
Wild Talents: Fortuna City Issue #17-ish

Jan 16th, 2014
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  1. [2013-03-11 00:05:11] |<-- Seventeen has left (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  2. [2013-03-11 00:33:27] -->| Seventeen (cgiirc@6A607E51.36129B79.C28E0B4.IP) has joined #Fortuna
  3. [2013-03-11 00:50:15] <Seventeen> Did you guys have a session yesterday?
  4. [2013-03-11 00:51:14] <Ironybot> No.
  5. [2013-03-11 00:52:53] <Seventeen> Too bad. What have you got planned for tomorrow's?
  6. [2013-03-11 01:01:26] <PriceisMagic> Stuff
  7. [2013-03-11 01:02:09] <Seventeen> Ah, Michale. Ever the eloquent one.
  8. [2013-03-11 01:02:58] <Seventeen> Olivia, if I'm around is going to book a trip on one of her family's private jets and head over to England.
  9. [2013-03-11 01:05:33] <PriceisMagic> Wont she need a another woman to put the ring on/in the grave?
  10. [2013-03-11 01:11:30] <Seventeen> No.
  11. [2013-03-11 01:12:03] <Grail> Olivia can do it all on her own if she wants to
  12. [2013-03-11 01:12:20] <PriceisMagic> Ah, I thought he said for her to get another maiden to do it
  13. [2013-03-11 01:12:25] <Grail> He did
  14. [2013-03-11 01:12:30] <Grail> But she CAN do it all on her own
  15. [2013-03-11 01:16:06] <Seventeen> I wonder if she'll be able to meet a mage in London. She'll have to check the IRC channel.
  16. [2013-03-11 01:16:18] <Grail> Totally can
  17. [2013-03-11 01:16:49] <Grail> There's an entire community of backyard meta human enthusiasts forming all over the world
  18. [2013-03-11 01:25:06] |<-- guile- has left (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  19. [2013-03-11 01:26:57] <Seventeen> Do they have as many alien supers over there as Fortuna does?
  20. [2013-03-11 01:27:26] <Grail> Nope
  21. [2013-03-11 01:27:42] <Grail> But then you guys have barely met any of the supers in Fortuna
  22. [2013-03-11 01:28:02] <Seventeen> Or in my case, none.
  23. [2013-03-11 01:28:06] <Grail> If you spread out a little, surf the web, look around, you can find dozens
  24. [2013-03-11 01:32:23] <Seventeen> Next time Olivia's on the IRC, she'll just have to ask everyoe where they're from, and see if we turn up any Fortunites.
  25. [2013-03-11 01:39:19] <Seventeen> Hey Grail, do you have any ideas for how to get Olivia with the others now that you don't have Al as a middleman?
  26. [2013-03-11 01:39:52] <Grail> She's going to hear about them next session she has, they're getting to be bigger names in the city
  27. [2013-03-11 01:40:18] <Grail> Rock Em Sock Em may also be looking to steal from some of Daddy's businesses
  28. [2013-03-11 01:43:31] <Seventeen> That should tie in well enough to her Family loyalty.
  29. [2013-03-11 03:51:05] |<-- Bubbah has left (Quit: Nettalk6 -
  30. [2013-03-11 04:11:33] |<-- Seventeen has left (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  31. [2013-03-11 05:33:21] |<-- Falconis has left (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 19.0.2/20130307023931])
  32. [2013-03-11 06:35:37] -->| Seventeen (cgiirc@A6D4699E.36129B79.C28E0B4.IP) has joined #Fortuna
  33. [2013-03-11 06:43:39] |<-- UrbanLife_Flake has left (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  34. [2013-03-11 06:44:24] |<-- BUTTZ has left (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  35. [2013-03-11 07:00:35] |<-- Seventeen has left (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  36. [2013-03-11 08:26:47] -->| Guest32758 (~Arkeus@B5D18D4A.53FEB1E8.C756899C.IP) has joined #Fortuna
  37. [2013-03-11 08:27:19] |<-- Arkeus has left (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Guest32758)))
  38. [2013-03-11 08:27:21] =-= Guest32758 is now known as Arkeus
  39. [2013-03-11 08:34:44] |<-- PriceisMagic has left (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  40. [2013-03-11 10:17:48] -->| PriceisMagic ( has joined #Fortuna
  41. [2013-03-11 10:18:30] <PriceisMagic> I just realized Hunter can find all the winning packs of what ever is currently having a money give away
  42. [2013-03-11 10:30:42] |<-- PriceisMagic has left (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  43. [2013-03-11 10:59:18] -->| PriceisMagic (cgiirc@4B777BC4.801A3D77.216BDEF1.IP) has joined #Fortuna
  44. [2013-03-11 10:59:39] <PriceisMagic> Grail you here
  45. [2013-03-11 11:01:35] <PriceisMagic> Is anyone here?
  46. [2013-03-11 11:05:50] -->| guileriffic (cgiirc@7391C8CD.782044C0.F5DC7F78.IP) has joined #Fortuna
  47. [2013-03-11 11:07:06] <PriceisMagic> Guile you here or was that an auto join?
  48. [2013-03-11 11:12:29] <guileriffic> Goin back to work now
  49. [2013-03-11 11:13:43] <PriceisMagic> .tell grail I think somthing I ate today was bad so I might be a bit late for the sessions, so just continue on with out me
  50. [2013-03-11 11:13:44] <Classhole> PriceisMagic: I'll pass that along.
  51. [2013-03-11 11:14:15] |<-- PriceisMagic has left (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  52. [2013-03-11 14:49:00] -->| Romanticist_Flake (cgiirc@63BBFF52.6F847B73.C318AC60.IP) has joined #Fortuna
  53. [2013-03-11 16:54:59] |<-- guileriffic has left (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  54. [2013-03-11 17:34:14] -->| Seventeen (cgiirc@801F6D6.A3D8C886.976286FC.IP) has joined #Fortuna
  55. [2013-03-11 18:09:09] |<-- Romanticist_Flake has left (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  56. [2013-03-11 18:19:27] |<-- Seventeen has left (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  57. [2013-03-11 18:32:47] -->| Seventeen (cgiirc@D3A48AF3.D841C1CC.976286FC.IP) has joined #Fortuna
  58. [2013-03-11 18:35:10] <Seventeen> I was about to ask whether everyone was ready for today's session, then I realised only two players are here.
  59. [2013-03-11 18:37:25] <Ironybot> Well, we've got most of an hour yet.
  60. [2013-03-11 18:38:26] <Seventeen> Almost two hours by my clock, but yes.
  61. [2013-03-11 18:39:29] <Ironybot> There was a time warp in the United States recently.
  62. [2013-03-11 18:39:53] <Seventeen> Ah, I see. I'd better reset my Fortuna alarm, then.
  63. [2013-03-11 19:20:02] -->| guile_ ( has joined #Fortuna
  64. [2013-03-11 19:25:20] -->| PriceisMagic ( has joined #Fortuna
  65. [2013-03-11 19:30:21] <Grail> So
  66. [2013-03-11 19:30:33] <Grail> Not everyone is here, Price is your stomach okay?
  67. [2013-03-11 19:30:47] <PriceisMagic> Much better then last night thats for sure
  68. [2013-03-11 19:32:16] <Grail> Good to hear
  69. [2013-03-11 19:34:24] <Grail> What about everyone else?
  70. [2013-03-11 19:35:08] <Ironybot> I'm here, doing okay. Might need to leave for a few minutes at a time throughout the evening, but not for too long.
  71. [2013-03-11 19:35:55] <Seventeen> I'm here. Might need to leave in about three hours if I feel like going to my next lecture.
  72. [2013-03-11 19:36:11] <Seventeen> Probably won't, though. I'm a pretty bad student.
  73. [2013-03-11 19:36:18] <Ironybot> For shame.
  74. [2013-03-11 19:36:41] <Grail> I refuse to run your session into your lecture time, so there
  75. [2013-03-11 19:37:38] <Seventeen> It's okay, the lecture's recorded.
  76. [2013-03-11 19:38:02] <Seventeen> Plus I need to watch it multiple times to understand the lecturer's accent, anyway.
  77. [2013-03-11 19:39:11] <Grail> I trust everyone is okay going on without Flake
  78. [2013-03-11 19:39:26] <Ironybot> I imagine we'll cope somehow.
  79. [2013-03-11 19:39:37] <guile_> we'll soldier on. we're strong that way.
  80. [2013-03-11 19:39:49] <Grail> Starting the session then
  81. [2013-03-11 19:41:06] <Grail> Before I go, was there any specific procedure you guys were going to take as I speed through the aftermath of the kappa adventure and get you back into the city hub?
  82. [2013-03-11 19:41:29] -->| ModernStyle_Flake (cgiirc@63BBFF52.6F847B73.C318AC60.IP) has joined #Fortuna
  83. [2013-03-11 19:41:34] <ModernStyle_Flake> AHM HAIR
  84. [2013-03-11 19:41:57] <guile_> huzzah
  85. [2013-03-11 19:41:58] <PriceisMagic> Lucky
  86. [2013-03-11 19:41:59] <Grail> Ah
  87. [2013-03-11 19:42:04] <Grail> Excellent timing
  88. [2013-03-11 19:42:10] <Seventeen> Arm hair?
  89. [2013-03-11 19:42:19] <ModernStyle_Flake> just woke up from a nap, so still crude as fuck
  90. [2013-03-11 19:42:25] <guile_> and no, I don't think so. We can't really take the library with us, the lab was trashed... take the security camera footage, maybe?
  91. [2013-03-11 19:42:41] <Ironybot> We need to bring the laptop with its research notes and diary.
  92. [2013-03-11 19:42:49] <guile_> and I guess we'll have to kill the kappas. I really don't see anyone being able to fix them
  93. [2013-03-11 19:43:01] <guile_> that's like, full-on recombinant dna and stuff
  94. [2013-03-11 19:44:03] <Ironybot> Aside from that... the fact is, there are still dozens of kappa running around. Fixing them will be a huge research project, if it's possible at all; capturing them is likely possible but extremely difficult. In any case, we can't leave them loose- if our speculation on their reproductive habits is accurate and they're actually capable of spawning more kappa instead of stillbirths they...
  95. [2013-03-11 19:44:03] <Ironybot> ...remain a threat to everyone.
  96. [2013-03-11 19:44:20] <PriceisMagic> That those things behind the double doors
  97. [2013-03-11 19:44:31] <Ironybot> Well, possibly not dozens, but a fair number. Hopefully we'll be able to track their exact number based on the research notes.
  98. [2013-03-11 19:46:35] <Grail> Okay so the heroes scour the base, collect evidence, and kill several of the remaining creatures and capture a few. They return from their mission, the boat, still invisible, survived without them. With their cargo on board they are free to return to the police with their findings, which goes better than all prior meetings between you have.
  99. [2013-03-11 19:47:24] <PriceisMagic> ...did we remember to bring to Johnson?
  100. [2013-03-11 19:48:35] <guile_> We left him behind for the lulz
  101. [2013-03-11 19:48:46] <Ironybot> Of course we brought him! Johnson is an important member of the team.
  102. [2013-03-11 19:49:03] <Ironybot> Held together with duct type and hypertherapy.
  103. [2013-03-11 19:49:11] <Ironybot> ...duct tape. Excuse me.
  104. [2013-03-11 19:49:12] <Seventeen> He provides all of the urine!
  105. [2013-03-11 19:49:15] <PriceisMagic> Someone needs to be the red shirt
  106. [2013-03-11 19:49:42] <Ironybot> He's not a red shirt, he's like... a team mascot. As long as we have him, we know we're the good guys! Because we're working with the police, see?
  107. [2013-03-11 19:49:50] <Grail> Hunter presumably asks about saving them, between the research and the police officers he learns it'd be nigh impossible for most of the creatures save for the more humanoid ones they saw through the double doors. They only say it has a chance because they know they've seen super scientists of old pull shit like this out of their hats.
  108. [2013-03-11 19:50:32] <guile_> As in, not something the police have on hand
  109. [2013-03-11 19:50:55] <Grail> The police do not have a super genius with a kitted up super science facility, no.
  110. [2013-03-11 19:51:02] <guile_> Remiss of them
  111. [2013-03-11 19:51:28] <Ironybot> But.... they do have a high-security prison where they can hopefully be held against the hopeful day when such a super-scientist becomes available?
  112. [2013-03-11 19:51:35] <ModernStyle_Flake> Aw shit I just realized this will be the first time Fiain meets THE LAW
  113. [2013-03-11 19:51:44] <Grail> Fiain can leave if he wants to
  114. [2013-03-11 19:52:06] <Grail> He does get fair warning since he warned the group he didn't want to see the police
  115. [2013-03-11 19:53:00] <Grail> Housing dozens of these creatures will be difficult, but doable.
  116. [2013-03-11 19:53:20] <guile_> and probably expensive and dangerous
  117. [2013-03-11 19:53:32] <guile_> those claws could cut through armor
  118. [2013-03-11 19:53:38] <ModernStyle_Flake> Ah yes, I forgot about that. Wonder if Johnson's gonna be an asshole and spill
  119. [2013-03-11 19:53:44] <Ironybot> Super-prisons laugh at kappa claws.
  120. [2013-03-11 19:54:01] <Grail> They can handle claws
  121. [2013-03-11 19:54:15] <PriceisMagic> I'm pretty sure after this Johnsons going to take a nice long vacation in a padded white room
  122. [2013-03-11 19:54:34] <Grail> Johnson, well Johnson quits on the spot
  123. [2013-03-11 19:54:42] <Ironybot> Anyway... even if it'll be difficult, those were people once and if there's any reasonable chance that they can be saved, even a fairly slim one, it should be taken, in Hunter's opinion.
  124. [2013-03-11 19:54:54] <Ironybot> They deserve better than they got.
  125. [2013-03-11 19:55:15] <Grail> Then he runs out of the police headquarters
  126. [2013-03-11 19:55:32] <ModernStyle_Flake> I assume while pissing himself and tearing his badge out
  127. [2013-03-11 19:55:42] <Ironybot> ...huh. What's with him?
  128. [2013-03-11 19:55:44] <Grail> Why would he pee himself now?
  129. [2013-03-11 19:56:10] <ModernStyle_Flake> In rage and panic...maybe a mix of both
  130. [2013-03-11 19:56:23] <ModernStyle_Flake> fuck your jobs, fuck this bullshit, im having none of it!
  131. [2013-03-11 19:56:32] <Grail> Yeah no rage pissing going on
  132. [2013-03-11 19:56:37] <Ironybot> Fiain seems like a rage-filled individual. Is pissing himself in rage a thing he does?
  133. [2013-03-11 19:56:38] <ModernStyle_Flake> awww.
  134. [2013-03-11 19:57:09] <ModernStyle_Flake> [Fiain]: "I'm an angry person, what can I say."
  135. [2013-03-11 19:57:17] <ModernStyle_Flake> Nah, just kidding.
  136. [2013-03-11 19:57:36] <Grail> As for the underwater facility itself, the Navy will get involved
  137. [2013-03-11 19:57:52] <Ironybot> Be warned: Nuclear stuff in there.
  138. [2013-03-11 19:57:58] <Grail> They're pretty much going to do a deep clean
  139. [2013-03-11 19:58:18] <Grail> You find yourselves suspiciously uncurious as to what a deep clean is
  140. [2013-03-11 19:58:38] <ModernStyle_Flake> Nuking the nuclear facility?
  141. [2013-03-11 19:58:42] <PriceisMagic> Something sexual I'm sure
  142. [2013-03-11 19:58:43] <Grail> Nope
  143. [2013-03-11 19:58:50] <Ironybot> For all the fact that it has the word "clean" in it, it does sound fairly dirty.
  144. [2013-03-11 20:00:32] <guile_> sounds more like a secret agent name to me
  145. [2013-03-11 20:00:53] <PriceisMagic> So the day is saved and our heros stand victorious once again, what are we going to do now?
  146. [2013-03-11 20:01:04] <PriceisMagic> sorry, "heros"
  147. [2013-03-11 20:01:09] <Ironybot> Pizza? Fiain's paying.
  148. [2013-03-11 20:01:22] <guile_> Wasn't there.... something.... we were going to be doing, after?
  149. [2013-03-11 20:01:47] <Ironybot> Sleeping the sleep of the righteous?
  150. [2013-03-11 20:01:59] <guile_> Sure, lets go with that
  151. [2013-03-11 20:02:15] <ModernStyle_Flake> Fiain digs for Pizza coupons!
  152. [2013-03-11 20:02:16] <Ironybot> I mean, we did have follow-up plots, drug rings, missile silos, more drug rings, sinister plots against the city, awesome loot that we want...
  153. [2013-03-11 20:02:32] <Ironybot> ...but those can probably wait 24 hours while we catch some downtime.
  154. [2013-03-11 20:02:41] <guile_> Also, Yuko decides she needs either multiple superhero outfits, or some kind of super-clothing a la Hulk's purple pants
  155. [2013-03-11 20:03:40] <guile_> Also, she kind of wishes she'd chosen the superhero moniker Idol; because when she thinks of that term, she thinks of hulking obsidian statues and obelisks
  156. [2013-03-11 20:04:08] <ModernStyle_Flake> You know, it seems weird a Japanese teenage girl would think of statues when she hears "Idol"
  157. [2013-03-11 20:04:44] <Grail> That about covers it, the media fallout from this one is decidely more in your favor that usual. It's not much, given your usual, but no one has said anything negative so far. Unless you guys opt to try and get Michale more heavily involved
  158. [2013-03-11 20:05:12] <guile_> It does indeed, Flake
  159. [2013-03-11 20:05:16] <guile_> anyhoo, back in a few
  160. [2013-03-11 20:05:26] <Grail> A full day of rest?\
  161. [2013-03-11 20:05:34] <Ironybot> It's almost like Yuko isn't actually a Japanese teenage girl at all!
  162. [2013-03-11 20:05:38] <Grail> Okay well you guys think of what you each did during that day
  163. [2013-03-11 20:05:42] <Grail> Seventeen
  164. [2013-03-11 20:05:44] <Seventeen> Olivia is watching the news, having booked herself a flight to London tomorrow.
  165. [2013-03-11 20:06:43] <Grail> She sees a report on the party, she hears they were involved in an investigation recently tied to the beach debacle.
  166. [2013-03-11 20:07:15] <Seventeen> Is there any footage of the group itself?
  167. [2013-03-11 20:07:23] <Grail> Tons of footage
  168. [2013-03-11 20:07:53] <Grail> They have quite a bit of the one who calls himself Iron Tsar
  169. [2013-03-11 20:08:39] <Grail> It almost seems like he tries to get caught on camera, although it could just be because he appears to be ridiculously large and unsubtle as a being.
  170. [2013-03-11 20:09:38] <ModernStyle_Flake> so deliciously awkward
  171. [2013-03-11 20:09:49] <Grail> His metal visage reminds her of Durick, but twisted into an alien form and almost difficult to tell if he's actually man, alien, or machine-untill they get shots of him with his helmet off.
  172. [2013-03-11 20:10:03] <Seventeen> Disappointing, doesn't look like any of them are mages if they've got that tech. That other guy seems cute.
  173. [2013-03-11 20:10:08] <ModernStyle_Flake> almost makes you want to make him trip, in front of the cameras
  174. [2013-03-11 20:10:11] <Grail> Then you just see a very large, pale man.
  175. [2013-03-11 20:10:15] <Seventeen> At least there's that.
  176. [2013-03-11 20:10:34] <Seventeen> Cigarette might be a bit much, though.
  177. [2013-03-11 20:11:02] <Grail> She also sees a little girl, she calls herself the Marquise
  178. [2013-03-11 20:11:08] <Seventeen> I mean, it's no "sunglasses at night" but it ventures a bit past cool into stupid.
  179. [2013-03-11 20:11:28] <PriceisMagic> (I'll be back in like 10 mins)
  180. [2013-03-11 20:11:52] <Ironybot> Does "a guy missing a leg" fit into this anywhere?
  181. [2013-03-11 20:11:58] <Grail> Little in age and not size however, she's average height.
  182. [2013-03-11 20:12:21] <Seventeen> Amputees are hot.
  183. [2013-03-11 20:12:31] <Seventeen> says not!Olivia
  184. [2013-03-11 20:12:52] <ModernStyle_Flake> I guess Fiain's going with crutches, but he takes care to apply an Illusion to his leg- make it seem like he has it limp
  185. [2013-03-11 20:13:02] <Grail> There's a man of undeterminable age.
