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a guest
Feb 11th, 2017
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  1. 2017/02/11 10:43:21.377 ServerWMC started.
  2. 2017/02/11 10:43:21.393 Assembly version:, build: 1244
  3. 2017/02/11 10:43:21.393 Config file version: 158
  4. 2017/02/11 10:43:21.393 Build: Release
  5. 2017/02/11 10:43:21.393 Server MachineName: HTPC
  6. 2017/02/11 10:43:21.393 OS: Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Service Pack 1 (x64)
  7. 2017/02/11 10:43:21.393 OS Version: 6.1.7601.65536
  8. 2017/02/11 10:43:22.485 Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3570K CPU @ 3.40GHz
  9. 2017/02/11 10:43:22.485 Graphics: Intel(R) HD Graphics 4000
  10. 2017/02/11 10:43:22.500 -----------------------------------------
  11. 2017/02/11 10:43:22.500 Non-default Config Settings -------------
  12. 2017/02/11 10:43:22.500 isAutoStart: True >>Default: False
  13. 2017/02/11 10:43:22.500 StartupMinimized: True >>Default: False
  14. 2017/02/11 10:43:22.500 IsCloseToSysTray: True >>Default: False
  15. 2017/02/11 10:43:22.500 UseCredentialsInNetworkPath: True >>Default: False
  16. 2017/02/11 10:43:22.500 IsDisablingSleepForMB3Client: True >>Default: False
  17. 2017/02/11 10:43:22.500 RemoveOldMetadataFiles: True >>Default: False
  18. 2017/02/11 10:43:22.500 Updates_AutoApplyUpdates: True >>Default: False
  19. 2017/02/11 10:43:22.500 useEpisodeInTitleString: True >>Default: False
  20. 2017/02/11 10:43:22.500 -----------------------------------------
  21. 2017/02/11 10:43:22.516 MainWindow> Showing splash screen.
  22. 2017/02/11 10:43:22.516 MainWindow> Starting InitializeWorker
  23. 2017/02/11 10:43:22.532 RedirectWMCDLLs> WMC DLL version found in GAC: (win7)
  24. 2017/02/11 10:43:22.532 RedirectWMCDLLs> redirect handlers added
  25. 2017/02/11 10:43:22.563 RecService> Starting ------------------
  26. 2017/02/11 10:43:22.563 EPG> loading...
  27. 2017/02/11 10:43:22.563 EPG> opening store
  28. 2017/02/11 10:43:22.859 EPG> TV store opened OK
  29. 2017/02/11 10:43:22.875 EnumerateRecorders> Tuner Devices and TuningSpaces found:
  30. 2017/02/11 10:43:22.875 EnumerateRecorders> ContentRecorder: 0
  31. 2017/02/11 10:43:22.922 EnumerateRecorders> Device #0
  32. 2017/02/11 10:43:22.922 EnumerateRecorders> Name: AVerMedia 716x BDA ATSC DC Tuner #1, Space: ATSC
  33. 2017/02/11 10:43:22.922 EnumerateRecorders> Guid: 11839e27-56c1-4ee7-87bc-2f0d002f6745
  34. 2017/02/11 10:43:22.922 EnumerateRecorders> ContentRecorder: 1
  35. 2017/02/11 10:43:22.922 EnumerateRecorders> Device #0
  36. 2017/02/11 10:43:22.922 EnumerateRecorders> Name: AVerMedia 716x BDA ATSC DC Tuner #2, Space: ATSC
  37. 2017/02/11 10:43:22.922 EnumerateRecorders> Guid: c9b3d02c-f7f2-46f4-a0f0-df14a4872ce0
  38. 2017/02/11 10:43:22.922 EnumerateRecorders> ContentRecorder: 2
  39. 2017/02/11 10:43:22.922 EnumerateRecorders> Device #0
  40. 2017/02/11 10:43:22.922 EnumerateRecorders> Name: AVerMedia 716x BDA ATSC DC Tuner #3, Space: ATSC
  41. 2017/02/11 10:43:22.922 EnumerateRecorders> Guid: f6ce4732-36d7-45a1-831b-d514de40d84b
  42. 2017/02/11 10:43:22.922 EnumerateRecorders> ContentRecorder: 3
  43. 2017/02/11 10:43:22.922 EnumerateRecorders> Device #0
  44. 2017/02/11 10:43:22.922 EnumerateRecorders> Name: AVerMedia 716x BDA ATSC DC Tuner #4, Space: ATSC
  45. 2017/02/11 10:43:22.922 EnumerateRecorders> Guid: 14639a69-2668-49cf-8752-2d3a1b8f3289
  46. 2017/02/11 10:43:22.922 EnumerateRecorders> ContentRecorder: 4
  47. 2017/02/11 10:43:22.922 EnumerateRecorders> Device #0
  48. 2017/02/11 10:43:22.922 EnumerateRecorders> Name: Hauppauge WinTV-dualHD ATSC Tuner 2, Space: ATSC
  49. 2017/02/11 10:43:22.922 EnumerateRecorders> Guid: 7a1dd304-5656-48aa-94d7-c866bfea0716
  50. 2017/02/11 10:43:22.922 EnumerateRecorders> ContentRecorder: 5
  51. 2017/02/11 10:43:22.922 EnumerateRecorders> Device #0
  52. 2017/02/11 10:43:22.922 EnumerateRecorders> Name: Hauppauge WinTV-dualHD ATSC Tuner, Space: ATSC
  53. 2017/02/11 10:43:22.922 EnumerateRecorders> Guid: 41f87865-ba54-4e64-9812-fe8f959b9b4f
  54. 2017/02/11 10:43:23.000 EnumerateRecorders> done
  55. 2017/02/11 10:43:23.015 GetLineUpsAndChannels> started
  56. 2017/02/11 10:43:23.156 GetLineUpsAndChannels> Total LineUps: 1, Total channels imported: 7
  57. 2017/02/11 10:43:23.156 GetLineUpsAndChannels> Channels found in database: 56
  58. 2017/02/11 10:43:23.156 GetLineUpsAndChannels> Ignored Channels> Blocked in WMC: 49, User hidden: 0
  59. 2017/02/11 10:43:23.156 GetLineUpsAndChannels> Strange Channels> Null space: 0, Out-of-range(ignored): 0
  60. 2017/02/11 10:43:23.156 GetLineUpsAndChannels> Channel Types> SD-only: 1, HD-capable: 6
  61. 2017/02/11 10:43:23.156 GetLineUpsAndChannels> Channels filtered out by _MasterChannelGroup_: 0
  62. 2017/02/11 10:43:23.156 GetLineUpsAndChannels> Radio Channels> TV(audio-only): 0, Presets: 0
  63. 2017/02/11 10:43:23.156 GetLineUpsAndChannels> RadioPresets> Registry: 0, Config: 0
  64. 2017/02/11 10:43:23.156 GetLineUpsAndChannels> Protected Channels> encrypted: 0, DRM: 0
  65. 2017/02/11 10:43:23.156 GetLineUpsAndChannels> Edited Channels> Callsigns: 0, Numbers: 0
  66. 2017/02/11 10:43:23.156 GetLineUpsAndChannels> WMC Channel Groups> Found: 1
  67. 2017/02/11 10:43:23.156 GetLineUpsAndChannels> Ignored WMC Channel Groups> Blocked in WMC: 0, Empty: 0
  68. 2017/02/11 10:43:23.156 GetLineUpsAndChannels> Xml defined Channel Groups> Found: 0
  69. 2017/02/11 10:43:23.156 GetLineUpsAndChannels> Ignored Xml Channel Groups> Empty: 0
  70. 2017/02/11 10:43:23.156 GetLineUpsAndChannels> done
  71. 2017/02/11 10:43:23.156 EPG> loading done
  72. 2017/02/11 10:43:23.514 StartRecordingLibraryWatcher> recording library watcher started OK.
