Guest User


a guest
Feb 21st, 2012
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  1. <?php
  2. include_once "sglobals.php";
  3. if ( $ir['user_level'] != 2 ) {
  4. echo 'You cannot access this area.<br />&gt; <a href="staff.php">Go Back</a>';
  5. die($h->endpage());
  6. }
  7. switch ( $_GET['action'] ) {
  8. case 'editnews': newspaper_form(); break;
  9. case 'subnews': newspaper_submit(); break;
  10. case 'givedpform': give_dp_form(); break;
  11. case 'givedpsub': give_dp_submit(); break;
  12. case 'stafflist': staff_list(); break;
  13. case 'userlevel': userlevel(); break;
  14. case 'userlevelform': userlevelform(); break;
  15. case 'massmailer': massmailer(); break;
  16. default: echo 'Error: This script requires an action.'; break;
  17. }
  18. function newspaper_form() {
  19. global $db,$ir,$c,$h,$userid;
  20. $q = $db->query("SELECT `content` FROM `papercontent`");
  21. $news = $db->fetch_row($q);
  22. echo "
  23. <h3>Editing Newspaper</h3>
  24. <form action='staff_special.php?action=subnews' method='post'>
  25. <textarea rows='7' cols='35' name='newspaper'>".$news['content']."</textarea>
  26. <br />
  27. <input type='submit' value='Change' />
  28. </form>
  29. ";
  30. }
  31. function newspaper_submit() {
  32. global $db,$ir,$c,$h,$userid;
  33. $news = strip_tags($db->escape($_POST['newspaper']));
  34. $db->query("UPDATE `papercontent` SET `content` = '$news'");
  35. echo 'Newspaper updated!';
  36. stafflog_add("Updated game newspaper");
  37. }
  38. function give_dp_form() {
  39. global $db,$ir,$c,$h,$userid;
  40. echo "
  41. <h3>Giving User DP</h3>
  42. The user will receive the benefits of one 30-day donator pack.
  43. <br />
  44. <form action='staff_special.php?action=givedpsub' method='post'>
  45. User: ".user_dropdown($c,'user')."
  46. <br />
  47. <input type='radio' name='type' value='1' /> Pack 1 (Standard)
  48. <br />
  49. <input type='radio' name='type' value='2' /> Pack 2 (Crystals)
  50. <br />
  51. <input type='radio' name='type' value='3' /> Pack 3 (IQ)
  52. <br />
  53. <input type='radio' name='type' value='4' /> Pack 4 (5.00)
  54. <br />
  55. <input type='radio' name='type' value='5' /> Pack 5 (10.00)
  56. <br />
  57. <input type='submit' value='Give User DP' />
  58. </form>
  59. ";
  60. }
  61. function give_dp_submit() {
  62. global $db,$ir,$c,$h,$userid;
  63. $_POST['user'] = ( isset($_POST['user'])&&is_numeric($_POST['user']) )?abs(intval($_POST['user'])):'';
  64. $_POST['type'] = ( isset($_POST['type'])&&in_array($_POST['type'], array(1,2,3,4,5)) )?$_POST['type']:'';
  65. if ( empty($_POST['user']) OR empty($_POST['type']) ) {
  66. echo 'Something went wrong.<br />&gt; <a href="staff_special.php?action=givedpform">Go Back</a>';
  67. die($h->endpage());
  68. }
  69. if ( $_POST['type'] == 1 ) {
  70. $don = "u.`money` = u.`money` + 5000,u.`crystals` = u.`crystals` + 50,us.`IQ` = us.`IQ` + 50,u.`donatordays` = u.`donatordays` + 30";
  71. $d = 30;
  72. } else if ( $_POST['type'] == 2 ) {
  73. $don = "u.`crystals` = u.`crystals` + 100,u.`donatordays` = u.`donatordays` + 30";
  74. $d = 30;
  75. } else if ( $_POST['type'] == 3 ) {
  76. $don = "us.`IQ` = us.`IQ` + 120,u.`donatordays` = u.`donatordays` + 30";
  77. $d = 30;
  78. } else if ( $_POST['type'] == 4 ) {
  79. $don = "u.`money` = u.`money` + 15000,u.`crystals` = u.`crystals` + 75,us.`IQ` = us.`IQ` + 80,u.`donatordays` = u.`donatordays`+55";
  80. $d = 55;
  81. } else if ( $_POST['type'] == 5 ) {
  82. $don = "u.`money` = u.`money` + 35000,u.`crystals` = u.`crystals` + 160,us.`IQ` = us.`IQ` + 180,u.`donatordays` = u.`donatordays` + 115";
  83. $d = 115;
  84. }
  85. $db->query("UPDATE `users` u LEFT JOIN `userstats` us ON u.`userid` = us.`userid` SET {$don} WHERE u.`userid` = {$_POST['user']}");
  86. event_add($_POST['user'],"You were given one $d -day donator pack (Pack {$_POST['type']}) from the administration.",$c);
  87. stafflog_add("Gave ID {$_POST['user']} a $d -day donator pack (Pack {$_POST['type']})");
  88. echo 'User given a DP.<br />&gt; <a href="staff.php">Go Home</a>';
  89. die($h->endpage());
  90. }
  91. function staff_list() {
  92. global $db,$ir,$c,$h,$userid;
  93. echo "
  94. <h3>Staff Management</h3>