  186. [2013-03-11 20:13:08] <ModernStyle_Flake> errr, to his....non-existent leg.
  187. [2013-03-11 20:13:11] <Grail> They call him Hunter
  188. [2013-03-11 20:13:21] <Grail> He's called the mastermind of the operation
  189. [2013-03-11 20:13:24] <Ironybot> Undeterminable. Totally.
  190. [2013-03-11 20:13:33] <Ironybot> Definitely not thirtyish.
  191. [2013-03-11 20:13:46] <ModernStyle_Flake> Oh come on. I'll make you all look like superstar models
  192. [2013-03-11 20:13:55] <Grail> I can't tell what Fiain is doing
  193. [2013-03-11 20:14:12] <Grail> Technically everyone doesn't look like themselves when he's around
  194. [2013-03-11 20:14:29] <Ironybot> Don't reskin our faces for the cameras, Fiain. Come on.
  195. [2013-03-11 20:15:04] <Seventeen> Oh, another cutie. Probably a bit old. Olivia has sadface, no local supers worthy of dating.
  196. [2013-03-11 20:15:22] <Grail> They also have an in depth report from another man
  197. [2013-03-11 20:15:26] <Ironybot> Anyway, Hunter is a mastermind now! Awesome. It's not everyone with Mind 3d who gets that kind of title.
  198. [2013-03-11 20:16:14] <ModernStyle_Flake> Fiain's gonna wave, smoke, and appear with his bossed up suit and shades. Try to say it wasn't much from his part, he doesn't need all the thanks, out of gratitude.
  199. [2013-03-11 20:16:45] <Seventeen> If he's a mastermind, what's Olivia with her Mind 4d? A grandmastermind?
  200. [2013-03-11 20:16:45] <Grail> Tall, handsome, athletic, and he's rapid fire answering questions thrown at him by a reporter, this clip is a day old by now.
  201. [2013-03-11 20:16:45] <ModernStyle_Flake> If asked who he is, he'll reply with "Just a guy with extraordinary abilities."
  202. [2013-03-11 20:17:16] <Grail> He has magical fire powers
  203. [2013-03-11 20:17:31] <Seventeen> Oh, much better.
  204. [2013-03-11 20:17:57] <Ironybot> Heh. Have fun with your reporter, Alphonse.
  205. [2013-03-11 20:18:16] <Grail> If you have any questions or points to bring up feel free to ask, otherwise that's the general gist she gets.
  206. [2013-03-11 20:18:33] <Seventeen> I want a complete transcript of Alphonse's interview.
  207. [2013-03-11 20:18:36] <Seventeen> Just kidding!
  208. [2013-03-11 20:18:41] <Seventeen> But not really
  209. [2013-03-11 20:18:48] <ModernStyle_Flake> Lucky man, he's off on International Reports and Adventures, so damn lucky
  210. [2013-03-11 20:19:11] <Grail> They're self touted super heroes, their appearances often change and vary from time to time but they usually look dirty as hell and often leave trails of destruction in their wake.
  211. [2013-03-11 20:19:32] <Seventeen> She's going to write down his name. Does Al use a pseudonym or his real name?
  212. [2013-03-11 20:20:39] <Grail> Real name
  213. [2013-03-11 20:21:01] <Ironybot> Usually dirty as hell? How disappointing! Hunter showers regularly.
  214. [2013-03-11 20:21:06] <Seventeen> Just going by "Alphonse"?
  215. [2013-03-11 20:21:10] <Grail> Save for Hunter
  216. [2013-03-11 20:21:28] <Grail> He looks dirty only occasionally
  217. [2013-03-11 20:21:42] <Ironybot> Maybe they call him a mastermind because they don't believe anyone who doesn't bother to stay clean could be smart.
  218. [2013-03-11 20:22:03] <Grail> Alphonse Frost
  219. [2013-03-11 20:22:29] <Ironybot> Thus by process of elimination he must be the cunning soul behind the genius of this team. And they must have some genius, or they wouldn't be able to locate and storm underwater nuclear bases.
  220. [2013-03-11 20:23:51] <Seventeen> Olivia opens up her IRC client and logs in to the magical people channel.
  221. [2013-03-11 20:24:12] <Grail> Okay while you think of things to ask.
  222. [2013-03-11 20:24:22] <Grail> What did everyone decide to do on their 'day off'?
  223. [2013-03-11 20:24:28] <Seventeen> <xrsovexg538cdei> Anyone heard of a guy called Alphonse Frost? Apparently he's got some fire magic, I just saw him on the news.
  224. [2013-03-11 20:24:32] |<-- Ecclesia has left (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  225. [2013-03-11 20:25:48] <PriceisMagic> (Ok back)
  226. [2013-03-11 20:27:47] <Ironybot> Hunter is slightly unwilling to leave Yuko alone after the results of that last battle, so he'll be hanging out with her. Also attempting to implement his cunning plan to get Michale and Yuko to look after each other by encouraging them to do so, meaning that I guess he will push for team recreational downtime coupled with the acquisition of basic necessities of life for those of his...
  227. [2013-03-11 20:27:47] <Ironybot> ...teammates who are slightly less well suited to the initerant lifestyle.
  228. [2013-03-11 20:28:07] <Ironybot> Itinerant. Excuse me.
  229. [2013-03-11 20:28:59] <Ironybot> He can do basic necessity acquisition on their behalf with grace, ease, and not bringing a man in power armor into a store.
  230. [2013-03-11 20:29:24] <Grail> But...but Michale can reach the top shelves with ease!
  231. [2013-03-11 20:29:32] <Ironybot> Nevertheless.
  232. [2013-03-11 20:31:45] <Grail> How does Michale take this?
  233. [2013-03-11 20:35:23] <PriceisMagic> Depends on what the 'recreational downtime' is
  234. [2013-03-11 20:35:47] <Ironybot> Hunter's pretty flexible.
  235. [2013-03-11 20:36:02] <Ironybot> There may be a new Cop Copter movie out?
  236. [2013-03-11 20:36:05] <guile_> Yuko is now clad in clothing scavenged from the locker room of an evil villain lair. She may need new kicks.
  237. [2013-03-11 20:36:57] <guile_> Unless Kappadude had some kind of uniform for his kidnapped subjects, then she'll take it on a case by case basis
  238. [2013-03-11 20:37:13] <Seventeen> Hunter's going to seek a torrent for Cop Copter XLVI or whatever they're up to, isn't he?
  239. [2013-03-11 20:37:32] <Grail> Yuko gets an ensemble of various, miss matched women's clothing.
  240. [2013-03-11 20:37:40] <guile_> Why torrent when he can sneak into movie theatres?
  241. [2013-03-11 20:37:46] <PriceisMagic> Michale will join in since he has nothing better to do, though expect him to be distracted by any crime he sees
  242. [2013-03-11 20:38:01] <PriceisMagic> Or hears
  243. [2013-03-11 20:38:28] <Ironybot> Yuko's clothing woes are easily solvable via the acquisition of "clothing which would fit Yuko that she would like and no one would notice me taking or care is missing" from wherever the hell such things are kept.
  244. [2013-03-11 20:38:48] <Grail> Hunter goes to good will
  245. [2013-03-11 20:38:56] <Grail> It's like, vintage.
  246. [2013-03-11 20:39:09] <Grail> He swears some of this stuff is from the seventies
  247. [2013-03-11 20:39:12] <guile_> Only been lived in for a few years! Still good!
  248. [2013-03-11 20:39:18] <Seventeen> Michale can't sneak into movie theatres.
  249. [2013-03-11 20:39:23] <Ironybot> Yuko's a girl of peculiar taste, clearly.
  250. [2013-03-11 20:39:34] <Ironybot> We knew that already, though.
  251. [2013-03-11 20:39:40] <guile_>
  252. [2013-03-11 20:39:53] <guile_> Plaid bellbottoms. Stellar.
  253. [2013-03-11 20:40:02] <Grail> You do find some fur coats
  254. [2013-03-11 20:40:28] <Grail> They're not exactly suited for the local climate
  255. [2013-03-11 20:40:42] <ModernStyle_Flake> back
  256. [2013-03-11 20:40:49] <guile_> Oh yeah, california
  257. [2013-03-11 20:40:56] <Ironybot> Hunter is tempted to filter for only things that he and Yuko would approve of, but that seems somehow rude.
  258. [2013-03-11 20:41:03] <Grail> But what does Yuko care?
  259. [2013-03-11 20:42:04] <ModernStyle_Flake> Rock that 70's style, girl!
  260. [2013-03-11 20:42:06] <guile_> What the hell is this supposed to be?
  261. [2013-03-11 20:42:21] <Grail> Ostrich chique
  262. [2013-03-11 20:42:27] <Grail> It's very in right now
  263. [2013-03-11 20:43:04] <ModernStyle_Flake> Ping me once I'm relevant to the plot, I need to check something a bit
  264. [2013-03-11 20:43:06] <guile_> Apparently
  265. [2013-03-11 20:43:20] <guile_> Im going to be keeping myself amused looking through 70's fashion
  266. [2013-03-11 20:43:22] <Grail> We need you to tell us what Fiain was doing with his day off
  267. [2013-03-11 20:43:42] <Grail> And Yuko as well, besides socializing with Hunter and Michale
  268. [2013-03-11 20:44:32] <Ironybot> For the record, there are limits to the bad taste that Hunter is willing to put up with. The ostrich thing is past those limits.
  269. [2013-03-11 20:44:36] <ModernStyle_Flake> Cleaning his suit and shoe, then he goes looking for a job- at corporations preferably. I'll assume his Business Management gives him knowledge of some big names in the industry, and he'll go and offer his services
  270. [2013-03-11 20:44:41] <guile_> 70's fashion is... interesting
  271. [2013-03-11 20:45:11] <ModernStyle_Flake> When they do it, it's vintage. When you do it, you're a fucking slut.
  272. [2013-03-11 20:45:16] <Seventeen> Third girl's dressed like Rikku from FFX.
  273. [2013-03-11 20:45:45] <Grail> Anyway Hunter gets Yuko ton of free clothing from good will, it's mostly 70s based but you pick out a few more modern if your value of modern numbers is 90s grunge clothing.
  274. [2013-03-11 20:46:11] <ModernStyle_Flake> [Go for Contemporary style, Yuko! That always looks good, all the time!]
  275. [2013-03-11 20:46:15] <Ironybot> Look, Hunter is an alien hybrid, not a fashion guru.
  276. [2013-03-11 20:46:25] <Grail> But he CAN be a fashion guru
  277. [2013-03-11 20:46:27] <Ironybot> Unless he wants to be a fashion guru for a while, then he could be.
  278. [2013-03-11 20:46:32] <guile_> Help, I can't decide between ridiculous ponchos and ridiculous ... I don't even know what!
  279. [2013-03-11 20:46:33] <Ironybot> Hmm.
  280. [2013-03-11 20:46:35] <ModernStyle_Flake> [Just stay away from Urban Outfitters if you don't want to look like a hobo (very fashionable though)]
  281. [2013-03-11 20:46:39] <guile_>
  282. [2013-03-11 20:47:35] <guile_> Anyway, moving on. What does the Super Crew do when they're not fighting crime? Apparently not much
  283. [2013-03-11 20:47:41] <Ironybot> Maybe it is time to apply supernatural fashion guru prowess to locating the few gems that would make Yuko actually look stylish amidst the endless sea of terrible clothing that she would like that Hunter can steal.
  284. [2013-03-11 20:47:44] <Grail> What kind of corporation is Fiain looking at?
  285. [2013-03-11 20:47:52] <ModernStyle_Flake> Well, half of us are fucking hobos with no money.
  286. [2013-03-11 20:48:01] <Grail> Does he have preferences?
  287. [2013-03-11 20:49:36] <Seventeen> Weyland-Yutani, please.
  288. [2013-03-11 20:49:56] <Seventeen> Aztechnology, maybe?
  289. [2013-03-11 20:50:08] <Ironybot> Look, Hunter is a simple man with simple wants. Decent food, friends, a life that satisfies his constant need to explore and discover, the general sense that he's not completely crazy, the knowledge that he's helping people. As it happens, that can be satisfied by movies wit friends and pilfering clothing between bouts of superheroism.
  290. [2013-03-11 20:50:15] <Ironybot> Umbrella Corporation?
  291. [2013-03-11 20:50:22] <Seventeen> Pentex?
  292. [2013-03-11 20:50:29] <ModernStyle_Flake> Hmm. Let's go with...the Technology Industry.
  293. [2013-03-11 20:50:36] <Grail> This is a big tech town
  294. [2013-03-11 20:50:47] <Grail> What kind of tech are you looking into?
  295. [2013-03-11 20:50:52] <PriceisMagic> Kinda built on a crashed alien ship
  296. [2013-03-11 20:51:00] <Seventeen> Get a job at one of Olivia's dad's companies! They're in everything!
  297. [2013-03-11 20:51:09] <ModernStyle_Flake> While he'd be probably just the guy Umbrella Corp would look for because of his powers, he doesn't find working for backstabbing bosses very attractive.
  298. [2013-03-11 20:51:14] <Ironybot> Blue Sun Industries? Tyrell Corporation?
  299. [2013-03-11 20:51:16] <PriceisMagic> /everything/
  300. [2013-03-11 20:51:27] <Seventeen> RDA?
  301. [2013-03-11 20:51:32] <Ironybot> Cyberdyne Systems?
  302. [2013-03-11 20:51:38] <Grail> They have robotics, bio tech, transportation, consumer goods, software, computers, gaming, there is literally everything to choose from.
  303. [2013-03-11 20:52:04] <Seventeen> Ares Macrotechnology
  304. [2013-03-11 20:52:30] <PriceisMagic> Macrotechnology?
  305. [2013-03-11 20:52:33] <Ironybot> No doubling up on Shadowrun. We'll go through the whole setting before we stop if that starts.
  306. [2013-03-11 20:52:51] <Seventeen> Yamatetsu (now Evo Corporation), Horizon, Mitsuhama Computer Technolo- aww...
  307. [2013-03-11 20:53:11] <Ironybot> Lexcorp.
  308. [2013-03-11 20:53:36] <guile_> Did we try Titancorp yet?
  309. [2013-03-11 20:53:58] <Seventeen> Wayne Industries. Definitely an evil megacorp.
  310. [2013-03-11 20:54:16] <Ironybot> Yeah. Have you seen their CEO? Total dick.
  311. [2013-03-11 20:54:22] <Ironybot> Speaking of, Stark Industries.
  312. [2013-03-11 20:54:24] <ModernStyle_Flake> Indeed. And arguably the best option here is 'Cheap Chinese Knocko-nah. BioEngineering, something organism-related.
  313. [2013-03-11 20:54:49] <Grail> Enviro-Gro it is
  314. [2013-03-11 20:54:49] <ModernStyle_Flake> Stark Industries runs itself. He won't get a job there at all.
  315. [2013-03-11 20:55:14] <Grail> Fiain gets his suit cleaned and his shoe polished
  316. [2013-03-11 20:55:15] <ModernStyle_Flake> That name sounds hippie as fuck
  317. [2013-03-11 20:55:19] <Seventeen> Primatech!
  318. [2013-03-11 20:55:22] <Grail> California
  319. [2013-03-11 20:55:27] <Grail> It IS hippie as fuck
  320. [2013-03-11 20:55:36] <ModernStyle_Flake> Yeah, what was I expecting...
  321. [2013-03-11 20:55:41] <PriceisMagic> "We're like, here to save the planet man"
  322. [2013-03-11 20:56:07] <ModernStyle_Flake> "You gotta try our products dude! It's like, so eco-friendly!"
  323. [2013-03-11 20:56:15] <Seventeen> Soylent Corporation, GeneCo, Zorg Industries
  324. [2013-03-11 20:56:30] <Grail> They don't have actual hippies, but they work developing enviromentally friendly alternatives to various consumer products
  325. [2013-03-11 20:57:00] <ModernStyle_Flake> That better be a good market. Fiain is aiming to hold the flow of money in his hands.
  326. [2013-03-11 20:57:02] <Seventeen> Should have chosen the British East India Company.
  327. [2013-03-11 20:57:05] <PriceisMagic> Wait, what was the Kappa base reactor running on? Uranium or Thorium?
  328. [2013-03-11 20:57:10] <Ironybot> Oho, nice one.
  329. [2013-03-11 20:57:18] <ModernStyle_Flake> Oh, and what's that- Tea?
  330. [2013-03-11 20:57:30] <Grail> Is Fiain going to use any of his powers?
  331. [2013-03-11 20:57:33] <ModernStyle_Flake> Tea, Spices and Silk?
  332. [2013-03-11 20:57:39] <Grail> And I do count hard/hyperdice as powers
  333. [2013-03-11 20:57:43] <guile_> Anything you can turn a profit on by subjugating an indigenous people, mostly
  334. [2013-03-11 20:58:14] <ModernStyle_Flake> His incredible hard dice in Persuasion to butter them up
  335. [2013-03-11 20:58:45] <ModernStyle_Flake> ?fiain
  336. [2013-03-11 20:58:45] <Classhole> FIAIN CHARSHEET: STUFF:
  337. [2013-03-11 20:58:48] <Grail> Fiain has acquired a position in management!
  338. [2013-03-11 20:58:53] <Grail> He can now afford to pay rent
  339. [2013-03-11 20:58:56] <Grail> And purchase food
  340. [2013-03-11 20:59:07] <ModernStyle_Flake> Starting Salary of....?
  341. [2013-03-11 20:59:38] <ModernStyle_Flake> [>inb4 cup of noodles]
  342. [2013-03-11 20:59:51] <Grail> Not represented in wealth dice.
  343. [2013-03-11 21:00:12] <Grail> It will keep you comfortably living a middle class lifestyle
  344. [2013-03-11 21:00:24] <ModernStyle_Flake> Well, that seems....pretty average.
  345. [2013-03-11 21:00:36] <Ironybot> Starting salary of "enough that you can feed Michale every time he comes by, but not enough that you don't care that he's eating everything".
  346. [2013-03-11 21:00:37] <PriceisMagic> Hey Ironybot, have Hunter use his powers to find winnign tickets and stuff
  347. [2013-03-11 21:00:47] <Seventeen> What, does he think he's going to be CEO after five minutes?
  348. [2013-03-11 21:00:57] <Grail> And...
  349. [2013-03-11 21:01:02] <guile_> But will it feed his new family of 4?
  350. [2013-03-11 21:01:15] <ModernStyle_Flake> Oh no, I never expected that. But he wants to have people to boss around
  351. [2013-03-11 21:01:19] <Grail> .choose Daddycorp, notdaddycorp
  352. [2013-03-11 21:01:19] <Classhole> Grail: Daddycorp
  353. [2013-03-11 21:01:24] <ModernStyle_Flake> AW SHIT
  354. [2013-03-11 21:01:34] <Ironybot> Hunter doesn't care about money, so it would never occur to him to use his powers to get rich through games of chance.
  355. [2013-03-11 21:01:35] <PriceisMagic> Eh?
  356. [2013-03-11 21:01:43] <Grail> Olivia's father is a major holder in this corporation
  357. [2013-03-11 21:01:47] <Grail> Not that anyone knows
  358. [2013-03-11 21:01:58] <Ironybot> He could do that, but it would take someone else coming up with the idea and convincing him to do it in-character.
  359. [2013-03-11 21:02:18] <PriceisMagic> Isn't he a major holder in nearly ever corporation?
  360. [2013-03-11 21:02:22] <Grail> Fiain did get into a management position from the start
  361. [2013-03-11 21:02:35] <Grail> So you do have, lets say a dozen people working under you
  362. [2013-03-11 21:02:36] <Ironybot> a walk-in, no less, which is completely insane.
  363. [2013-03-11 21:02:41] <Grail> It is
  364. [2013-03-11 21:02:43] <ModernStyle_Flake> [Fiain, currently at work and pissed as shit]: "What the GODDAMNED FUCK do I need to get a /damn/ latte here?! I'm not sitting my ass off for nothing you dumb pieces of shit!"
  365. [2013-03-11 21:02:46] <Grail> But he has superpowers
  366. [2013-03-11 21:03:07] <Grail> Nobody is going to tolerate that, I'll just say
  367. [2013-03-11 21:03:15] <Grail> Unless you just start mind controlling the office
  368. [2013-03-11 21:03:24] <ModernStyle_Flake> Just kidding. Who the hell gets pissed on the first day?
  369. [2013-03-11 21:03:26] <Ironybot> I like the use of the phrase "sitting my ass off".