  73. 2017/02/11 10:43:24.575 RecService> EventScheduler started
  74. 2017/02/11 10:43:24.575 SetupFileSystemWatcher> Initialized FileSystemWatcher for E:\Recorded TV
  75. 2017/02/11 10:43:24.591 DecoyManager> Timer started
  76. 2017/02/11 10:43:24.591 LoadGenreDictXML> C:\Program Files (x86)\ServerWMC\GenreDict.xml loaded OK, entries found: 175
  77. 2017/02/11 10:43:24.591 LoadGenreDictXML> C:\ProgramData\VDsoftware\ServerWMC\GenreDict.xml loaded OK, entries found: 224
  78. 2017/02/11 10:43:24.591 LoadGenreDictXML> >> genre re-definitions: 0, genres still undefined: 51
  79. 2017/02/11 10:43:24.606 CheckChannelIcons> Channel icons successfully processed: 6 (epg: 6, user: 0)
  80. 2017/02/11 10:43:24.606 RecService> -------------(DONE)----------------
  81. 2017/02/11 10:43:24.606 HandleFolders ------------------------------------
  82. 2017/02/11 10:43:24.622 Local WMC 'RecTV' folder: 'E:\Recorded TV', ShareStatus: OK
  83. 2017/02/11 10:43:24.622 Format: NTFS
  84. 2017/02/11 10:43:24.622 Stored Network 'Recorded tv' path:
  85. 2017/02/11 10:43:24.622 > Samba: smb://kodi:****@ TV
  86. 2017/02/11 10:43:24.638 > UNC: \\\Recorded TV, ShareStatus: OK
  87. 2017/02/11 10:43:24.638 HandleFolders -------------(DONE)----------------
  88. 2017/02/11 10:43:24.794 SocketServer> starting up SocketServer
  89. 2017/02/11 10:43:24.794 SocketServer> permission to access sockets granted
  90. 2017/02/11 10:43:24.794 SocketServer> socket object created
  91. 2017/02/11 10:43:24.794 SocketServer> The first listed ethernet interface will be used for client Wake On LAN target - use MACAddressOverride setting to change:
  92. 2017/02/11 10:43:24.809 SocketServer> [1] Interface: 'Qualcomm Atheros AR8151 PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet Controller (NDIS 6.20)' MAC: 90:2B:34:3F:9E:53
  93. 2017/02/11 10:43:24.809 SocketServer> started on port: 9080
  94. 2017/02/11 10:43:24.809 WCF service not started as requested
  95. 2017/02/11 10:43:24.809 Worker::Init> PrimeTimeRecordings not enabled
  96. 2017/02/11 10:43:24.809 Worker::Init> MaintenanceTimer started
  97. 2017/02/11 10:43:24.809 Worker::Init> VideoInactivityTimer started
  98. 2017/02/11 10:43:24.809 MaintenanceTimer> Callback started...
  99. 2017/02/11 10:43:24.825 Updater> Checking for updates...
  100. 2017/02/11 10:43:24.840 InitializeWorker> successfully started: True
  101. 2017/02/11 10:43:25.043 XmlRecordStore> Recording objects loaded: 0
  102. 2017/02/11 10:43:25.205 MaintenanceTimer> Callback completed in 0.40 sec.
  103. 2017/02/11 10:43:25.312 Current version still up to date.
  104. 2017/02/11 10:43:25.312 Updater> Current version 1.0.1244.0 is up to date
  105. 2017/02/11 10:43:25.312 Updater> Next check at 2/11/2017 2:00:00 PM
  106. 2017/02/11 10:44:24.904 New client connected: client: 'Kodi^localhost', IP:, machine: 'localhost', isRemote: True
  107. 2017/02/11 10:44:24.920 > path to Recorded TV Folder: 'smb://kodi****i@ TV'
  108. 2017/02/11 10:44:24.920 AddonVersion> client: 'Kodi^localhost' has addon/plugin version: 1.3.0, OS: linux
  109. 2017/02/11 10:44:24.951 Received client request: localhost||GetServerVersion|2017-02-11 15:44:18|
  110. 2017/02/11 10:44:24.951 Finished request GetServerVersion in 0.00s
  111. 2017/02/11 10:44:25.122 Received client request: localhost||GetChannels|False
  112. 2017/02/11 10:44:25.200 Finished request GetChannels in 0.08s
  113. 2017/02/11 10:44:25.200 Received client request: localhost||GetChannelGroups|False
  114. 2017/02/11 10:44:25.200 Finished request GetChannelGroups in 0.00s
  115. 2017/02/11 10:44:25.216 Received client request: localhost||GetChannelGroupMembers|False|Most Viewed
  116. 2017/02/11 10:44:25.216 Finished request GetChannelGroupMembers in 0.00s
  117. 2017/02/11 10:44:26.932 Received client request: localhost||GetChannels|True
  118. 2017/02/11 10:44:26.932 Finished request GetChannels in 0.00s
  119. 2017/02/11 10:44:26.932 Received client request: localhost||GetChannelGroups|True
  120. 2017/02/11 10:44:26.932 Finished request GetChannelGroups in 0.00s
  121. 2017/02/11 10:44:26.963 Received client request: localhost||GetChannelGroupMembers|True|Most Viewed
  122. 2017/02/11 10:44:26.963 Finished request GetChannelGroupMembers in 0.00s
  123. 2017/02/11 10:44:26.979 Received client request: localhost||GetSeriesTimers
  124. 2017/02/11 10:44:27.478 GetSeriesTimers> series/repeating timers[105] returned to 'Kodi^localhost' in 0.48 sec
  125. 2017/02/11 10:44:27.478 Finished request GetSeriesTimers in 0.50s
  126. 2017/02/11 10:44:27.572 Received client request: localhost||GetTimers
  127. 2017/02/11 10:44:27.572 TimerCache_Refresh> [Init] Cache background refresh started.
  128. 2017/02/11 10:44:28.055 GetTimersCached> Cached timers[94] returned to 'Kodi^localhost' in 0.48 sec
  129. 2017/02/11 10:44:28.055 TimerCache_WorkerCompleted> [Init] Cache background refresh completed in 0.48 sec, client: Kodi^localhost.
  130. 2017/02/11 10:44:28.055 Finished request GetTimers in 0.48s
  131. 2017/02/11 10:44:28.196 Received client request: localhost||GetRecordings
  132. 2017/02/11 10:44:28.196 RecordingCache_Refresh> [Init] Cache background refresh started.
  133. 2017/02/11 10:44:28.352 GetRecordings_Refresh> Total process time 0.11 sec
  134. 2017/02/11 10:44:28.352 GetRecordings_Refresh> Completed for client Kodi^localhost, results:
  135. 2017/02/11 10:44:28.352 GetRecordings_Refresh> Transfered: RecTV folder files: 47, watched files: 0
  136. 2017/02/11 10:44:28.352 GetRecordings_Refresh> Transfered: Recordings returned with empty paths: 0
  137. 2017/02/11 10:44:28.352 GetRecordings_Refresh> Ignored: local files: 0, temp files: 0
  138. 2017/02/11 10:44:28.352 GetRecordings_Refresh> Weird files: no program: 0, no channel: 0, orphaned: 0
  139. 2017/02/11 10:44:28.352 GetRecordings_Refresh> Misc: drm: 0, icons: 46, instantRec: 0, metaDataReads: 0, urls: 0, primeTimeRecs: 0
  140. 2017/02/11 10:44:28.352 GetRecordings_Refresh> Invalid StartTimes: 0
  141. 2017/02/11 10:44:28.352 GetRecordingsCached> Cached recordings[47] returned to 'Kodi^localhost' in 0.16 sec
  142. 2017/02/11 10:44:28.352 RecordingCache_WorkerCompleted> [Init] Cache background refresh completed in 0.16 sec, client: Kodi^localhost.
