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a guest
Dec 10th, 2010
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  1. alias +cfire1 "+Shoot2; cfiremakeloop1; cfirelstart1"
  2. alias +cfire2 ""
  3. alias +cfire3 "+Shoot3; cfiremakeloop3; cfirelstart3"
  4. alias allhudtoggle "hudtoggle1"
  5. alias -cfire1 "+Shoot2 0 ; alias cfireloop1 none; alias cfirelstart1 'cfireloop1; alias cfirelstart1 none'"
  6. alias -cfire2 "+Shoot1 0 ; alias cfireloop2 none; alias cfirelstart2 'cfireloop2; alias cfirelstart2 none'"
  7. alias -cfire3 "+Shoot3 0 ; alias cfireloop3 none; alias cfirelstart3 'cfireloop3; alias cfirelstart3 none'"
  8. alias cfiregrunt1_1 "Weapon1; alias cfireswitch1 cfiregrunt2_1"
  9. alias cfiregrunt2_1 "Weapon2; alias cfireswitch1 cfiregrunt3_1"
  10. alias cfiregrunt2_3 "Weapon2; alias cfireswitch3 cfiregrunt3_3"
  11. alias cfiregrunt3_1 "Weapon3; alias cfireswitch1 cfiregrunt1_1"
  12. alias cfiregrunt3_2 "Weapon3; alias cfireswitch2 cfiregrunt4_2"
  13. alias cfiregrunt3_3 "Weapon3; alias cfireswitch3 cfiregrunt4_3"
  14. alias cfiregrunt4_2 "Weapon4; alias cfireswitch2 cfiregrunt5_2"
  15. alias cfiregrunt4_3 "Weapon4; alias cfireswitch3 cfiregrunt5_3"
  16. alias cfiregrunt5_2 "Weapon5; alias cfireswitch2 cfiregrunt3_2"
  17. alias cfiregrunt5_3 "Weapon5; alias cfireswitch3 cfiregrunt6_3"
  18. alias cfiregrunt6_3 "Weapon6; alias cfireswitch3 cfiregrunt3_3"
  19. alias cfireloop1 "none"
  20. alias cfireloop2 "none"
  21. alias cfireloop3 "none"
  22. alias cfirelstart1 "cfireloop1; alias cfirelstart1 none"
  23. alias cfirelstart2 "cfireloop2; alias cfirelstart2 none"
  24. alias cfirelstart3 "cfireloop3; alias cfirelstart3 none"
  25. alias cfiremakeloop1 "alias cfireloop1 'cfireswitch1; wait 0.0667 cfireloop1'"
  26. alias cfiremakeloop2 "alias cfireloop2 'cfireswitch2; wait 0.34 cfireloop2'"
  27. alias cfiremakeloop3 "alias cfireloop3 'cfireswitch3; wait 0.07 cfireloop3'"
  28. alias cfireswitch1 "cfiregrunt1_1"
  29. alias cfireswitch2 "cfiregrunt3_2"
  30. alias cfireswitch3 "cfiregrunt3_3"
  31. alias chail "chail1"
  32. alias chail1 "alias chail chail2; msg %target% Eat Vacuum!"
  33. alias chail2 "alias chail chail3; msg %target% What do you think you're going to do with that pea-shooter of yours?"
  34. alias chail3 "alias chail chail4; msg %target% Stand Back! I'm a professional."
  35. alias chail4 "alias chail chail5; msg %target% One plasma express comin' right up!"
  36. alias chail5 "alias chail chail1; msg %target% 01000100010010010100010100100001"
  37. alias dueltarget "duel challenge %target%"
  38. alias gmtarget "givemoney %target% 50000; msg %target% Stand down, I yield."
  39. alias hail "msg %target% Greetings %target%! This is captain Earthshine of The Guild of Free Traders. How can I be of service to you?"
  40. alias hail2 "msg %target% Eat Vacuum!"
  41. alias hudscale "hudscale1"
  42. alias hudscale1 "set rHUDxscale 700; set rHUDyscale 525; alias hudscale hudscale2"
  43. alias hudscale2 "set rHUDxscale 720; set rHUDyscale 525; alias hudscale hudscale3"
  44. alias hudscale3 "set rHUDxscale 768; set rHUDyscale 576; alias hudscale hudscale4"
  45. alias hudscale4 "set rHUDxscale 820; set rHUDyscale 615; alias hudscale hudscale5"
  46. alias hudscale5 "set rHUDxscale 900; set rHUDyscale 675; alias hudscale hudscale6"
  47. alias hudscale6 "set rHUDxscale 940; set rHUDyscale 705; alias hudscale hudscale7"
  48. alias hudscale7 "set rHUDxscale 640; set rHUDyscale 480; alias hudscale hudscale1"
  49. alias hudtoggle1 "HudToggle; hidelog; alias allhudtoggle hudtoggle2"
  50. alias hudtoggle2 "HudToggle; hidelog; alias allhudtoggle hudtoggle1"
  51. alias jump_prompt "prompt Jump "
  52. alias mission1 "mission 1"
  53. alias mission2 "mission 2"
  54. alias mission3 "mission 3"
  55. alias mission4 "mission 4"
  56. alias mission5 "mission 5"
  57. alias mission6 "mission 6"
  58. alias mission7 "mission 7"
  59. alias mission8 "mission 8"
  60. alias mission9 "mission 9"
  61. alias piratealert "join 4357; say_channel %target% sighted in %sector%. Traders, stay alert.; say_guild %target% sighted in %sector%. Taking evasive action.; say_group %target% sighted in %sector%. Stay frosty.; join 100"
  62. alias pload "prompt load "
  63. alias prompt_help "prompt say_help "
  64. alias roidscan "roidscanon"
  65. alias roidscan1 "echo Roid Scanning Disabled"
  66. alias roidscan2 "wait 1 'roidscan1'; unroid"
  67. alias roidscanoff "alias roidscan1 'echo Roid Scanning Disabled'; alias roidscan roidscanon"
  68. alias roidscanon "alias roidscan1 roidscan2; echo 'Roid Scanning Enabled'; roidscan1; alias roidscan roidscanoff"
  69. alias safety "safetyON"
  70. alias safetyOFF "alias safety safetyON; bind c +shoot1; bind v +shoot3; bind RMBUTTON +shoot1; bind LMBUTTON +shoot2; bind MMBUTTON +shoot3; echo [][] Weapon Safety Disengaged [][]"
  71. alias safetyON "alias safety safetyOFF; bind c ''; bind v ''; bind RMBUTTON ''; bind LMBUTTON ''; bind MMBUTTON ''; echo [][] Weapon Safety Engaged [][]"
  72. alias say_help "join 1; say_channel"
  73. alias showall "radarshow 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12"
  74. alias stormalert "say_guild Ion Storm in %sector%.; say_group Ion Storm in %sector%."
