
ToE Chapter 1: Ponies

Apr 1st, 2012
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  1. >"Ahl' right, Granny, Big Mac, Ah'm off to the market. See ya'll later".
  2. >Said Applejack, as she began towing her cart full of apples down the road.
  3. >"Okay, dear".
  4. >"E'yup".
  6. >...
  10. >You're about ten minutes from the village...
  11. >Now safe from the dangers of the forest, you're walking across the plains. There is a light breeze coming from the mountains to the north west.
  12. >...One mountain in particular catches your eye. It towers above the surrounding mountains and hills, and looks rather mean and foreboding. At its highest point, it reaches beyond the clouds.
  13. >Below it, is a long mountain range that stretches for miles.
  14. >You can't see what lies beyond. Wildlands, you imagine.
  15. >As your field of view shifts back to the village, you hear something about twenty yards behind you.
  16. >It sounds like gentle footsteps, and two rather creaky wheels.
  17. >You look over your shoulder.
  18. >It's the orange horse from the farm. Still pulling a cart, full of apples, with no difficulty.
  19. >Now much closer than before, you can clearly see that this horse is indeed wearing a hat.
  20. >And, at this distance, it looks less like a horse, and more like a pony, standing at just over four feet. And a mare, at that.
  21. >...But even then, she still doesn't look quite like any pony you've ever seen.
  22. >Her eyes are huge, for starters. Her general shape is the same, but more...round, in comparison.
  23. >She's smiling, too.
  25. >And, this pony is still all alone. No farmer. No rider.
  27. "Where am I...?"
  28. >You whisper.
  30. >The orange pony is only a few feet behind you, now.
  31. >As the distance between the two of you closes, you turn your gaze slowly towards her.
  32. >She angles her head towards yours, and your eyes meet.
  33. >Her eyes are rather large, together occupying about half of her face. Each eye consists of a prominent black pupil, and a green iris. Behind each eye, are three white freckles.
  34. >As you make eye contact, you feel a sentience beyond anything possessed by even the highest of the earth's creatures.
  35. >...She is not a mere animal.
  36. >For a moment, silence. And then-
  38. >"Howdy, stranger!"
  40. >...!
  42. "Uhh...."
  43. "Hello, there."
  44. >The pony.
  45. >She talked.
  47. >She sweeps her eyes across you for a moment.
  48. >"From the looks of yeh, ahm' guessin' yer' not from 'round these parts. What brings yeh here, if yah don't mind mah askin'?"
  49. >She seems rather jolly and welcoming...
  50. "You guessed right. I'm not sure how, but I seem to have lost my way, and now, I... don't know where I am."
  51. >You reply, to the talking pony.
  52. "And, I was hoping I could find some assistance in that village."
  53. >The pony looks at you, then at the path, then towards the forest in the distance, then back to you.
  54. >"Ehhh, yah don't happen tah live out there in the Everfree Forest, do yah?"
  55. >Says the pony, with a look of mild concern.
  56. "Uhm, no, I don't. I've never set foot in that forest until today."
  57. >"Hm?"
  58. "Somehow, I just... Wound up there. I'm not sure how."
  59. >The mare's momentary confusion gives way to a gentle smile.
  60. >"Hm, ah reckon I know just the pony who can help yah. Right now, Ahm on mah way to the market with these here apples..."
  61. >She motions to her cart of apples.
  62. >"But ah I can take yeh to 'er house on the way."
  63. "...Really? Thank you, Miss..."
  64. >"Applejack. And it ain't a problem."
  65. "...Miss Applejack. I'm Anon".
  66. >"Anon?".
  67. "Yes. Or, Anonymous, if you'd rather."
  68. >"Ahl' right then, Anonymous. Looks like we've almost reached Ponyville. You just follah' me."
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