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Apr 10th, 2013
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  1. (EFNet)                                                
  2. 011908     irssi: Starting query in EFNet with aush0k
  3. 011908 <aush0k> hey
  4. 054816 <storm> ?
  5. 071422 <aush0k> hi
  6. 071425 <aush0k> did you ddos my irc network?
  7. 071430 <aush0k> Bluehell
  8. 071635 <storm> ...
  9. 071643 <storm> i'm tired of you pming me about this shit
  10. 071704 <aush0k> What?
  11. 071711 <aush0k> I don't even know who the fuck you are
  12. 071720 <storm> and?
  13. 071722 <aush0k> And I was told that you ddosed mynetwork
  14. 071725 <storm> and?
  15. 071726 <aush0k> so I want to findc out what your fucking problem is
  16. 071728 <storm> and?
  17. 071729 <aush0k> before I wipe you off the internet
  18. 071733 <storm> good luck
  19. 071738 <storm> challenge accepted
  20. 071741 <aush0k> NO PROBLEM
  21. 071742 <storm> your ircd just went offline
  22. 071756 <aush0k> Youre about to fuck with DARPAnet
  23. 071803 <aush0k> BTW
  24. 071805 <storm> sounds gay
  25. 071813 <aush0k> lol
  26. 071818 <aush0k> honestly
  27. 071823 <storm> no1currr
  28. 071825 <aush0k> i dont even care who you are,
  29. 071828 <aush0k> why did you ddos my network you skid?
  30. 071837 <storm> rofl
  31. 071838 <aush0k> picking fights with the wrong fucking people
  32. 071839 <storm> @
  33. 071840 <storm> that
  34. 071842 <storm> ROFL
  35. 071843 <storm> @
  36. 071844 <storm> THAT
  37. 071852 <aush0k> ?
  38. 071854 <storm> watch how much i give a fuck
  39. 071857 <aush0k> wow, you're moare autistic than krashed
  40. 071857 <storm> n am scared
  41. 071858 <storm> :x
  42. 071903 <storm> moare
  43. 071904 <storm> yeah
  44. 071905 <storm> i am
  45. 071907 <storm> moare
  46. 071908 <aush0k> okay
  47. 071909 <storm> rofl
  48. 071925 <storm> do you often a time try to look like a moral superior but come
  49.                off as an idiot?
  50. 071933 <storm> jus wondering
  51. 071946 <aush0k> ddosmy network again
  52. 071948 <aush0k> and see what happens
  53. 071955 <storm> rofl
  54. 072022 <storm>
  55. 072024 <storm> TANGO DOWN
  56. 072041 <aush0k> wow bro
  57. 072043 <aush0k> youre a total skid
  58. 072046 <aush0k> congratulations
  59. 072055 <aush0k> want to try and actually root one of my boxes? Lol?
  60. 072056 <storm> rofl
  61. 072114 <storm> who needs to on a network with 493 bots
  62. 072121 <storm> n 7 ppl
  63. 072122 <storm> lold
  64. 072131 <storm> lold hard
  65. 072133 <aush0k> lol, why are you in a channel called "lulzsec"
  66. 072139 <storm> rofl'd
  67. 072140 <storm> hard
  68. 072150 <aush0k> is this some kind of joke?
  69. 072153 <storm> ROFL
  70. 072154 <storm> 'd
  71. 072155 <storm> HARD
  72. 072202 <storm> umad?
  73. 072204 <storm> no1cur
  74. 072258 <aush0k> wow.
  75. 072416 <storm> solaris@alyssa:~/.1$ telnet 2604:180::8341:506d 6667
  76. 072416 <storm> Trying 2604:180::8341:506d...
  77. 072418 <storm> ????
  78. 072438 <storm> TANGODOWN?
  79. 072535 <storm> lold
  80. 072538 <storm> you got quiet
  81. 072539 <storm> :(
  82. 072607 <aush0k> youre not worth my time
  83. 072608 <aush0k> to talk to
  84. 072609 <aush0k> at all
  85. 072611 <storm> ROFL
  86. 072612 <storm> you
  87. 072613 <storm> messaged
  88. 072614 <storm> me
  89. 072615 <storm> ROFL
  90. 072617 <aush0k> yeah
  91. 072622 <aush0k> to give you a warning
  92. 072622 <storm> ROFL
  93. 072629 <aush0k> and you decided to pretend like youre something your not,
  94. 072632 <storm> warning was ignored
  95. 072634 <aush0k> so you'll be dealt with like all the little kiddies before you
  96. 072643 <storm> something im not
  97. 072644 <storm> rofl
  98. 072701 <aush0k> You're not even half of what I was in 2007, SHUT your fucking
  99.                 mouth, inferior.