  370. [2013-03-11 21:03:43] <Ironybot> He's not working. Just sitting.
  371. [2013-03-11 21:04:07] <ModernStyle_Flake> The privileges of being the one in charge.
  372. [2013-03-11 21:04:34] <Grail> That's Fiain, Hunter, and I guess Yuko and Michale
  373. [2013-03-11 21:04:43] <Grail> Okay back to Olivia
  374. [2013-03-11 21:05:37] <Grail> <fawcaber2643>Who?
  375. [2013-03-11 21:06:16] <Grail> <Dolphin> What country/state??
  376. [2013-03-11 21:07:25] <Seventeen> <xrsovexg538cdei> California. He's a good-looking guy, fairly eloquent. You should be able to find the interview online somewhere.
  377. [2013-03-11 21:09:18] <Grail> <RosieR> Good looking? A magic guy? That's...rare
  378. [2013-03-11 21:09:39] <Grail> <BulletBill> Bitch
  379. [2013-03-11 21:10:51] <Grail> <Sigil2> Not a mage, I can tell you that much.
  380. [2013-03-11 21:11:17] <Seventeen> <xrsovexg538cdei> It's rare enough just to find another magic enthusiast in my area. All I've found so far are amateurs so lacking in knowledge they're a danger to themselves.
  381. [2013-03-11 21:11:40] <Seventeen> <xrsovexg538cdei> Sigil2, how do you know?
  382. [2013-03-11 21:11:48] <Grail> <Sigil2> Just do.
  383. [2013-03-11 21:13:27] <Seventeen> <xrsovexg538cdei> Very helpful. Do you know anything else about him?
  384. [2013-03-11 21:14:24] <Grail> <Unicorn> Lk arnd a lttle, where ppl buy spply, mybe try 2 trace dl's of mgic files?
  385. [2013-03-11 21:14:53] <PriceisMagic> (English mother fucker, do you speak it)
  386. [2013-03-11 21:15:04] <Grail> <Sigil2> He doesn't like mages...
  387. [2013-03-11 21:15:21] <Grail> <Sigil2> And his home is abandoned
  388. [2013-03-11 21:18:04] <Grail> <RosieR> Babe, my advice is to try looking up some blogs. All sorts of people are online now.
  389. [2013-03-11 21:18:54] <Grail> She links blog entry from a guy in California, it has videos posted to youtbue titled things like 'my first fireball'
  390. [2013-03-11 21:19:10] <Seventeen> <xrsovexg538cdei> Thanks for the link.
  391. [2013-03-11 21:19:12] <Grail> And 'conjuring an elf'
  392. [2013-03-11 21:19:17] <guile_> Note to self: Aliens Anonymous (or whatever we end up calling ourselves) needs a blog
  393. [2013-03-11 21:19:36] <Ironybot> It would record so much criminal activity it's not even funny.
  394. [2013-03-11 21:19:45] <Seventeen> Olivia looks through the videos for something with Alphonse in it.
  395. [2013-03-11 21:20:44] <guile_> 'Saved the city again today! Had to destroy 17 cars and a warehouse.'
  396. [2013-03-11 21:20:47] <Grail> Al isn't in them, but she hears names of other vloggers, and social media sights. There's roughly two dozen or so wizards and witches in the area.
  397. [2013-03-11 21:21:16] <Grail> One of them is an actual stage magician
  398. [2013-03-11 21:21:26] <Seventeen> Olivia needs to hire an assistant to send out form letters to them all.
  399. [2013-03-11 21:21:46] <Grail> <Sigil2> Also, he left town.
  400. [2013-03-11 21:21:56] <Seventeen> <xrsovexg538cdei> Why?
  401. [2013-03-11 21:22:18] <Grail> <Sigil2> Hmmmmm
  402. [2013-03-11 21:22:20] <Seventeen> <xrsovexg538cdei> Do you know where he is now?
  403. [2013-03-11 21:22:34] <Grail> He pauses and the conversation stops for two minutes
  404. [2013-03-11 21:22:43] <Grail> <Sigil2> Tibet.
  405. [2013-03-11 21:22:56] <guile_> Dudes. Tibet.
  406. [2013-03-11 21:22:57] <Grail> Sigil2> Disagreement with someone
  407. [2013-03-11 21:23:18] <Grail> <Sigil2> Friends maybe? It's all muddled
  408. [2013-03-11 21:23:26] <Ironybot> Man, being able to go into a chat room and have someone relentlessly divine answers for you is pretty cash.
  409. [2013-03-11 21:23:42] <Ironybot> Does Olivia do anything for random online people when they ask her?
  410. [2013-03-11 21:23:43] <Grail> Metahuman communities man
  411. [2013-03-11 21:24:03] <Grail> How can groups of superhumans NOT be helpful?
  412. [2013-03-11 21:24:04] <Seventeen> She gives them money for .pdf files. Does that count?
  413. [2013-03-11 21:24:33] <Seventeen> <xrsovexg538cdei> Thanks for the help. If any of you ever need anything, just ask.
  414. [2013-03-11 21:24:53] <Grail> And now everyone wants some wealth dice
  415. [2013-03-11 21:25:08] <Grail> How many do you want to not burn, but use for the session in charity?
  416. [2013-03-11 21:26:00] <Seventeen> Well I only have two, so I'm going to say two.
  417. [2013-03-11 21:26:12] <Grail> A lot of happy magic users
  418. [2013-03-11 21:26:33] <Grail> Somebody is learning how to turn water to wine tonight
  419. [2013-03-11 21:26:58] <Grail> Okay while Olivia thinks about all this
  420. [2013-03-11 21:26:59] <Grail> The group
  421. [2013-03-11 21:27:08] <Grail> Your day off is over with
  422. [2013-03-11 21:27:08] <Ironybot> Pfft. "If you never need anything, just ask." "Money! I want money! Lots of it!"
  423. [2013-03-11 21:27:16] <Ironybot> ...ever need anything, excuse me.
  424. [2013-03-11 21:27:17] <Seventeen> And hopefully learning how to turn hangovers into not-hangovers.
  425. [2013-03-11 21:27:19] <Grail> It's back
  426. [2013-03-11 21:27:26] <Ironybot> Team meeting!
  427. [2013-03-11 21:27:37] <Grail> Where?
  428. [2013-03-11 21:27:42] <Ironybot> The kappas are handled. What's our next highest priority?
  429. [2013-03-11 21:27:58] <PriceisMagic> The church of the green man?
  430. [2013-03-11 21:28:11] <Ironybot> Wherever's convenient. Where did we spend the last day? Some abandoned building, probably.
  431. [2013-03-11 21:28:19] <Grail> Fiain's? Chuck E Cheese or the setting equivalent Peter Pepperoni's?
  432. [2013-03-11 21:28:39] <Ironybot> I would say that either the ring or the mutagenic drugs are the highest priority.
  433. [2013-03-11 21:28:42] <Grail> A bar?
  434. [2013-03-11 21:28:46] <guile_> after watching another Cop Copter movie, our righteous blood is boiling! Time to bring criminals to justice!
  435. [2013-03-11 21:29:01] <ModernStyle_Flake> Cop Copter, our one true hero
  436. [2013-03-11 21:29:08] <guile_> I kinda like the idea of the group meeting at Chuck E Cheese, I admit
  437. [2013-03-11 21:29:12] <Ironybot> Certainly more of a hero than we are.
  438. [2013-03-11 21:29:20] <guile_> beer and pizza while we plan!
  439. [2013-03-11 21:29:37] <Grail> Hunter cheats at all the games
  440. [2013-03-11 21:29:40] <Ironybot> Look, Iron Tsar cannot just walk into a Chuck E Cheese. Also, that franchise is dominated by fell and malignant energies.
  441. [2013-03-11 21:29:48] <guile_> and animatronic fuzzy band-animals
  442. [2013-03-11 21:29:52] <Grail> He can get all the tickets
  443. [2013-03-11 21:30:10] <Grail> Doesn't Hunter want to get Yuko a five foot tall stuffed bear?
  444. [2013-03-11 21:30:11] <ModernStyle_Flake> Pizza and wa-it. Fiain looks at Yuko sternly, then changes her 'Beer' to 'Coke'
  445. [2013-03-11 21:30:21] <guile_> we'll get him in the mascot costume
  446. [2013-03-11 21:31:12] <Ironybot> Fine, Hunter will cheat at all the games and get Yuko a five foot tall stuffed bear. But when the security tapes of our meeting end up on the internet tomorrow, don't blame Hunter.
  447. [2013-03-11 21:31:47] <Grail> Well that's unexpected
  448. [2013-03-11 21:31:56] <Grail> Okay everyone is at the pizza place
  449. [2013-03-11 21:32:01] <Grail> There are children everywhere
  450. [2013-03-11 21:32:12] <Ironybot> Watch us boldly not care.
  451. [2013-03-11 21:32:19] <guile_> anyhoo, the Ring is probably the biggest threat
  452. [2013-03-11 21:32:20] <Ironybot> (this is going to blow up in our face)
  453. [2013-03-11 21:32:31] <Grail> You have front row seats to the animatronic show
  454. [2013-03-11 21:32:37] <PriceisMagic> Execpt Michale whos probably sitting in a allyway staring holes in the walls
  455. [2013-03-11 21:32:38] <guile_> although they haven't had any more Sparks anymore
  456. [2013-03-11 21:32:42] <ModernStyle_Flake> Did someone say Illusion time? Because I think someone did!
  457. [2013-03-11 21:32:43] <guile_> Yuko is glad
  458. [2013-03-11 21:32:47] <Grail> They have a carp playing a trombone and a deer playing spoons
  459. [2013-03-11 21:33:14] <ModernStyle_Flake> T-That deserves a standing ovation!
  460. [2013-03-11 21:33:16] <Ironybot> Aha, I found that old /tg/ story of Chuck E Cheese being evil.
  461. [2013-03-11 21:33:26] <Grail> There are neither trombone noises or spoon noises in their songs
  462. [2013-03-11 21:33:42] <PriceisMagic> What sorcery is this?
  463. [2013-03-11 21:33:44] <ModernStyle_Flake> They're so good they can impersonate OTHER instruments!
  464. [2013-03-11 21:33:55] <ModernStyle_Flake> It's like playing the guitar, but you hear piano. THAT GOOD.
  465. [2013-03-11 21:34:05] <Ironybot> Doubtless Fiain's own impersonations are taking much inspiration from this.
  466. [2013-03-11 21:34:17] <Ironybot> Larry will seen be armed with a knife that shoots bullets.
  467. [2013-03-11 21:34:25] <Ironybot> Soon be armed, excuse me.
  468. [2013-03-11 21:35:12] <Seventeen> An arm that kicks!
  469. [2013-03-11 21:35:19] <Seventeen> A penis that vaginas!
  470. [2013-03-11 21:35:37] <Grail> Anyway get back to your heroic plotting
  471. [2013-03-11 21:35:37] <Seventeen> Okay, now I'm getting too silly. Back to homework for a while.
  472. [2013-03-11 21:35:52] <Grail> Everyone gets pizzas because Fiain can afford it
  473. [2013-03-11 21:35:57] <guile_> Right-o. So, Cult of the Green Man, the Ring, Rockem...
  474. [2013-03-11 21:36:02] <ModernStyle_Flake> He's chill with it too!
  475. [2013-03-11 21:36:03] <Ironybot> In any case! Hunter is inclined to track down the transforming drugs, if possible. They're seemingly harmless at the moment but it's obvious that someone is recklessly toying with super-bio-science here.
  476. [2013-03-11 21:36:09] <guile_> Also, Yuko is totally probably old enough to drink
  477. [2013-03-11 21:36:14] <guile_> Oh yeah, and those
  478. [2013-03-11 21:36:33] <PriceisMagic> I say we save the ring until last since it will take the longest
  479. [2013-03-11 21:36:37] <ModernStyle_Flake> " old are you?" Fiain says as he holds a beer, just out of Yuko's reach
  480. [2013-03-11 21:36:50] <Ironybot> But the ring has nefarious plans that may come to fruition if we don't deal with them.
  481. [2013-03-11 21:36:53] <guile_> "I dunno~"
  482. [2013-03-11 21:36:59] <guile_> Also, a fabricator we can steal
  483. [2013-03-11 21:37:05] <Ironybot> Fabricators are nice.
  484. [2013-03-11 21:37:40] <PriceisMagic> (Be back in 10 mins again)
  485. [2013-03-11 21:37:40] <guile_> "At least 16! Probably older!"
  486. [2013-03-11 21:38:48] <Ironybot> "Just because we can talk them into serving you alcohol without an ID doesn't mean that it's good for you."
  487. [2013-03-11 21:39:46] -->| Bubbah ( has joined #Fortuna
  488. [2013-03-11 21:40:09] <guile_> "Is alcohol good for anybody?" Yuko wonders.
  489. [2013-03-11 21:40:29] <ModernStyle_Flake> "Then I guess this isn't for you." He cracks it open and takes a sip.
  490. [2013-03-11 21:40:29] <ModernStyle_Flake> "Sure. Mature tastes for mature people like yourself." Motions for the waitress, orders a coke for the girl.
  491. [2013-03-11 21:40:29] <guile_> Also, alcohol might refuel my powercells, just like the mighty bending robot
  492. [2013-03-11 21:41:03] <Grail> Yuko gets a delicious coke
  493. [2013-03-11 21:41:12] <Grail> It's full of corn syrup and sugar
  494. [2013-03-11 21:41:18] <Grail> Totally better than alcohol
  495. [2013-03-11 21:41:31] <ModernStyle_Flake> " But drinking is a social obligation, you'll understand once you get older."
  496. [2013-03-11 21:42:42] <Ironybot> "Alcohol probably isn't a bright idea for anyone who doesn't know how their body works," Hunter says as he sips a beer. "But eh."
  497. [2013-03-11 21:45:04] <guile_> Given Yuko isn't 100% certain alcohol wouldn't cause her altered body to explode or something, this does seem like sound advice.
  498. [2013-03-11 21:45:13] <guile_> Anyhoo... so, Irony votes for the transformative drug, PIM says leave the Ring til last... you got a preference flake?
  499. [2013-03-11 21:45:52] <ModernStyle_Flake> Hmm. Lay me the options
  500. [2013-03-11 21:46:41] <PriceisMagic> Ok back
  501. [2013-03-11 21:46:54] <guile_> Green Man Cult, Rockem Sockem, the Ring making out-of-control supers, the transforming drug Hunter found... probably other stuff too, like whatever Angelboy is up to
  502. [2013-03-11 21:47:06] <Ironybot> We can track down the ring, a nefarious organization with sinister plots which we know is making their own superpowered enforcers using dubious superscience. They made Spark accidentally. We have semi-reliable information that they have a fabricator, which is like an anything machine.
  503. [2013-03-11 21:47:26] <Ironybot> We can track down the Cult of the Green man, which is some shit we heard about on TV involving disappearing people.
  504. [2013-03-11 21:47:49] <ModernStyle_Flake> Ring and RESEB
  505. [2013-03-11 21:47:49] <guile_> Speaking of the Green Man, if you want backup on that Seventeen, you have only for Olivia to find us
  506. [2013-03-11 21:47:51] <Ironybot> We can track down that girl with the hoodie, because Yuko wants a cool hoodie. And she's a villain, it seems.
  507. [2013-03-11 21:48:18] <guile_> Yeah, but she's knocking over jewelery stores. Not exactly dastardly supervillainy
  508. [2013-03-11 21:48:40] <PriceisMagic> Unless she does something major shes rather low on the list
  509. [2013-03-11 21:48:56] <Ironybot> We can track down the source of a new party drug on the streets that literally shapechanges the people who take it for a few hours. Unknown side effects, if any; personally I think that releasing it on the streets is someone's improvised clinical trial.
  510. [2013-03-11 21:49:13] <Ironybot> Did I miss anything important?
  511. [2013-03-11 21:49:56] <Grail> Hunter was looking for other supers and found a speedster courier who had some undetermined problems that his seeking picked up
  512. [2013-03-11 21:50:16] <guile_> Trying to catch a speedster would be tricky
  513. [2013-03-11 21:50:18] <Grail> And...that's about it
  514. [2013-03-11 21:54:09] <ModernStyle_Flake> My vote is Ring or RESEB
  515. [2013-03-11 21:54:42] <guile_> Then it sounds like RESEB is the go-to
  516. [2013-03-11 21:54:50] <guile_> Yuko needs new clothes!
  517. [2013-03-11 21:54:58] <guile_> 70's chic does not pass at raves
  518. [2013-03-11 21:55:52] <guile_> ... huh, punching 'raver fashion' into google mostly produces retarded images
  519. [2013-03-11 22:00:28] <Grail> What's the plan?
  520. [2013-03-11 22:00:44] <ModernStyle_Flake> Ring I guess
  521. [2013-03-11 22:00:51] <ModernStyle_Flake> bust up some gangsters
  522. [2013-03-11 22:01:28] <Ironybot> What did you vote for, guile_?
  523. [2013-03-11 22:02:24] <guile_> I'm okay with RESEBS
  524. [2013-03-11 22:03:31] <Ironybot> So hunting for hoodies wins on the basis of having two votes.
  525. [2013-03-11 22:03:42] <PriceisMagic> Ok then
  526. [2013-03-11 22:03:49] |<-- Seventeen has left (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  527. [2013-03-11 22:04:46] <guile_> Ravers: basically dress like superheroes
  528. [2013-03-11 22:04:57] <guile_> Oh wait, RESEBS was Rockem. I thought that as the drug
  529. [2013-03-11 22:05:11] <guile_> silly me
  530. [2013-03-11 22:05:38] <Grail> Oh right
  531. [2013-03-11 22:05:42] <Ironybot> ...
  532. [2013-03-11 22:05:55] <Grail> Alright*
  533. [2013-03-11 22:06:03] <Ironybot> Are you not voting for that, then, guile, or...?
  534. [2013-03-11 22:06:20] <ModernStyle_Flake> jesus
  535. [2013-03-11 22:06:21] <ModernStyle_Flake> my eyes
  536. [2013-03-11 22:06:30] <ModernStyle_Flake> they burn with the agony of a thousand jews
  537. [2013-03-11 22:08:50] <ModernStyle_Flake> ...did I DC? Respond if you see this
  538. [2013-03-11 22:09:07] <Grail> I see it
  539. [2013-03-11 22:09:34] <Grail> You guys are going to tackle the mystery party drugs?
  540. [2013-03-11 22:11:20] <PriceisMagic> I thin so
  541. [2013-03-11 22:11:22] <PriceisMagic> think
  542. [2013-03-11 22:12:29] -->| Seventeen (cgiirc@D3A48AF3.D841C1CC.976286FC.IP) has joined #Fortuna
  543. [2013-03-11 22:12:35] <Ironybot> Okay, sounds like a plan.
  544. [2013-03-11 22:12:43] <Ironybot> Well, okay, more like a goal.
  545. [2013-03-11 22:12:46] <Seventeen> Aw man, I missed the plan?
  546. [2013-03-11 22:13:00] <guile_> Not so much
  547. [2013-03-11 22:13:09] <Ironybot> For a plan, does anyone have something better than "seek the location of X, walk to X, beat people up until mystery solved"?
  548. [2013-03-11 22:13:36] <ModernStyle_Flake> Throw in Confuse and manipulate the shit out of people in there
  549. [2013-03-11 22:13:41] <Ironybot> If not, then the only question is what X to use.
  550. [2013-03-11 22:13:51] <guile_> We could try selling E at one of their parties, get picked up the way that guy Hunter talked to did
  551. [2013-03-11 22:14:14] <ModernStyle_Flake> And get busted by a cop under cover?
  552. [2013-03-11 22:14:21] <Ironybot> Why bother, though, when we can just locate and interrogate the guy who would pick us up?
  553. [2013-03-11 22:17:12] <Ironybot> I've got to step off, back in a bit.
  554. [2013-03-11 22:17:19] <guile_> *shrug* that works too
  555. [2013-03-11 22:18:26] <Grail> Feel free to discuss it all in character
  556. [2013-03-11 22:21:23] <ModernStyle_Flake> Fiain's sitting ba-no, more like drooped all over his chair. He's holding his half-done beer in one hand the other hung over the back of the chair, his shirt is partly-undone, suit loose.
  557. [2013-03-11 22:21:35] <ModernStyle_Flake> He's grinning too. "Hey, guess what happened yesterday."
