
Client-side mods added to All the Mods 7

Aug 9th, 2022 (edited)
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  1. Armor Status HUD Renewed (+ BobLib)
  2. 3D Skin Layers
  3. Ambient Environment
  4. AmbientSounds 5 (+ CreativeCore)
  5. Better Animal Models
  6. Better Biome Blend
  7. BetterFoliage Renewed
  8. BetterFPS Render Distance
  9. Better Mods Button
  10. Better Third Person
  11. Boat Item View
  12. ClearDespawn
  13. Drip Sounds
  14. Effective
  15. Improved Mount HUD
  16. Inventory Essentials
  17. Pick Up Notifier (+ PuzzlesLib)
  18. InvMove
  19. InvMoveCompats
  20. ItemBorders
  21. Just Zoom (+ Konkrete)
  22. Nimble
  23. Not Enough Animations
  24. Oculus
  25. Random Block Placement
  26. RebindNarrator
  27. Rubidium
  28. SignTools
  29. Simple Text Overlay
  30. Sound Physics
  31. Starlight
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