
S&L Liger edit: part 1

Dec 30th, 2012
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  1. >Your name is Anon, and you've been living on the sweet Apple Acres for some time now
  2. “Equestria really sucks sometimes”
  3. >It’s another one of those hot days, and you took your shirt off earlier knowing that the hay had to be moved today
  4. >You look at the hay bundle, and you have another hours’ worth, but this one would be the last bundle before you take your break
  5. >You pick it up, and it’s seem lighter than the others which makes it easier to throw in the wagon
  6. “Hey big mac” you shout out as you walk toward him
  7. >Big Mac is lying in the grass looking up at the sky with his hooves crossed behind his head, and a piece of straw in his mouth
  8. “I don’t think I asked you before, but do you like doing your job??"
  9. >He looks at you and smiles, and says, “Yyyyyyyup.” then looks back at the sky
  10. >You sit your sweaty self on the grass as you take a breather and look up at the sky
  11. >Bic Mac looks at you
  12. >“Know what I like better than movin hay bundles??”
  13. >You know exactly what he is gonna say, but you reply with a smile
  14. “What’s that?”
  15. >He looks back at you and reply
  16. >”Layin here with my best bud”
  17. >You did not see that coming, you know Big Mac and you are the best of friends, and you practically live on the farm, but there is just something about hearing it for yourself
  18. >You both start laughing
  19. >Just then you hear a commotion
  20. >you and Big Mac look to your left as a pony comes running and scream
  22. >you and Mac are confused, and by the look of it, she’s new here
  23. >You both look at each other, and then at her, and then you notice the herd of cows coming your way
  24. “OHH FUCK!!!”, You shout as you and Big Mac stammer to your feet
  25. >“O MY GOD!!!” She screams in a whiny high pitch
  26. >You and Big Mac jump off to the side as she darts past you
  27. >Applejack runs out of a nearby barn after hearing the racket as the herd passes you
  28. >She has a bag of bird feed in her mouth, and all the seeds are falling out
  29. >You and Big Mac look at each other with the same smile
  30. >You both start running as AJ gets to where you guys were and drops the now empty bag
  31. >You jump on Big Mac and yell at Applejack
  32. “WE GOT THIS”
  33. >She looks at you, and then at the herd of cows, then back, and gives a concerned nod
  34. >You and Big Mac gain speed
  35. >You always have a rope tied around your waist for an occasion like this
  36. >Mac gets to the front the pack, as you finish tying the loop
  37. >The sound of each and every hoof in the herd is deafening
  38. >You and Mac come in close and you yell at her
  40. >She gasps for air as she tries to say something, but you can tell by her face that she understands
  41. >You throw the rope and it easily goes around her neck
  42. "OK BIG"
  43. >Big Mac nods and starts turning slowly
  45. >You and Big Mac make your way back into the farm, leading the cows back into their pen as she follows right beside you
  46. >As soon as you get into the pen, Big Mac turn hard to the left and her whole body is jerked by the rope as she follows
  48. >You follow the fence all the ways around and then back towards the entrance
  49. >You’ve made just enough distance behind the cows
  51. >You put the rope in his mouth, and then move your left leg up and around his back
  52. >You ready yourself...then jump
  53. >You tumble and you scrape your arms and back and tear your jeans
  54. >Big Mac tugs the rope to the left and out of the entrance
  55. >Just as you stop tumbling, you jump to your feet and run to the entrance
  56. >The cows are gaining on you, but you manage to get out and shut the fence door
  57. >You scream as you fall on to the floor next to the fence
  58. "WIN!!!"
  59. >You lay there panting, and soon after, you are met by Big Mac and the female pony
  60. >They are also trying to catch their breaths
  61. >You let out a big smile as you glance at Big
  62. >You manage to say “Yyyyyyup”
  63. >Big Mac lets out a big smirk
  64. >You get to your feet, covered in scrapes and bleeding a little, and dust off your jeans
  65. >Applejack comes out of no where
  66. >“Are you three alright!”
  67. >You look at her with a painful smile “Ya” as you nod
  68. >She looks at the condition you’re in
  69. >“Anon, I shouldn’t have let you and Big do that, I mean look atcha”
  70. “I’ll be fine, c’mon; I’m as hardy as you earth pones” you tilt your head and smile with teeth showing
  71. >She looks at your bleeding arm
  72. >"......No you aint” she starts shaking her head, “Ima have to fix you up”
  73. >She looks at the pony that caused the whole mess
  74. >“Sally, what were you thinking!!”