  143. 2017/02/11 10:44:28.352 Finished request GetRecordings in 0.16s
  144. 2017/02/11 10:44:28.508 Received client request: localhost||GetSeriesTimers
  145. 2017/02/11 10:44:28.882 GetSeriesTimers> series/repeating timers[105] returned to 'Kodi^localhost' in 0.37 sec
  146. 2017/02/11 10:44:28.882 Finished request GetSeriesTimers in 0.37s
  147. 2017/02/11 10:44:28.944 Received client request: localhost||GetTimers
  148. 2017/02/11 10:44:28.944 GetTimersCached> Cached timers[94] returned to 'Kodi^localhost' in 0.00 sec
  149. 2017/02/11 10:44:28.944 Finished request GetTimers in 0.00s
  150. 2017/02/11 10:44:29.522 Received client request: localhost||GetEntries|211516327|1486741463|1487087063
  151. 2017/02/11 10:44:29.584 GetEntries> Channel: WCMHHD/4.1, EPG entries: 111
  152. 2017/02/11 10:44:29.584 Finished request GetEntries in 0.06s
  153. 2017/02/11 10:44:29.678 Received client request: localhost||GetEntries|211516329|1486741463|1487087063
  154. 2017/02/11 10:44:29.709 GetEntries> Channel: WSYXH/6.1, EPG entries: 119
  155. 2017/02/11 10:44:29.709 Finished request GetEntries in 0.03s
  156. 2017/02/11 10:44:29.787 Received client request: localhost||GetEntries|211516331|1486741463|1487087063
  157. 2017/02/11 10:44:29.818 GetEntries> Channel: WBNSHD/10.1, EPG entries: 109
  158. 2017/02/11 10:44:29.818 Finished request GetEntries in 0.03s
  159. 2017/02/11 10:44:29.880 Received client request: localhost||GetEntries|211516341|1486741463|1487087063
  160. 2017/02/11 10:44:29.927 GetEntries> Channel: WTTEH/28.1, EPG entries: 147
  161. 2017/02/11 10:44:29.927 Finished request GetEntries in 0.05s
  162. 2017/02/11 10:44:30.036 Received client request: localhost||GetEntries|211516364|1486741463|1487087063
  163. 2017/02/11 10:44:30.083 GetEntries> Channel: WWHO-DT/53.1, EPG entries: 147
  164. 2017/02/11 10:44:30.083 Finished request GetEntries in 0.05s
  165. 2017/02/11 10:44:30.161 Received client request: localhost||GetEntries|211516366|1486741463|1487087063
  166. 2017/02/11 10:44:30.177 GetEntries> Channel: ION/4.3, EPG entries: 110
  167. 2017/02/11 10:44:30.177 Finished request GetEntries in 0.02s
  168. 2017/02/11 10:44:30.239 Received client request: localhost||GetEntries|211865942|1486741463|1487087063
  169. 2017/02/11 10:44:30.270 GetEntries> Channel: W44DC/44.1, EPG entries: 99
  170. 2017/02/11 10:44:30.270 Finished request GetEntries in 0.03s
  171. 2017/02/11 10:44:30.317 Received client request: localhost||GetSeriesTimers
  172. 2017/02/11 10:44:30.707 GetSeriesTimers> series/repeating timers[105] returned to 'Kodi^localhost' in 0.39 sec
  173. 2017/02/11 10:44:30.707 Finished request GetSeriesTimers in 0.39s
  174. 2017/02/11 10:44:30.785 Received client request: localhost||GetTimers
  175. 2017/02/11 10:44:30.785 GetTimersCached> Cached timers[94] returned to 'Kodi^localhost' in 0.00 sec
  176. 2017/02/11 10:44:30.785 Finished request GetTimers in 0.00s
  177. 2017/02/11 10:44:55.605 Received client request: localhost||OpenLiveStream|211516331|0|10|WBNSHD/10.1
  178. 2017/02/11 10:44:55.605 OpenLiveStream> -----------------start------------------------
  179. 2017/02/11 10:44:55.605 OpenLiveStream> client: Kodi^localhost requesting live stream on channel WBNSHD/10.1
  180. 2017/02/11 10:44:55.621 LiveRemuxStream> live-tv started
  181. 2017/02/11 10:44:55.636 SetChannel> Channel: 10.1 : WBNSHD - C9B7BAB = { (10.1 : WBNSHD - C3B2ACB) + [ 10.1 : WBNSHD - C9B7A25] }
  182. 2017/02/11 10:44:55.636 SetChannel> Tuners available for this channel: 6
  183. 2017/02/11 10:44:55.636 SetChannel> Tuner DecoyMethod: OnDemand
  184. 2017/02/11 10:44:55.636 SetChannel> ---
  185. 2017/02/11 10:44:55.636 SetChannel> Attempt: 0, Tuner: Hauppauge WinTV-dualHD ATSC Tuner / 41f87865-ba54-4e64-9812-fe8f959b9b4f
  186. 2017/02/11 10:44:55.636 SetChannel> > Encrypted: False
  187. 2017/02/11 10:44:55.636 SetChannel> > RecorderInfo found: True
  188. 2017/02/11 10:44:55.636 SetChannel> > Recorder Content Protection: PROT_COPY_FREE
  189. 2017/02/11 10:44:55.652 SetChannel> > Status: Available, client:
  190. 2017/02/11 10:44:55.652 SetChannel> *** requested number of available tuners found, stopping search ***
  191. 2017/02/11 10:44:55.652 SetChannel> ---
  192. 2017/02/11 10:44:55.652 SetChannel> available tuners found: 1 [decoys:0], requested: 1, searched: 1
  193. 2017/02/11 10:44:55.652 SetChannel> Tuner: Hauppauge WinTV-dualHD ATSC Tuner will be used for the live stream
  194. 2017/02/11 10:44:55.667 SetChannel> Recorder acquired: True
  195. 2017/02/11 10:44:55.667 SetChannel> TuneRequest set
  196. 2017/02/11 10:44:55.683 LiveRemuxStream> wtv recording started in 0.06 sec
  197. 2017/02/11 10:44:55.683 LiveRemuxStream> stream output file: LiveTV_Kodi^localhost_ATSC_10.1_2017_02_11_10_44_55.ts
  198. 2017/02/11 10:44:55.683 LiveRemuxStream> started remux thread: 'WBNSHD-10.1:211516331'
  199. 2017/02/11 10:44:55.761 Remux::ctor> input settings:
  200. 2017/02/11 10:44:55.761 > Search packet data for detailed stream info on all streams: False
  201. 2017/02/11 10:44:55.761 > Process only audio streams: False
  202. 2017/02/11 10:44:55.761 > Drop all video streams from output if found: False
  203. 2017/02/11 10:44:55.761 Remux::Start> Starting descriptor scan...
  204. 2017/02/11 10:44:55.777 Remux::FindDescriptors> Forcing detailed stream info analysis: False
  205. 2017/02/11 10:44:55.777 Remux::FindDescriptors> Scanning wtv for streams...
