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- /* Ajax-Layerd Nav Widgets
- * Shopping Cart: Jigoshop
- * File: Frontend JS
- * License: GPL
- * Copyright: SixtyOneDesigns
- */
- /* Globals
- * Setup variables and id for areas that are
- * going to be refreshed
- */
- var content = new Array; //Areas to be refreshed
- content[0] = "products"; //Products id wrapper
- content[1] = "pagination-wrapper";//Pagination id wrapper
- var elements_to_remove = new Array; //Pop items in and out of this array so we know they've been refreshed
- var DocReadyReload = false; //Set this to true if your getting sone javascript problems
- var isWorking = false; //Flag to know if we're fetching a refresh
- var http = getHTTPObject(); //Http object
- var pagination
- function checkPagination(){
- if(jQuery('nav.pagination').length > 0){
- pagination = ''
- }
- }
- /* Event: document.ready
- * Desc: Inititalize the page
- * 1. Calls function to add Live Handlers to the widget areas, and product area fn= pageLoaderInit()
- * 2. Build array of ids of widgets that are going to be refresed
- */
- jQuery(document).ready(function(){
- pageLoaderInit();
- jQuery('.widget_layered_nav').each(function(){
- content.push(;
- });
- return false;
- });
- /* Event: onpopstate
- * Desc: Reload the page every time the browsers history changes
- */
- window.onpopstate = function(event) {
- if (event.state != undefined) {
- loadPage(document.location.toString(),1);
- }
- };
- /* Function: pageLoaderInit
- * Desc: Add live click handlers to anchors and checkboxes
- * 1. On Click - load page, prevent broswer
- * a. Calls fn = loadPage();
- */
- function pageLoaderInit(){
- jQuery('.widget_layered_nav a, a.layerd_nav_clear, .widget_layered_nav input[type="checkbox"]').live('click', function(event){
- this.blur();
- var caption = this.title || || "";
- var group = this.rel || false;
- loadPage(jQuery(this).data('link'));
- event.preventDefault();
- return false;
- });
- }
- /* Function: getHTTPObject
- * Returns: xmlhttprequest object
- * Desc: Degrades to ActiveXObject to support older IE browsers
- */
- function getHTTPObject() {
- var xmlhttp;
- if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
- xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
- }
- else
- {
- if (window.ActiveXObject) {
- xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject('MSXML2.XMLHTTP.3.0');
- }
- }
- return xmlhttp;
- }
- /* Function: loadPage
- * Params:
- * @url = url of target page,
- * @push = whether to update browser history
- * Desc: Reloads content areas
- */
- function loadPage(url, push){
- //Make sure wer're not already doing something
- if (!isWorking){
- //get domain name...
- nohttp = url.replace("http://","").replace("https://","");
- firstsla = nohttp.indexOf("/");
- pathpos = url.indexOf(nohttp);
- path = url.substring(pathpos + firstsla);
- //Only do a history state if clicked on the page.
- if (push != 1) {
- var stateObj = { foo: 1000 + Math.random()*1001 };
- /*Only push history if not IE
- * IE doesn't support
- */
- if(!jQuery.browser.msie){
- history.pushState(stateObj, "ajax page loaded...", path);
- }
- }
- /* Loop through each id in the content array()*/
- jQuery.each(content, function(index, value){
- /* Products container
- * add an img / message to the products container to let user know it's being refreshed
- */
- if(value =="products"){
- var max = 0;
- max = jQuery('#products').outerHeight();
- jQuery('#' + value + '').fadeOut("fast", function() {
- jQuery('#' + value).html('<center style="min-height:'+max+'px;"><p>Loading...<br><img src="'+site.loading_img+'" alt="loading"></p></center>');
- jQuery('#' + value).css({'height':max}).fadeIn("slow", function() {});
- });
- }
-'GET', url, true); //Get the new content
- isWorking = true; //Set the isWorking flag to true so we don't bombard it with a bunch of requests at once
- http.onreadystatechange = showPage; //Call showPage() function
- http.send(null); //Don't send anything
- })
- }
- return false;
- }
- /* Function: showPage()
- * desc: replaces the contents of the target div with that of the new http request
- */
- function showPage(){
- if (http.readyState == 4) { //Request has completed
- if (http.status == 200) { //Request was good
- isWorking = false; //No longer making the request
- elements_to_remove=[];
- elements_to_remove = content.slice();
- /* Update content areas */
- jQuery.each(content, function(index, value){
- var details = http.responseText; //get the ajax response
- //details = details.split('id="' + value + '"')[1]; //get the content for the target areas
- //if (details != undefined){
- if ( jQuery('#' + value, details).size() > 0 ) {
- //details = details.substring(details.indexOf('>') + 1);
- var depth = 1;
- var output = '';
- jQuery('#' + value).fadeOut("fast", function() {
- jQuery('#' + value).html( jQuery('#' + value, details).html() );
- jQuery('#' + value).fadeIn(1);
- if (DocReadyReload == true) {
- $(document).trigger("ready");
- }
- });
- } else { //Empty the elements
- jQuery.each(elements_to_remove, function(index,value){
- jQuery('#'+value).empty();
- });
- }
- });
- /* Re-fire the pageLoaderInit() function. This adds the live click handlers to the newly
- * readded elemets
- */
- pageLoaderInit();
- return false
- } else {
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- /* Function removeByValue
- * params:
- * @val = value of elment to pop out of array
- * desc: Allows us to remove an element from a javascript array by value
- */
- Array.prototype.removeByValue = function(val) {
- for(var i=0; i<this.length; i++) {
- if(this[i] == val) {
- this.splice(i, 1);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
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