
Smokey Blaze

Jun 13th, 2014
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  1. The sun blazed high over Canterlot as you made your way across the many bridges connecting the towers. It was a hot summer, and though your job often had you working in intense heat, you wished for cooler weather.
  3. You finally reached the tower and climbed the spiral staircase. It was a long way up, and you hoped you weren't sweating too bad. This was the captain of the royal guard, after all, and you wanted to make a good impression. A hero to a hero, as Celestia would say.
  5. You came to an ornate landing and slowly opened a set of double doors, gasping quietly at the interior. It seemed to be a large atrium, with a glass window going all the way around and a ceiling that tapered to a point above you. There were rows of bookshelves, and somewhere off in the distance, a clock ticked monotonously.
  7. At the far end of the room, at a large marble desk, sat Shining Armor, his horn glowing as he scribbled away at a roll of paper with a quill. When you took a step forward, he looked up.
  9. "You must be Smokey Blaze," he said politely, and got up from his desk. He extended a hoof, and you took it. "Shining Armor, captain of Celestia's Royal Guard and head of ceremonies for the Hero's Parade."
  11. You smiled at him. "Well met! I've heard a lot about you. Then again, who hasn't? You're the best Celestia's ever had, said so herself."
  13. You weren't sure, but you could have sworn Shining Armor blushed at that comment. "So you speak with the Princess often?"
  15. You shook your head. "Only during last week's meeting. She seems very eager, for the festival, doesn't she?"
  17. Shining Armor laughed. "And this is the first time Princess Cadance is getting involved, and the first year since Princess Luna's return. Seems strange to be serving three princesses now."
  19. You smiled inwardly. "Princess Cadance... I hear you're with her a lot. Are you...?"
  21. He blinked, then shook his head. "Oh no, we're just friends. She has her eyes set on one of my subordinates."
  23. "Oh," you breathed, feeling a little bad for asking, "forgive me, I didn't mean to pry into your relationships. After all, I'm here on business."
  25. Shining Armor waved a hoof dismissively. "It's no problem. So what is it you needed to see me about?"
  27. "Well," you began, "I'm sure you're aware that the Canterlot Fire Department is supposed to be second in the parade, right behind the royal guard. Only my two associates have chosen to take this time off to go visit their families since they're not even from here. I'll be the only representative of the Fire Department in the parade. Unless you can move me into another group or something."
  29. Shining Armor looked up and tapped his hoof pensively. "I could... no, that wouldn't--or maybe... okay, how about I move you in with the guard?"
  31. You blinked. "Th-the guard? Sir, I appreciate the offer but, I'm just a fire fighter, I don't think I deserve to--"
  33. "Nonsense!" He clapped his hooves. "You're job is quite important, as well as dangerous. I definitely think you serve to walk with us. I'll even change the banner if necessary."
  35. Your eyes glistened with gratitude. "I don't know what to say... thank you sir!"
  37. "It's not a problem. I've always admired the fire department. In fact, when I was a colt, I originally wanted to be a fire fighter." He gazed at the clock, which turned out was on the east wall and bit his lip.
  39. "Looks like I have to get going, it's almost time for afternoon training. You're welcome to come along if you'd like. Most of the guards are taking it easy too, so we won't be doing much."
  41. You considered it, realizing you didn't have any other plans for the day. "Sure, I'd be happy to join you."
  43. Shining smiled appreciatively and returned to his desk, removing a helmet and body armor from underneath, and slipped them on. "Well then, let's get going!"
  45. You followed him back down the spiral staircase and, unfortunately, back into the hot sun. Despite the heavy armor he was wearing, he cantered rather quickly across the bridge to the battlement overlooking the training field. You looked longingly at the shady streets below, where the Canterlot elite sat under eves and sipped tea.
  47. "Hurry up, we can't be late!" called Shining Armor. You ran to catch up with him, panting and sweating.
  49. By the time you reached the battlements, there were a dozen or so guards standing in the field, awaiting orders from their captain. "SIX LAPS AROUND THE YARD! LET'S HUSTLE!" he barked. You flinched at the sudden volume and intensity of his voice. "Got to be tough with these guys," he stated plainly, and watched as they galloped and bounded over hurdles.
  51. "That one there," he said, pointing a hoof to the stallion in the lead. "He doesn't know, but I'm trying to hook him up with Cadance. She'll be so happy." He smiled longingly, and you sighed.
  53. "So, do you have a girlfriend?"
  55. He raised an eyebrow at you. "Huh? Oh... no. I don't. I'm interested in stallions. Even the Princess was skeptical about me working in an all stallion guard when I first applied, but I insisted it was out of a strong desire to protect Equestria. It was true, after all, and I definitely earned her trust." He paused. "What about you?"
  57. You smiled, biting your lip. "You know, you might not believe me, but I'm a stallion lover too."
  59. You couldn't hep but notice his ears flicked. "Really? Never would have guessed. If I would have known, I'd have taken more care in my appearance."
  61. "So you want to impress me?"
  63. "Well, not that I think we have to be together just because we're both... you know, but you are... you know..."
