
Nopony Doesn't Like Cheerilee

Apr 9th, 2012
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  1. >Be in Equestria.
  2. >P0nyville to be precise.
  3. >P0nyville market place to be more precise.
  4. >You’re buying some essential supplies for the weekend.
  5. >Scootaloo’s going to be hanging out, her friends have previous engagements.
  6. >That’s cool. You’re planning a picnic with Fluttershy and Rainbow.
  7. >”Oh, hello Mr. Anon,” You turn and see the smiling face of Scootaloo’s teacher.
  8. >You return her smile “Well hello Miss Cheerilee, how are you today?”
  9. >She puts a few items in her saddle bag. “I’m doing well. I was actually wondering something.”
  10. >You watch her as she pays for her items and offer to carry them for her. She declines, but what a nice thought.
  11. >”Of course, ask away.”
  12. >She looks down at the ground. “I was wondering if you wanted to join me for lunch tomorrow.”
  13. >You nod. “Kind of like a parent teacher conference?”
  14. >She looks up and nods at you. “Oh yes... something like that I guess.”
  15. >You give her a friendly wink. “It’s a date then.”
  16. >You walk away as she giggles to herself.
  17. >Making friends smile and laugh, always a good thing to do.
  19. >The next day, you leave Scoots at home.
  20. >She says she has a project to work on anyways so you don’t feel bad for leaving her alone. Besides, she’s old enough to not need you around ALL the time.
  21. >Damn it brain, I like to at least THINK I’m still needed.
  22. >Cheerilee’s already waiting at the quaint outdoor cafe you’re quite fond of.
  23. >”Good afternoon Miss Cheerilee,” You say as you take your seat.
  24. >She smiles, she has a very nice smile. “Just Cheerilee is fine.”
  25. >You smirk and give a wink, “In that case, Anon is fine for me.”
  26. >The waiter comes and you order what you always do here.
  27. >”So, how’s school... Scootaloo’s behaving herself I take?” You ask, taking a sip of your water.
  28. >She nods. “Oh yes, I can see your influence in her. She’s very lucky to have a father who cares about her so much.”
  29. >Awh that’s so sweet. You think you’re blushing. “Well thank you. I’m sure you’ve played just a big a part in making her who she is.”
  30. >Aha, her turn to blush.
  31. >The afternoon is spent chatting and laughing.
  32. >You wonder why you haven’t done this sooner.
  33. >Over dessert, she runs a hoof across the table. “Um... Anon, have you ever thought about... About finding somep0ny special in your life?”
  34. >A... buh... what?
  36. >The thought HAD to occured to you a long while back, but that’s been resolved. Resolved with Rainbow Dash.
  37. >”Oh, uh why do you ask?” You’re blushing again, but for a different reason.
  38. >She gives a little cough, avoiding eye contact. “Well... I don’t really have anyp0ny in my life... Just the children, they’re my life.”
  39. >Uh-oh.
  40. >She continues, “I know you’re good with kids... I was hoping you’d like to... you know...”
  41. >You clear your throat. “Miss Cheerilee, are you trying to seduce me?”
  42. >The reference goes over her head.
  43. >Her eyes go wide. “Oh! No... I’m sorry if you got that impression.” She drops her head. “There’s just something appealing about a guy, regardless of species, who’s so good with children.” She sighs. “You’re the only single father in town, I just thought...”
  44. >Oh man, you feel bad. You cut her off. “Listen Cheerilee, you’re a great mare. If I was an available stallion, I’d be very receptive....”
  45. >She smiles and perks up.
  46. >”...But I still don’t think I’m really into p0nies like that.”
  47. >She nods as her smile fades again. “I know. I just... Get so lonely sometimes, I though you’d feel the same. Then again, you already have a wonderful p0ny in your life.”
  48. >Oh man, who’s been talking? Rainbow messing with you again?
  49. >She gives you an honest smile. “Scootaloo’s very lucky to have you.”
  50. >Oh, right. Scoots.
  52. >You get home and.... Scootaloo’s built a kick ass ramp out front.
  53. >The dad in you should be pissed, but you kind of want to see her jump off it.
  54. >She greets you at the door and you congratulate her on her architectural accomplishment.
  55. >”How was your lunch?” She asks as she pulls her scooter out to test out her ramp.
  56. >”It was good... Miss Cheerilee is very nice.” You say, following her out.
  57. >Scootaloo stops and looks up at you. “Are.... Are you two dating now?”
  58. >You look down at her. Maybe it’s what she wants? Maybe, just maybe, she actually DOES want a mother around all the time.
  59. >”I don’t know sweety, for now we’re friends.”
  60. >What? She looks relieved. “That’s good. I see her enough at school, I don’t think I’d like her around all the time.”
  61. >That makes you laugh. You understand what she means.
  62. >”Yeah,” You say. “Besides, I have my hands full with you, I don’t think I need ANOTHER p0ny to put up with.”