  75. >The shy looking pony sinks her head down as she moves back a little
  76. >“Sorr...”
  77. >“Do you know what could have happened to you!”
  78. >She is interrupted by Applejack
  79. >Big Mac watches as AJ continues her rant
  80. >“You could have gotten yourself killed, and look at anon, he wouldn’t be in this mess if it weren’t for ya”
  81. >The pony that is being lectured then looks at you, and you notice tears streaming from her face
  82. >“Sally,” She continues. “I told you not to touch anything an…”
  83. > “I'M SORRY!!”
  84. >She screams it before AJ can finish her sentence, she then bolts off
  85. >“SALLY!”
  86. >You look at AJ a little angry
  87. >She looks at you, and before she can say anything, you say
  88. “Good job”
  89. >You walk away
  90. >Applejack then looks back at you with her mouth semi open, trying to think of what to say next “I...I..I”
  91. >Big Mac says, “Yup” with an unusual mad face then joins you
  92. >This really makes Applejack feel bad, because she rarely sees big mac angry
  93. >Out of the blue comes a white horned pony trotting towards AJ with a yellow umbrella
  94. >“Pardon me Applejack, have you figured out what you wanted wear for the Dally in the Ally this week”
  95. >It’s as if Rarity didn’t even notice all the action that had just taken place
  96. >AJ looks at her with a WTF face
  97. >Semi angry, she replies
  98. >“Surprise me”
  99. >Rarity now with a huge smile, says
  100. >“Oh I have just the thing!!”
  101. >Rarity holds up a flyer that reads “GSphere was here”
  102. <AJ looks at it then rolls her eyes
  103. >“Rarity, I don’t have time for this!!"
  104. >Rarity looks sadden by this
  105. >“But GSphere is the best fashion designer in all of Equestria!! Why I learn everything from him!!”
  106. >Applejack keeps waking away
  107. >Rarity keeps whining, “I only have a day or two with him” she starts jumping up and down “and I have to get everything ready for this week!!”
  108. >Realizing that Applejack isn’t coming back, she then trots away as she starts to mutter to herself
  109. >”blah blah blah Gshpere, blah blah balh, I’ll show you, blah blah, you darn earth ponies and all your darn mud!!”
  110. >You make your way to the hay stack and grab a bundle and try to pick it up, but you feel your body in pain
  111. >You don’t want to push it after what you’ve just been through
  112. >Big Mac walks up to you
  113. >“Got it from here anon”
  114. “Thanks Big Mac”
  115. >You make your way to lake out back behind AJ’s house
  116. >You decide you’re gonna just jump in the lake and clean off the dust, sweet, and blood before you get bandaged up
  117. >When you get there, you hear some whimpering in the distance
  118. >You see that same pony from before, you've forgotten her name
  119. >She laid herself near the pond water
  120. >You walk up to her; it seems she was too distracted to notice you
  121. “Hey there”
  122. >She looks at you, her eyes are wet, and some of her fur glistens in the light, you have a feeling that something else could be bothering her
  123. >She gets up and turns away with out saying a word
  124. “Hey come back” You say as she starts to walk away
  125. >You hear her say, “I’m sorry” and she says it very quietly as she keeps walking
  126. >You jog up and block her path, but she easily walks around you
  127. >You do it once more, but this time as she turn to go around you, you grab a hold of her
  128. >She doesn’t fight it, instead she stops moving, and avoids eye contact with you
  129. >“I already said sorry”
  130. “Yes, and I’ll never forgive you” you jokingly smile, but she wasn’t looking in the first place
  131. >Instead, she grits her teeth to the remark, and her head sways farther away from you
  132. “I’m joking, I’m joking” you say hurriedly as you notice her reaction
  133. >She looks you dead in the eyes with a serious face that looks hurt by your words
  134. >“Don’t do that!!”
  135. “Sorry, relax man”
  136. >She looks at you as if something is wrong with you
  137. >”It’s all my falt! Everything is. The cows, you, I can’t do anything right. AJ was right, all I had to do was not touch anything and and couldn’t even do that”
  138. >Her head hangs down again
  139. “Hey, look at me”
  140. >She brings her head up but her eyes don’t open for a quick second
  141. >You notice the side of her neck is a little red, and the she opens her eyes to see you looking at it
  142. “Are you ok??”