  65. You blinked. "I'm what?"
  67. He turned to you and blushed. "Handsome."
  69. Now you were blushing. "Well, if you do like me, then maybe we should spend some time together after you're done."
  71. He winked at you. "Maybe we should."
  74. Shining Armor returned his attention to the guards. "MOVE YOUR FLANKS! I WANT TO SEE EVERY LAST ONE OF YOU FINISH THE LAP IN THE NEXT TEN SECONDS!" He could really yell.
  76. He looked at you apologetically. "Sorry, you know how I need to get them moving."
  78. "Oh no, I understand." You watched them run, despite their heavy armor and the heat, and felt sorry for them. Still, stallions in the royal guard had to be in their best shape.
  82. As the guards ran ever faster and circles, Shining Armor placed a hoof around you.
  84. "Sir?"
  86. He looked at you. "Sorry, am I making you uncomfortable?"
  88. "No, I just... it's okay." You let him hold you with his hoof, and moved slightly into him.
  90. As the guards completed their sixth lap, they headed inside. Shining Armor walked with you to another tower. "Where do you want to go today, Smokey?"
  92. You smiled. "I'll take you out to eat if you want. My treat. Where are your favorite places?"
  94. He thought for a moment. "The Hayburger? I know it isn't exactly fancy, but it's cheap, and the food's good."
  96. "Sounds good to me." You walked into the tower with him and down the staircase leading to the main road.
  98. It was crowded as usual. You managed to squeeze past hurrying ponies and crossed the road to the eateries lined up along the street. Most of them were five star restaurants, but the place you were looking for was only decorated with a flashing neon sign.
  100. "Oh, here's the place!" You walked with Shining Armor, pretending not to hear two mares excitedly gossiping about Shining Armor outside.
  102. The restaurant smelled liked baked apples, hay, sauce, and carrots. It was wonderful.
  104. "Hey, this place smells great!" Shining Armor commented. You grinned as you took him to a far table for two in the corner of the restaurant.
  106. "They have the best burgers in Equestria, in my opinion," you told him. "So, while we're waiting for food, why don't you tell me a little about yourself?"
  108. Shining Armor played with his menu. "Well, I grew up here in Canterlot, I always knew I wanted to protect ponies. Like I said, wanted to be a fire fighter at first, then I wanted to joint the royal guard. I took to it like a fish to water and quickly soared up the ranks. Now I'm captain. I love music, and to me, the most romantic destination is the bedroom." He looked up at you and winked as he said this. "So what about you? What do you like?"
  110. You looked up thoughtfully. "I've been in the fire department for about seven years, and I love my job. I like to fly around in my spare time, and work on small crafts. I have a bunch of wooden figures I've carved sitting in my room. I'll sell them occasionally. To be honest, I've never dated before..." You looked wistfully out the window, then at him.
  112. "You have pretty eyes," he commented suddenly. "Orange, the color of fire. "
  114. You couldn't help but blush. "Thanks, and you have a pretty... mane. I mean, I like the color."
  116. He raised an eyebrow. "Blue? It's a boring color."
  118. "I think it's beautiful."
  120. He smiled and fidgeted as the waitress brought two hayshakes to the table. Shining Armor sipped on his thoughtfully while you wondered what else to ask.
  122. "So um," you both said simultaneously.
  124. "Oh sorry, you go first."
  126. "No, that's okay, you can go."
  128. Shining Armor chuckled. "Alright, well, what do you want to see in a stallion? Personality wise, I mean."
  130. You paused to consider. "Hmm... strong, resourceful, smart, compassionate, capable, loving, and gentle, when he needs to be."
  132. He seemed to nod in approval. "Since you covered most of the bases, I'll just add that I want a stallion who is respectful and understanding."
  134. The hayburgers appeared on your table with a flash of magic. "You have got to try this..."
  136. Shining Armor ripped into his burger, and his eyes lit up. "This is incredible! What do they put in this stuff anyway?"
  138. "Oh, you know, hay patties, ketchup, lettuce, tomato, pony meat, sesame seeds..."
  140. He looked up at you wide-eyed, then smiled slowly. "Oh, you're awful." He bit into it again, although with slightly less ravenous delight.
  142. You nibbled at yours, savoring it while watching Shining Armor. Despite his eating habits, he hardly let a crumb fall, and there wasn't a trace of anything on his lip. He was quick, clean, and efficient, much like how he probably was at his job.
  144. He finished his burger before you'd even eaten half of yours. When he looked at you, you suddenly became much more self-conscious and dabbed at your mouth with a napkin.
  146. "Missed a spot," he said, and he wiped your mouth.
  148. You scarfed your burger down.
  150. You dropped a pile of bits on the table, and with another magical flash, the bits and the remains of your lunch disappeared, leaving a clean table.
  152. "Come on," said Shining Armor. "There's someplace I really want to take you."
  154. "Is it your bedroom?" you asked him as you got up from the table. This time, he led the way out of the restaurant.
  156. "No, not yet."
  158. The street outside was still quite busy, but you were able to make it through the crowd as you tagged along behind Shining Armor. "So, where are we going?" you asked him.
