
Stormcloud's History

Oct 13th, 2013
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  1. Stormcloud's History
  3. Storm-ponies are the great ancestors of Pegasi. They are stronger, and control weather much faster, as they do it with their magic. Storm-ponies existed long before any Pegasi, and their main purpose was to keep the weather in check. The princess of the Storm-ponies, Princess Tierra, worked alongside Celestia and Luna to keep the world in harmony. But, after other Storm-ponies became disappointed that they could not use their given power. So, they revolted. They made the strongest storms, hottest days, and coldest nights. Life became torture for the ponies that lived on Earth. Princess Tierra became sick, she was trying her hardest to stop the Storm-ponies, but it was one alicorn up against an entire alicorn species. The weather finally got Tierra fatally sick, and she passed away soon after. The Storm-ponies started leaving, one by one. No one knew where they went, and they never saw or heard from them again. Little did they know, two Storm-ponies stayed. Stormcloud and her mother, Heatwave. Heatwave taught the first pegasi how to control weather. Slowly, the pegasi population grew, right as the Storm-pony population fell. Because of Heatwave, the pegasi taught their young how to control the weather, and soon, all pegasi knew how to control weather. They were born with the instinct. They knew how, but they were never as fast controlling it as the Storm-ponies were. This was because the storm-ponies were alicorns. They used magic to control weather from the distance, but lived in the clouds to cause stronger weather influences. Shortly after, Heatwave passed away a couple years after Stormcloud was born.
  4. Stormcloud was an average alicorn. Well, as average as an alicorn could be. She wasn't really a princess. Just special. She went to school like every other pony, and acted like every other pony. The only difference: she was a weather pony. Whenever she was sad, happy, or even mad, the weather would change. Happy would be sunshine, sad would be rain, and angry would be lightning. She tried to hide this secret from her friends for as long as she could, but they soon found out. They started to make fun of her, and call her 'Professor Bad Day', because when ever they teased her, it started to rain. Stormcloud got tired of this very quickly, and dropped out of school. She left her family, and flew to Canterlot. There, she was stopped by Luna and Celestia. The sisters noticed her history, and let her live in the kingdom. She was adopted as their youngest sister, and became royalty. Stormcloud wasn't used to royalty, and she didn't like it. She disliked the fact, that wherever she went, she was bowed to. It was annoying. She couldn't talk normally to anyone anymore, because ponies would talk to her like royalty. She wanted to be normal. Storm-ponies were the reason that Pegasi could control weather. They were the great ancestors of the pegasus, faster, and stronger. Slowly, as the Storm Ponies disappeared, pegasi began to learn the magic of weather. Their storms weren't as strong as that of a storm-pony, but there were not any storm-ponies to help. Stormcloud was the last one.
  5. Stormcloud met friends on her journey of being a princess, slowly came out of her shell. She learned new tricks with the weather, and when to start a storm, and when to keep the day clear. One of her friends taught her a new spell, one that allowed her to turn her horn invisible. This caused less people to recognize her as a princess, and she was treated as a pegasus.
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