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F/GO Camelot stuff

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Jul 27th, 2016
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  1. Bedivere VS Gawain:
  3. Gawain: "Percival the Second Knight, Kay the Third, Gaheris the Sixth, Palamedes the Ninth, King Pellinore the Supervisor, and Bors who was to be the next Eleventh. When they were summoned by the king, they showed their loyalty by rebelling against the Lion King. They were magnificent knights, for they chose to fight the king, for the king's honour. We killed them all."
  5. Bedivere: "I thought they died fighting the Crusaders!"
  7. Gawain: "Silence yourself, fool! Did you think we knights could lose to a bunch of grave robbers!?"
  9. -
  11. Agravain VS Lancelot:
  13. Agravain: "My mother was insane. I grew up hearing the bedside story that she would become the king of Britain. I sat at the Round Table as part of her machinations. I didn't want to become a knight, but it was the fastest route. I was a tool to take the throne from King Arthur for my mother. I agreed to that, for I understood that Britain needed a strong king. My objective was the survival of Britain, and for that I used Arthur. What I sought was a hardworking king, one who would be able to let Britain to survive. It didn't matter who it was. I didn't care. In the end, Arthur was the best king. He was easier to use than Morgan. I hate women. Morgan was a disgusting whore. Guinevere who was said to be pure fell into love with you. For all my life I hated women. I hated humans. I hated love. Can you even begin to guess what a relief it was, when it turned out that the first person I didn't want to be hated by was a man? And it was all ruined by you and Guinevere. Can you even begin to understand what the blankness inside of me was like when I found out about the king's distress? I still have a job to do. Face your punishment. You betrayed our king yet again."
  15. Lancelot just kind of freezes up after Agravain's speech (it's a double whammy because he also genuinely thought Agravain was an evil plotter all along trying to manipulate Arthur and it turns out he was super loyal).
  17. -
  19. Sherlock Holmes infodump at Atlas, with some info taken from the Hermes supercomputer + his deductions:
  21. -The winner of the 2004 grail war was Olgamary's father, it's not known what his wish was
  23. -His assistant during the grail war was Roman
  25. -Not even Atlus' Hermes supercomputer can dig up info on Roman pre-2004 so he's really suspicious
  27. -But Ref had started working with Chaldea in 1999 which was before Roman ever showed up
  29. -Holmes was the one who arranged the documents you found in the Clocktower that Andersen said looked like they were already put together by someone.
  31. -Solomon's personality is a "mirror" that reflects whoever's talking to him
  33. -Whatever Solomon's doing has a second phase which he's already moved on to, the incineration of mankind is only a side effect and not the goal
  35. -Solomon could have performed the incineration from any point of time, if he'd done it from his own time Chaldea would never have been able to do anything, there must be something special about 2016
  37. -It's possible that the future not existing past 2016 has nothing to do with Solomon, and that's it's because there's no future past 2016 that he started the incineration from there
  39. -Holmes says we'll meet again "in a big city like London"
  41. -Holmes also mentions that Babbage hired him to investigate all this bullshit
  43. Holmes doesn't trust Roman but Mash does and Holmes admits it may be possible that he's just a REALLY suspicious guy who's in the wrong place.
  45. Da Vinci knows Roman's secret, and says that what he's hiding is "a trump card" "something like a holy grail" "the ability to have a wish granted just once", and that he's afraid of it himself and is trying not to think about it, because using it will mean he "disappears".
  47. Gudako asks if this means he dies, but Da Vinci says it would've been better if it were that simple, and that while Roman may have a mysterious past, there's no other side to him, and will be an ally to the end.
  49. -
  51. Spoilers for the ending:
  53. The craters are from how Arturia uses Rhongominiad to just drop beams from the sky on people. When this happens Cursed Arm's village, Arash dies using his NP to cancel out one of them.
