  60. * `Evil`OWoD-Ventrue-Ties hugs teh rachel
  61. <Sefina> They were complaining about my tweets overpowering their feed because I put a . in front of all of my @'s so that Twitter doesn't filter them.
  62. <Boilerplate> Well actually there is a difference between syncretism and "stolen cultures" you know. For example Greco-Buddhism:
  63. * CelestinaMercado[SL4|Rapier] (silversept@173.218.gtk.uw) has joined
  64. * CelestinaMercado[SL4|Rapier] (silversept@173.218.gtk.uw) has left
  65. <Boilerplate> Also speaking of which that's the work I was looking for Syncretism
  66. <Boilerplate> Syncretism of reality actually where every belief system down to their creation stories are true.
  67. <`Evil`OWoD-Ventrue-Ties> they are, in perspective of the culture.....
  68. <`Evil`OWoD-Ventrue-Ties> but not in perspective of every other culture
  69. * Belle[BoH|NoTaint] ( has joined
  70. * ChanServ sets modes [#cam-ooc +v Belle[BoH|NoTaint]]
  71. * Belle[BoH|NoTaint] is now known as Dawn_OOC
  72. <Dawn_OOC> !op
  73. * ChanServ sets modes [#cam-ooc +o Dawn_OOC]
  74. <`Evil`OWoD-Ventrue-Ties> hi dawn
  75. <Dina_Corazon_BoH_SL4> hey Dawn
  76. * Dawn_OOC waves
  77. <Boilerplate> `Evil`OWoD-Ventrue-Ties> they are, in perspective of the culture.....
  78. <Boilerplate> <`Evil`OWoD-Ventrue-Ties> but not in perspective of every other culture This is where cultural approation/imperialism comes in
  79. <Boilerplate> It's best to have stay within their own grounds and not define the other
  80. <Boilerplate> and have them exist as independant paradigms
  81. <`Evil`OWoD-Ventrue-Ties> when you look at cultures individually, they all are correct, when you start looking at them collectively, it's when they overlap, steal, incoprorate, or change things when everything falls apar
  82. <`Evil`OWoD-Ventrue-Ties> apart
  83. <Boilerplate> Actually that only happens in the West since Christinaity tends to define every Deity who isn't the Christian God "Demons".
  84. <Boilerplate> While everything else syncretizes
  85. <`Evil`OWoD-Ventrue-Ties> no not everything else syncretizes
  86. <`Evil`OWoD-Ventrue-Ties> roman appropriated the greek and norse
  87. <`Evil`OWoD-Ventrue-Ties> there are several african tribes that incorporate new things into their oral history and treat them as having always been part of it
  88. <Sefina> Boilerplate: Actually that's not necessarily "solely" Christianity
  89. <Sefina> It's a monotheistic idea.
  90. <`Evil`OWoD-Ventrue-Ties> it's a practice used to "convert" conquests
  91. <`Evil`OWoD-Ventrue-Ties> incorporate their shit and they will convert
  92. <`Evil`OWoD-Ventrue-Ties> in simplistic terms
  93. <Boilerplate> However the main point is the one who is doing the incorporting doesn't mean their right which is merely justifying their actions.
  94. <Boilerplate> i.e. "Our culture is dominating you there we are right and you are wrong"
  95. <Boilerplate> *therefore
  96. * DarthDavid_ooc has quit (Quit: Energy never dies, it just changes form)
  97. <`Evil`OWoD-Ventrue-Ties> history, andf to a large extent Mythology, is written by the victor, and those in charge....look at the bible ass an example and the councile of nicae......
  98. <Boilerplate> Doesn't mean the victor doesn't have to have define reality.
  99. <Boilerplate> Doesn't mean the victor have to have define reality.
  100. <Boilerplate> I mean
  101. <Boilerplate> *has
  102. * Sefina ( has left
  103. <`Evil`OWoD-Ventrue-Ties> to put it in game terms, he with the most status, is right
  104. <`Evil`OWoD-Ventrue-Ties> if you don't agree, you are "wrong", and don't matter
  105. * Thadius_Gustov ( has joined
  106. <`Evil`OWoD-Ventrue-Ties> is it right?
  107. <`Evil`OWoD-Ventrue-Ties> no
  108. <`Evil`OWoD-Ventrue-Ties> is it accepted?
  109. <`Evil`OWoD-Ventrue-Ties> yes
  110. <Boilerplate> I don't accept it
  111. <`Evil`OWoD-Ventrue-Ties> is it a bitch to try and change the outlook when proof exists counter to popular accepted theory
  112. <`Evil`OWoD-Ventrue-Ties> hell yes
  113. <`Evil`OWoD-Ventrue-Ties> whether one person accepts it or not, has no impact on the greater scheme of things
  114. <`Evil`OWoD-Ventrue-Ties> undeniable definitive proof is needed to change things
  115. * `Evil`OWoD-Ventrue-Ties ( has left
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