  206. 2017/02/11 10:44:57.323 Parse> Guid: 0 took 1.48 sec, it was attempted 112 times
  207. 2017/02/11 10:44:57.333 Parse> Next 4 Guids: 0.01 sec, 0.00 sec, 0.00 sec, 0.00 sec,
  208. 2017/02/11 10:44:57.343 Parse> Language 'eng' for stream Id 100
  209. 2017/02/11 10:44:57.343 Parse> Language 'spa' for stream Id 102
  210. 2017/02/11 10:44:57.363 WaitUntilTrueOrTimeout> remux data found
  211. 2017/02/11 10:44:58.193 Parse> Total Descriptor parse time: 2.35 sec
  212. 2017/02/11 10:44:58.193 Pass Type: 'Descriptor':
  213. 2017/02/11 10:44:58.193 > WtvToPesDemuxer::Parse> total guid headers processed: 500 (Min:500 - Max:2,000)
  214. 2017/02/11 10:44:58.193 > WtvToPesDemuxer::Parse> total data packets processed: 97
  215. 2017/02/11 10:44:58.193 Remux::FindDescriptors> wtv scanned (2.42 sec), Streams found:
  216. 2017/02/11 10:44:58.193 > Audio: ID:100 (eng) ac3 5.1 48000 Hz 384 kb/s
  217. 2017/02/11 10:44:58.193 > Video: ID:101 mpeg2video MP-HL 1920x1080i fps: 30000/1001 AR: 16:9 (PTS_not_mono)
  218. 2017/02/11 10:44:58.193 > Audio: ID:102 (spa) ac3 2.0 48000 Hz 128 kb/s
  219. 2017/02/11 10:44:58.193 > SubTitle: ID:103 ClosedCaption
  220. 2017/02/11 10:44:58.203 Remux::FindDescriptors> Output streams:
  221. 2017/02/11 10:44:58.203 > Audio: ID:100 (eng) ac3 5.1 48000 Hz 384 kb/s
  222. 2017/02/11 10:44:58.203 > Video: ID:101 mpeg2video MP-HL 1920x1080i fps: 30000/1001 AR: 16:9 (PTS_not_mono)
  223. 2017/02/11 10:44:58.203 > Audio: ID:102 (spa) ac3 2.0 48000 Hz 128 kb/s
  224. 2017/02/11 10:44:58.203 Remux::FindDescriptors> ended successfully.
  225. 2017/02/11 10:44:58.213 GetLinearStream> Stream used: ID:100 (eng) ac3 5.1 48000 Hz 384 kb/s
  226. 2017/02/11 10:44:58.223 Remux::Start> Starting data remux...
  227. 2017/02/11 10:44:59.193 WriteChunk> first output file write occurred
  228. 2017/02/11 10:44:59.213 LiveRemuxStream> 'ts' file created, size: 589,824 in 3.53 sec
  229. 2017/02/11 10:44:59.213 LiveRemuxStream> total time: 3.59 sec
  230. 2017/02/11 10:44:59.213 OpenLiveStream> stream path returned to client: smb://kodi:****@ TV/TempSWMC/LiveTV_Kodi^localhost_ATSC_10.1_2017_02_11_10_44_55.ts
  231. 2017/02/11 10:44:59.213 OpenLiveStream> -----------------done-------------------------
  232. 2017/02/11 10:44:59.223 Finished request OpenLiveStream in 3.62s
  233. 2017/02/11 10:44:59.253 Received client request: localhost||GetBufferTimes|0
  234. 2017/02/11 10:44:59.253 Finished request GetBufferTimes in 0.00s
  235. 2017/02/11 10:45:08.243 Received client request: localhost||GetBufferTimes|17498084
  236. 2017/02/11 10:45:08.243 Finished request GetBufferTimes in 0.00s
  237. 2017/02/11 10:45:09.813 Received client request: localhost||GetBufferTimes|20611040
  238. 2017/02/11 10:45:09.813 Finished request GetBufferTimes in 0.00s
  239. 2017/02/11 10:45:11.443 Received client request: localhost||GetBufferTimes|24150016
  240. 2017/02/11 10:45:11.443 Finished request GetBufferTimes in 0.00s
  241. 2017/02/11 10:45:13.043 Received client request: localhost||GetBufferTimes|27000832
  242. 2017/02/11 10:45:13.043 Finished request GetBufferTimes in 0.00s
  243. 2017/02/11 10:45:14.673 Received client request: localhost||GetBufferTimes|30572544
  244. 2017/02/11 10:45:14.673 Finished request GetBufferTimes in 0.00s
  245. 2017/02/11 10:45:16.273 Received client request: localhost||GetBufferTimes|33554432
  246. 2017/02/11 10:45:16.273 Finished request GetBufferTimes in 0.00s
  247. 2017/02/11 10:45:17.873 Received client request: localhost||GetBufferTimes|36438016
  248. 2017/02/11 10:45:17.873 Finished request GetBufferTimes in 0.00s
  249. 2017/02/11 10:45:19.513 Received client request: localhost||GetBufferTimes|39452672
  250. 2017/02/11 10:45:19.513 Finished request GetBufferTimes in 0.00s
  251. 2017/02/11 10:45:21.113 Received client request: localhost||GetBufferTimes|42467328
  252. 2017/02/11 10:45:21.113 Finished request GetBufferTimes in 0.00s
  253. 2017/02/11 10:45:23.923 Received client request: localhost||GetBufferTimes|47710194
  254. 2017/02/11 10:45:23.923 Finished request GetBufferTimes in 0.00s
  255. 2017/02/11 10:45:25.563 Received client request: localhost||GetBufferTimes|51478490
  256. 2017/02/11 10:45:25.563 Finished request GetBufferTimes in 0.00s
  257. 2017/02/11 10:45:27.153 Received client request: localhost||GetBufferTimes|54689792
  258. 2017/02/11 10:45:27.153 Finished request GetBufferTimes in 0.00s
  259. 2017/02/11 10:45:28.753 Received client request: localhost||GetBufferTimes|57180160
  260. 2017/02/11 10:45:28.753 Finished request GetBufferTimes in 0.00s
  261. 2017/02/11 10:45:30.393 Received client request: localhost||GetBufferTimes|60129280
  262. 2017/02/11 10:45:30.393 Finished request GetBufferTimes in 0.00s
  263. 2017/02/11 10:45:31.993 Received client request: localhost||GetBufferTimes|63733760
  264. 2017/02/11 10:45:31.993 Finished request GetBufferTimes in 0.00s
  265. 2017/02/11 10:45:33.653 Received client request: localhost||GetBufferTimes|66256896
  266. 2017/02/11 10:45:33.653 Finished request GetBufferTimes in 0.00s
  267. 2017/02/11 10:45:34.463 Received client request: localhost||GetBufferTimes|67633152
  268. 2017/02/11 10:45:34.463 Finished request GetBufferTimes in 0.00s
  269. 2017/02/11 10:45:35.283 Received client request: localhost||GetBufferTimes|69632000
  270. 2017/02/11 10:45:35.283 Finished request GetBufferTimes in 0.01s
  271. 2017/02/11 10:45:35.593 Received client request: localhost||OpenLiveStream|211516364|0|53|WWHO-DT/53.1
  272. 2017/02/11 10:45:35.593 OpenLiveStream> -----------------start------------------------
  273. 2017/02/11 10:45:35.603 OpenLiveStream> client: Kodi^localhost requesting live stream on channel WWHO-DT/53.1
  274. 2017/02/11 10:45:35.603 Remux::Stop> stop remux requested
  275. 2017/02/11 10:45:35.613 WtvToPesDemuxer::Parse> Guid header detects stream end