  558. [2013-03-11 22:21:48] <guile_> "Well, we could... we could get some drugs, and then after making a name for ourselves in the local rave scene-" "Or we could Seek them." "-get picked up to hand off these weird drugs like that one guy-" "Hunter could totally just walk us there." "-and then we beat the answer out of them as to who their boss is! Then we work our way up the ladder, just like..
  559. [2013-03-11 22:22:05] <guile_> that one movie... what was it-" "Or we could just skip to the final boss."
  560. [2013-03-11 22:22:23] <guile_> "Stuff happened?!"
  561. [2013-03-11 22:22:55] <PriceisMagic> I'll be back in like 10 mins again
  562. [2013-03-11 22:24:52] <ModernStyle_Flake> You swear, if this weren't a place for children Fiain would have gone through 3 smokes, plus one bitten in his mouth right now. He shakes the beer lazily around. "I got a job yesterday. Got a manager's position from the get-go!"
  563. [2013-03-11 22:29:25] <guile_> Its weird thinking of Fiain as having skills applicable to something besides fighting crime. "Congratulations! Salaryman is an good profession."
  564. [2013-03-11 22:33:23] <ModernStyle_Flake> "Nah. I'm the boss of those Salarymen. Say, what's that about drugs?"
  565. [2013-03-11 22:34:09] <ModernStyle_Flake> Err, he leans in close and talks in a low tone on the 'drugs' part
  566. [2013-03-11 22:35:38] <guile_> "Well, there're these guys selling- actually, more like giving away these weird drugs. Hunter said they just absorb any independent pusher out there. So if WE were pushing drugs..." Yuko says reasonably.
  567. [2013-03-11 22:38:24] <ModernStyle_Flake> "Hey-not so loud. It isn't great table talk. Íf you want money, go get an actual, legal job. Or I can lend you some for now (grins at self), but don't get involved with that shady business."
  568. [2013-03-11 22:38:52] <PriceisMagic> Ok back
  569. [2013-03-11 22:39:57] <Seventeen> Michale returns from the alleyway where he has been voiding his bowels for the past sixteen minutes.
  570. [2013-03-11 22:40:16] <PriceisMagic> Funny
  571. [2013-03-11 22:40:25] <PriceisMagic> Didnt Fiain use his illusions?
  572. [2013-03-11 22:40:32] <Ironybot> Hunter returns from the opposite alleyway at about the same time.
  573. [2013-03-11 22:40:36] <guile_> "We wouldn't be doing it for money," Yuko argues, "we'd be pushing drugs for JUSTICE."
  574. [2013-03-11 22:41:03] <Ironybot> Hunter snickers. "Funny, but I don't think it's really worth the time."
  575. [2013-03-11 22:41:27] <PriceisMagic> Michales there right?
  576. [2013-03-11 22:42:00] <guile_> yeah?
  577. [2013-03-11 22:42:43] <Ironybot> "I think the question is, where do we want to hit this? Do we want to go for the place where they're manufacturing it? The biggest distributor? Whoever is funding it? After we first show up it's a decent bet that everyone involved that we don't hit initially will either go to ground or be ready for us."
  578. [2013-03-11 22:42:45] <ModernStyle_Flake> Shh, PiM-only Fiain is supposed to know about his fake money
  579. [2013-03-11 22:43:02] <PriceisMagic> What
  580. [2013-03-11 22:44:30] <guile_> "Wellll..." Yuko ponders. "If we beat up whoever's producing, then they'll stop... or someone else will take over. If we just go after distribution/manufacture, we could learn what its made of maybe?"
  581. [2013-03-11 22:44:46] <PriceisMagic> "Shes got a point"
  582. [2013-03-11 22:45:10] <ModernStyle_Flake> "Hmm, they'd take any distributor...I wonder what kind of business model they're using."
  583. [2013-03-11 22:46:59] <Ironybot> "Going for the place they're manufacturing it would probably be our best bet for figuring it out, yeah. I guess my concern is that researching and developing drugs isn't easy- and whoever is backing the whole thing probably isn't sitting around in their labs for us to catch. They'll take backups and just go to work somewhere else."
  584. [2013-03-11 22:47:32] <ModernStyle_Flake> "Say, Hunter- where did you meet those guys? The Ruins?"
  585. [2013-03-11 22:48:12] <Ironybot> "Yeah, though the rave was full of suburban kids."
  586. [2013-03-11 22:49:43] <PriceisMagic> "Really? huh" Man Michale needs to be on the look out for drug dealers more
  587. [2013-03-11 22:54:05] <ModernStyle_Flake> Is the pizza gone?
  588. [2013-03-11 22:54:44] <Ironybot> The pizza is never gone. They just keep bringing out more!
  589. [2013-03-11 22:54:49] <PriceisMagic> Well since Michales there, yes
  590. [2013-03-11 22:54:56] <Grail> Temporarily
  591. [2013-03-11 22:55:08] <Grail> They bring more out every few minutes
  592. [2013-03-11 22:55:24] <guile_> Truly, they are the best. Also, do you think they'd miss their animatronic trumpet carp?
  593. [2013-03-11 22:55:47] <guile_> I could take them into battle
  594. [2013-03-11 22:55:57] <guile_> totally ace
  595. [2013-03-11 22:56:04] <Grail> They would make fine stoneborn
  596. [2013-03-11 22:56:16] <Grail> But the kids ARE pretty attached to them
  597. [2013-03-11 22:56:32] <ModernStyle_Flake> We get support from the kids!
  598. [2013-03-11 22:56:59] <Grail> That might be a possibility were it not for the fact Yuko is scary as hell
  599. [2013-03-11 22:57:25] <ModernStyle_Flake> Only when she transforms.
  600. [2013-03-11 22:57:37] <ModernStyle_Flake> She might be cute to the kids when she's in Monster form
  601. [2013-03-11 22:57:58] <guile_> Crying kids, just the kind of PR we need
  602. [2013-03-11 22:58:06] <Grail> Nope
  603. [2013-03-11 22:58:11] <Grail> Stoneborn are horrifying
  604. [2013-03-11 22:58:27] <ModernStyle_Flake> Yuko: The source of Creepypastas
  605. [2013-03-11 22:58:30] <Grail> They're like garbage muppets from hell
  606. [2013-03-11 22:58:33] <Ironybot> Inherently stomach-twisting. To look upon them is to know the wrongness of their nature.
  607. [2013-03-11 22:58:57] <ModernStyle_Flake> I'm trying to imagine Oscar as terrifying but...I just can't.
  608. [2013-03-11 22:59:35] <Ironybot> Honestly if Hunter didn't have Loyalty to other people who have been modded in unpleasant ways there's no way that he'd hang out around Yuko, even with the adorable teenage sociopath thing she has going on.
  609. [2013-03-11 23:00:09] <ModernStyle_Flake> Adorable ball of...tentacles and insanity
  610. [2013-03-11 23:01:59] <guile_> Luckily Fiain is also some kind of sociopath, and Michale is... I dunno, gullible?
  611. [2013-03-11 23:02:24] <guile_> Passive, just kinda floats along with the crazy?
  612. [2013-03-11 23:02:37] <ModernStyle_Flake> We're strongarming him along
  613. [2013-03-11 23:02:57] <Grail> You could probably mind control him if you wanted
  614. [2013-03-11 23:03:01] <Ironybot> He knows we're his best chance to become a famous hero.
  615. [2013-03-11 23:03:11] <PriceisMagic> Plus he slonely
  616. [2013-03-11 23:03:17] <PriceisMagic> Hes lonely
  617. [2013-03-11 23:03:20] <ModernStyle_Flake> Michale's so easy to fool, like a young prostitute
  618. [2013-03-11 23:03:32] <Grail> So what is the plan?
  619. [2013-03-11 23:03:42] <ModernStyle_Flake> Get done with this scene already
  620. [2013-03-11 23:03:42] <Ironybot> Without us, he'd languish in the ruins punching random criminals and squatting in empty alleyways at night, comforted only by his own sense of righteousness.
  621. [2013-03-11 23:04:00] <Ironybot> The plan appears to be to not discuss the plan.
  622. [2013-03-11 23:04:14] <Grail> You guys are choosing to hit X
  623. [2013-03-11 23:04:17] <Ironybot> I thought Fiain was going somewhere with his "this was in the ruins, right" but apparently not.
  624. [2013-03-11 23:04:51] <guile_> "Right! Okay! Plan! Go beat up financers of the drug, then maybe the bosses, then the manufacturers?" If Hunter can find them, half the city is blacked out for him
  625. [2013-03-11 23:05:16] <Ironybot> Anyway, I have to step off again, so choose an X and Hunter will lead you there like to superpowered bloodhound. Only better.
  626. [2013-03-11 23:05:28] <PriceisMagic> So transformation drug?
  627. [2013-03-11 23:05:33] <Grail> It's more like ten to twenty percent
  628. [2013-03-11 23:05:42] <ModernStyle_Flake> "Heh, I've been there before. Easy to fool, but hard to get out."
  629. [2013-03-11 23:05:48] <Grail> Most of that being government buildings
  630. [2013-03-11 23:06:01] <ModernStyle_Flake> dun dun dunnnn
  631. [2013-03-11 23:06:16] <guile_> Ah. Well anyway, guys that can finance weird drugs might have the cash for fancy Vigil-era protection
  632. [2013-03-11 23:06:20] <Grail> And also key emergy sights and like the airport
  633. [2013-03-11 23:06:31] <Grail> emergency*
  634. [2013-03-11 23:07:02] <PriceisMagic> Did you mean site?'
  635. [2013-03-11 23:07:08] <Grail> That too
  636. [2013-03-11 23:07:30] <Grail> Anyway Yuko has selected to beat up financers
  637. [2013-03-11 23:07:37] <PriceisMagic> SO, get Hunter to take us to the people making the drug?
  638. [2013-03-11 23:07:50] <PriceisMagic> Or the financiers
  639. [2013-03-11 23:08:04] <Grail> Do you want financers or manufacturers first?
  640. [2013-03-11 23:08:59] <PriceisMagic> I guess financiers first since they cna juts buy more stuff to make it
  641. [2013-03-11 23:09:05] <PriceisMagic> can just
  642. [2013-03-11 23:09:14] <ModernStyle_Flake> Financers. Manufacturers are second
  643. [2013-03-11 23:10:27] <Grail> I'll need to get Hunter's search criteria for this one
  644. [2013-03-11 23:10:41] <ModernStyle_Flake> C'mon Hunter
  645. [2013-03-11 23:10:58] <guile_> Eh, I need to crash anyhow
  646. [2013-03-11 23:11:17] <Grail> Alright
  647. [2013-03-11 23:11:18] <guile_> running on 5 hours of sleep in the last 36 sucks
  648. [2013-03-11 23:11:25] <Grail> We'll call it for today then
  649. [2013-03-11 23:11:46] <guile_> See yas
  650. [2013-03-11 23:11:51] <Grail> One XP for everyone, I'll Hunter the GM xp
  651. [2013-03-11 23:11:51] |<-- guile_ has left (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  652. [2013-03-11 23:11:59] <Grail> Vote for the mvp
  653. [2013-03-11 23:12:10] <Grail> No willpower gains today
  654. [2013-03-11 23:13:14] <ModernStyle_Flake> Don't you want more pizza guys?
  655. [2013-03-11 23:13:19] <ModernStyle_Flake> I'm sure you do. Michale~
  656. [2013-03-11 23:13:28] <ModernStyle_Flake> I know you love eating.
  657. [2013-03-11 23:13:33] <ModernStyle_Flake> As much as you love justice.
  658. [2013-03-11 23:13:48] <PriceisMagic> Michales already eaten like 6-7 pizzes all up
  659. [2013-03-11 23:14:04] <PriceisMagic> And I vote Seventeen for MVP
  660. [2013-03-11 23:14:05] <ModernStyle_Flake> .....Jesus, I thought only 2 Large Pizzas for you only was enough
  661. [2013-03-11 23:14:27] <PriceisMagic> Those muscles and that regen dont come from no where
  662. [2013-03-11 23:14:36] <ModernStyle_Flake> Okay, enough for your "Self-Control"
  663. [2013-03-11 23:14:43] <ModernStyle_Flake> We had an agreement motherfucker
  664. [2013-03-11 23:15:03] <PriceisMagic> I thought the pizzas where like, medium
  665. [2013-03-11 23:15:12] <ModernStyle_Flake> LARGE
  666. [2013-03-11 23:15:20] <PriceisMagic> Hmm, then its only 3
  667. [2013-03-11 23:15:24] <Seventeen> Nobody mentioned the size of the pizzas.
  668. [2013-03-11 23:15:36] <Ironybot> I'll go with Olivia for MVP as well, on the grounds that our entire session basically consisted of tooling around and discussing nothing important, but at least I can't blame her for contributing to our part of it.
  669. [2013-03-11 23:15:39] <Seventeen> I vote Fiain, for getting a job.
  670. [2013-03-11 23:16:04] <ModernStyle_Flake> You mean [...for dedicating his pitiful life under my command]
  671. [2013-03-11 23:16:32] <ModernStyle_Flake> I vote for 17, please pay me more in the close future.
  672. [2013-03-11 23:17:06] <Ironybot> I am astonished that 15% of the city has superpowered wards on it. That's a huge amount.
  673. [2013-03-11 23:17:35] <Ironybot> And not just random protective wards, but specifically against either divination or psychic powers or something like that.
  674. [2013-03-11 23:17:56] <ModernStyle_Flake> Gotta put that recently uncovered alientech to use
  675. [2013-03-11 23:18:03] <Ironybot> To support that they've got to have like a giant anti-psychic noise generator installed on major intersections or something.
  676. [2013-03-11 23:28:42] <Grail> This place was a vigil hotspot
  677. [2013-03-11 23:28:59] <Grail> They had their fingers in the alien tech at the city's center
  678. [2013-03-11 23:30:45] -->| BUTTZ ( has joined #Fortuna
  679. [2013-03-11 23:44:37] |<-- Grail has left (Quit: Grail)
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  681. [2013-03-11 23:45:47] <Seventeen> How many wealth dice would it take for Olivia to stealth buy all of her father's companies?
  682. [2013-03-11 23:46:31] <PriceisMagic> 10 HD
  683. [2013-03-11 23:47:44] <Seventeen> I think more like 500d.
  684. [2013-03-11 23:48:15] <ModernStyle_Flake> Plus WD
  685. [2013-03-11 23:48:50] <Seventeen> Can you even get wealth as HD or WD?
  686. [2013-03-11 23:48:55] <Seventeen> I don't think you can.
  687. [2013-03-11 23:49:24] <Ironybot> If you ever have to roll them, then you can. Do you ever have to roll them, or are they just spent/burned?
  688. [2013-03-11 23:50:33] <Grail> Wealth dice can be used to add additional dice to whatever pool wealth could reasonably help with
  689. [2013-03-11 23:50:33] <Seventeen> They're an optional rule for modifying skill rolls, the spending thing is a houserule.
  690. [2013-03-11 23:54:09] <Ironybot> Sounds like hard or wiggle dice could be a thing.
  692. ***
  694. [2013-03-13 01:51:52] -->| Seventeen (cgiirc@5B98A548.224C34FC.976286FC.IP) has joined #Fortuna
  695. [2013-03-13 02:37:38] |<-- Seventeen has left (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
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  699. [2013-03-13 04:14:09] |<-- ModernDesign_Flake has left (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
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  702. [2013-03-13 05:00:05] |<-- Seventeen has left (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  703. [2013-03-13 05:02:14] -->| Ecclesia (~Ecclesia@E456A959.34EF5F9F.C318AC60.IP) has joined #Fortuna
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  712. [2013-03-13 16:10:48] -->| ModernVisuals_Flake (cgiirc@E456A959.34EF5F9F.C318AC60.IP) has joined #Fortuna
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  717. [2013-03-13 18:15:20] <ModernVisuals_Flake> Something today?
  718. [2013-03-13 18:16:07] <Grail> I can run today, but we'll have to see if everyone gets here.
  719. [2013-03-13 18:16:50] <ModernVisuals_Flake> I'll see if I can make it
  720. [2013-03-13 18:20:46] |<-- ModernVisuals_Flake has left (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  721. [2013-03-13 18:32:45] -->| Seventeen (cgiirc@3F49F898.81549E92.976286FC.IP) has joined #Fortuna
  722. [2013-03-13 19:27:35] -->| guile ( has joined #Fortuna
  723. [2013-03-13 19:27:52] =-= guile is now known as Guest11500
  724. [2013-03-13 19:32:49] =-= Guest11500 is now known as BeGuiled
  725. [2013-03-13 20:12:50] <BeGuiled> So, session today/not today?
  726. [2013-03-13 20:13:49] <Grail> I had hoped, but we are missing Price
  727. [2013-03-13 20:14:02] <Grail> Tomorrow I can't do, I have plans around the typical timeslot.
  728. [2013-03-13 20:14:03] <Seventeen> Looks like it's all Olivia, all the time, for this session!
  729. [2013-03-13 20:14:10] <Ironybot> And we were preparing to charge into battle. Without Iron Tsar, how can we fight?
  730. [2013-03-13 20:14:24] <Ironybot> Marquise would have to do all the killing herself!
  731. [2013-03-13 20:14:47] <Grail> Oh and Flake, we're missing Flake too
  732. [2013-03-13 20:15:05] <BeGuiled> I'm just not large enough to meatshield by myself!
  733. [2013-03-13 20:15:41] <BeGuiled> Well, were we going into battle? We could like, sneak in
  734. [2013-03-13 20:16:14] <Grail> You're totally fine unless you get hit by something that can penetrate three inches of steel or do enough damage it would kill Hunter instantly.
  735. [2013-03-13 20:17:57] -->| ModernDesign_Flake (cgiirc@E456A959.34EF5F9F.C318AC60.IP) has joined #Fortuna
  736. [2013-03-13 20:18:01] <Grail> Stealth would not be a bad idea and this is pretty much the only opportunity your group would have to do it
  737. [2013-03-13 20:18:06] <Grail> Ah nevermind
  738. [2013-03-13 20:18:46] <Grail> I was going to say without Fiain to illusion you or Michale to ruin all stealth attempts that you guys have a very rare window of opportunity to walk the middle ground
  739. [2013-03-13 20:19:17] <ModernDesign_Flake> wot
  740. [2013-03-13 20:21:39] <Grail> Guile was discussing what could be done to salvage an attempt at a combat encounter without your primary combat character being involved
  741. [2013-03-13 20:25:51] |<-- ModernDesign_Flake has left ()
  742. [2013-03-13 20:27:44] -->| Contemporary_Flake (cgiirc@E456A959.34EF5F9F.C318AC60.IP) has joined #Fortuna
  743. [2013-03-13 20:38:10] <Contemporary_Flake> so everyone's here?
  744. [2013-03-13 20:38:17] <Contemporary_Flake> oh wait, PiM...
  745. [2013-03-13 20:38:57] <BeGuiled> yep, short the meat-tank
  746. [2013-03-13 20:39:19] <Grail> How does Friday look for everyone?
  747. [2013-03-13 20:39:56] <BeGuiled> seems promising
  748. [2013-03-13 20:41:21] -->| PriceisMagic ( has joined #Fortuna
  749. [2013-03-13 20:42:07] <BeGuiled> Look who's here
  750. [2013-03-13 20:42:16] <Seventeen> Laaaaaaaate
  751. [2013-03-13 20:43:51] <Grail> Eh we have an hour or two of time left
  752. [2013-03-13 20:44:29] <PriceisMagic> Late be like ten minutes
  753. [2013-03-13 20:44:49] <Ironybot> An hour and ten.
  754. [2013-03-13 20:45:01] <PriceisMagic> So that wasnt a one time thing?
  755. [2013-03-13 20:45:18] <Ironybot> No, in the lands of America the time warp lasts until fall.
  756. [2013-03-13 20:47:24] |<-- Seventeen has left (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  757. [2013-03-13 20:57:37] <Grail> So we can do about two hours, does anyone want that or do you all want to wait until Friday instead?
  758. [2013-03-13 20:58:18] <Contemporary_Flake> I'm cool with right now, I can stay for 3 hours starting now today
  759. [2013-03-13 21:02:24] <Ironybot> I'm flexible. At the very least we can set the stage since we'll probably either finish very quickly or end up mired in a battle that will take up most of next session.
  760. [2013-03-13 21:06:33] <BeGuiled> Sure, lets do it. So we were going after the guys funneling money into the transformation drug first?
  761. [2013-03-13 21:06:49] <PriceisMagic> Yes
  762. [2013-03-13 21:07:48] <Ironybot> Yup. Though I suspect that we'll run smack into a barrier of shielding, because rich people gonna splurge on such things and rich criminals are justifiably paranoid.