  95. <b>Admins</b>
  96. <br />
  97. <table width='80%' cellpadding='1' cellspacing='1' class='table'>
  98. <tr style='background:gray'>
  99. <th>User</th>
  100. <th>Status</th>
  101. <th>Links</th>
  102. </tr>
  103. ";
  104. $q = $db->query("SELECT `laston`,`userid`,`username` FROM `users` WHERE `user_level` = 2 ORDER BY `userid` ASC");
  105. while ( $r = $db->fetch_row($q) ) {
  106. $on = ( ($r['laston'] >= $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'] - 15) * 60 )?'<span style="color: green;">Online</span>':'<span style="color: red;">Offline</span>';
  107. echo "
  108. <tr>
  109. <td><a href='viewuser.php?u={$r['userid']}'>{$r['username']}</a> [{$r['userid']}]</td>
  110. <td>$on</td>
  111. <td><a href='staff_special.php?action=userlevel&amp;level=3&amp;ID={$r['userid']}' >Secretary</a> &middot; <a href='staff_special.php?action=userlevel&amp;level=5&amp;ID={$r['userid']}' >Assistant</a> &middot; <a href='staff_special.php?action=userlevel&amp;level=1&amp;ID={$r['userid']}' >Member</a></td>
  112. </tr>
  113. ";
  114. }
  115. echo "
  116. </table>
  117. <b>Secretaries</b>
  118. <br />
  119. <table width='80%' cellpadding='1' cellspacing='1' class='table'>
  120. <tr style='background:gray'>
  121. <th>User</th>
  122. <th>Status</th>
  123. <th>Links</th>
  124. </tr>
  125. ";
  126. $q = $db->query("SELECT `laston`,`userid`,`username` FROM `users` WHERE `user_level` = 3 ORDER BY `userid` ASC");
  127. while ( $r = $db->fetch_row($q) ) {
  128. $on = ( ($r['laston'] >= $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'] - 15) * 60 )?'<span style="color: green;">Online</span>':'<span style="color: red;">Offline</span>';
  129. echo "
  130. <tr>
  131. <td><a href='viewuser.php?u={$r['userid']}'>{$r['username']}</a> [{$r['userid']}]</td>
  132. <td>$on</td>
  133. <td><a href='staff_special.php?action=userlevel&amp;level=2&amp;ID={$r['userid']}' >Admin</a> &middot; <a href='staff_special.php?action=userlevel&amp;level=5&amp;ID={$r['userid']}' >Assistant</a> &middot; <a href='staff_special.php?action=userlevel&amp;level=1&amp;ID={$r['userid']}' >Member</a></td>
  134. </tr>
  135. ";
  136. }
  137. echo "
  138. </table>
  139. <b>Assistants</b>
  140. <br />
  141. <table width='80%' cellpadding='1' cellspacing='1' class='table'>
  142. <tr style='background:gray'>
  143. <th>User</th>
  144. <th>Status</th>
  145. <th>Links</th>
  146. </tr>
  147. ";
  148. $q = $db->query("SELECT `laston`,`userid`,`username` FROM `users` WHERE `user_level` = 5 ORDER BY `userid` ASC");
  149. while ( $r = $db->fetch_row($q) ) {
  150. $on = ( ($r['laston'] >= $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'] - 15) * 60 )?'<span style="color: green;">Online</span>':'<span style="color: red;">Offline</span>';
  151. echo "
  152. <tr>
  153. <td><a href='viewuser.php?u={$r['userid']}'>{$r['username']}</a> [{$r['userid']}]</td>
  154. <td>$on</td>
  155. <td><a href='staff_special.php?action=userlevel&amp;level=2&amp;ID={$r['userid']}' >Admin</a> &middot; <a href='staff_special.php?action=userlevel&amp;level=3&amp;ID={$r['userid']}' >Secretary</a> &middot; <a href='staff_special.php?action=userlevel&amp;level=1&amp;ID={$r['userid']}' >Member</a></td>
  156. </tr>
  157. ";
  158. }
  159. echo '</table>';
  160. }
  161. function userlevel() {
  162. global $db,$ir,$c,$h,$userid;
  163. $_GET['level'] = ( isset($_GET['level'])&&in_array($_POST['level'], array(1,2,3,4,5)) )?abs(intval($_GET['level'])):1;
  164. $_GET['ID'] = ( isset($_GET['ID'])&&is_numeric($_GET['ID']) )?abs(intval($_GET['ID'])):'';
  165. $d = $db->query('SELECT `userid` FROM `users` WHERE `userid` = '.$_POST['ID']);
  166. if ( $db->num_rows($d) == 0 ) {
  167. echo 'Invalid user.<br />&gt; <a href="staff_special.php?action=userlevelform">Go Home</a>';
  168. die($h->endpage());
  169. }
  171. $db->query("UPDATE `users` SET `user_level` = {$_POST['level']} WHERE `userid` = {$_POST['ID']}");
  172. stafflog_add('Adjusted user ID '.$_GET['ID'].'\'s staff status.');
  173. echo 'User\'s level adjusted.<br />&gt; <a href="staff.php">Go Home</a>';
  174. die($h->endpage());
  175. }
  176. function userlevelform() {
  177. global $db,$ir,$c,$h,$userid;
  178. echo "