  276. 2017/02/11 10:45:35.613 Pass Type: 'Remux':
  277. 2017/02/11 10:45:35.613 > WtvToPesDemuxer::Parse> total guid headers processed: 20,758
  278. 2017/02/11 10:45:35.613 > WtvToPesDemuxer::Parse> total data packets processed: 3,194
  279. 2017/02/11 10:45:35.633 Remux> ENDED, >>>>>>>>>> Run Time: 0.62 min <<<<<<<<<<
  280. 2017/02/11 10:45:35.643 LiveRemuxStream::Close> remux stopped successfully
  281. 2017/02/11 10:45:35.693 DeleteTS> ts file size: 73,891,840
  282. 2017/02/11 10:45:36.153 LiveRemuxStream::Close> ts file deleted: E:\Recorded TV\TempSWMC\LiveTV_Kodi^localhost_ATSC_10.1_2017_02_11_10_44_55.ts
  283. 2017/02/11 10:45:36.153 RecordToWTV::Close> isPassive is False => COM recorder will be stopped
  284. 2017/02/11 10:45:36.751 LiveRemuxStream::Close> wtv closed successfully
  285. 2017/02/11 10:45:36.813 LiveRemuxStream::Close> wtv file size: 74,186,752 (0x46C0000)
  286. 2017/02/11 10:45:36.813 LiveRemuxStream::Close> wtv file deleted: E:\Recorded TV\TempSWMC\LiveTV_Kodi^localhost_ATSC_10.1_2017_02_11_10_44_55.wtv
  287. 2017/02/11 10:45:36.813 LiveRemuxStream::Close> closed in 1.21 sec
  288. 2017/02/11 10:45:36.813 Close> closed stream for client: Kodi^localhost
  289. 2017/02/11 10:45:36.813 LiveRemuxStream> live-tv started
  290. 2017/02/11 10:45:36.813 SetChannel> Channel: 53.1 : WWHO-DT - C9B7BCC = { (53.1 : WWHO-DT - C3B2B17) + [ 53.1 : WWHO-DT - C9B7B4E] }
  291. 2017/02/11 10:45:36.813 SetChannel> Tuners available for this channel: 6
  292. 2017/02/11 10:45:36.813 SetChannel> Tuner DecoyMethod: OnDemand
  293. 2017/02/11 10:45:36.813 SetChannel> ---
  294. 2017/02/11 10:45:36.813 SetChannel> Attempt: 0, Tuner: Hauppauge WinTV-dualHD ATSC Tuner / 41f87865-ba54-4e64-9812-fe8f959b9b4f
  295. 2017/02/11 10:45:36.813 SetChannel> > Encrypted: False
  296. 2017/02/11 10:45:36.813 OnFileDeleted> FileSystemWatcher detected file deleted: E:\Recorded TV\TempSWMC\LiveTV_Kodi^localhost_ATSC_10.1_2017_02_11_10_44_55.wtv
  297. 2017/02/11 10:45:36.813 SetChannel> > RecorderInfo found: True
  298. 2017/02/11 10:45:36.813 SetChannel> > Recorder Content Protection: PROT_COPY_FREE
  299. 2017/02/11 10:45:36.813 SetChannel> > Status: Available, client:
  300. 2017/02/11 10:45:36.813 SetChannel> *** requested number of available tuners found, stopping search ***
  301. 2017/02/11 10:45:36.813 SetChannel> ---
  302. 2017/02/11 10:45:36.813 SetChannel> available tuners found: 1 [decoys:0], requested: 1, searched: 1
  303. 2017/02/11 10:45:36.813 SetChannel> Tuner: Hauppauge WinTV-dualHD ATSC Tuner will be used for the live stream
  304. 2017/02/11 10:45:36.813 SetChannel> Recorder acquired: True
  305. 2017/02/11 10:45:36.813 SetChannel> TuneRequest set
  306. 2017/02/11 10:45:36.813 LiveRemuxStream> wtv recording started in 0.00 sec
  307. 2017/02/11 10:45:36.813 LiveRemuxStream> stream output file: LiveTV_Kodi^localhost_ATSC_53.1_2017_02_11_10_45_36.ts
  308. 2017/02/11 10:45:36.813 LiveRemuxStream> started remux thread: 'WWHO-DT-53.1:211516364'
  309. 2017/02/11 10:45:36.891 Remux::ctor> input settings:
  310. 2017/02/11 10:45:36.891 > Search packet data for detailed stream info on all streams: False
  311. 2017/02/11 10:45:36.891 > Process only audio streams: False
  312. 2017/02/11 10:45:36.891 > Drop all video streams from output if found: False
  313. 2017/02/11 10:45:36.891 Remux::Start> Starting descriptor scan...
  314. 2017/02/11 10:45:36.891 Remux::FindDescriptors> Forcing detailed stream info analysis: False
  315. 2017/02/11 10:45:36.891 Remux::FindDescriptors> Scanning wtv for streams...
  316. 2017/02/11 10:45:43.478 Parse> Guid: 0 took 6.59 sec, it was attempted 620 times
  317. 2017/02/11 10:45:43.478 Parse> Next 4 Guids: 0.00 sec, 0.00 sec, 0.00 sec, 0.00 sec,
  318. 2017/02/11 10:45:47.138 WaitForTsFile> **** error: timeout reached waiting for stream data ****
  319. 2017/02/11 10:45:47.138 LiveRemuxStream> process start error: No data was found in live stream, timeout: 10,000 ms reached. calling Close()
  320. 2017/02/11 10:45:47.138 Remux::Stop> caller is requesting to stop remux thread before descriptors are found
  321. 2017/02/11 10:45:47.138 Remux::Stop> stop remux requested
  322. 2017/02/11 10:45:47.148 WtvToPesDemuxer::Parse> Guid header detects stream end
  323. 2017/02/11 10:45:47.148 Parse> Total Descriptor parse time: 10.26 sec
  324. 2017/02/11 10:45:47.148 Pass Type: 'Descriptor':
  325. 2017/02/11 10:45:47.148 > WtvToPesDemuxer::Parse> total guid headers processed: 15 (Min:500 - Max:2,000)
  326. 2017/02/11 10:45:47.148 > WtvToPesDemuxer::Parse> total data packets processed: 0
  327. 2017/02/11 10:45:47.158 Remux::FindDescriptors> no streams descriptors were found.
  328. 2017/02/11 10:45:47.158 Remux::FindDescriptors> error: no audio or video stream found - aborting remux
  329. 2017/02/11 10:45:47.158 Remux> error: System.Exception: FindDescriptors failed
  330. at Remuxer.Remux.Start(String clientName, String outFullFileName)
  331. 2017/02/11 10:45:47.158 Remuxer::Start> warning: no MuxFilter output in list during remux shutdown.
  332. 2017/02/11 10:45:47.158 Remux> requesting E:\Recorded TV\TempSWMC\LiveTV_Kodi^localhost_ATSC_53.1_2017_02_11_10_45_36.wtv be saved from deletion
  333. 2017/02/11 10:45:47.158 Remux> ENDED, >>>>>>>>>> Run Time: 0.00 min <<<<<<<<<<
  334. 2017/02/11 10:45:47.178 LiveRemuxStream::Close> remux stopped successfully
  335. 2017/02/11 10:45:47.178 LiveRemuxStream::Close> error closing stream: System.InvalidOperationException: Sequence contains no elements
  336. at System.Linq.Enumerable.First[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)
  337. at Remuxer.Remux.OutFullFileName()
  338. at ServerWMC.Worker.LiveRemuxStream.Close()
  339. 2017/02/11 10:45:47.178 OpenLiveStream> error: No data was found in live stream, timeout: 10,000 ms reached.