  763. [2013-03-13 21:07:58] <Ironybot> Psychic shielding, that is.
  764. [2013-03-13 21:08:38] <Grail> There is in fact shielding when Hunter tries to Seek them
  765. [2013-03-13 21:08:45] <Grail> You will have to *gasp* do actual footwork
  766. [2013-03-13 21:08:56] <Ironybot> I find this distasteful.
  767. [2013-03-13 21:11:11] <Ironybot> Let's Seek up the person most directly responsible for the development, manufacture, and/or distribution of this drug who is currently outside psychic wards, then.
  768. [2013-03-13 21:11:13] <BeGuiled> Hm... all I can really think of is to seek out the manufacturing plants and try and trace the paper trail backwards. Unless we wanted to do my 'push drugs for justice' idea
  769. [2013-03-13 21:11:26] <Ironybot> And make a note to upgrade Seek so it has more hard dice.
  770. [2013-03-13 21:11:52] <Grail> Silly Guile
  771. [2013-03-13 21:12:03] <Grail> Why think about concocting a plan when you have alien super senses?
  772. [2013-03-13 21:13:14] <Ironybot> Plans are for people with no build points invested in superpowers!
  773. [2013-03-13 21:13:44] <Grail> It makes for such great collaborative story telling!
  774. [2013-03-13 21:14:39] <BeGuiled> Okay, so we're looking for the boss guy Mohawk found?
  775. [2013-03-13 21:14:45] <BeGuiled> Seek, look, you know, whatev
  776. [2013-03-13 21:14:59] <PriceisMagic> Sure
  777. [2013-03-13 21:15:24] <Grail> He's Seeking the most central person to the issue he can find with optimal phrasing of his Seek function which may or may not be Bonehead's boss.
  778. [2013-03-13 21:16:19] -->| Seventeen (cgiirc@3368A0A4.CC2A42FA.976286FC.IP) has joined #Fortuna
  779. [2013-03-13 21:16:30] <Grail> Such a person Hunter feels, in his deepest of possibly alien organs, is within the Atlas high rise building at the center of town.
  780. [2013-03-13 21:16:48] <Ironybot> The Atlas building, you say? Tell me more of this building?
  781. [2013-03-13 21:18:29] <BeGuiled> They either make maps, or promote Ayn Rand
  782. [2013-03-13 21:18:44] <Seventeen> Or they hold globes.
  783. [2013-03-13 21:19:14] <Grail> Drawing from Hunter's memory? It's an exceptionally large skyscraper which acts as a landmark, tourist destination, entertainment center, hotel, and about a dozen other functions.
  784. [2013-03-13 21:19:37] <BeGuiled> Swell. We may want to go incognito.
  785. [2013-03-13 21:19:43] <Seventeen> [And its owner? One guess.]
  786. [2013-03-13 21:20:02] <Grail> He is not actually familiar with the interior, because there is a vast amount of interior to be familiar with.
  787. [2013-03-13 21:20:26] <BeGuiled> Have PIM wait somewhere invisibly in case we need evac
  788. [2013-03-13 21:20:27] <Grail> As far as he can pinpoint the origin of his gut feeling, it's somewhere on the upper levels of the structure.
  789. [2013-03-13 21:20:28] <Ironybot> "I'm thinking someone pretty deep in this is in the Atlas building, in downtown. Have any of you been there much before?"
  790. [2013-03-13 21:20:31] <BeGuiled> or, like, a car thrown at someone
  791. [2013-03-13 21:21:58] <BeGuiled> Yuko wonders. Skyscrapers are all kinda alike.
  792. [2013-03-13 21:22:07] <PriceisMagic> "No sorry"
  793. [2013-03-13 21:22:28] <Ironybot> It's all on you, Fiain.
  794. [2013-03-13 21:22:48] <Contemporary_Flake> hm?
  795. [2013-03-13 21:23:01] <Ironybot> (Your line is, "Yeah, my new job is there.")
  796. [2013-03-13 21:23:09] <Ironybot> (Serendipity!)
  797. [2013-03-13 21:23:29] <Contemporary_Flake> [hahaha]
  798. [2013-03-13 21:24:12] <BeGuiled> Oh wait, she's never been in any skyscrapers, so even if she can't tell one apart from another, she knows she hasn't been inside this one! Easy.
  799. [2013-03-13 21:25:05] <Contemporary_Flake> "No, I can't say I know the entire place, just a small part of it."
  800. [2013-03-13 21:26:08] |<-- Seventeen has left ()
  801. [2013-03-13 21:26:14] -->| Seventeen (cgiirc@3368A0A4.CC2A42FA.976286FC.IP) has joined #Fortuna
  802. [2013-03-13 21:26:17] <Ironybot> "Well, that sucks. Makes this whole thing harder... all I've got is 'up there somewhere,' so I guess we can talk our way into the place, then just... ride the elevator until we find the right floor?"
  803. [2013-03-13 21:26:49] <Ironybot> "If that's even a talk our way in thing. Isn't there a hotel in there? Maybe it won't be a problem."
  804. [2013-03-13 21:27:04] <Ironybot> Hunter glances at Michale. "Well, for some of us."
  805. [2013-03-13 21:27:26] <PriceisMagic> "Hmph"
  806. [2013-03-13 21:29:50] <Ironybot> "Seriously, I'm not sure we can get you into a skyscraper without having a swarm of reporters come down on us. Unless Fiain really is just that good?" A questioning look comes the illusionist's way.
  807. [2013-03-13 21:31:01] <BeGuiled> He can make illusions feel real, can he make an illusion feel like Michale ISN'T THERE?
  808. [2013-03-13 21:31:37] <Contemporary_Flake> Fiain directs a smug look at Hunter, as he runs a hand through his hair...and applies Party-Boy Swag on himself.
  809. [2013-03-13 21:32:16] <Grail> Roll a d3
  810. [2013-03-13 21:32:26] <BeGuiled> Not quite what he was asking, but interesting anyway. "Ooo, do me next!"
  811. [2013-03-13 21:32:27] <Contemporary_Flake> 3HD
  812. [2013-03-13 21:32:34] <Grail> No, it's not for that
  813. [2013-03-13 21:32:38] <Contemporary_Flake> ah
  814. [2013-03-13 21:32:43] <Contemporary_Flake> !roll 3d10
  815. [2013-03-13 21:32:44] <Ecclesia> 15,1 Contemporary_Flake rolled [ 3d10 ] { 14,1 5 15,1 14,1 2 15,1 14,1 8 15,1 = 15,1 15 15,1 }
  816. [2013-03-13 21:32:50] <Grail> No, not 3d10
  817. [2013-03-13 21:32:52] <Grail> A 3d
  818. [2013-03-13 21:32:59] <Contemporary_Flake> !roll 1d3
  819. [2013-03-13 21:32:59] <Ecclesia> 15,1 Contemporary_Flake rolled [ 1d3 ] { 14,1 1 15,1 = 15,1 1 15,1 }
  820. [2013-03-13 21:33:15] <Grail> Fiain now believes this is what he actually looks like, all the time.
  821. [2013-03-13 21:33:29] <Contemporary_Flake> Oh snap.
  822. [2013-03-13 21:33:53] <BeGuiled> Of course... with Endless, it basically is.
  823. [2013-03-13 21:33:55] <Ironybot> So... does that mean that he forgets he just illusioned himself, so he illusions himself again to try and impress Hunter?
  824. [2013-03-13 21:34:16] <Grail> Essentially
  825. [2013-03-13 21:34:21] <BeGuiled> ... Huh. Has Fiain been dismissing and reapplying his illusions, or does he just layer up Endless illusions?
  826. [2013-03-13 21:34:36] <PriceisMagic> "Nice look"
  827. [2013-03-13 21:34:41] <Contemporary_Flake> For him to...deactivate Illusions he needs to be aware of it
  828. [2013-03-13 21:35:25] <Contemporary_Flake> He just has to think: "Illusion X off!". But he, you know, needs to know about it's existence
  829. [2013-03-13 21:35:47] <BeGuiled> So now he has the Party Swag illusion on permanently, and he puts a new illusion over himself when he wants to use his power
  830. [2013-03-13 21:36:30] <Contemporary_Flake> At least it's styling.
  831. [2013-03-13 21:36:59] <Grail> So describe what party boy swag is, everyone but Hunter is seeing that now.
  832. [2013-03-13 21:37:08] <Ironybot> Do people have to save against Fiain's illusions individually, or do they blow through all or none, no middle ground?
  833. [2013-03-13 21:37:09] <Contemporary_Flake> ?fiain
  834. [2013-03-13 21:37:10] <Classhole> FIAIN CHARSHEET: STUFF:
  835. [2013-03-13 21:37:12] <Contemporary_Flake> It's right up there
  836. [2013-03-13 21:37:18] <Contemporary_Flake> on charsheet, at the bottom
  837. [2013-03-13 21:37:20] <Grail> Everyone has to make a check individually
  838. [2013-03-13 21:37:29] <Ironybot> This could highly relevant if he's layering illusions.
  839. [2013-03-13 21:37:48] <Ironybot> I don't mean each person, I mean does one person make one check per illusion, or one check against all illusions?
  840. [2013-03-13 21:38:01] <Grail> One check per illusion
  841. [2013-03-13 21:38:18] <BeGuiled> What is it, perception?
  842. [2013-03-13 21:38:21] <Ironybot> So if Fiain has Larry out and a cosmetic illusion out, people make two checks? And they have to make two checks to see the real Fiain under his now-doubled disguises?
  843. [2013-03-13 21:38:30] <PriceisMagic> .dice 6d10
  844. [2013-03-13 21:38:30] <Classhole> PriceisMagic: Average(4.67) Total(28) Rolled(6d10=8, 8, 1, 4, 6, 1)
  845. [2013-03-13 21:38:35] <PriceisMagic> Nope
  846. [2013-03-13 21:38:40] <BeGuiled> !roll 4d10
  847. [2013-03-13 21:38:41] <Ecclesia> 15,1 BeGuiled rolled [ 4d10 ] { 14,1 7 15,1 14,1 10 15,1 14,1 10 15,1 14,1 2 15,1 = 15,1 29 15,1 }
  848. [2013-03-13 21:38:44] <BeGuiled> 3x10
  849. [2013-03-13 21:39:49] <Grail> A successful check will break each individual illusion and cause the subsequent checks to have dice eaten from them due to the person becoming aware Fiain is using illusions and having broken through one already.
  850. [2013-03-13 21:40:14] <Grail> With his hard dice this essentailly means once you start peeling away the layers they come off increasingly quickly
  851. [2013-03-13 21:40:25] |<-- Seventeen has left (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  852. [2013-03-13 21:40:32] -->| Seventeen (cgiirc@3368A0A4.CC2A42FA.976286FC.IP) has joined #Fortuna
  853. [2013-03-13 21:41:48] <Grail> Michale sees Fiain as suddenly, yet not suspiciously, appearing as if he were terrible Miami Vice spin off character
  854. [2013-03-13 21:42:38] <Grail> Yuko, in a sudden bout of perceptiveness notes Fiain look smugly, run his hands through his hair, and...change not a whit.
  855. [2013-03-13 21:42:44] <Grail> He looks exactly the same as before
  856. [2013-03-13 21:42:55] <PriceisMagic> "My god you look like a tool"
  857. [2013-03-13 21:43:19] <BeGuiled> "That's not nice, he always looks like that!" Yuko reprimands Michale.
  858. [2013-03-13 21:43:39] <Ironybot> Hunter snickers.
  859. [2013-03-13 21:43:44] <Grail> Hunter's experience is the same as Yuko's, although he is intimately aware an illusion was plied against him but could not stand to the muster of his alien senses and failed.
  860. [2013-03-13 21:44:40] |<-- Ecclesia has left (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  861. [2013-03-13 21:44:49] <Ironybot> Do we have any perception of what the illusion would be to others, or do we not perceive it at all? I can't recall exactly what happened with the magical girl thing, last time Hunter bypassed one.
  862. [2013-03-13 21:45:26] <Grail> No, not unless they make outward indications of what it is
  863. [2013-03-13 21:45:40] <Grail> I suppose crawling into Fiain's head would also tell you
  864. [2013-03-13 21:45:51] <Grail> But none of you can do that so you don't know
  865. [2013-03-13 21:46:32] <PriceisMagic> Hmm bit of lag
  866. [2013-03-13 21:47:56] -->| Unstable_Flake (cgiirc@2CA24A3B.34EF5F9F.C318AC60.IP) has joined #Fortuna
  867. [2013-03-13 21:47:58] -->| Ecclesia (~Ecclesia@2CA24A3B.34EF5F9F.C318AC60.IP) has joined #Fortuna
  868. [2013-03-13 21:48:03] <Unstable_Flake> fucking modem acting up
  869. [2013-03-13 21:48:11] <PriceisMagic> Ah
  870. [2013-03-13 21:48:12] <Unstable_Flake> what did I miss after Grail's hard dice thing message
  871. [2013-03-13 21:50:05] |<-- Contemporary_Flake has left (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  872. [2013-03-13 21:50:30] <Unstable_Flake> Fiain sits back and puts his hands behind his head, relaxing. "Hmph."
  873. [2013-03-13 21:50:40] <Ironybot> Anyway: What I'm getting here is that Fiain can probably mask Michale, if he uses like three layered illusions and there is no one/nothing with hard dice perception/sense around.
  874. [2013-03-13 21:51:12] <BeGuiled> What're the other two illusions besides 'normal guy'?
  875. [2013-03-13 21:51:28] <Ironybot> The same normal guy, of course.
  876. [2013-03-13 21:51:31] <Unstable_Flake> It's up to me.
  877. [2013-03-13 21:51:50] <Ironybot> Actually we should probably go with "exceptionally large guy" instead of "normal guy".
  878. [2013-03-13 21:51:50] <BeGuiled> Make him look like a normal guy, then Michale, then a normal guy on top of that one
  879. [2013-03-13 21:51:57] <Unstable_Flake> Or rather, it's up to Fiain. He's...a bit shaky in the mind now, the drug's starting to get into him.
  880. [2013-03-13 21:52:01] <Ironybot> Or we can leave the Tsar in the car.
  881. [2013-03-13 21:52:04] <BeGuiled> Anyway, lets go lets go! Yuko has no time for your games.
  882. [2013-03-13 21:52:16] <Ironybot> To the U-Haul!
  883. [2013-03-13 21:52:21] <BeGuiled> Sir, you are superheroing under the influence?!
  884. [2013-03-13 21:52:45] <Ironybot> And thence to the Atlas Building.
  885. [2013-03-13 21:53:04] <Unstable_Flake> [Fiain]: "I'm /above/ the influence."
  886. [2013-03-13 21:53:16] <PriceisMagic> "What does that even mean?"
  887. [2013-03-13 21:53:28] <BeGuiled> "It sounds awesome, whatever it means!"
  888. [2013-03-13 21:55:17] <Ironybot> "It sounds like it means that he's an arrogant-" Hunter glances at Yuko "-you know what, we'll go with awesome, sure."
  889. [2013-03-13 21:58:07] <Unstable_Flake> "So, what did you guys want again?"
  890. [2013-03-13 21:58:25] <Unstable_Flake> He takes a cig out of his pack and lights up
  891. [2013-03-13 21:59:42] <PriceisMagic> Michale sighs, dudes got a shitty attention span...
  892. [2013-03-13 21:59:55] <Ironybot> "Not to be swarmed by reporters and annoying people," Hunter says, presumably as he drives.
  893. [2013-03-13 22:00:16] <Ironybot> By the way: Clever civilian disguises on Hunter and Yuko.
  894. [2013-03-13 22:00:45] <BeGuiled> "Also, trying to find a guy that's making drugs, or maybe paying someone to make them, or... something. I guess we'll know them when we see them."
  895. [2013-03-13 22:00:49] <Ironybot> Fiain can handle his own stuff and Michale's hopeless, but Hunter and Yuko can at least not look like faces on the news.
  896. [2013-03-13 22:01:14] <Ironybot> Hunter nods. "That we will."
  897. [2013-03-13 22:01:23] <BeGuiled>
  898. [2013-03-13 22:01:44] <Grail> Hunter spends a few minutes with spirit gum, make up, and some strips of carefully measured cloth and gets to work.
  899. [2013-03-13 22:02:13] <Ironybot> I do not think it would be appropriate for multiple grown men to be walking around with a teenage girl wearing that shirt, guile.
  900. [2013-03-13 22:02:48] <BeGuiled> No, it's okay! The fur coat goes over it!
  901. [2013-03-13 22:02:53] <BeGuiled> Ah, 70s fashion
  902. [2013-03-13 22:03:04] <BeGuiled> Never change, because you can't, being in the past and all
  903. [2013-03-13 22:03:40] <Grail> His hands fly over Yuko's face and she smells pungent chemicals from the adhesives and latex. There's a few minutes of brushing as Yuko has what is perhaps the first application of make up in her new life. At the end of the process Yuko looks like a different person.
  904. [2013-03-13 22:04:09] <Ironybot> "Check it out," Hunter says smugly. Hand mirror to Yuko.
  905. [2013-03-13 22:04:11] <Grail> Hunter is free to apply it all to himself and thankfully his alien powers allow him to not screw up mirrorless self application of movie magic.
  906. [2013-03-13 22:04:20] <Grail> Or he actually has a mirror somehow
  907. [2013-03-13 22:04:24] <Grail> It matters not
  908. [2013-03-13 22:04:34] <Ironybot> Man, you think I picked up a ton of makeup supplies without getting a hand mirror?
  909. [2013-03-13 22:04:36] <BeGuiled> "Wow! You're like, a wizard or something!"
  910. [2013-03-13 22:04:41] <Ironybot> That would be crazy.
  911. [2013-03-13 22:04:53] <Grail> Yes, THAT would be crazy
  912. [2013-03-13 22:05:12] <Ironybot> "Haha, no, disguise is just one of my powers' many talents."
  913. [2013-03-13 22:05:23] <PriceisMagic> "Pretty good work"
  914. [2013-03-13 22:05:27] <BeGuiled> Many, many, MANY...
  915. [2013-03-13 22:05:45] <Ironybot> So many.
  916. [2013-03-13 22:06:07] <BeGuiled> I am now in love with 70s fashion. What has your offhand comment done, Grail?
  917. [2013-03-13 22:06:20] <Ironybot>
  918. [2013-03-13 22:06:24] <Ironybot> Seriously, wow.
  919. [2013-03-13 22:06:39] <Ironybot> Even for the 70's that is appalling.
  920. [2013-03-13 22:07:02] <BeGuiled> Its like the female this guy
  921. [2013-03-13 22:07:08] <Grail> It has done great and terrible things
  922. [2013-03-13 22:08:20] <Grail> So Hunter and Yuko look like different people, barring someone getting inches away from their faces for a few minutes or pouring water on them.
  923. [2013-03-13 22:09:43] <BeGuiled> these sleeves would make a good super outfit
  924. [2013-03-13 22:09:48] <Ironybot> One day Hunters' powers will develop water-safe disguise techniques. Until then he will avoid sprinklers and squirtguns.
  925. [2013-03-13 22:10:16] <BeGuiled> Let us hope our target isn't protected by such an army of formidable defenses
  926. [2013-03-13 22:10:18] <Ironybot> Hunter's powers, excuse me.
  927. [2013-03-13 22:10:30] <Ironybot> Indeed. That would be awful.
  928. [2013-03-13 22:10:37] -->| Grail2 ( has joined #Fortuna
  929. [2013-03-13 22:10:45] <Grail2> That was unpleasant
  930. [2013-03-13 22:10:52] <Grail2> If you typed something I did not see it
  931. [2013-03-13 22:11:11] <Grail2> Michale looks like whatever Fiain elects to make him appear as.
  932. [2013-03-13 22:11:28] <Grail2> And all of you are now at the entrance to the building
  933. [2013-03-13 22:11:51] <Ironybot> Inward ho!
  934. [2013-03-13 22:12:12] <Ironybot> Persuade-o-tron active.
  935. [2013-03-13 22:12:13] <Unstable_Flake> Fiain makes Michale look like a buffed Ruskie
  936. [2013-03-13 22:12:21] |<-- Grail has left (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  937. [2013-03-13 22:15:08] <Grail2> You are all now inside of the front floor, standing in the wonderous entrance. It's similar to a grand hotel or casino's plaza, the floors are all marble and it has that distinct 'hotel-y' smell of fresh linens and plastic. It's all very bright and flashy, there's a map detailing the floors and some brochures sitting next to it.