  75. alias TCFT.say_prompt "prompt say_tcft"
  76. alias togglecargo "radartoggle 10"
  77. alias togglefriendlies "radartoggle 4 12"
  78. alias togglehostiles "radartoggle 5"
  79. alias togglemissiles "radartoggle 6 7"
  80. alias toggleobjects "radartoggle 9"
  81. alias togglestations "radartoggle 11"
  82. alias wepswitch "wepswitch2"
  83. alias wepswitch1 "Weapon1; alias wepswitch wepswitch2; echo '[][][] Primary Weapon Mode Activated [][][]'"
  84. alias wepswitch2 "Weapon2; alias wepswitch wepswitch1; echo '[][][] Assault Weapon Mode Activated [][][]'"
  85. bind "!" pload
  86. bind "'" FlyModeToggle
  87. bind "-" lsswitch
  88. bind "," +ptt
  89. bind "." tcft
  90. bind "/" maid
  91. bind ":" toggleautoaim
  92. bind ";" MLookToggle
  93. bind "?" targetless
  94. bind "[" prevLS
  95. bind "\" targetless
  96. bind "]" nextLS
  97. bind "^" TCFT.say_prompt
  98. bind "_" cyclestatus
  99. bind "`" ConsoleToggle
  100. bind "{" LocalRadarPrev
  101. bind "|" unroid
  102. bind "}" LocalRadarNext
  103. bind "+" editroid
  104. bind "=" addroid
  105. bind "0" selecttarget10
  106. bind "1" selecttarget1
  107. bind "2" selecttarget2
  108. bind "3" selecttarget3
  109. bind "4" selecttarget4
  110. bind "5" selecttarget5
  111. bind "6" selecttarget6
  112. bind "7" selecttarget7
  113. bind "8" selecttarget8
  114. bind "9" selecttarget9
  115. bind "a" +StrafeLeft
  116. bind "b" RadarNextFront
  117. bind "B" safety
  118. bind "C" +cfire2
  119. bind "c" +Shoot1
  120. bind "d" +StrafeRight
  121. bind "D" dueltarget
  122. bind "e" +RotateCCW
  123. bind "f" +StrafeDown
  124. bind "g" say_group
  125. bind "G" say_guild
  126. bind "H" chail
  127. bind "h" hail
  128. bind "i" +zoom
  129. bind "I" infiniturbo
  130. bind "j" Jettison
  131. bind "k" CharInfo
  132. bind "L" gmtarget
  133. bind "l" roidscan
  134. bind "m" missionchat
  135. bind "n" nav
  136. bind "o" lssort
  137. bind "p" +ptt
  138. bind "P" piratealert
  139. bind "q" +RotateCW
  140. bind "r" +StrafeUp
  141. bind "s" +Decelerate
  142. bind "S" stormalert
  143. bind "t" say_channel
  144. bind "T" say_sector
  145. bind "u" +TopList
  146. bind "U" targetnone
  147. bind "V" +cfire3
  148. bind "v" +Shoot3
  149. bind "w" +Accelerate
  150. bind "W" collectorwatch_toggle
  151. bind "x" RadarNextNearestEnemy
  152. bind "X" wepswitch
  153. bind "Y" prevLS
  154. bind "y" RadarHitBy
  155. bind "Z" nextLS
  156. bind "z" RadarNextFrontEnemy
  157. bind DownArrow +TurnUp
  158. bind Enter Activate
  159. bind Escape Quit
  160. bind F1 Help
  161. bind F10 CameraToggle
  162. bind F12 dump
  163. bind F4 allhudtoggle
  164. bind F5 hudscale
  165. bind F8 CameraToggle
  166. bind F9 ViewToggle
  167. bind LeftArrow +TurnLeft
  168. bind LMBUTTON +Shoot2
  169. bind MMBUTTON +Shoot3
  170. bind MOUSEX +LookX
  171. bind MOUSEY +LookY
  172. bind PageDown scrollforward
  173. bind PageUp scrollback
  174. bind RightArrow +TurnRight
  175. bind RMBUTTON +Shoot1
  176. bind Space +Brakes
  177. bind Tab +Turbo
  178. bind UpArrow +TurnDown
  179. set hailmsg "Hail"
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