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Oct 24th, 2014
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  1. os.loadAPI("button")
  2. local m = peripheral.wrap("left")
  3. local rsOut = {}
  4. local c = peripheral.wrap("container_chest_1")
  5. --local a = peripheral.wrap("tt_magnet_0")
  6. local s = peripheral.wrap("tile_mfr_machine_autospawner_name_0")
  7. m.clear()
  8. local mobArray = {}
  9. local buttonColors = {}
  10. local attractorStatus = ""
  11. local page = 1
  12. local pages = 0
  13. local currMob = ""
  15. function fillMainTable()
  16. getCurrMob()
  17. checkExact()
  18. getAttractorStatus()
  19. m.clear()
  20. button.clearTable()
  21. button.setTable("Lights", lights, "", 4, 17, 2, 4)
  22. button.setTable("Door", door, "", 20, 33, 2, 4)
  23. button.setTable("Grinders", grinders, "", 4, 17, 6, 8)
  24. button.setTable("DrawBridge", drawBridge, "", 20, 33, 6, 8)
  25. button.setTable("Attractor", attractorToggle, "", 4, 17, 10, 12)
  26. button.setTable(attractorStatus, togglePush, "", 20, 33, 10, 12)
  27. button.setTable("Mob Selector", mobSelect, "", 20, 33, 14, 16)
  28. button.setTable("Spawner", spawner, "", 4, 17, 14, 16)
  29. --button.setTable("Refresh", refresh, "", 15, 35, 19, 19)
  30. print("Filled")
  31. button.screen()
  32. for i,j in pairs(buttonColors) do
  33. if not rsOut[j] then button.toggleButton(i) end
  34. end
  35. button.toggleButton("Attractor")
  36. button.label(1, 19, "Current Mob: "..currMob)
  37. button.label(30, 19, "Exact: "..currExact)
  38. end
  40. --function getAttractorStatus()
  41. --if a.isPulling() then
  42. -- attractorStatus = "Pulling"
  43. -- else
  44. -- attractorStatus = "Pushing"
  45. -- end
  46. --end
  48. function togglePush()
  49. --button.flash(attractorStatus)
  50. --a.setPulling(not a.isPulling())
  51. fillMainTable()
  52. end
  54. function fillTable()
  55. checkMobs()
  56. checkExact()
  57. getCurrMob()
  58. m.clear()
  59. button.clearTable()
  60. local totalrows = 0
  61. local npp = 12 --names per page
  62. local numNames = 0
  63. local col = 2
  64. local row = 12
  65. local countRow = 1
  66. local currName = 0
  67. for i,j in pairs(mobArray) do
  68. totalrows = totalrows+1
  69. end
  70. pages = math.ceil(totalrows/npp)
  71. print(totalrows)
  72. for name,slot in pairs(mobArray) do
  73. currName = currName + 1
  74. if currName > npp*(page-1) and currName < npp*page+1 then
  75. row = 4+(countRow)
  76. button.setTable(string.sub(name, 0, 17), insertMob, slot, col, col+17 , row, row)
  77. if col == 21 then
  78. col = 2
  79. countRow = countRow + 2
  80. else
  81. col = col+19
  82. end
  83. end
  84. end
  85. button.setTable("Next Page", nextPage, "", 27, 38, 1, 1)
  86. button.setTable("Prev Page", prevPage, "", 2, 13, 1, 1)
  87. button.setTable("Main Menu", goMainMenu, "", 15, 25, 1, 1)
  88. button.setTable("Exact: "..currExact, switchExact, "", 21, 38, 18, 19)
  89. button.setTable("Remove Mob", removeMob, "", 2, 19, 18, 19)
  90. button.screen()
  91. button.label(15,3, "Page: "..tostring(page).." of "..tostring(pages))
  92. button.label(12, 16, "Current Mob: "..currMob)
  93. end
  95. function getCurrMob()
  96. data = s.getStackInSlot(1)
  97. if data then
  98. currMob = data.captured
  99. else
  100. currMob = "None"
  101. end
  102. end