  63. >She laughs and playfully kicks at you. “Stop being so weird dad.”
  64. >You nervously put your hands in your pockets. “I don’t know... I think it’d be nice to have someon... somep0ny around though. One that cared for me.”
  65. >She looks up at you with... sympathy? “Then maybe you should.”
  66. >You chuckle. “But you said...”
  67. >She doesn’t let you finish. “She IS really nice, just like you... Maybe you should.”
  69. __
  71. >You spend the rest of the day in thought.
  72. >Should you? You admit, you do sometimes feel lonely. You have Scoot’s, but she’s getting to the age that she doesn’t need you around all the time.
  73. >The next day, you get ready for your picnic.
  74. >Rainbow must have made sure you all had a nice sunny day.
  75. >The four of you assemble and get to it.
  76. >Which is to say, you all just sit around.
  77. >Fluttershy thinks she sees a family of birds and takes off with Scootaloo.
  78. >”Hey Dash?” You say, watching the sky.
  79. >”Mmhmm?” She responds with a mouthful of food.
  80. >You give a sigh. “I’ve been thinking of starting dating... finding a ‘special somep0ny’ and all that.”
  81. >She coughs a bit at this stunning admission. “I appreciate the thought dude, but you’re not really my type.”
  82. >You flash her an annoyed look. “This is serious, you know how I’ve been with the whole species barrier.”
  83. >She pats your shoulder, “Dude, nop0ny sees you as ‘that human’ anymore. You’re one of us, you’re accepted. Integrate already.”
  84. >You just nod. “When in Rome.....”
  85. >”Have sex with the locals?” Dash finishes for you.
  86. >You flash her an annoyed look “That’ so not how that saying goes.”
  87. >She shrugs at you. “Besides, how many times have you slept with Applejack in the past?”
  88. >Ok, conversation over.
  90. >The rest of the weekend slips by.
  91. >You take Scootaloo to school. Before you do anything, it’s best to ask her.
  92. >”Remember when I went to lunch with Miss Cheerilee?” You ask.
  93. >She chuckles. “It was only a few days ago dad, of course I do.”
  94. >Cheeky girl. “Well, I was thinking of asking her out if that’s ok with you.”
  95. >Why is she scoffing at you? “You’re an adult dad, you can see whoever you want.”
  96. >You nod at that. “True, it’s just about what you said the other day and...”
  97. >She stops and looks up at you. “How many years have you spent making sure I was safe or happy? I think it’s your turn.”
  98. >All you can really do is smile. “I just don’t want you to feel like you’re being replaced.”
  99. >She gives you that ‘I love you, but you’re being an idiot’ look. “I’m getting older... I won’t be around forever. You deserve somep0ny to have around and care about. Preferably one that cares about you too.”
  100. >Damn it, she’s gotten mature. It’s not something you like to think about, but she will move out one day. Then where will you be?
  101. >You thank her as you see her off at the school.
  102. >Your eyes meet Cheerilee’s. You smile, she does not.
  103. >Time to man up, behave brain, please.
  105. >She greets all of her students as she attempts to avoid looking over to you.
  106. >You clear your throat as you walk up to her. “Um, Cheerilee?”
  107. >She finally looks up at you, a bit of sorrow in her eyes. “Yes Mr. Anon? Can this hurry, class is about to begin.”
  108. >You nod. “Of course, I just have a quick question... Would you like to have dinner sometime?”
  109. >She cocks her had a bit. “You mean you, me, and Scootaloo?”
  110. >Smiling, you tell her. “I was thinking just you and me, together.... Is tomorrow night ok?”
  111. >Any sadness that was in her eyes evaporates. “Oh... Yes, that would be great... I’d like that.”
  112. >”I can meet you here tomorrow after school then. It’s a date.” You start to walk away and shout over your shoulder. “A real one this time, I mean it.”
  114. >Shit!
  115. >You’re going on a date. What do you even do? It’s been a while. Do these folk have special dating rituals?
  116. >You must assemble.... A TEAM!
  117. >When you tell Fluttershy you need help with your upcoming date, she takes off at the speed of light.
  118. >Before you know it, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow, and Fluttershy have you surrounded.
  119. >”I’m so excited for you,” Fluttershy twitters. “What do you need help with?”
  120. >You look to each of them and their smiling faces. “Well,” You start and take a deep breathe. “First, what do I bring? Flowers? You all eat flowers so is it like a box of chocolates? If I get one, do I need the other? Which flowers are tastier? Should I go for looks, or taste?”
  121. >Rarity stops you with a laugh. “Anon dah-ling, honestly... All you have to do is just lavish her with the finer things. Impress her as a connoisseur.”
  122. >Fluttershy zips in front of her. “Noooo! All he has to do is be kind and caring and sweet and all lovely.”
  123. >”Wrong!” Rainbow interjects. “You need to impress her with with a display of awesome! Just prove your coolness level and she’ll be all over you.”
  124. >You look over to AJ because she’s the natural progression apparently.