  340. 2017/02/11 10:45:47.178 Finished request OpenLiveStream in 11.58s
  341. 2017/02/11 10:45:47.478 Received client request: localhost||CloseLiveStream
  342. 2017/02/11 10:45:47.478 CloseStream> -----------------start------------------------
  343. 2017/02/11 10:45:47.478 CloseStream> -----------------done-------------------------
  344. 2017/02/11 10:45:47.478 Finished request CloseLiveStream in 0.00s
  345. 2017/02/11 10:46:43.818 Received client request: localhost||GetResumePosition|10977524305649310
  346. 2017/02/11 10:46:43.818 Finished request GetResumePosition in 0.00s
  347. 2017/02/11 10:46:54.198 Received client request: localhost||GetResumePosition|10977524305649311
  348. 2017/02/11 10:46:54.198 Finished request GetResumePosition in 0.00s
  349. 2017/02/11 10:47:37.018 Received client request: localhost||GetServerVersion|2017-02-11 15:47:30|
  350. 2017/02/11 10:47:37.028 Finished request GetServerVersion in 0.01s
  351. 2017/02/11 10:47:37.348 Received client request: localhost||GetChannels|False
  352. 2017/02/11 10:47:37.394 Finished request GetChannels in 0.05s
  353. 2017/02/11 10:47:37.409 Received client request: localhost||GetChannelGroups|False
  354. 2017/02/11 10:47:37.409 Finished request GetChannelGroups in 0.00s
  355. 2017/02/11 10:47:37.409 Received client request: localhost||GetChannelGroupMembers|False|Most Viewed
  356. 2017/02/11 10:47:37.409 Finished request GetChannelGroupMembers in 0.00s
  357. 2017/02/11 10:47:37.440 Received client request: localhost||GetChannels|True
  358. 2017/02/11 10:47:37.440 Finished request GetChannels in 0.00s
  359. 2017/02/11 10:47:37.440 Received client request: localhost||GetChannelGroups|True
  360. 2017/02/11 10:47:37.440 Finished request GetChannelGroups in 0.00s
  361. 2017/02/11 10:47:37.456 Received client request: localhost||GetChannelGroupMembers|True|Most Viewed
  362. 2017/02/11 10:47:37.456 Finished request GetChannelGroupMembers in 0.00s
  363. 2017/02/11 10:47:37.456 Received client request: localhost||GetSeriesTimers
  364. 2017/02/11 10:47:37.924 GetSeriesTimers> series/repeating timers[105] returned to 'Kodi^localhost' in 0.47 sec
  365. 2017/02/11 10:47:37.924 Finished request GetSeriesTimers in 0.47s
  366. 2017/02/11 10:47:37.971 Received client request: localhost||GetTimers
  367. 2017/02/11 10:47:37.971 GetTimersCached> Cached timers[94] returned to 'Kodi^localhost' in 0.00 sec
  368. 2017/02/11 10:47:37.971 Finished request GetTimers in 0.00s
  369. 2017/02/11 10:47:38.080 Received client request: localhost||GetRecordings
  370. 2017/02/11 10:47:38.080 GetRecordingsCached> Cached recordings[47] returned to 'Kodi^localhost' in 0.00 sec
  371. 2017/02/11 10:47:38.080 Finished request GetRecordings in 0.00s
  372. 2017/02/11 10:47:39.390 Received client request: localhost||GetSeriesTimers
  373. 2017/02/11 10:47:39.796 GetSeriesTimers> series/repeating timers[105] returned to 'Kodi^localhost' in 0.41 sec
  374. 2017/02/11 10:47:39.796 Finished request GetSeriesTimers in 0.41s
  375. 2017/02/11 10:47:39.890 Received client request: localhost||GetTimers
  376. 2017/02/11 10:47:39.890 GetTimersCached> Cached timers[94] returned to 'Kodi^localhost' in 0.00 sec
  377. 2017/02/11 10:47:39.890 Finished request GetTimers in 0.00s
  378. 2017/02/11 10:51:24.826 MaintenanceTimer> Callback started...
  379. 2017/02/11 10:51:24.826 MaintenanceTimer> temporary files deleted: 1
  380. 2017/02/11 10:51:24.826 RecordingCache_Refresh> [TimerMaintenance] Cache background refresh started.
  381. 2017/02/11 10:51:24.826 TimerCache_Refresh> [TimerMaintenance] Cache background refresh started.
  382. 2017/02/11 10:51:24.826 MaintenanceTimer> Callback completed in 0.00 sec.
  383. 2017/02/11 10:51:24.826 OnFileDeleted> FileSystemWatcher detected file deleted: E:\Recorded TV\TempSWMC\LiveTV_Kodi^localhost_ATSC_53.1_2017_02_11_10_45_36.wtv
  384. 2017/02/11 10:51:25.076 RecordingCache_WorkerCompleted> [TimerMaintenance] Cache background refresh completed in 0.25 sec, client: Kodi^localhost.
  385. 2017/02/11 10:51:25.388 TimerCache_WorkerCompleted> [TimerMaintenance] Cache background refresh completed in 0.56 sec, client: Kodi^localhost.
  386. 2017/02/11 10:52:39.472 Received client request: localhost||GetSeriesTimers
  387. 2017/02/11 10:52:39.862 GetSeriesTimers> series/repeating timers[105] returned to 'Kodi^localhost' in 0.39 sec
  388. 2017/02/11 10:52:39.862 Finished request GetSeriesTimers in 0.39s
  389. 2017/02/11 10:52:39.940 Received client request: localhost||GetTimers
  390. 2017/02/11 10:52:39.940 GetTimersCached> Cached timers[94] returned to 'Kodi^localhost' in 0.00 sec
  391. 2017/02/11 10:52:39.940 Finished request GetTimers in 0.00s
  392. 2017/02/11 10:52:40.003 Received client request: localhost||GetRecordings
  393. 2017/02/11 10:52:40.003 GetRecordingsCached> Cached recordings[47] returned to 'Kodi^localhost' in 0.00 sec
  394. 2017/02/11 10:52:40.003 Finished request GetRecordings in 0.00s
  395. 2017/02/11 10:57:39.523 Received client request: localhost||GetSeriesTimers
  396. 2017/02/11 10:57:39.913 GetSeriesTimers> series/repeating timers[105] returned to 'Kodi^localhost' in 0.39 sec
  397. 2017/02/11 10:57:39.913 Finished request GetSeriesTimers in 0.39s
  398. 2017/02/11 10:57:39.976 Received client request: localhost||GetTimers
  399. 2017/02/11 10:57:39.976 GetTimersCached> Cached timers[94] returned to 'Kodi^localhost' in 0.00 sec
  400. 2017/02/11 10:57:39.991 Finished request GetTimers in 0.02s
  401. 2017/02/11 10:57:40.069 Received client request: localhost||GetRecordings
  402. 2017/02/11 10:57:40.069 GetRecordingsCached> Cached recordings[47] returned to 'Kodi^localhost' in 0.00 sec
  403. 2017/02/11 10:57:40.069 Finished request GetRecordings in 0.00s
  404. 2017/02/11 10:59:24.839 MaintenanceTimer> Callback started...
  405. 2017/02/11 10:59:24.839 RecordingCache_Refresh> [TimerMaintenance] Cache background refresh started.
  406. 2017/02/11 10:59:24.839 TimerCache_Refresh> [TimerMaintenance] Cache background refresh started.
  407. 2017/02/11 10:59:24.839 MaintenanceTimer> Callback completed in 0.00 sec.
