
DataWatcher Allocations

Jun 6th, 2014
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  1. ID.bit Base Type Use
  2. 0.0 Entity byte on fire
  3. 0.1 Entity byte sneakimg
  4. 0.2 Entity byte
  5. 0.3 Entity byte sprinting
  6. 0.4 Entity byte eating
  7. 0.5 Entity byte invisible
  8. 1 Entity short air
  9. 2 EntityItemFrame ItemStack item
  10. 3 EntityItemFrame byte rotation
  11. 4
  12. 5
  13. 6 EntityLivingBase float health
  14. 7 EntityLivingBase int potion color
  15. 8 EntityEnderCrystal int health
  16. 8 EntityFireworkRocket ItemStack firework data
  17. 8 EntityLivingBase byte potions are ambient
  18. 9 EntityLivingBase byte arrows in entity
  19. 10 EntityItemStack ItemStack item
  20. 10 EntityLiving String custom name
  21. 10 EntityWitherSkull byte invulnerable
  22. 11 EntityLiving byte always show nametag
  23. 12 EntityAgeable int age
  24. 12 EntityZombie byte child
  25. 13 EntitySkeleton byte type
  26. 13 EntityZombie byte type
  27. 14 EntityZombie byte converting
  28. 15
  29. 16 EntityArrow byte critical
  30. 16 EntityBat byte hanging
  31. 16 EntityBlaze byte burning
  32. 16 EntityCreeper byte state
  33. 16 EntityEnderman byte block id
  34. 16 EntityGhast byte state
  35. 16.1 EntityHorse int tame
  36. 16.2 EntityHorse int saddled
  37. 16.3 EntityHorse int chested
  38. 16.4 EntityHorse int bred
  39. 16.5 EntityHorse int eating
  40. 16.6 EntityHorse int rearing
  41. 16.7 EntityHorse int opening mouth
  42. 16 EntityIronGolem byte player created
  43. 16 EntityMinecart byte powered
  44. 16 EntityPig byte saddled
  45. 16 EntityPlayer byte cape hidden
  46. 16 EntitySheep byte color
  47. 16.4 EntitySheep byte sheared
  48. 16 EntitySlime byte size
  49. 16 EntitySpider byte beside wall
  50. 16.0 EntityTameable byte sitting
  51. 16.2 EntityTameable byte tamed
  52. 16 EntityVillager int profession
  53. 16.1 EntitWolf byte angry
  54. 17 EntityBoat int time since hit
  55. 17 EntityCreeper int powered
  56. 17 EntityEnderman byte block meta
  57. 17 EntityMinecart int speed
  58. 17 EntityPlayer float absorption
  59. 17 EntityTameable String owner
  60. 17 EntityWither int attack target (head 0)
  61. 18 EntityBoat int direction
  62. 18 EntityCreeper int ignited
  63. 18 EntityEnderman byte screaming
  64. 18 EntityMinecart int direction
  65. 18 EntityOcelot byte skin
  66. 18 EntityPlayer int score
  67. 18 EntityWither int attack target (head 1)
  68. 18 EntityWolf float health
  69. 19 EntityBoat float damage
  70. 19 EntityHorse byte type
  71. 19 EntityMinecart float damage
  72. 19 EntityWolf byte begging
  73. 19 EntityWither int attack target (head 2)
  74. 20 EntityHorse int variant
  75. 20 EntityMinecart int block data
  76. 20 EntityWither int invulnerable
  77. 20 EntityWolf byte collar color
  78. 21 EntityHorse String owner
  79. 21 EntityMinecart int block offset
  80. 21 EntityWitch byte aggressive
  81. 22 EntityHorse int armor
  82. 22 EntityMinecart int has custom tile
  83. 23 EntityMinecartCommandBlock String command
  84. 24 EntityMinecartCommandBlock String last output
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