  160. He only smiled. "You'll see."
  162. He took you up a high road where the crowd thinned out and walking became much easier. Before you reached the end of the road, however, Shining Armor led you down a small cobblestone path between two shops. It looked more like an alley. "I know it looks a little sketchy," he said, "but you have to trust me."
  164. Trust him you did. Despite the dark and lonely path, you kept going on, sticking close to him. Eventually, the path became brighter as a light opened ahead. Shining Armor turned, smiled, and took you out of the alley and into the light.
  166. It was a gorgeous garden, covered in vines that bloomed with vivid flowers, rows of tulips, and waterfall that trickled into a glowing pond. Birds tweeted off in the distance, and a lone frog hopped into the pond as you and Shining approached it, staring at your reflections.
  168. "I come here to get away from it all. Not many ponies know about this place. Even the Princesses come here when they need some peace and quiet," Shining Armor explained. "What do you think?"
  170. You stared around the garden, then looked at him and smiled. "It's beautiful."
  172. Shining Armor moved closer to you. "Are you impressed then?" You could only reply with a nod.
  174. He seemed to fidget. "Look, I'm not exactly sure how this is supposed to work but... I like you. I enjoy being with you. I think you're beautiful."
  176. You turned to him, blushing. "I like you too. You're an amazing stallion. I... really want to..."
  178. Your heart was hammering in your chest, and you tightened your legs. Shining Armor smiled at you. "What do you want to do?"
  180. You leaned toward him, and he breathed deeply, leaning toward you as well. Your muzzle touched his, and you were kissing him.
  182. It was deep and sweet, but also exploratory. He seemed to search you with his lips, unsure of how to receive you. You parted for a moment, looking up at him with heavy eyes, and his eyes sparked, and he threw himself onto you.
  184. He was kissing you passionately, holding you down with his massive legs. His nostrils flared with every rapid breath, and you could feels his heartbeat in your own chest, with him pressing down on you.
  186. He pulled away quickly, blushing a deep red. "I'm sorry," he sputtered, "I got a little carried away..."
  188. You pulled yourself up and grinned. "No...I liked that. But if you want to continue, we should find a better place."
  190. He flashed a grin. "My bedroom?"
  192. You nodded. "Let's go."
  194. You followed him back out through the narrow path and into the street. Apparently, his house was still a ways away, so you decided to strike up a conversation.
  196. "So um, what exactly do you plan to do for the parade tomorrow? Have me walk with the guards?"
  198. Shining Armor grinned. "I want you by my side. You need to be there Smokey."
  200. You smiled and wrapped a hoof around him as you walked. He placed his hoof around you as well and kissed your head.
  202. The walk through Canterlot was surprisingly long. The city had many layers and was more maze-like than anything. At last, he reached a regal tower with an ornate door.
  204. "Well, this is where I live. It's not much, but it's home."
  206. You stared up at it in admiration. "I think it's wonderful!"
  208. Shining Armor laughed and led you inside, and once again, you had to climb a spiral staircase, enjoying the view of his rump as he led the way.
  210. As he came to a landing, he took you to a door on the far side and pushed it open. Inside was a massive bed with large, round pillows all around, and a crystalline skylight.
  212. "You never cease to amaze me," you said in awe. He chuckled.
  214. "Oh stop, you're embarrassing me. Come, lay down. The bed is nice and soft."
  216. He sat down on the bed and you approached him, laying down beside him. It was as soft as down. Shining Armor turned his head to face yours and traced a hoof along your back. He then smiled and kissed you again.
  218. You reciprocated the kiss, moaning softly as he drew his hoof along your chest. You wrapped your forelegs around his massive neck and pulled yourself in closer.
  220. He pulled away for a moment, then kissed you harder, pushing you. Eventually, you had to let go, and he rolled you over, pinning you you down.
  222. His cock was fully erect, already dripping pre, and he gripped you tightly, holding you down as he positioned himself, sliding his cock over your tail and between your flanks.
  224. He thrust forward, and you gasped at the sudden pressure, but made no attempt to pull away. He seemed to look at you for approval, and when he saw your face, he smiled, grit his teeth, and thrust again.
  226. You groaned softly, reaching up for him and holding your hooves around him. He let you hold him as he thrust harder, going in deeper. Now he only pulled back slightly, and was now rocking his hips as he slid in and out.
  228. "Ng--uh--eh! You're s-so... tight--ngh!" Shining Armor gasped as he increased speed, still gripping you tightly.
  230. "Oh, Sh-Shining, please..." You could barely articulate a sentence; the feeling of Shining's cock inside you was overwhelming. "D-Don't stop..."
  232. He was thrusting harder and faster, grunting in tandem with each pass. At last he delivered one final, powerful thrust, arched his back, moaned loudly, and shot his seed deep into you.
  234. You squirmed, feeling him fill you up, and watched him pant with exhaustion before slowly sliding out, causing his cum to drip into the bed.
  236. You laid there for a while, looking up at him, then leaned up and kissed him, holding him tightly. "That was amazing," you breathed. Shining Armor laughed softly.
  238. "Hey Smokey?"
  240. "Mmm, yeah?"
  242. "...I love you."
  244. "...I love you too Shining Armor."
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