  143. >She notices what you are talking about and looks away “Im fine”
  144. “I’m sorry.” You says, you feel really bad
  145. >She looks at you a little angry
  146. “You’re sorry?! Look at you”
  147. >She grabs your arm and holds it up so you can see it for yourself, and you notice the bloody friction burn
  148. >”I’m the one that should be sorry!!”
  149. >You look at her with a smile
  150. “Are you alive??”
  151. >She looks at you confused
  152. >”Yes”
  153. “Are the cows alive??”
  154. >She sniffles and replies
  155. >”Yes”
  156. “Am I alive??”
  157. >”Yes, but…”
  158. >Before she can answer you politely rub her head, and say “So everyone’s ok”
  159. >You look at her and smile and she finally begins to smile
  160. “So what is your name?” You ask as you take your boots off
  161. >“My name?”
  162. “Ya”
  163. >You smile a little more as you find it a very amusing that she is confused by such a simple question
  164. >”My name is Sweet&Low, but everyone calls me….”
  165. She looks at you hopping on one foot trying to take your second sock off
  166. “Oh, go on”, you say as you grunt with anger at the sock that won’t come off, “I’m listening”
  167. >”You need help??”
  168. >It’s a polite thing to say, but you know she hasn’t the slightest clue how to help
  169. You finally get it off
  170. “I’m good!” you say excitedly
  171. >Now you look at her
  172. “Go on, what were you saying “
  173. >As you say this, you begin to unzip your pants
  174. >She immediate looks down at the zipper, then turns away and starts to blush
  175. >You look at her and burst into laughter
  176. >“What!” she says it angrily with her head still turned away
  177. “WOW, this is too good”
  178. >You’re having trouble trying to get your pants off as you keep laughing
  179. “High five for being the first pony ever to have a problem with me taking my clothes off!! It’s official; you and me are best friends now”
  180. >She looks at you for a second and says “Ponies have a fur coat, but you don't seem to have any”
  181. >She realizes that she’s looking at you again, and then she suddenly glances under your waistline again, she then immediately turns away and blushes a little more than last time
  182. >You laugh some more “Ahah don’t worry, I have my boxers on, I’m not strippin bare naked”
  183. >She looks at you now and replies with a question, “Why are you taking off you clothes anyways”
  184. >You start walking into the water, “So I don’t get my clothes wet.” you turn back and glance at her with a smile, and submerge yourself
  185. >what a weird pony, you think
  186. >The water feels amazing, and all the stinging pain you had felt is now gone. It’s just the right temperature to cool you off from this heat
  187. >Your head peaks out of the water as you tread in place, you remember that you were asking for her name.
  188. “Sorry what was your name again?? I wasn’t paying attention”
  189. >She looks at you a little annoyed, “I told you it’s Sweet&low weren't you listening the first time
  190. >The name Sally comes to mind again
  191. “Sorry, I have a low attention span, hey since you're here, wanna jump in??”
  192. >She looks at you, then at the lake “No its fine, I should get going"
  193. >You get out of the water and brush off your hair with your hand to get the excess water
  194. >You look at her and say
  195. >”Well Sally, you wreck part of the farm, almost killed me and AJ’s extremely disappointed in you, you don’t need to go anywhere any time soon
  196. >She looks at you a little angry, “It’s Sweet &Low not Sally, I don’t like that name” and then starts to walk away
  197. “Wait” you say
  198. >She keeps walking again
  199. “You put me through hell today, the least you can do is turn around”
  200. >She turns around again and glares at you
  201. >“Really… You’re gonna guilt trip me like that.” She keeps the stern face “These couple of days have been the worst of my life, so thanks for your help, but didn’t really need it
  202. >She turns around now and finishes her sentence, “I didn’t ask for your help”
  203. >She pauses for a second and realizes what she said crossed the lines, but instead of saying sorry she lowers her head sadly and keeps walking
  204. >You catch up to her and block her way just as you did before
  205. >She looks up to you as if she’s asking for forgiveness and you look at her with warm eyes
  206. “It looks like you need someone to talk to”
  207. >You kneel down to her
  208. “I'm not good with people or ponies for the matter, but I can tell when someone needs a friend”
  209. >You go in for a hug, and she embraces it
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