  55. Xuanzhang dies using up all her power to break the gates of Camelot open (they're impervious to all but the good, so her Buddha fist works on them)
  57. Cursed Arm and Hundred Faces fuck with Tristan while Serene hangs back, it turns out she was doing her poison dance because they know about his legend and think he's weak to poison. It turns out that because of the reversal Gift he got he's now completely immune to poison and he kills Hundred Faces and Serene, and deals a fatal blow to Cursed Arm. Cursed Arm removes the seal on his arm, setting the Shaitan in it free, and it attacks both of them, killing and eating Tristan.
  59. Bedivere says that everyone except Galahad (the biggest ditz of the round table, but who understood people the best) hated Agravain, who seemed to actively try to get people to hate him. Bedivere himself only realised much later in retrospect that it was Agravain who held the round table together; It was his death that led to their fall.
  61. Bedivere is not a servant.
  63. Bedivere and Lancer Arturia are parallel versions. Bedivere didn't return Excalibur to the lake even on the third time, and when he returned to Arturia she was gone. Because he didn't return Excalibur, Arturia could no longer die, and the power of Rhongomyniad turned her into the Wild Hunt, King of Wandering Ghosts.
  65. Bedivere wandered the world searching for her, still carrying Excalibur, until he eventually reached Avalon and became a living a statue.
  67. When Lancer Arturia started dicking around Merlin woke Bedivere up and used his magic to make him look like a servant, and make Excalibur look like Airgetlamh, and sends him off on his last quest to see Arturia again.
  69. He never died, and is still human.
  71. Also, while Excalibur kept his body alive and unaging, his soul has worn out and Merlin warns him that regardless of what happens, once his quest ends, his soul will vanish completely, gone from even the cycle of death and rebirth.
  73. When Merlin casts the spell on Bedivere to make him look like a servant, he says he has to do it because if people who know him see him as he is, they'll immediately know what Arturia Lancer is as well, because "they're not stupid. Except for Mordred, who is stupid."
  75. Lancer Arturia isn't a servant either, but a divine spirit that came here of her own accord. When Excalibur is returned to her, her spear breaks (it's not the actual Rhongo which is the tower, but a "shadow" of it that lets her use the real one's power). Because she's not even really Arturia anymore but an avatar of the spear, she vanishes, but does tell you that the seventh grail will lead you to Solomon's Temple which exists outside of time, because while the first six grails were artifacts he left behind, the seventh is one he sent backwards in time with his magic.
  77. It turns out that Cursed Arm is still alive (the Shaitan is still eating Tristan). He figures the Shaitan will kill him next, but then King Hassan shows up. King was supposed to take Cursed Arm's head (because they asked him for help; If a Hassan asks King for help that means they forfeit their title and their life), but instead he kills the Shaitan, giving some tsundere line about "what, this Shaitan was the Cursed Arm, and I took his head, problem?".
  79. Cursed Arm does confirm that the kid Rujudo or however you spell his name, the child they rescue from the Holy Selection when they meet up with Bedevere the second time, is his son. Rujudo's mother (Cursed Arm's wife) was killed by Gawain's soldiers.
  81. King Hassan says that CA is the only one of "us 19" (I thought before that 19 excluded King, but it looks like it includes him) to escape the fate of the Old Man.
  83. CA remains in this age to help out the survivors, and mentions that his real name is Hanam.
  85. Roman briefs you on the next destination, ancient Mesopotamia, saying it'll take some time to get the next ley shift ready because the system wasn't made to go back that far. He also mentions that Bedivere can now be summoned, wondering if the laws of man recognised him as a hero from what he just did, or if it's somehow Arturia's doing.
  87. Agravain comes crawling into the throne room covered in blood with broken limbs, a torso sliced open, and an eye missing. He finally managed to defeat Lancelot. Arturia tells him to rest, but Agravain insists that he still has five jobs to do- Expel the rebels, expel the intruders, rebuild the city, regather the citizens, and built for Arturia a glorious palace. His wish is, and always has been, even in life, to offer to Arturia the ideal country. But he coughs up blood and says that it looks like he won't be able to do any of that. Arturia tells him to go to sleep, saying that his biggest fault is working too hard.
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