  100. 072703 <storm> your mother should be shot for your fetal alcoholism
  101. 072704 <storm> period
  102. 072711 <aush0k> You're not even half of what I was in 2007, SHUT your fucking
  103.                 mouth, inferior.
  104. 072717 <storm> bold official
  105. 072729     ,---Whois--< aush0k!
  106. 072729     |  ircname  : -
  107. 072729     |  channels : #haxnet
  108. 072729     |  server   : (Server Central Network)
  109. 072729     |  hostname :
  110. 072729     |  idle     : 0d 0h 0m 17s (signon: Wed Apr 10 01:19:06 2013)
  111. 072729     `---------------- --  --- -   -   -
  112. 072820 <storm> scaring me
  113. 072832 <storm> all your ircds except the bsane one seem down
  114. 072838 <storm> only you?
  115. 072848 <storm> only u getting singled out nao?
  116. 072854 <storm> i bet SubZ is luffing
  117. 072904 <storm> u got ownt in his stead
  118. 073005 <storm> TAGODOWN?
  119. 073006 <aush0k> rofl?
  120. 073009 <aush0k> wow
  121. 073015 <aush0k> you are a nobody stfu kid
  122. 073036 <storm> ur obviously
  123. 073043 <aush0k> lel
  124. 073045 <storm> mad?
  125. 073050 <storm> no1currr
  126. 073058 <aush0k> let's see how cocky you are soon :)
  127. 073101 <storm> rofl
  128. 073102 <storm> no1cur
  129. 073103 <storm> no1cur
  130. 073103 <storm> no1cur
  131. 073104 <storm> no1cur
  132. 073108 <aush0k> you seem to alot
  133. 073115 <storm> i said this to the thousand of other nobodies that tried to
  134.                approach me
  135. 073117 <storm> and got slapped
  136. 073119 <storm> and shunned
  137. 073125 <storm> u getting slapped n shunned nao
  138. 073126 <storm> umad?
  139. 073130 <storm> dun cur about dox
  140. 073134 <storm> dun cur about u
  141. 073142 <storm> dun cur about DERPHERPNet
  142. 073153 <storm> you all can get fucked and enjoy the downtime
  143. 073156 <storm> #noscared
  144. 073157 <storm> :)
  145. 073212 <aush0k> thousand of other nobodies?
  146. 073215 <aush0k> you're the nobody here idiot
  147. 073222 <storm> yes, #1-1000
  148. 073222 <aush0k> and you're going to be taught a lesson for disrespecting me
  149. 073223 <storm> of you
  150. 073227 <storm> LMFAO
  151. 073227 <storm> LMFAO
  152. 073230 <storm> owned
  153. 073235 <aush0k> thats right
  154. 073243 <aush0k> you are about to get owned
  155. 073255 <aush0k> You seem like a cocky little faggot, guarantee your no more than 16
  156. 073300 <storm> 073253 <@storm> !addquote <aush0k> and you're going to be taught
  157.                a lesson for  disrespecting me
  158. 073300 <storm> 073255 <+worthless> Quote has been added to storage file.
  159. 073302 <storm> how much
  160. 073304 <storm> i currrr
  161. 073306 <storm> cos i dont
  162. 073309 <aush0k> Let's see how hot fire you are when I got you and your mother
  163.                 ziptied out the front of your house kid
  164. 073317 <aush0k> Oh wow you gonna add me to ur lilfanclub quote stream? xdoxo
  165. 073321 <aush0k> Prepare to get ovened kid
  166. 073331 <storm> what am i jewish now?
  167. 073331 <aush0k> Rofl "#lulzsec"
  168. 073332 <storm> or r u
  169. 073333 <aush0k> What a fucking joke
  170. 073337 <storm> and thats ur ironic insult
  171. 073339 <storm> to nonjews
  172. 073339 <storm> ?
  173. 073349 <storm> j/w
  174. 073351 <storm> ?
  175. 073645 <aush0k> if u think
  176. 073646 <aush0k> u are ddosing
  177. 073650 <aush0k> w/e ur hitting with is pathetic
  178. 073652 <aush0k> and about to get rooted
  179. 073655 <aush0k> thx for the bots <3
  180. 073922 <storm> rofl
  181. 073926 <storm> they're spoofed
  183. 073942 <storm> COMPUTER EXPERT
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