  179. <h3>User Level Adjust</h3>
  180. <form action='staff_special.php?action=userlevel' method='post'>
  181. User: ".user_dropdown($c,'ID')."
  182. <br />
  183. User Level:
  184. <br />
  185. <input type='radio' name='level' value='1' /> Member
  186. <br />
  187. <input type='radio' name='level' value='2' /> Admin
  188. <br />
  189. <input type='radio' name='level' value='3' /> Secretary
  190. <br />
  191. <input type='radio' name='level' value='4' /> IRC Op
  192. <br />
  193. <input type='radio' name='level' value='5' /> Assistant
  194. <br />
  195. <input type='submit' value='Adjust' />
  196. </form>
  197. ";
  198. }
  199. function massmailer() {
  200. global $db,$ir,$c,$userid;
  201. $_POST['text'] = ( isset($_POST['text']) )?strip_tags($db->escape($_POST['text'])):'';
  202. $_POST['cat'] = ( isset($_POST['cat'])&&in_array($_POST['cat'], array(1,2,3)) )?$_POST['cat']:'';
  203. $_POST['level'] = ( isset($_POST['level'])&&in_array($_POST['level'],array(1,2,3,5)) )?$_POST['level']:'';
  204. if ( !empty($_POST['text']) && (!empty($_POST['cat'])&&empty($_POST['level'])) OR (empty($_POST['cat'])&&!empty($_POST['level'])) ) {
  205. $subj = 'Mass mail from Administrator';
  206. if ( $_POST['cat'] == 1 ) {
  207. $q = $db->query("SELECT `userid` FROM `users` WHERE `user_level` != 0");
  208. } else if ( $_POST['cat'] == 2 ) {
  209. $q = $db->query("SELECT `userid` FROM `users` WHERE `user_level` > 1");
  210. } else if ( $_POST['cat'] == 3 ) {
  211. $q = $db->query("SELECT `userid` FROM users WHERE `user_level` = 2");
  212. } else {
  213. $q = $db->query("SELECT `userid` FROM `users` WHERE `user_level` = {$_POST['level']}");
  214. }
  215. $uc = array();
  216. while ( $r = $db->fetch_row($q) ) {
  217. $db->query("INSERT INTO `mail` VALUES('', 0, 0, {$r['userid']}, unix_timestamp(),'$subj','{$_POST['text']}')");
  218. $uc[] = $r['userid'];
  219. }
  221. $us_im = implode(',',$uc);
  222. $db->query('UPDATE `users` SET `new_mail` = `new_mail` + 1 WHERE `userid` IN('.$us_im.')');
  223. echo '
  224. Sent '.count($uc).' Mails.
  225. <br />
  226. &gt; <a href="staff.php">Go Home</a>
  227. ';
  228. } else {
  229. echo "
  230. <b>Mass Mailer</b>
  231. <br />
  232. <form action='staff_special.php?action=massmailer' method='post'> Text:
  233. <br />
  234. <textarea name='text' rows='7' cols='40'></textarea>
  235. <br />
  236. <input type='radio' name='cat' value='1' /> Send to all members <input type='radio' name='cat' value='2' /> Send to staff only <input type='radio' name='cat' value='3' /> Send to admins only
  237. <br />
  238. OR Send to user level:
  239. <br />
  240. <input type='radio' name='level' value='1' /> Member
  241. <br />
  242. <input type='radio' name='level' value='2' /> Admin
  243. <br />
  244. <input type='radio' name='level' value='3' /> Secretary
  245. <br />
  246. <input type='radio' name='level' value='5' /> Assistant
  247. <br />
  248. <input type='submit' value='Send' />
  249. </form>
  250. ";
  251. }
  252. }
  253. $h->endpage();
  254. ?>
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