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Oct 14th, 2011
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  1. Stage 1 was good. I won't go into it.
  3. Stage 2: Do you really need to use that bomb? With homing Reimu, you should be able to get to full before Cirno. Is not having full power a problem? This part is easy with some simple streaming. I start it in the bottom-right and work my way left. You can also get some graze in like that.
  5. Stage 3 You used two bombs before the boss. I suppose this isn't too bad. I'll leave it up to you whether you want to stay with that. You died twice on Meiling and used a few bombs around. This is a little too many resources lost. You could really use some practice on her.
  7. Stage 4 You bombed twice during the green bullet attack. Before the midboss. I suggest you try to learn this attack. I don't think it would be too hard, especially with practice. You did good for a while, but those two last bombs in the stage could have been avoided. Keep in mind that this is all simple streaming, and homing Reimu is great for these kidns of enemies. You did spend a few resources, which isn't necessarily bad. Patchy is the kind of boss that practice is very valuable for. You will find that just a little stage practice can go a long way.
  9. Stage 5: You should not have had that death and used two bombs on Sakuya's midboss. It looks like you are comfortable with the introduction to stage 5, but you may be missing out on some collection. I don't think that's a problem on lunatic, though. Sakuya definitely wrecked you. You were dying, and using multiple bombs in single attacks. You don't have to do her perfectly, but you could really use some practice.
  11. Stage 6: Sakuya midboss should usually be bombed, but not if you have low resources. I don't have much to say about Remilia; you probably didn't do that bad. Everything comes down to her, and you aren't really supposed to do her perfectly.
  14. In general, I can only suggest that you practice. Keep in mind, that it would be a lot more concerning if you did a perfect run, as you would have no room to improve. You have a lot of things to improve, and you can get this run.
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