  938. [2013-03-13 22:16:09] <BeGuiled> Things! Stuff everywhere! Yuko isn't sure, but somewhere inside her the forgotten machinery of the teenage girl begins to turn.
  939. [2013-03-13 22:16:13] <Ironybot> Check the map. Estimate how far up Hunter senses the guy and try to figure out vaguely what would be around those floors-ish.
  940. [2013-03-13 22:16:27] <Grail2> There's a front desk you can check in with or you can move directly past it towards staircases and elevators
  941. [2013-03-13 22:17:18] <Grail2> Somewhere between floor 100 and 110.
  942. [2013-03-13 22:17:47] <Ironybot> Damn, there are a lot of floors here. Anything interesting on those floors, or is this a hotel thing?
  943. [2013-03-13 22:18:34] <Grail2> The floors 90 to 105 are entertainment.
  944. [2013-03-13 22:19:28] <Grail2> So the person you are looking for could be watching a magic show or eating in a restuarant
  945. [2013-03-13 22:19:41] <Unstable_Flake> "...wait. What's the plan once we find him?"
  946. [2013-03-13 22:20:02] <Grail2> 105 to 115, the top floors available to the public, are expensive hotel rooms.
  947. [2013-03-13 22:20:04] <BeGuiled> "I think we may have to split up, to cover more ground." While Hunter is checking out the directory, Yuko is checking out stuff. Her taste is... terrible.
  948. [2013-03-13 22:20:11] <Ironybot> "We plan things?" Hunter heads for the elevator.
  949. [2013-03-13 22:20:38] <PriceisMagic> "Not sure that will work Yuko, only hunter knows who we're looking for"
  950. [2013-03-13 22:21:20] <BeGuiled> "Mm." This is true.
  951. [2013-03-13 22:22:11] <Grail2> Yuko clearly wants to investigate the shopping area
  952. [2013-03-13 22:22:25] <BeGuiled> But she can be strong.
  953. [2013-03-13 22:22:29] <Ironybot> one followed Hunter to the elevators, did they?
  954. [2013-03-13 22:22:34] <PriceisMagic> We did
  955. [2013-03-13 22:22:41] <Grail2> If Yuko is looking at jewelry, she did not
  956. [2013-03-13 22:22:42] <BeGuiled> She doesnt have to give in to their peer pressure!
  957. [2013-03-13 22:22:54] <Unstable_Flake> "Hmm. I'll check the gambling rooms." Fiain gets into the elevator with Hunter
  958. [2013-03-13 22:23:15] <Ironybot> Hunter kind of looks at her while he waits for the elevator to arrive, his face clearly saying "uh, Yuko, come on".
  959. [2013-03-13 22:23:32] <BeGuiled> Everybody piles into the elevator. Lets hope its freight, huh?
  960. [2013-03-13 22:23:39] <BeGuiled> Michale may have to take the stairs.
  961. [2013-03-13 22:23:51] <Grail2> The elevator has a capacity of one ton
  962. [2013-03-13 22:23:52] <Ironybot> He only weighs as much as like three normal people. We'll be fine.
  963. [2013-03-13 22:24:00] <PriceisMagic> We're good
  964. [2013-03-13 22:24:05] <Grail2> How much does Yuko weigh?
  965. [2013-03-13 22:24:05] <Ironybot> One ton, seriously? On a hotel elevator?
  966. [2013-03-13 22:24:11] <Grail2> I don't know?
  967. [2013-03-13 22:24:23] <Grail2> Is that odd? I have no idea what elevators typically have
  968. [2013-03-13 22:24:41] <PriceisMagic> Well they gotta carry all the luggage and people
  969. [2013-03-13 22:24:57] <Ironybot> Normally in a skyscraper you're looking at two tons minimum, by my understanding, and sometimes twice that.
  970. [2013-03-13 22:25:06] <BeGuiled> I have no idea. I mean, all metalled up she probably weighs close to a thousand pounds... where does it all go when its inside her?
  971. [2013-03-13 22:25:27] <Grail2> Google tells me the standard capacity for a passenger elevator by google's reckoning is 1,000 to 6,000 pounds
  972. [2013-03-13 22:25:29] <Ironybot> One ton would be what you'd fine in a building with like five floors.
  973. [2013-03-13 22:25:37] <Ironybot> What you'd find, excuse me.
  974. [2013-03-13 22:26:09] <Ironybot> Anyway, this isn't that important, sorry.
  975. [2013-03-13 22:26:10] <Grail2> Oh okay it goes on to say 4,000 plus is expected of high rises
  976. [2013-03-13 22:26:26] <Grail2> No, no, Irony, we're all going to learn about elevator capacities today
  977. [2013-03-13 22:26:47] <Seventeen> There is an elevator here at uni with an official maximum capacity of something like 8 people and 750kg, and it is ridiculously small.
  978. [2013-03-13 22:26:58] <Grail2> There's a bright red sign that clearly reads this elevator has a capacity of 5,000 pounds,
  979. [2013-03-13 22:27:03] <Grail2> The notice is in bold
  980. [2013-03-13 22:27:07] <Unstable_Flake> Poor Michale
  981. [2013-03-13 22:27:21] <Seventeen> "So if you weigh that much, take the goddamn stairs, fatty"
  982. [2013-03-13 22:27:35] <Grail2> Even if Yuko were in monster mode se would be fine
  983. [2013-03-13 22:27:44] <Unstable_Flake> Don't bully him, you're gonna make him depressed
  984. [2013-03-13 22:27:54] <Unstable_Flake> And we all know he's gonna wipe those tears with hamburgers
  985. [2013-03-13 22:27:55] <Ironybot> I admit, I did enjoy our conversation on Shakespere and 70's fashion and the various other diversions we so habitually indulge in.
  986. [2013-03-13 22:27:57] <PriceisMagic> "It says 5000 pounds you idiot"
  987. [2013-03-13 22:28:08] <Ironybot> ...Shakespeare. Excuse me.
  988. [2013-03-13 22:28:20] <Seventeen> Who is Michale talking to, Price?
  989. [2013-03-13 22:28:25] <Seventeen> Nobody's there...
  990. [2013-03-13 22:28:32] <Grail2> Yuko's tentacle presses all the buttons
  991. [2013-03-13 22:28:37] <Grail2> If she elects to get on
  992. [2013-03-13 22:28:54] <PriceisMagic> Damn you Olivia, messing with me mind
  993. [2013-03-13 22:29:00] <BeGuiled> I was honestly kind of interested in elevator capacities
  994. [2013-03-13 22:29:18] <Ironybot> She doesn't even know you and she's already getting into the magical trolling. Think how bad it will get if/when she joins the team.
  995. [2013-03-13 22:29:44] <BeGuiled> Man, who pressed all the buttons? Now we have to go up one level at a time.
  996. [2013-03-13 22:29:55] <Seventeen> Just take one of the other elevators.
  997. [2013-03-13 22:30:01] <Seventeen> There should be several.
  998. [2013-03-13 22:30:07] <Grail2> By the way, has Olivia elected to use her father's private jet or go first class for her trip to England?
  999. [2013-03-13 22:30:14] <BeGuiled> Sure, but given we're going to stop on floor Hunter Says Here...
  1000. [2013-03-13 22:30:32] <Seventeen> Private jet, I think, was what I said.
  1001. [2013-03-13 22:30:38] <Ironybot> ...after first stopping on the other 100+ floors between here and there? Let's not.
  1002. [2013-03-13 22:30:44] <Seventeen> But first class is better.
  1003. [2013-03-13 22:30:51] <Seventeen> Let's go with that.
  1004. [2013-03-13 22:31:34] <Ironybot> "Yuko... please don't hit all the buttons," Hunter says in a slightly exasperated voice. Alien abused insane superheroine or not, Yuko was such a kid. "Guys, let's change elevators."
  1005. [2013-03-13 22:32:04] <BeGuiled> "Hit all the... huh, somebody hit all the buttons."
  1006. [2013-03-13 22:32:20] <Ironybot> "Yeah. 'Somebody.'"
  1007. [2013-03-13 22:32:22] <Grail2> Olivia is driven to the airport by one of the drivers in an Bentley with a special passenger seat. There are cooled beverages and a television with cable channels inside along with her favorite snacks.
  1008. [2013-03-13 22:32:37] <Grail2> The black leather seats are wonderful and they have a back massage function
  1009. [2013-03-13 22:32:37] <Unstable_Flake> Fiain carefully pokes one of the tentacles. "'ve ever been on an elevator before?"
  1010. [2013-03-13 22:33:04] <BeGuiled> Yuko gives that question the deep pondering it deserves.
  1011. [2013-03-13 22:33:13] <Grail2> Yuko's tentacle only appears when no one is looking
  1012. [2013-03-13 22:33:50] <PriceisMagic> So do we switch elevators?
  1013. [2013-03-13 22:34:24] <Seventeen> Olivia presses the intercom button to speak to the driver. *vibrating noise* "Oh, I love these chairs. You ever try it?" *vibrating noise*
  1014. [2013-03-13 22:34:24] <Ironybot> Wait, I thought the tentacle hid itself from Yuko but not from anyone else?
  1015. [2013-03-13 22:34:46] <Ironybot> I know that it freaked someone out before.
  1016. [2013-03-13 22:34:50] <Grail2> "No mam, we aren't allowed." *BZZT*
  1017. [2013-03-13 22:35:08] <BeGuiled> Hm... Inspector Stone got freaked out by her third eye, I'm not sure if anyone has seen her special tentacle
  1018. [2013-03-13 22:35:21] <BeGuiled> didnt necessarily plan it that way, but...
  1019. [2013-03-13 22:35:48] <Grail2> The only time I've used it is when no one else was paying attention
  1020. [2013-03-13 22:36:07] <Grail2> It's up to guile though
  1021. [2013-03-13 22:36:14] <Grail2> It is his dud power
  1022. [2013-03-13 22:36:25] <Seventeen> "You have /got/ to try it. When you drop me off, give it a go. You can tell daddy I wanted you to wait for my flight to board."
  1023. [2013-03-13 22:36:42] <BeGuiled> Eh, that's fine. Yuko walks past the elevator buttons, and somehow all 100 got pressed
  1024. [2013-03-13 22:36:56] <Grail2> "Thank you." *BZZZT*
  1025. [2013-03-13 22:37:35] <Seventeen> Olivia leans back into the massage, and flicks through channels on the TV.
  1026. [2013-03-13 22:37:48] <Ironybot> But neither of those are really as convenient as an anti-materiel rifle.
  1027. [2013-03-13 22:37:53] <Ironybot> Agh
  1028. [2013-03-13 22:38:02] <Ironybot> Damned up key.
  1029. [2013-03-13 22:38:32] <Ironybot> Anyway: guile, you did not just use the line "I'm not sure if anyone has seen her special tentacle". Please tell me you didn't.
  1030. [2013-03-13 22:38:35] <PriceisMagic> Yeah, annoying isnt it
  1031. [2013-03-13 22:38:48] <Grail2> It's heavenly, really. Your back feels like a ball of warm dough being lovingly prepared by a baker early in the morning.
  1032. [2013-03-13 22:40:17] <Grail2> There's the news, the old cop copter, and a reality show about magical creatures.
  1033. [2013-03-13 22:40:20] <PriceisMagic> So we stay in the elevator with all the pressed buttons?
  1034. [2013-03-13 22:40:30] <Grail2> I'm just going to say you don't
  1035. [2013-03-13 22:40:45] <Grail2> You get out, go into a new elevator, and Yuko's tentacle presses all the buttons again
  1036. [2013-03-13 22:40:54] <Ironybot> "...seriously, Yuko?"
  1037. [2013-03-13 22:41:27] <BeGuiled> Yuko's look is a masterpiece of confusion.
  1038. [2013-03-13 22:41:30] <Seventeen> Ugh, Cop Copter, really? Terrible. *click* Oh, magical creatures! - Olivia checks out the reality show.
  1039. [2013-03-13 22:41:35] <BeGuiled> Truly, this is our most difficult challenge yet
  1040. [2013-03-13 22:41:48] <PriceisMagic> "Damn it Yuko"
  1041. [2013-03-13 22:41:51] <BeGuiled> Confusion and innocence.
  1042. [2013-03-13 22:41:55] <Grail2> There's a middle aged woman with you, she's wearing a red dress and some heavy lipstick. Slightly intoxicated would be an understatement to her estimated sobriety levels.
  1043. [2013-03-13 22:42:15] <Grail2> She gives off the air of trying to recapture lost youth, to Hunter at least.
  1044. [2013-03-13 22:42:44] <Grail2> She's very miffed at all of the buttons being pressed
  1045. [2013-03-13 22:42:57] <BeGuiled> And Irony, is that so wrong? She doesn't show it off to every tom, dick and harry, you know
  1046. [2013-03-13 22:43:17] <BeGuiled> She's not one of THOSE women
  1047. [2013-03-13 22:43:55] <Ironybot> The irony of trying to recapture lost youth yet being vexed by a youthful prank is clear.
  1048. [2013-03-13 22:44:33] <Ironybot> Sign. "Well, we've already changed elevators once. I guess we weren't really planning to do anything for the next half hour."
  1049. [2013-03-13 22:44:48] <Ironybot> ...sigh. Not sign. Excuse me.
  1050. [2013-03-13 22:44:48] <PriceisMagic> ( I hear thunder, if I leave and dont coem back its because the powers dead)
  1051. [2013-03-13 22:44:52] <Grail2> Olivia watches a show about ghosts who still live on the mortal coil, it's pretty interesting. They get an interview with a civil war era ghost who has unfinished business, he's...interesting. Lets just say he was on the wrong side of the war.
  1052. [2013-03-13 22:45:08] <Grail2> Within a half hour she arrives at the airport.
  1053. [2013-03-13 22:45:22] <Grail2> Despite her great wealth she is not immune to airport security.
  1054. [2013-03-13 22:46:23] <BeGuiled> On the upside, she can send the airport security that enjoys the searches a little too much to some hell dimension
  1055. [2013-03-13 22:47:26] <Grail2> The crew has a delightful adventure on the elevator. The woman leaves five floors up in a stumble, a very rotund african american man enters, squeezing the space you have even tighter.
  1056. [2013-03-13 22:47:39] <Grail2> Hunter spends a few floors very close to an armpit
  1057. [2013-03-13 22:47:57] <PriceisMagic> Michale thanks god for his gas mask
  1058. [2013-03-13 22:48:06] <Unstable_Flake> Fiain has the urge to summon Jerry
  1059. [2013-03-13 22:48:08] <PriceisMagic> Sucks to be the others
  1060. [2013-03-13 22:48:14] <Unstable_Flake> Or make racist jokes
  1061. [2013-03-13 22:48:18] <BeGuiled> Yuko is pressed up against somebody, but she's not sure who
  1062. [2013-03-13 22:48:29] <Grail2> He leaves about twenty floors up
  1063. [2013-03-13 22:48:44] <Grail2> Then someone else arrives, someone who pings Hunter's power radar.
  1064. [2013-03-13 22:48:49] <Ironybot> ...really.
  1065. [2013-03-13 22:48:54] <Unstable_Flake> DUN
  1066. [2013-03-13 22:48:55] <BeGuiled> KILL HIM.
  1067. [2013-03-13 22:48:57] <Ironybot> What powers have we here?
  1068. [2013-03-13 22:49:31] <Grail2> .choose hyper sense, hyper persuade, luck manipulation, hyper coordination
  1069. [2013-03-13 22:49:31] <Classhole> Grail2: luck manipulation
  1070. [2013-03-13 22:49:53] <Unstable_Flake> ...wonder what counts as 'luck'
  1071. [2013-03-13 22:49:55] <PriceisMagic> Someones going to the casinos
  1072. [2013-03-13 22:50:07] <Unstable_Flake> Huh, Fiain's going to the gambling area too
  1073. [2013-03-13 22:50:08] <Grail2> He looks very well dressed, slightly intoxicated, and he has a top hat filled with casino chips
  1074. [2013-03-13 22:50:12] <Unstable_Flake> what luck!
  1075. [2013-03-13 22:50:34] <Grail2> He doesn't look at any of you
  1076. [2013-03-13 22:50:55] <PriceisMagic> I'm surprised the casinos dont have anti-power security measures
  1077. [2013-03-13 22:51:00] <Unstable_Flake> Fiain quirks eyebrows and whistles upon seeing all the chips
  1078. [2013-03-13 22:51:29] <BeGuiled> Yuko is more impressed with the top hat than the chips, and says something to that effect. Very good Magical Guy material, tophats.
  1079. [2013-03-13 22:51:59] <BeGuiled> Tuxedoes, too
  1080. [2013-03-13 22:52:01] <Grail2> "Thanksh" he hiccups
  1081. [2013-03-13 22:52:02] <PriceisMagic> Michale ignores the drunken gambler
  1082. [2013-03-13 22:52:16] <Ironybot> "Wow, someone's had a good night," Hunter comments. Time to see if we can talk this guy into giving us information about himself.
  1083. [2013-03-13 22:52:21] <Grail2> He hands Yuko a chip for a hundred dollars
  1084. [2013-03-13 22:53:46] <BeGuiled> "Neat!" She's never seen one of those before.
  1085. [2013-03-13 22:54:42] <Unstable_Flake> "...Poker, I assume?" He leans back, arms outstretched
  1086. [2013-03-13 22:55:20] <PriceisMagic> Michale reaches over to spam the floor button but then thinks against it
  1087. [2013-03-13 22:55:23] <Grail2> "Ahyuuuhp. I had more, but I cashed em' in. Eh? Poker? Roulette!"
  1088. [2013-03-13 22:55:26] <BeGuiled> She throws it, catches it, throws it, catches it...
  1089. [2013-03-13 22:55:28] <Seventeen> Olivia is annoyed, but waits calmly.
  1090. [2013-03-13 22:55:29] <PriceisMagic> Dont want to break the thing
  1091. [2013-03-13 22:55:58] <PriceisMagic> (Enjoy getting patted down by guys who werent able to join the police)
  1092. [2013-03-13 22:56:15] <Grail2> Olivia has to take off her shoes, let them go through luggage, walk through the 'see through clothes' machine, and pass the gauntlet
  1093. [2013-03-13 22:56:35] <Unstable_Flake> His eyes widen at the man's honesty. "Holy, that's insane! Well, you either got lucky or you're skilled."
  1094. [2013-03-13 22:57:01] <Grail2> She really must remember to get daddy to get her some sort of diamond, platinum, gold, super frequent flier list so she doesn't have to deal with this again
  1095. [2013-03-13 22:57:07] <BeGuiled> Up and down, up and down, up and down...
  1096. [2013-03-13 22:57:56] <Ironybot> "Lucky like none other," Hunter agrees with Fiain's comment. "You staying here long?"
  1097. [2013-03-13 22:58:38] <Grail2> "'S all in the technique! Hmm...maybe, I alwaysh wanted to see Paris. I think imma go to Paris tomorrow."
  1098. [2013-03-13 22:59:07] <PriceisMagic> Michale starts going through the list of comics he needs to catch up with
  1099. [2013-03-13 22:59:26] <PriceisMagic> mentally*
  1100. [2013-03-13 22:59:41] <PriceisMagic> Hes been out of the game for a couple months
  1101. [2013-03-13 23:00:05] <Ironybot> "A man of the world, I see. Care to introduce yourself?" Moving a tad fast, but then there is alien psychic urging involved, the man is drunk, and the elevator ride won't last forever...
  1102. [2013-03-13 23:00:12] <BeGuiled> Bet they have a floor devoted to stuff like that
  1103. [2013-03-13 23:00:42] <Grail2> "Patrick, you can call me Patrick!"
  1104. [2013-03-13 23:00:50] <Unstable_Flake> Heh. This guy's drunk, maybe he can get him to spare a few coins. "Nice, sounds luxurious. You're from these parts?"
  1105. [2013-03-13 23:02:12] <Ironybot> Wild guess: This man is Irish.
  1106. [2013-03-13 23:02:21] <Grail2> "I'm from everywhere."
  1107. [2013-03-13 23:02:40] <Grail2> He's got red hair, he's not particularly pale or freckly
  1108. [2013-03-13 23:03:01] <PriceisMagic> But he does like his booze, then again who doesnt?
  1109. [2013-03-13 23:03:03] <Grail2> His accent is also not distinctly anything from out of the country
  1110. [2013-03-13 23:03:29] <Ironybot> My stereotypes have betrayed me!
