
SO-51Aa docomo app enabler lite

Apr 28th, 2022 (edited)
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  1. @echo off
  2. title SO-51Aa docomo app enabler lite
  3. :choice
  4. set /P c=SO-51Aaの一部無効化したdocomoアプリを有効化します。[Yで続行]
  5. if /I "%c%" EQU "Y" goto :continue
  6. goto :continue
  7. :continue
  8. adb shell cmd package install-existing jp.co.nttdocomo.lcsapp
  9. adb shell cmd package install-existing com.nttdocomo.android.pf.dcmwappush
  10. adb shell cmd package install-existing com.nttdocomo.android.msg
  11. adb shell cmd package install-existing com.nttdocomo.android.accountwipe
  12. adb shell cmd package install-existing jp.co.nttdocomo.saigaiban
  13. adb shell cmd package install-existing com.nttdocomo.android.initialization
  14. adb shell cmd package install-existing com.nttdocomo.android.devicehelp
  15. adb shell cmd package install-existing com.nttdocomo.android.phonemotion
  16. adb shell cmd package install-existing com.nttdocomo.android.networkservice
  17. adb shell cmd package install-existing jp.co.nttdocomo.anshinmode
  18. pause
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