
chrissie Profile (VFDT)

Aug 17th, 2015
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  89. <div class="container">
  90. <a name="about"></a>
  91. <div class="section">
  92. <h1>About Me</h1>
  93. <a href="/gallery/chrissie" class="myicon" title="Click for Gallery"><img src="" align="left" /></a>
  94. Hey there I'm Chrissie :) I am a youth worker and could not have found a more rewarding job! There is nothing like being able to make a young person realize that they are special and deserve only the best in life! It has it's stressful times but what job doesn't?! I am a basketball coach and tend to dye my hair the color of our team for support ;) I love just hanging out and laughing with my friends. I am up for a chat but only if you are not going to be a sleaze about it all. <b>bold</b> <i>italics</i> <s>strike</s> <u>underline</u> <a href="">link</a>
  95. </div>
  97. <a name="cults"></a>
  98. <div class="section">
  99. <h1>Cults</h1>
  100. <a href="/cult/Spank" class="cult" title="Name"><img src="" /></a><a href="/cult/" class="cult" title="Name"><img src="" /></a><a href="/cult/" class="cult" title="Name"><img src="" /></a><a href="/cult/" class="cult" title="Name"><img src="" /></a><a href="/cult/" class="cult" title="Name"><img src="" /></a><a href="/cult/" class="cult" title="Name"><img src="" /></a>
  101. </div>
  103. <a name="friends"></a>
  104. <div class="section">
  105. <h1>Friends</h1>
  106. <a href="/" class="friend" title="Name"><img src="" /></a><a href="/" class="friend" title="Name"><img src="" /></a><a href="/" class="friend" title="Name"><img src="" /></a><a href="/" class="friend" title="Name"><img src="" /></a><a href="/" class="friend" title="Name"><img src="" /></a><a href="/" class="friend" title="Name"><img src="" /></a><a href="/" class="friend" title="Name"><img src="" /></a><a href="/" class="friend" title="Name"><img src="" /></a><a href="/" class="friend" title="Name"><img src="" /></a><a href="/" class="friend" title="Name"><img src="" /></a><a href="/" class="friend" title="Name"><img src="" /></a><a href="/" class="friend" title="Name"><img src="" /></a><a href="/" class="friend" title="Name"><img src="" /></a><a href="/" class="friend" title="Name"><img src="" /></a><a href="/" class="friend" title="Name"><img src="" /></a><a href="/" class="friend" title="Name"><img src="" /></a>
  107. </div>
  109. </div></div>
  112. <div id="navi1"><a href="" class="navlink">VF Home</a><a href=";rate=1" class="navlink">Comment</a><a href="" class="navlink">Friend</a><a href="/LaneyKatherine" class="navlink">Header</a><a href="/Voltage" class="navlink">Coding</a></div>
  114. <div id="navi2"><a href="#about" class="navlinky">About Me</a><a href="#cults" class="navlinky">Cults</a><a href="#friends" class="navlinky">Friends</a><a href="" class="navlinky">Journal</a><a href="" class="navlinky">Gallery</a></div>
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