  408. 2017/02/11 10:59:24.995 RecordingCache_WorkerCompleted> [TimerMaintenance] Cache background refresh completed in 0.16 sec, client: Kodi^localhost.
  409. 2017/02/11 10:59:25.401 TimerCache_WorkerCompleted> [TimerMaintenance] Cache background refresh completed in 0.56 sec, client: Kodi^localhost.
  410. 2017/02/11 11:02:39.652 Received client request: localhost||GetSeriesTimers
  411. 2017/02/11 11:02:40.042 GetSeriesTimers> series/repeating timers[105] returned to 'Kodi^localhost' in 0.39 sec
  412. 2017/02/11 11:02:40.042 Finished request GetSeriesTimers in 0.39s
  413. 2017/02/11 11:02:40.183 Received client request: localhost||GetTimers
  414. 2017/02/11 11:02:40.183 GetTimersCached> Cached timers[94] returned to 'Kodi^localhost' in 0.00 sec
  415. 2017/02/11 11:02:40.183 Finished request GetTimers in 0.00s
  416. 2017/02/11 11:02:40.292 Received client request: localhost||GetRecordings
  417. 2017/02/11 11:02:40.292 GetRecordingsCached> Cached recordings[47] returned to 'Kodi^localhost' in 0.00 sec
  418. 2017/02/11 11:02:40.292 Finished request GetRecordings in 0.00s
  419. 2017/02/11 11:07:24.852 MaintenanceTimer> Callback started...
  420. 2017/02/11 11:07:24.852 RecordingCache_Refresh> [TimerMaintenance] Cache background refresh started.
  421. 2017/02/11 11:07:24.852 TimerCache_Refresh> [TimerMaintenance] Cache background refresh started.
  422. 2017/02/11 11:07:24.852 MaintenanceTimer> Callback completed in 0.00 sec.
  423. 2017/02/11 11:07:25.070 RecordingCache_WorkerCompleted> [TimerMaintenance] Cache background refresh completed in 0.22 sec, client: Kodi^localhost.
  424. 2017/02/11 11:07:25.367 TimerCache_WorkerCompleted> [TimerMaintenance] Cache background refresh completed in 0.51 sec, client: Kodi^localhost.
  425. 2017/02/11 11:07:39.766 Received client request: localhost||GetSeriesTimers
  426. 2017/02/11 11:07:40.156 GetSeriesTimers> series/repeating timers[105] returned to 'Kodi^localhost' in 0.39 sec
  427. 2017/02/11 11:07:40.156 Finished request GetSeriesTimers in 0.39s
  428. 2017/02/11 11:07:40.265 Received client request: localhost||GetTimers
  429. 2017/02/11 11:07:40.265 GetTimersCached> Cached timers[94] returned to 'Kodi^localhost' in 0.00 sec
  430. 2017/02/11 11:07:40.265 Finished request GetTimers in 0.00s
  431. 2017/02/11 11:07:40.390 Received client request: localhost||GetRecordings
  432. 2017/02/11 11:07:40.390 GetRecordingsCached> Cached recordings[47] returned to 'Kodi^localhost' in 0.00 sec
  433. 2017/02/11 11:07:40.390 Finished request GetRecordings in 0.00s
  434. 2017/02/11 11:12:39.848 Received client request: localhost||GetSeriesTimers
  435. 2017/02/11 11:12:40.238 GetSeriesTimers> series/repeating timers[105] returned to 'Kodi^localhost' in 0.39 sec
  436. 2017/02/11 11:12:40.238 Finished request GetSeriesTimers in 0.39s
  437. 2017/02/11 11:12:40.378 Received client request: localhost||GetTimers
  438. 2017/02/11 11:12:40.378 GetTimersCached> Cached timers[94] returned to 'Kodi^localhost' in 0.00 sec
  439. 2017/02/11 11:12:40.378 Finished request GetTimers in 0.00s
  440. 2017/02/11 11:12:40.487 Received client request: localhost||GetRecordings
  441. 2017/02/11 11:12:40.487 GetRecordingsCached> Cached recordings[47] returned to 'Kodi^localhost' in 0.00 sec
  442. 2017/02/11 11:12:40.487 Finished request GetRecordings in 0.00s
  443. 2017/02/11 11:15:24.865 MaintenanceTimer> Callback started...
  444. 2017/02/11 11:15:24.865 RecordingCache_Refresh> [TimerMaintenance] Cache background refresh started.
  445. 2017/02/11 11:15:24.865 TimerCache_Refresh> [TimerMaintenance] Cache background refresh started.
  446. 2017/02/11 11:15:24.865 MaintenanceTimer> Callback completed in 0.00 sec.
  447. 2017/02/11 11:15:24.990 RecordingCache_WorkerCompleted> [TimerMaintenance] Cache background refresh completed in 0.12 sec, client: Kodi^localhost.
  448. 2017/02/11 11:15:25.473 TimerCache_WorkerCompleted> [TimerMaintenance] Cache background refresh completed in 0.61 sec, client: Kodi^localhost.
  449. 2017/02/11 11:15:50.621 Received client request: localhost||GetServerVersion|2017-02-11 16:15:44|
  450. 2017/02/11 11:15:50.621 Finished request GetServerVersion in 0.00s
  451. 2017/02/11 11:15:50.870 Received client request: localhost||GetChannels|False
  452. 2017/02/11 11:15:50.933 Finished request GetChannels in 0.06s
  453. 2017/02/11 11:15:50.933 Received client request: localhost||GetChannelGroups|False
  454. 2017/02/11 11:15:50.933 Finished request GetChannelGroups in 0.00s
  455. 2017/02/11 11:15:50.948 Received client request: localhost||GetChannelGroupMembers|False|Most Viewed
  456. 2017/02/11 11:15:50.948 Finished request GetChannelGroupMembers in 0.00s
  457. 2017/02/11 11:15:50.995 Received client request: localhost||GetChannels|True
  458. 2017/02/11 11:15:50.995 Finished request GetChannels in 0.00s
  459. 2017/02/11 11:15:50.995 Received client request: localhost||GetChannelGroups|True
  460. 2017/02/11 11:15:50.995 Finished request GetChannelGroups in 0.00s
  461. 2017/02/11 11:15:51.011 Received client request: localhost||GetChannelGroupMembers|True|Most Viewed
  462. 2017/02/11 11:15:51.011 Finished request GetChannelGroupMembers in 0.00s
  463. 2017/02/11 11:15:51.042 Received client request: localhost||GetSeriesTimers
  464. 2017/02/11 11:15:51.463 GetSeriesTimers> series/repeating timers[105] returned to 'Kodi^localhost' in 0.42 sec
  465. 2017/02/11 11:15:51.463 Finished request GetSeriesTimers in 0.42s
  466. 2017/02/11 11:15:51.557 Received client request: localhost||GetTimers
  467. 2017/02/11 11:15:51.557 GetTimersCached> Cached timers[94] returned to 'Kodi^localhost' in 0.00 sec
  468. 2017/02/11 11:15:51.557 Finished request GetTimers in 0.00s
  469. 2017/02/11 11:15:51.666 Received client request: localhost||GetRecordings
  470. 2017/02/11 11:15:51.666 GetRecordingsCached> Cached recordings[47] returned to 'Kodi^localhost' in 0.00 sec
  471. 2017/02/11 11:15:51.666 Finished request GetRecordings in 0.00s
  472. 2017/02/11 11:15:53.007 Received client request: localhost||GetSeriesTimers
  473. 2017/02/11 11:15:53.429 GetSeriesTimers> series/repeating timers[105] returned to 'Kodi^localhost' in 0.42 sec
  474. 2017/02/11 11:15:53.429 Finished request GetSeriesTimers in 0.42s