  104. function goMainMenu()
  105. fillMainTable()
  106. -- refresh()
  107. end
  109. function checkExact()
  110. if s.getSpawnExact() then
  111. currExact = "Yes"
  112. else
  113. currExact = "No"
  114. end
  115. end
  117. function switchExact()
  118. s.setSpawnExact(not s.getSpawnExact())
  119. fillTable()
  120. end
  122. function nextPage()
  123. if page+1 <= pages then
  124. page = page+1
  125. end
  126. fillTable()
  127. sleep(0.25)
  128. end
  130. function prevPage()
  131. if page-1 >= 1 then page = page-1 end
  132. fillTable()
  133. sleep(0.25)
  134. end
  136. function getMobs()
  137. mobArray = {}
  138. for i = 1,27 do
  139. if c.getStackInSlot(i) then
  140. data = c.getStackInSlot(i)
  141. --print(i..":"
  142. mobArray[data.captured] = i
  143. end
  144. end
  145. end
  147. function findEmptySlot()
  148. for i = 1,27 do
  149. if not c.getStackInSlot(i) then
  150. return(i)
  151. end
  152. end
  153. end
  155. function removeMob()
  156. local slot = findEmptySlot()
  157. c.pullItem("down", 1, 1, slot)
  158. end
  160. function insertMob(info)
  161. removeMob()
  162. c.pushItem("down", info, 1, 1)
  163. fillTable()
  164. end
  166. function checkMobs()
  167. getMobs()
  168. --fillTable()
  169. end
  171. function initRS()
  172. rsOut[colors.white] = false
  173. rsOut[] = true
  174. rsOut[colors.magenta] = false
  175. rsOut[colors.lightBlue] = true
  176. rsOut[colors.yellow] = false
  177. rsOut[colors.lime] = true
  178. buttonColors["Lights"] = colors.white
  179. buttonColors["Spawner"] =
  180. buttonColors["Grinders"] = colors.magenta
  181. buttonColors["DrawBridge"] = colors.lightBlue
  182. buttonColors["Attractor"] = colors.yellow
  183. buttonColors["Door"] = colors.lime
  184. end
  186. function setRS()
  187. local colorOutput = 0
  188. for i,j in pairs(rsOut) do
  189. if j then colorOutput = colorOutput + i end
  190. end
  191. rs.setBundledOutput("left", colorOutput)
  192. end
  194. function lights()
  195. button.toggleButton("Lights")
  196. rsOut[colors.white] = not rsOut[colors.white]
  197. setRS()
  198. end
  200. function door()
  201. button.toggleButton("Door")
  202. rsOut[colors.lime] = not rsOut[colors.lime]
  203. setRS()
  204. end
  206. function spawner()
  207. button.toggleButton("Spawner")
  208. rsOut[] = not rsOut[]
  209. setRS()
  210. end
  212. function grinders()
  213. button.toggleButton("Grinders")
  214. rsOut[colors.magenta] = not rsOut[colors.magenta]
  215. setRS()
  216. end
  218. function drawBridge()
  219. button.toggleButton("DrawBridge")
  220. rsOut[colors.lightBlue] = not rsOut[colors.lightBlue]
  221. setRS()
  222. end
  224. function attractorToggle()
  225. button.toggleButton("Attractor")
  226. rsOut[colors.yellow] = not rsOut[colors.yellow]
  227. setRS()
  228. end
  230. function mobSelect()
  231. fillTable()
  232. -- refresh()
  233. -- getClick()
  234. end
  236. function getClick()
  237. local event,side,x,y = os.pullEvent()
  238. if event=="monitor_touch" then
  239. button.checkxy(x,y)
  240. end
  241. end
  243. function refresh()
  244. m.clear()
  245. print("Refreshed")
  246. button.screen()
  247. end
  249. initRS()
  250. setRS()
  251. fillMainTable()
  252. --refresh()
  253. while true do getClick() end
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