  1111. [2013-03-13 23:04:17] <Ironybot> "The classic world traveler, with friends in every city?"
  1112. [2013-03-13 23:04:45] <Grail2> "Everywhere is home if you're welcome there, right?"
  1113. [2013-03-13 23:05:38] <Grail2> His hair is a bit of a mess and his suit is ever so slightly ruffled, signs of a night well spent.
  1114. [2013-03-13 23:07:14] <BeGuiled> "Friends are nice," Yuko agrees, just to show she's paying attention. She's not really, though. Up and down, up and down...
  1115. [2013-03-13 23:07:50] <Ironybot> "Well, you're certainly welcome here, it seems. Hey, you should give us your phone number in case you come by the city again." Blatant, but eh; this man doesn't seem particularly in need of assistance, but more superhuman contacts are always good.
  1116. [2013-03-13 23:08:07] <Unstable_Flake> Fiain simply nods, and casts Illusion-Patrick feels more dizzy!
  1117. [2013-03-13 23:08:51] <Grail2> "Eh? If you guys want." he tosses you a business card
  1118. [2013-03-13 23:09:04] <Grail2> Fiain's illusion...doesn't work
  1119. [2013-03-13 23:09:48] <Grail2> Patrick looks up at the elevator floor indicator
  1120. [2013-03-13 23:10:24] <Grail2> "Thash my stop." he starts stumbling out and tosses a few fifty dollar chips behind him
  1121. [2013-03-13 23:10:34] <Unstable_Flake> Damn, this isn'-OH GOD CHIPS
  1122. [2013-03-13 23:10:43] <Ironybot> Business card get.
  1123. [2013-03-13 23:10:51] <Unstable_Flake> Chips get! Get them all!
  1124. [2013-03-13 23:10:53] <Grail2> Patrick can totally afford to be reckless
  1125. [2013-03-13 23:10:57] <Ironybot> "Enjoy your evening."
  1126. [2013-03-13 23:11:09] <Seventeen> Hunter's so busy catching the card that Fiain gets all the chips, the greedy bastard.
  1127. [2013-03-13 23:11:12] <Grail2> If you intend to hurt him you'll just accidentally misplace his card and forget about him
  1128. [2013-03-13 23:11:31] <Ironybot> After the elevator doors close, Hunter comments, "That man had abilities. Luck manipulation- very strong."
  1129. [2013-03-13 23:11:54] <Ironybot> Fortunately Hunter just wants a new contact who might be useful someday, who knows.
  1130. [2013-03-13 23:12:20] <Unstable_Flake> Fiain turns to look at Hunter while pocketing those chips. "Huh, I couldn't use my power just now."
  1131. [2013-03-13 23:12:32] <PriceisMagic> Ok and gotta get the new-wait what? "Wait what?"?
  1132. [2013-03-13 23:12:36] <Ironybot> "You tried?"
  1133. [2013-03-13 23:12:58] <PriceisMagic> Michale blinks, snapped out of his trance of bordom
  1134. [2013-03-13 23:13:01] <Grail2> In Fiain's head it went like this
  1135. [2013-03-13 23:13:09] <Grail2> He was thinking up what kind of illusion he wanted to do
  1136. [2013-03-13 23:13:19] <Grail2> An in the moment he lost his train of thought and had a brain fart
  1137. [2013-03-13 23:13:34] <Grail2> By the time he remembered Patrick was walking away
  1138. [2013-03-13 23:13:55] <Unstable_Flake> "Yeah. Who wouldn't? He's drunk and being careless, why not make him even more? Something....distracted me as I was about to do it."
  1139. [2013-03-13 23:14:32] <PriceisMagic> "Are you really wondering why you couldnt negatively affect a luck manipulator?
  1140. [2013-03-13 23:14:35] <Ironybot> Hunter nods. "Not surprising. I suspect that for some reason running into us benefited him or he never would have done so."
  1141. [2013-03-13 23:15:14] <BeGuiled> "He must need us to superhero for him some day!" Yuko decides.
  1142. [2013-03-13 23:15:21] <Unstable_Flake> "I thought it was an active power, not passive...damn, now that I think of it-that's really a...heh, lucky power to get."
  1143. [2013-03-13 23:15:44] <BeGuiled> Ow, bad pun.
  1144. [2013-03-13 23:15:55] <PriceisMagic> Michale cringes at the pun
  1145. [2013-03-13 23:16:07] <BeGuiled> no
  1146. [2013-03-13 23:16:08] <Classhole> GOD BLESS SUDAN: YEEEEAAAAAAAAHH
  1147. [2013-03-13 23:16:09] <BeGuiled> for you
  1148. [2013-03-13 23:17:03] <Unstable_Flake> He puts on a slightly confused face at Michale's sudden reaction, before realizing. "...yeah. That was pretty awful."
  1149. [2013-03-13 23:17:24] <BeGuiled> So, what floor are we up to?
  1150. [2013-03-13 23:17:47] <Ironybot> I think we're up to floor why-don't-we-open-next-session-with-arriving.
  1151. [2013-03-13 23:18:06] <Unstable_Flake> but we still have 40-50 minutes!
  1152. [2013-03-13 23:18:28] <PriceisMagic> Michale once again zones out
  1153. [2013-03-13 23:18:43] <Ironybot> I'm kind of tired, but if you really want to keep going another 45, all right.
  1154. [2013-03-13 23:18:45] <Grail2> I said two hours roughly two hours actually
  1155. [2013-03-13 23:19:18] <Ironybot> You said "an hour or two" about two and a half hours ago.
  1156. [2013-03-13 23:19:37] <Grail2> Excellent
  1157. [2013-03-13 23:19:47] <Grail2> Anyway we'll wrap it here
  1158. [2013-03-13 23:20:30] <Seventeen> Man, I'm not even on the plane yet. I really need to stop watching you guys derail yourselves so I can actually get something done.
  1159. [2013-03-13 23:20:44] <Grail2> Okay hold on
  1160. [2013-03-13 23:21:27] <Grail2> Olivia arrives at her plane, boards first class and gets watch all the unfortunate ones shuffled past her into coach.
  1161. [2013-03-13 23:22:06] <Grail2> Meanwhile her seat is like a ridiculous combination of a lazy boy recliner and a the baby bear's bed from the classic tale of goldilocks
  1162. [2013-03-13 23:22:14] <Grail2> It has rose petals on it even
  1163. [2013-03-13 23:22:41] <Grail2> She gets two televisions, one large one and a hand held about the size of her head.
  1164. [2013-03-13 23:23:45] <PriceisMagic> >hand held
  1165. [2013-03-13 23:23:54] <Grail2> There's a complimentry snack bar, a towel, a head pillow, a sleep mask, all manner of free snacks, a mirror, a lamp, and a silver tray with a bottle of champagne
  1166. [2013-03-13 23:24:24] <Grail2> Her flight is, in a word, wonderful.
  1167. [2013-03-13 23:24:47] <Grail2> And I'm not bullshitting there, I just looked up what a first class flight seat typically looks like
  1168. [2013-03-13 23:24:48] <PriceisMagic> (Untill it gets attacked)
  1169. [2013-03-13 23:25:11] <Grail2> She also gets a menu of wines and snacks that are all paid for
  1170. [2013-03-13 23:25:33] <Unstable_Flake> dayum girl
  1171. [2013-03-13 23:25:33] <Grail2> The first class has a bar that serves lunch and dinner, as much food as she wants
  1172. [2013-03-13 23:25:53] <BeGuiled> Last flight I was on, the first class seats were these crazy blue-light-lit spoon chairs with footrests
  1173. [2013-03-13 23:26:13] <Grail2> It is riduclously fancy and she is pampered
  1174. [2013-03-13 23:26:34] <Ironybot> It might be ridiculously fancy by the standards of poor people, but it's probably below par for Olivia.
  1175. [2013-03-13 23:26:43] <BeGuiled>
  1176. [2013-03-13 23:26:44] <PriceisMagic> This is rich person first class, not filthy peasnt first class
  1177. [2013-03-13 23:27:04] <Grail2>
  1178. [2013-03-13 23:27:54] <BeGuiled> Rose petals, I love it
  1179. [2013-03-13 23:27:56] <Grail2>
  1180. [2013-03-13 23:28:00] <BeGuiled> totally worth an extra $500
  1181. [2013-03-13 23:28:22] <PriceisMagic>[276105].jpg maximum comfy
  1182. [2013-03-13 23:29:10] <Grail2>
  1183. [2013-03-13 23:29:30] <Seventeen> Olivia relaxes, a little disappointed in the quality of the first class cabin. At least she's able to enjoy some alcohol, being on a British Airways flight.
  1184. [2013-03-13 23:29:49] <Grail2> Olivia spends several hours on her flight from California to London
  1185. [2013-03-13 23:29:56] <Grail2> And NOW we're done
  1186. [2013-03-13 23:30:09] <BeGuiled> Stephen looks so... professional
  1187. [2013-03-13 23:30:11] <Grail2> Everyone will reach their destinations tomorrow
  1188. [2013-03-13 23:30:16] <Seventeen> Bam, motherfuckers, that's how we get shit done: we make Grail do it.
  1189. [2013-03-13 23:30:24] <Unstable_Flake> that smile is just so smugly fake
  1190. [2013-03-13 23:30:40] <BeGuiled> He should be a butler somewhere
  1191. [2013-03-13 23:31:15] <BeGuiled> Anybody that hasn't watched a couple episodes of Tiger and Bunny anime should do that
  1192. [2013-03-13 23:31:29] <BeGuiled> Our group is great, but that's what we could be like with proper PR
  1193. [2013-03-13 23:31:35] <Unstable_Flake> Is the Homo Love getting to you, Guile?
  1194. [2013-03-13 23:32:17] <BeGuiled> Don't be silly, I said a couple episodes. Tiger and Bunny doesn't get into the deep, meaningful glances between partners until at LEAST episode 5
  1195. [2013-03-13 23:32:45] <Unstable_Flake> heheh
  1196. [2013-03-13 23:33:15] <PriceisMagic> What
  1197. [2013-03-13 23:34:40] <BeGuiled> Aren't they fabulous?
  1198. [2013-03-13 23:35:03] <BeGuiled> That's alllmost getting into Jojo levels of fabulous
  1199. [2013-03-13 23:35:06] <Unstable_Flake> so, we voting for MVP and WP distribution?
  1200. [2013-03-13 23:35:34] <Seventeen> I vote for Patrick.
  1201. [2013-03-13 23:35:57] <Unstable_Flake> It's perfectly normal to find Kaburagi handsome and attractive
  1202. [2013-03-13 23:36:08] <BeGuiled> Everyone does
  1203. [2013-03-13 23:36:27] <Ironybot> I don't think we really did enough to justify willpower/XP.
  1204. [2013-03-13 23:36:37] <BeGuiled> Patrick takes home all the XP
  1205. [2013-03-13 23:36:41] <BeGuiled> he stashed it in his tophat
  1206. [2013-03-13 23:37:03] <Ironybot> He didn't even mean to stash it, it just fell in when he wasn't paying attention.
  1207. [2013-03-13 23:37:30] <Ironybot> He gestured emphatically with his hat during a drunken rant and there was a falling bit of XP at just the right moment.
  1208. [2013-03-13 23:37:30] <Unstable_Flake> Now, if this is just at the casino...
  1209. [2013-03-13 23:37:39] <Unstable_Flake> Imagine when he walks into a bar
  1210. [2013-03-13 23:38:30] <Unstable_Flake> Must be a new, spreading sex god
  1211. [2013-03-13 23:50:28] |<-- Unstable_Flake has left (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
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  1254. [2013-03-18 19:20:14] <Grail> Brief reminder, we have a session today
  1255. [2013-03-18 19:20:28] -->| guile0 ( has joined #Fortuna
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  1257. [2013-03-18 19:30:19] <Grail> Everyone here?
  1258. [2013-03-18 19:31:02] <PriceisMagic2> I am
  1259. [2013-03-18 19:33:44] <Seventeen> Olivia is asleep.
  1260. [2013-03-18 19:34:07] <Seventeen> And she's about five hundred million times more comfortable than the rest of the group has ever been.
  1261. [2013-03-18 19:34:17] <Seventeen> But yes, I am here.
  1262. [2013-03-18 19:36:00] <Trial_Flake> Yus
  1263. [2013-03-18 19:37:28] <Ironybot> Yes.
  1264. [2013-03-18 19:41:09] <Grail> Hunter, Fiain, Yuko and Michale have just completed their arduous elevator journey and reached the top floors of the Atlas building. The door makes a high pitched *BING* as it opens itself and your senses are immediately assailed by loud tinkling noises, the cranking of levers, the smell of alcohol, and bright lights.
  1265. [2013-03-18 19:41:41] <PriceisMagic2> Guile0 you here?
  1266. [2013-03-18 19:43:34] <Grail> The floor is well populated, there are people moving in chaotic jumbles from machine to machine, table to table, and so on.
  1267. [2013-03-18 19:47:05] <Grail> There's a main gambling area, slightly sunken in from the entrances and situated at the center, with one or two steps down. Red and black checkered carpet, velvet looking. The decor is crisp and clean enough. It's heavily commercial and more family friendly than what you'd typically picture of a casino.
  1268. [2013-03-18 19:47:41] <guile0> I am now here. Grabbed some KFC
  1269. [2013-03-18 19:47:57] <PriceisMagic2> "So Hunter where is our target?" Michale asks stepping off the elevator
  1270. [2013-03-18 19:48:11] <Ironybot> Hmm. Gambling all over, it seems; I'd thought these were the hotel floors but apparently not.
  1271. [2013-03-18 19:48:21] <guile0> Blinky lights! Weird noises! Yuko is distracted.
  1272. [2013-03-18 19:48:23] <Grail> Hunter can sense no powers in his immediate range, but the person he is Seeking is on this floor, but he's not on the main area.
  1273. [2013-03-18 19:48:45] <Ironybot> "This way," and head toward in the direction it pulls.
  1274. [2013-03-18 19:49:02] <Grail> The lower floors are entertainment, higher up are more hotel rooms.
  1275. [2013-03-18 19:49:14] <Grail> At least in this top part of the building
  1276. [2013-03-18 19:50:34] <Grail> Hunter walks and the group has to push in against a crowd to get where they want to go and requires them to move through the gambling area.
  1277. [2013-03-18 19:51:20] <Trial_Flake> Fiain looks at the gamblers, eyes lighting up at the sight of CHIPS
  1278. [2013-03-18 19:51:42] <Trial_Flake> He counts the amount of chips he took from the Irish dude
  1279. [2013-03-18 19:51:59] <guile0> Is there a strange empty space around Michale's totally normal appearance?
  1280. [2013-03-18 19:52:36] <Grail> At the very edge there is a section with small walls, not ceiling height but tall enough to be dividers and an entry point covered by ropes and two large, burley men with harsh, brute faces covered in sunglasses standing near.
  1281. [2013-03-18 19:52:56] <PriceisMagic2> No, he appears as a large Russian man
  1282. [2013-03-18 19:53:13] <Grail> Every hair on Hunter's body stands and tells him that his target is inside that area.
  1283. [2013-03-18 19:54:48] <Ironybot> "Hmm." Hunter pauses; moving directly through there could cause a few problems if not handled properly. He turns to the others. "Whoever it is is in the back, it seems."
  1284. [2013-03-18 19:55:18] <Grail> Fiain has enough chips he can afford to cash them in, hit the buffet, see a few shows, maybe get a massage or go to a strip club.
  1285. [2013-03-18 19:55:30] <Grail> They don't have strip clubs in the building, sadly.
  1286. [2013-03-18 19:55:38] <Trial_Flake> Fucking homosexuals
  1287. [2013-03-18 19:55:39] <PriceisMagic2> Damn, this place has everything
  1288. [2013-03-18 19:55:54] <PriceisMagic2> Aww
  1289. [2013-03-18 19:56:16] <PriceisMagic2> Anyway: "Ok, how do we get in?"
  1290. [2013-03-18 19:56:18] <Grail> Roughly a few hundred dollars, basically.
  1291. [2013-03-18 19:57:06] <guile0> "Maybe intimidate some security guards into letting us in. Let's go do some heroing!"
  1292. [2013-03-18 19:57:32] <Ironybot> Hunter shrugs. "Talk our way through on pure bullshit, unless someone has a better idea. I'd rather not cause a big fuss."
  1293. [2013-03-18 19:58:18] <guile0> Time to be a hero!
  1294. [2013-03-18 19:58:31] <Trial_Flake> (Hang on, playing a game
  1295. [2013-03-18 19:58:35] <Trial_Flake> Gimme 3 minutes
  1296. [2013-03-18 19:59:30] <Ironybot> I presume Fiain has some kind of brilliant plan we'll hear about in 3 minutes.
  1297. [2013-03-18 19:59:59] <Ironybot> Because while Hunter's "smack them with hyperpersuade until it works" scheme is probably functional, it lacks finesse.
  1298. [2013-03-18 20:00:10] <Ironybot> And I don't even want to think about what Yuko is likely to pull.
  1299. [2013-03-18 20:00:39] <PriceisMagic2> They might have psychic shields though
  1300. [2013-03-18 20:02:33] <guile0> Being subtly disturbing enough that people will do almost anything to make you leave helps
  1301. [2013-03-18 20:02:35] <Ironybot> If someone is mass-manufacturing psychic shields cheaply enough to hand them to their bouncers, I want to know what they're up to.
  1302. [2013-03-18 20:03:29] <guile0> Maybe the bouncer gets up to something wild after work, who knows?
  1303. [2013-03-18 20:03:29] <guile0> Maybe we'll meet Rockem
  1304. [2013-03-18 20:03:57] <Trial_Flake> Fiain idle-handedly tosses a chip up and down, like a coin. "Hmm. Talking our way through is okay, but that place doesn't seem child-friendly *glance at Yuko*, and we'll need an acceptable story."
  1305. [2013-03-18 20:04:47] <guile0> Why does Yuko always seem two steps away from a cover story as an underage prostitute?
  1306. [2013-03-18 20:05:04] <Ironybot> Two long steps that we WILL NOT be taking.
  1307. [2013-03-18 20:05:10] <Trial_Flake> If you want, I can make Yuko look like a prostitute.
  1308. [2013-03-18 20:05:19] <Trial_Flake> But that's wrong and disturbing.
  1309. [2013-03-18 20:05:33] <guile0> Amen
  1310. [2013-03-18 20:05:37] <Grail> Unlike eating a human limb
  1311. [2013-03-18 20:06:24] <Ironybot> "Well, I don't think 'we want to interrogate someone over there regarding being involved in the distribution of super-drugs' is going to fly."
  1312. [2013-03-18 20:07:27] <guile0> "Somebody could fake an emergency and we could sneak in?"
  1313. [2013-03-18 20:07:33] <Trial_Flake> "That said, do you detect any actually in there? this building."
  1314. [2013-03-18 20:08:13] <Ironybot> How close is the guy? We're talking like "that's definitely the next room over", or...?
  1315. [2013-03-18 20:10:16] <Grail> He's definitely somewhere in the closed off area.
  1316. [2013-03-18 20:10:48] <Grail> It's not immediately inside, more towards the center which feels more than a few dozen feet inside.
  1317. [2013-03-18 20:11:35] <PriceisMagic2> "I /could/ make a new door" Michale says half serious
  1318. [2013-03-18 20:13:01] <Ironybot> "He's like... fifty feet straight that way. Or she, I guess," Hunter says as he gestures. "That's pretty definite."
  1319. [2013-03-18 20:13:36] <guile0> "Well, we've got to do SOMETHING. Lives are... well not exactly. But something dastardly could maybe be going on, and it's up to us to get to the bottom of it." Nod nod.
  1320. [2013-03-18 20:15:38] <Ironybot> "Fiain, then, unless you've got some brilliant illusionary solution to our problem, it looks like it's time for bluffing. And if that's the name of the game, suggestions other than 'you should let me through' would be much appreciated."
  1321. [2013-03-18 20:16:34] <Trial_Flake> "Go for it- on second thought, my guys won't work here."
  1322. [2013-03-18 20:19:08] <Ironybot> Grail, we can't see past the barred area to get a sense of what's inside for bluffing purposes? Or we can?
  1323. [2013-03-18 20:19:48] <Grail> You cannot unless you feel like stacking on top of each other like a totem pole
  1324. [2013-03-18 20:20:31] <Ironybot> Well, we DO have remarkable acrobatic skills...
  1325. [2013-03-18 20:21:32] <guile0> I say we do it
  1326. [2013-03-18 20:21:39] <Ironybot> You would.