  125. >She gives you a smile. “Just be yerself. If that ain’t enough fer her, then she ain’t worth it.”
  127. >The next day after school, you go to pick up your date.
  128. >Huh, date, still seems weird to you.
  129. >Rainbow shows up to make sure Scoots gets home ok. But before she goes, she trots up to you and Cheerilee.
  130. >”Don’t worry Anon dude, I’ll look after her for you.” She’s sure to angle the next comment towards Cheerilee. “Just like that time at the....”
  131. >Your stern gaze cuts her off.
  132. >She chuckles and shrugs. “Eh, you should tell it, I wouldn’t do your awesomeness justice.” Damn that Rainbow.
  133. >As she leads Scootaloo away, your charming daughter adds in, “Be sure to get him home by sundown and no funny buisness.”
  134. >Cheeky. Oh well, at least she’s made Cheerilee laugh.
  135. >You just shrug. “Shall we?” You say, motioning towards town.
  136. >You two enjoy the slightly rustic walk into town.
  137. >The birds sing, the squirrels bound in the trees, and Fluttershy flies right at you.
  138. >Oh damn it.
  139. >”Oh Anon,” She cries, carrying something in her arms. “It’s Angel, he’s so sick.”
  140. >She holds out her arms and Angel lays draped in them, playing dead.
  141. >You look at Fluutershy and she motions with her head down towards her bunny.
  142. >You supress an annoyed sigh and reach down to pet the acting rabbit.
  143. >As if by some ‘miracle’, Angel pops up and does a little dance.
  144. >Fluttershy beams at you and turns to Cheerilee. “Oh thank you, he’s so kind. Don’t you think he’s kind Angel bunny?”
  145. >Angel gives you an angry stare for a moment before putting on a smile and nodding.
  146. >As Fluttershy flies off, you give a ‘I don’t know’ look to a very confused Cheerilee.
  148. >You two finally make it into town.
  149. >Rarity walks up, magicing two rolls of fabric.
  150. >Double damn it.
  151. >”Oh Anon, dear, JUST who I wanted to see.” She chimes, fluttering her eyelashes. I was just making up that de-VINE suit you mentioned, and might I say, what a unique and brilliant design. I was just wondering, which do you prefer, red, or the blue?” At each color mentioned, she shoves the respective roll into your face.
  152. >”Uh...” You nervously utter. “The red i guess.” It’d be nice to know what suit she was talking about. You never mentioned one to her.
  153. >Your answer must not have been to her liking because she gives a small disapproving grunt before composing herself. “Ah yes, the red will most definitely bring out your.... Eyes... Yes eyes.”
  154. >She turns to a, once again, confused Cheerilee. “Isn’t he so charming? And with a wonderful eye for the finer things.”
  155. >After she leaves, you break the silence. “I could REALLY go for that dinner right about now hehe.”
  156. >Before you two can move though, you see Applejack.
  157. >All the damn its.
  158. >As she walks by, she gives a nod. “Anon, Miss Cheerilee.”
  159. >You two greet her back as she goes about her merry way.....
  160. >WTF?
  162. >Once you two get to the restaurant, you feel the need to apologize. “I’m sorry about earlier, my friends have it in their crazy heads that I need to do... SOMETHING for you to like me.”
  163. >”Oh,” She giggles, she has a cute giggle. “I really don’t think I’ll need much convincing.”
  164. >You shuffle in your seat a tad. “Well, I’m not exactly the MOST stable guy.”
  165. >She waves a dismissive hoof at you. “Oh please, you’re probably just being your own worst critic.”
  166. >You take a deep breathe.
  167. >No, dude, don...
  168. >”At least once a week I wake up in a cold sweat, just wanting to scream. There are also certain things that make me.... remember things.” You just begin to vent.
  169. >She nods. “From the war right? Scootaloo’s talked about that before. She was worried about you.”
  170. >Despite that, you have to keep going. “I’m recovering from alcoholism... I resorted to drinking to deal with my problems.”
  171. >I swear, if you bring up AJ, I’m out.
  172. >Okok brain, I think I’ve detracted her enough.
  173. >”Oh you poor dear.” She reaches out and puts her hoof on your hand. “I had no idea things were that hard for you.”
  174. >She.... cares? The emotion in her eyes isn’t just idle sympathy, but empathy.
  175. >Despite what you’ve told her, she smiles at you. “Thank you for being so honest with me.”
  176. >the evening goes by fast. You two laugh so much, the other patrons start scoffing and huffing, but neither of you care.
  177. >After seeing Cheerilee home you get into your front door.
  178. >Scootaloo’s waiting up for you. The sun just barely disappearing on the horizon.
  179. >”So.... How was it?” She asks with a sly smile.
  180. >Your smile is wide, noticeable, and you don’t care. “It was..... nice.”
  181. >She cocks an eyebrow. “Nice?”
  182. >”Mmmhmmm, very nice.” You’re already planning your second date.
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