  475. 2017/02/11 11:15:53.491 Received client request: localhost||GetTimers
  476. 2017/02/11 11:15:53.491 GetTimersCached> Cached timers[94] returned to 'Kodi^localhost' in 0.00 sec
  477. 2017/02/11 11:15:53.491 Finished request GetTimers in 0.00s
  478. 2017/02/11 11:17:58.650 Received client request: localhost||GetServerVersion|2017-02-11 16:17:52|
  479. 2017/02/11 11:17:58.666 Finished request GetServerVersion in 0.02s
  480. 2017/02/11 11:17:58.837 Received client request: localhost||GetChannels|False
  481. 2017/02/11 11:17:58.900 Finished request GetChannels in 0.06s
  482. 2017/02/11 11:17:58.900 Received client request: localhost||GetChannelGroups|False
  483. 2017/02/11 11:17:58.900 Finished request GetChannelGroups in 0.00s
  484. 2017/02/11 11:17:58.900 Received client request: localhost||GetChannelGroupMembers|False|Most Viewed
  485. 2017/02/11 11:17:58.900 Finished request GetChannelGroupMembers in 0.00s
  486. 2017/02/11 11:17:58.978 Received client request: localhost||GetChannels|True
  487. 2017/02/11 11:17:58.978 Finished request GetChannels in 0.00s
  488. 2017/02/11 11:17:58.978 Received client request: localhost||GetChannelGroups|True
  489. 2017/02/11 11:17:58.978 Finished request GetChannelGroups in 0.00s
  490. 2017/02/11 11:17:58.993 Received client request: localhost||GetChannelGroupMembers|True|Most Viewed
  491. 2017/02/11 11:17:58.993 Finished request GetChannelGroupMembers in 0.00s
  492. 2017/02/11 11:17:59.009 Received client request: localhost||GetSeriesTimers
  493. 2017/02/11 11:17:59.430 GetSeriesTimers> series/repeating timers[105] returned to 'Kodi^localhost' in 0.42 sec
  494. 2017/02/11 11:17:59.430 Finished request GetSeriesTimers in 0.42s
  495. 2017/02/11 11:17:59.492 Received client request: localhost||GetTimers
  496. 2017/02/11 11:17:59.492 GetTimersCached> Cached timers[94] returned to 'Kodi^localhost' in 0.00 sec
  497. 2017/02/11 11:17:59.492 Finished request GetTimers in 0.00s
  498. 2017/02/11 11:17:59.602 Received client request: localhost||GetRecordings
  499. 2017/02/11 11:17:59.602 GetRecordingsCached> Cached recordings[47] returned to 'Kodi^localhost' in 0.00 sec
  500. 2017/02/11 11:17:59.602 Finished request GetRecordings in 0.00s
  501. 2017/02/11 11:18:00.943 Received client request: localhost||GetSeriesTimers
  502. 2017/02/11 11:18:01.396 GetSeriesTimers> series/repeating timers[105] returned to 'Kodi^localhost' in 0.45 sec
  503. 2017/02/11 11:18:01.396 Finished request GetSeriesTimers in 0.45s
  504. 2017/02/11 11:18:01.458 Received client request: localhost||GetTimers
  505. 2017/02/11 11:18:01.458 GetTimersCached> Cached timers[94] returned to 'Kodi^localhost' in 0.00 sec
  506. 2017/02/11 11:18:01.458 Finished request GetTimers in 0.00s
  507. 2017/02/11 11:18:55.543 Received client request: localhost||ClientGoingDown
  508. 2017/02/11 11:18:55.543 ClientGoingDown> Client 'Kodi^localhost' disconnecting
  509. 2017/02/11 11:18:55.543 Finished request ClientGoingDown in 0.00s
  510. 2017/02/11 11:18:59.584 New client connected: client: 'Kodi^localhost', IP:, machine: 'localhost', isRemote: True
  511. 2017/02/11 11:18:59.599 > path to Recorded TV Folder: 'smb://kodi****i@ TV'
  512. 2017/02/11 11:18:59.599 AddonVersion> client: 'Kodi^localhost' has addon/plugin version: 1.3.0, OS: linux
  513. 2017/02/11 11:18:59.599 Received client request: localhost||GetServerVersion|2017-02-11 16:18:53|
  514. 2017/02/11 11:18:59.599 Finished request GetServerVersion in 0.00s
  515. 2017/02/11 11:18:59.911 Received client request: localhost||GetChannels|False
  516. 2017/02/11 11:18:59.974 Finished request GetChannels in 0.06s
  517. 2017/02/11 11:18:59.974 Received client request: localhost||GetChannelGroups|False
  518. 2017/02/11 11:18:59.974 Finished request GetChannelGroups in 0.00s
  519. 2017/02/11 11:18:59.989 Received client request: localhost||GetChannelGroupMembers|False|Most Viewed
  520. 2017/02/11 11:18:59.989 Finished request GetChannelGroupMembers in 0.00s
  521. 2017/02/11 11:19:00.020 Received client request: localhost||GetChannels|True
  522. 2017/02/11 11:19:00.020 Finished request GetChannels in 0.00s
  523. 2017/02/11 11:19:00.020 Received client request: localhost||GetChannelGroups|True
  524. 2017/02/11 11:19:00.020 Finished request GetChannelGroups in 0.00s
  525. 2017/02/11 11:19:00.036 Received client request: localhost||GetChannelGroupMembers|True|Most Viewed
  526. 2017/02/11 11:19:00.036 Finished request GetChannelGroupMembers in 0.00s
  527. 2017/02/11 11:19:00.052 Received client request: localhost||GetSeriesTimers
  528. 2017/02/11 11:19:00.473 GetSeriesTimers> series/repeating timers[105] returned to 'Kodi^localhost' in 0.42 sec
  529. 2017/02/11 11:19:00.473 Finished request GetSeriesTimers in 0.42s
  530. 2017/02/11 11:19:00.535 Received client request: localhost||GetTimers
  531. 2017/02/11 11:19:00.535 GetTimersCached> Cached timers[94] returned to 'Kodi^localhost' in 0.00 sec
  532. 2017/02/11 11:19:00.535 Finished request GetTimers in 0.00s
  533. 2017/02/11 11:19:00.691 Received client request: localhost||GetRecordings
  534. 2017/02/11 11:19:00.691 GetRecordingsCached> Cached recordings[47] returned to 'Kodi^localhost' in 0.00 sec
  535. 2017/02/11 11:19:00.691 Finished request GetRecordings in 0.00s
  536. 2017/02/11 11:19:02.095 Received client request: localhost||GetSeriesTimers
  537. 2017/02/11 11:19:02.516 GetSeriesTimers> series/repeating timers[105] returned to 'Kodi^localhost' in 0.42 sec
  538. 2017/02/11 11:19:02.516 Finished request GetSeriesTimers in 0.42s
  539. 2017/02/11 11:19:02.594 Received client request: localhost||GetTimers
  540. 2017/02/11 11:19:02.594 GetTimersCached> Cached timers[94] returned to 'Kodi^localhost' in 0.00 sec
  541. 2017/02/11 11:19:02.594 Finished request GetTimers in 0.02s
  542. 2017/02/11 11:21:20.202 MainWindow::Window_Loaded> not running as service, checking folder status.
  543. 2017/02/11 11:21:20.202 MainWindow::Window_Loaded> Done
  544. 2017/02/11 11:22:49.469 Received client request: localhost||GetResumePosition|10977524305649310
  545. 2017/02/11 11:22:49.469 Finished request GetResumePosition in 0.00s
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