  1327. [2013-03-18 20:22:06] <guile0> The Amazing Flying Yuko was a clue, huh?
  1328. [2013-03-18 20:23:01] <Ironybot> It's presumably a high roller area or a private section for the guests of whoever is running things. Not really eager to go into either bluff cold... Grail, we haven't seen anyone go through there yet, correct? Because we just got here, then pulled to the side and stood around chatting.
  1329. [2013-03-18 20:24:04] <Grail> Totally correct, you've only been here for a few scant minutes.
  1330. [2013-03-18 20:25:37] <Trial_Flake> What's the crew wearing now? Except Fiain
  1331. [2013-03-18 20:27:01] <Ironybot> Hunter glances at the bouncers, then back at the group, then sighs. "Look, I don't think we're on a particularly tight schedule here, and I'd like to be sure about this if possible. Could we float in the casino- or at the restaurant over there, maybe- long enough to get a look at someone actually getting into the back? And if our mark leaves, so much the better."
  1332. [2013-03-18 20:28:17] <Grail> They're your characters, who do I look like, their mother?
  1333. [2013-03-18 20:28:49] <Grail> That and Fiain is illusioning half of them so you get to decide what they're dressed as.
  1334. [2013-03-18 20:29:44] <PriceisMagic2>
  1335. [2013-03-18 20:29:48] <guile0> Yuko is still in the best Salvation Army 1970's chic
  1336. [2013-03-18 20:29:53] <PriceisMagic2> Thats what Michales wearing
  1337. [2013-03-18 20:29:53] <guile0> that Hunter could manage
  1338. [2013-03-18 20:30:03] <guile0> Nice
  1339. [2013-03-18 20:30:27] <Ironybot> Hunter and Yuko are in clever civilian disguises that make them look like random middle class people, as I recall. It was meant to blend into most situations, so... probably NOT the wild 70's junk that was being linked.
  1340. [2013-03-18 20:30:36] <Ironybot> Entertaining though it was.
  1341. [2013-03-18 20:31:24] <guile0> Ah, I suppose.
  1342. [2013-03-18 20:32:10] <Trial_Flake> "Hmm, we're at a rich place with rich people...(he takes a look at Hunter's disguise) how 'bout a little something for change?"
  1343. [2013-03-18 20:34:02] <guile0> A rich place for rich people, indeed
  1344. [2013-03-18 20:34:13] <Trial_Flake> Yuko's in a little black dress, Hunter gets a suit and well-gelled hair, Michale's a large Russian with almost crew-cut length hair, in a white suit jacket.
  1345. [2013-03-18 20:34:16] <Ironybot> "If you're planning to change outfits, in the middle of the floor is not the best place."
  1346. [2013-03-18 20:34:33] <Ironybot> ...shit.
  1347. [2013-03-18 20:34:50] <Grail> Your power doesn't actually have the subtle tag
  1348. [2013-03-18 20:35:13] <Ironybot> Dammit, Fiain.
  1349. [2013-03-18 20:35:18] <guile0> Have Fiain illusion us so it looks like we tear our clothes off and reveal the new ones underneath?
  1350. [2013-03-18 20:35:22] <PriceisMagic2> Well is losing his shit
  1351. [2013-03-18 20:35:28] <PriceisMagic2> he is
  1352. [2013-03-18 20:35:32] <Grail> So there's quickly murmurs amongst the people
  1353. [2013-03-18 20:36:18] <Grail> And then about four men in typical bouncer clothing start walking towards your group
  1354. [2013-03-18 20:36:34] <Grail> Hunter can hear them coordinating via radio to go to your location
  1355. [2013-03-18 20:37:03] <PriceisMagic2> Michale slowly turns to Fiain and stares at him
  1356. [2013-03-18 20:37:17] <Grail> They ARE NOT upon you yet, but will be very shortly and the crowd has become something of a barrier between the murmurs and confusion of those who saw you.
  1357. [2013-03-18 20:38:28] <Ironybot> "God dammit, Fiain," Hunter hisses. "Fix this!" He shifts his personal abilities toward stealth, planning to slink away in the soon-to-ensue confusion.
  1358. [2013-03-18 20:38:30] <Grail> Oh and Yuko sees Hunter in his new suit and hair, Michale sees both Hunter and Yuko suddenly dressed to the nines, and Hunter has a feeling illusions just happened but he doesn't see any effects
  1359. [2013-03-18 20:40:25] <guile0> What, is it illegal to magically change clothes in this city?
  1360. [2013-03-18 20:41:00] <Grail> That specifically? No, Yuko and her kind are safe.
  1361. [2013-03-18 20:41:20] <Grail> They can however refuse you service at their business if they don't like people suddenly whipping out powers
  1362. [2013-03-18 20:42:25] <guile0> Our magical clothes powers aren't something to be discriminated against!
  1363. [2013-03-18 20:42:37] <guile0> We should have a talk with the manager right now
  1364. [2013-03-18 20:42:50] <guile0> Fiain, Yuko and Michale are now the distraction?
  1365. [2013-03-18 20:45:01] <PriceisMagic2> Michale starts thinking of what to do, should he grab Yuko and Fiain and make a break for it or see if Hunter or Fiain can fix this
  1366. [2013-03-18 20:45:26] <guile0> "Hey Fiain, how about you invisible us and have illusion us's run out the door?"
  1367. [2013-03-18 20:47:21] <Grail> She says, out loud
  1368. [2013-03-18 20:47:36] <Ironybot> Subtle.
  1369. [2013-03-18 20:47:49] <Ironybot> Trial_Flake, I think we're waiting on your action here.
  1370. [2013-03-18 20:47:51] <Grail> I mean it'll work because his illusions are bullshit
  1371. [2013-03-18 20:48:09] <guile0> Well you know, she kind of has to use her mouth parts to impart ideas
  1372. [2013-03-18 20:48:44] <Grail> She just needs to learn magical girl mind melding techniques
  1373. [2013-03-18 20:49:01] <Grail> And ASL, alien sign language
  1374. [2013-03-18 20:49:28] <guile0> Ha! If only Fiain had dice in alien stuff like Hunter and Yuko
  1375. [2013-03-18 20:50:02] <Ironybot> If only we had the same kind of aliens in our backgrounds instead of completely different ones.
  1376. [2013-03-18 20:52:05] <guile0> What, you mean all aliens in the galaxy don't speak english?
  1377. [2013-03-18 20:52:16] <Ironybot> They don't even speak Klingon!
  1378. [2013-03-18 20:52:51] <Trial_Flake> "Don't worry about this.." Fiain stares at the crowd as if confused, then takes a few steps foward, knowing they'll be on him in a moment.
  1379. [2013-03-18 20:54:14] <Grail> Seventeen, are you around?
  1380. [2013-03-18 20:56:57] <Grail> The crowd looks back at Fiain, even more confused than he appears to be.
  1381. [2013-03-18 21:02:03] <Grail> ...Is Fiain going to do anything or is he just going to stand there?
  1382. [2013-03-18 21:02:47] <Grail> What are you guys doing?
  1383. [2013-03-18 21:03:04] <Trial_Flake> back, had to clean out some food
  1384. [2013-03-18 21:03:59] <Seventeen> I am around.
  1385. [2013-03-18 21:05:36] <Grail> Olivia awakes and her flight lets out, her section gets to go out first, of course.
  1386. [2013-03-18 21:07:17] <Ironybot> Well, once Hunter's skills have adjusted he's counting on the other three to generally attract an undue amount of attention by doing... whatever, so he'll say fairly quietly "Get out of here harmlessly, please; I'll meet you later" and wait for the right moment to fade back- which will, presumably, be when Fiain or one of the others does something attention-grabbing.
  1387. [2013-03-18 21:08:43] <Ironybot> Then he'll aim to circle around and get behind those bouncers, who will hopefully be adequately distracted by the others.
  1388. [2013-03-18 21:09:07] <Ironybot> If that fails there's always phasing out, preferably somewhere out of sight, as a backup plan.
  1389. [2013-03-18 21:10:24] <guile0> Yuko has pretty good ranks in Stealth, and she's less squishy - metaphorically speaking - than Hunter
  1390. [2013-03-18 21:11:04] <Trial_Flake> Fiain puts a hand through his hair and starts moving towards a gambling table...taking his sweet time
  1391. [2013-03-18 21:11:41] <Grail> Hunter wants to get around the bouncers how? Past them and into the entrance or off the side of a sectioned off area?
  1392. [2013-03-18 21:12:04] <PriceisMagic2> Michale just stands there confused on what to do
  1393. [2013-03-18 21:12:36] <Ironybot> Could you clarify the geography involved here, Grail? I thought there was only one apparent route into the area with the target.
  1394. [2013-03-18 21:12:58] <Grail> There is, one entrance, the rest is covered by walls
  1395. [2013-03-18 21:13:18] <guile0> So the bouncers aren't moving, but rather other security personnel?
  1396. [2013-03-18 21:13:59] <Grail> Yes, the bouncers are staying at their posts, but aren't keeping keep attention as they are focused on watching the scene. That said they are flanking the entrance still.
  1397. [2013-03-18 21:15:00] <Grail> Getting past them directly would be logistically impossible because you'd enter their direct line of sight and move past them. Hunter could move around to a wall and jump over it if he wanted because they ARE distracted, but it'd be an athletics and stealth roll
  1398. [2013-03-18 21:17:47] <Ironybot> Not to quibble, but entering their direct line of sight isn't a fail unless they actually do something about it- which I would hope that hyperstealth aims to avoid by... seeming unimportant or similar. If there are up to... what, -5 in die penalties Hunter can still make a 2x10.
  1399. [2013-03-18 21:18:31] <guile0> "Um! What is going on! I am freaking!" Yuko suddenly announces loudly, running her hands down her suddenly-black-dress'd sides.
  1400. [2013-03-18 21:19:22] <guile0> Yuko proceeds to have a rather wooden freakout.
  1401. [2013-03-18 21:20:40] <guile0> "Powers! Someone in this room... has superpowers!! He can create dresses!"
  1402. [2013-03-18 21:20:52] <guile0> "Or... put dresses on people!"
  1403. [2013-03-18 21:21:03] <Grail> The thing is those aren't hyperdice, they're extra added regular dice to your mundane stealth skill, which is still mundane
  1404. [2013-03-18 21:21:16] <guile0> Yuko is literally dying out there, guys. She was not meant for the stage.
  1405. [2013-03-18 21:21:32] <PriceisMagic2> Michale sighs at Yukos attempt at helping wonder what is taking Fiain so damn long to do something, hes feels wierd just kinda standing there
  1406. [2013-03-18 21:21:40] <PriceisMagic2> and wonders*
  1407. [2013-03-18 21:22:10] <Ironybot> That matters significantly?
  1408. [2013-03-18 21:22:19] <guile0> "You!" she suddenly shouts, pointing at Michale dramatically. "It's you, isn't it! Its very pretty, but now everyone is staring! So thank you, but no!"
  1409. [2013-03-18 21:22:25] <Grail> You're walking past these individuals, within inches of their space through a roped off door and...what, sneaking past them?
  1410. [2013-03-18 21:22:38] <guile0> She pauses, eyes everyone, and then throws a punch at Michale's Hello Sailor -clad jaw.
  1411. [2013-03-18 21:22:56] <Grail> You're trying to do something supernatural with something that isn't a miracle
  1412. [2013-03-18 21:22:58] <guile0> Its now time for the farce part of the evening
  1413. [2013-03-18 21:23:23] <guile0> Yuko will proceed to have a knock-down, drag-out fight with the very giant, presumably very not into it Michale.
  1414. [2013-03-18 21:23:24] <Grail> Your miracle is making yourself really good at doing any given skill, but it itself isn't supernatural stealth
  1415. [2013-03-18 21:23:30] <Ironybot> I have one hyperdie, then, but I suppose it's not enough.
  1416. [2013-03-18 21:23:40] <PriceisMagic2> Michale doesnt even react to the punch, he just wounders if he should elave
  1417. [2013-03-18 21:23:45] <guile0> At some point, this will involve bowling through the security guards, and then the bouncers, and then being escorted off the premises.
  1418. [2013-03-18 21:23:55] <PriceisMagic2> You still here Trial_Flake?
  1419. [2013-03-18 21:23:58] <guile0> Yuko frowns. Michale is not playing along.
  1420. [2013-03-18 21:24:27] <Ironybot> The practical course then is to just get out of sight of most people/cameras and phase out, go into someplace in the roped-off area where no one is paying attention to, and phase back in.
  1421. [2013-03-18 21:24:28] <guile0> She kicks him in the shin, and then attempts to wrestle him down.
  1422. [2013-03-18 21:25:34] <PriceisMagic2> Not sure Flakes still here
  1423. [2013-03-18 21:25:37] <guile0> Of course, without the transformation she 3d+1wd Athletics, so its entirely farcical
  1424. [2013-03-18 21:27:12] <Grail> Yuko, give me a lie check
  1425. [2013-03-18 21:28:40] <Grail> Hunter can easily find an out of the way place to disappear, but how does he plan to get into a spot in the roped off area no one will see without seeing into the area? Seeking?
  1426. [2013-03-18 21:28:58] <Grail> The lie check is at an negative two by the way
  1427. [2013-03-18 21:29:16] <Ironybot> Yeah, he's gonna have to move the Seek.
  1428. [2013-03-18 21:29:42] <Grail> Michale doesn't need to make any checks because he isn't doing anything. Fiain is running his hands through his hair because Flake is being particularly Flakey this session/
  1429. [2013-03-18 21:30:16] <guile0> !roll 2d10
  1430. [2013-03-18 21:30:18] <Ecclesia> 15,1 guile0 rolled [ 2d10 ] { 14,1 9 15,1 14,1 3 15,1 = 15,1 12 15,1 }
  1431. [2013-03-18 21:30:52] <Grail> Hunter finds himself in a private bathroom, it smells like tea tree oil, juniper, and mint. The decor is very soft and copper in tone and the facilities are excellent
  1432. [2013-03-18 21:30:57] <Grail> Three shells and everything
  1433. [2013-03-18 21:31:10] <guile0> Screw it, Yuko gives up and goes home.
  1434. [2013-03-18 21:31:22] <guile0> Escorted off the premises, whatever
  1435. [2013-03-18 21:31:33] <guile0> Defeated by mundane security
  1436. [2013-03-18 21:32:02] <Grail> Sure she doesn't want to try sneaking away?
  1437. [2013-03-18 21:32:43] <guile0> Why bother? She just made a big scene, presumably dozens of eyes are on her
  1438. [2013-03-18 21:33:07] <guile0> So we'll leave and come back under a different guise
  1439. [2013-03-18 21:33:10] <Ironybot> Seek back on the target upon appearing. Hopefully the few seconds haven't left it moving elsewhere.
  1440. [2013-03-18 21:33:27] <Trial_Flake> I'm here I'm here
  1441. [2013-03-18 21:33:59] <Grail> Okay because Yuko, Michale and Fiain are about to be kicked out
  1442. [2013-03-18 21:34:02] <Ironybot> Flake, you had Fiain ruin our ability to do things with any subtlety at all and then vanished. Not cool, man.
  1443. [2013-03-18 21:34:54] <Ironybot> For the future, if you're going to turn a situation into a shitstorm please at least stick around to deal with it.
  1444. [2013-03-18 21:35:27] <guile0> Shitstorm may be overstating it, but it is bothersome
  1445. [2013-03-18 21:38:00] <Grail> I'm mildly miffed the game has had to slow down to a crawl at several points
  1446. [2013-03-18 21:38:32] <Grail> Can we get our asses in gear here?
  1447. [2013-03-18 21:38:35] <guile0> Okay, so whatever, we three run off, Fiain re-illusions us and we come back in, problem solved
  1448. [2013-03-18 21:38:54] <PriceisMagic2> We should wait a bit and not go in all at the same time
  1449. [2013-03-18 21:38:55] <guile0> We'll just hang out in the casino portion while Hunter does his thing
  1450. [2013-03-18 21:40:39] <Ironybot> ...speaking of, Grail? No problems with finding the target?
  1451. [2013-03-18 21:40:42] <Trial_Flake> Alright, first thing I'll apologize for being on and off-had some minor tasks to attend to, but didn't expect it to eat up this much time
  1452. [2013-03-18 21:41:03] <Grail> Hunter exits the bathroom and visually acquires his target who is sitting at a table playing roulette.
  1453. [2013-03-18 21:41:10] <Ironybot> Description?
  1454. [2013-03-18 21:42:06] <Grail> He is uniformly unimpressive, average height and slight in build with skin that is neither olive nor tan but yet close to those shades.
  1455. [2013-03-18 21:42:59] <Ironybot> Hmm. Not exactly what one would expect from a responsible party for this sort of thing.
  1456. [2013-03-18 21:43:36] <Grail> He's wearing his hear combed neatly to the side and has an outfit that is mildly fashionable although he doesn't seem the sort to care for such things
  1457. [2013-03-18 21:43:51] <Ironybot> In any case, Hunter will move over and watch the roulette game, hopefully in a casual manner that doesn't attract attention. Let's see if he power-pings.
  1458. [2013-03-18 21:44:11] |<-- Seventeen has left (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  1459. [2013-03-18 21:45:29] <Grail> His power sense does not come up with anything.
  1460. [2013-03-18 21:47:24] <guile0> Yuko has a $100 chip, I think it's time for one hand of poker
  1461. [2013-03-18 21:47:27] <Grail> The game he's currently in has five players, it's higher stakes and they play with handfuls of hundred dollar chips
  1462. [2013-03-18 21:48:53] <Grail> Your target isn't the star of the game, that's currently a man whose chips are riding high but seems to be associated with him in some way judging by their repor
  1463. [2013-03-18 21:49:27] <Grail> The other people at the table are a woman in red and another man, dressed much more drably
  1464. [2013-03-18 21:49:41] <Ironybot> They would be playing for absurd stakes, back here. Hunter hasn't got a single chip on him, naturally. That being the case, let's shift to hyperpersuade and see if we can pull the target off for a conversation. "Excuse me, could you make a moment to chat?"
  1465. [2013-03-18 21:51:28] <Grail> Yuko can cash in her chip for a hand full of regular chips and play at a low stakes table for a long time or she can risk it all and put a hundred on one hand OR something inbetween the two
  1466. [2013-03-18 21:53:00] <Grail> He instantly looks conflicted at your masterful manipulations "I'm sorry, a bit busy right now, you are?"
  1467. [2013-03-18 21:53:29] <guile0> Money is barely real to her. $100 chip, go
  1468. [2013-03-18 21:56:14] <Grail> I'm sorry guys, some sort of family issue is cropping up
  1469. [2013-03-18 21:56:56] <Ironybot> Hunter dodges the question by replying to only half the issue. "I can wait a few spins, of course. I was pointed your way on business- I think we have some mutual interests worth discussing."
  1470. [2013-03-18 21:56:58] <PriceisMagic2> Those are always fun
  1471. [2013-03-18 21:57:05] <Ironybot> Ah. We ending this here, then?
  1472. [2013-03-18 21:57:55] <Grail> We might
  1473. [2013-03-18 21:58:35] <Grail> Consider things paused, if I don't speak in thirty minutes we're ending it
  1474. [2013-03-18 21:59:01] -->| Seventeen (cgiirc@5CB819E8.535C584.976286FC.IP) has joined #Fortuna
  1475. [2013-03-18 21:59:36] <PriceisMagic2> Good luck
  1476. [2013-03-18 22:05:37] |<-- Seventeen has left ()
  1477. [2013-03-18 22:48:27] |<-- Grail has left (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  1478. [2013-03-18 22:55:50] -->| Grail ( has joined #Fortuna
  1479. [2013-03-18 22:57:30] <Grail> Yeah that wasn't good. We'll pick up tomorrow if that's possible
  1480. [2013-03-18 22:58:43] <Ironybot> Nothing critically serious, I hope?
  1481. [2013-03-18 22:59:43] <Grail> It's a complicated issue
  1482. [2013-03-18 23:02:48] <Grail> No one is dead or dying, so that's something to be thankful for at least. Anyway don't worry about me.
  1483. [2013-03-18 23:04:16] -->| Falconis (~chatzilla@3FC3BF2E.8ED569B3.DF1782C1.IP) has joined #Fortuna
  1484. [2013-03-18 23:04:37] -->| TheBeardedBob ( has joined #Fortuna
  1485. [2013-03-18 23:37:11] |<-- guile0 has left (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  1486. [2013-03-18 23:49:04] |<-- Ecclesia has left (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
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