
Spoonlicker Anon Pt. 19

Aug 7th, 2014
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  1. ===================================================================================================================
  2. Summary: Anonymous is a child that no one can understand, not even Flutters. However, Twilight has been steadily making steps to develop a new system of language based on gestures and mannerisms. The creature she once discredited and then feared has become something of a special interest now that she understands a little more on what, or rather who, Anonymous is.
  4. Last Update: Planning to solve the crossword puzzle in the newspaper, Twilight stumbles on to a new article questioning if Anonymous. Annoyed and concerned about the results, she plans to head into town after asking Rarity to watch Anonymous. However, Rarity declines and Twilight will have to ask someone at lunch.
  6. Twilight then tries to teach Anonymous how to read using drawings and flashcards. While initial results show promise, continued effort shows that did not understand the words and instead was finding patterns to use. Eventually the farm bodies come home for dinner and follow the usual routine. Twilight asks Fluttershy to watch Anonymous so she can go into town tomorrow, and Fluttershy agrees. Exhausted from the second long day in a row, everyone heads to bed shortly after dinner.
  8. Posted in Thread 1008
  9. ===================================================================================================================
  11. >Complete darkness due to the missing moon and sun with the coming dawn greets your waking eyes. Alone on the love seat you stir with only the ticking clock masking the sound.
  12. >Sleep still fills the rest of the household as you have surprisingly awoken before any of the Apple’s.
  13. >Weary yet determined the generator of your mind kicks into full gear in preparation for the coming day; a checklist springing to the forefront of your thoughts.
  14. >First order of business: Let the princesses know you are coming.
  16. >Your body winds into action following the glow of your horned nightlight. For the second time the nearby paper and crayon marks your official letter.
  17. >Briefly explaining your intention to seek the princesses’ consul, you then undo the locks to the front door as quietly as possible.
  18. >A waft of warm night hits right on the nose as you look up into the dimming star filled sky. Silhouettes of patrolling ponies cross against the backdrop of roaming clouds. Targeting the nearest bunch you fire off a flare.
  19. >One of Luna’s nightguards answers the call with a rough yet formal greeting. You instruct them on your desires to which they bow and take off towards town with scroll in mouth.
  20. >There is one task done. Next, get everything prepared for Fluttershy.
  22. >Careful in your return, you re-enter the house without incident. Anonymous sleeps soundly on the sofa across from you while you check, recheck, and re-recheck the reminders of what you and Fluttershy went over yesterday.
  23. >Now all you have to do is wait.
  25. >You do not find yourself alone for long. With the sun finally beginning to show the Apple family files into the kitchen creating the sounds of breakfast. Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo make their way over in the coming hour while Fluttershy arrives last supporting a barely awake Rainbow Dash.
  28. >The growing noise eventually causes Anonymous to wake up. As they rub the sleep from their eyes you coax them into the kitchen with everypony else.
  29. >The collected guests wake themselves up over a cheerful breakfast. You use the time to get some fuel yourself, and to explain the situation to Anon.
  30. [Me] [Outside]; [You] [Fluttershy] [Here].
  31. >[You]; [See]; [Me] [Guardians]; [Yes] [No]?
  32. [See] [No]; [Looking] [Yes]
  33. >Anonymous snaps to full attention; quickly signing with powerful thrusts.
  34. >[Me]; [Outside]; [You]
  35. [No]. [You]; [Fluttershy]; [Here].
  36. >[Me]; [Outside]; [You]
  37. [Me]; [Outside]; [Now]. [Me] [You]; [Outside]; [Later].
  39. >Despite the limited vocabulary you try to be as thorough as possible. After many iterations you manage to get Anonymous to understand that you will be back from town ‘soon’ and that you will take them with you next time.
  40. >Anonymous was still unwilling to agree, but Fluttershy interjected on both your and her behalf. Her soft words mixed with the few gestures she picked up work their magic in soothing Anon allowing you to leave in peace.
  41. >Picking her was a good choice.
  42. >Though that does not mean you won’t give one last rundown.
  43. “And remember, keep a close eye on Anonymous when in the kitchen. They’ve had enough of Granny Smith’s candies as is, and they can be tricky.”
  44. >”Right.”
  45. “And if they don’t want to eat what Granny cooks then give them some leftover watermelon. Hopefully I’ll be back by then, but just so you know.”
  46. >”Got it.”
  47. “And if ANYTHING happens—“
  48. >”Rainbow will come tell you first thing.”
  49. “No matter where or who I am with.”
  50. >”I promise, but I’m sure we won’t need to. Anonymous and I are going to have a great time.”
  51. “So if I am with Princess Celestia—“
  52. >”Um, you don’t want to be late, right?”
  53. >Snapples.
  54. “Sorry, I’ll be going now.”
  55. >”Bye. Wave goodbye, Anonymous.”
  56. >Anonymous gingerly waves in your direction and you return your own with a smile.
  59. >The cusp of morning follows in your wake towards the town you call home. In the distance ponies roam the streets going about their lives.
  60. >However, your approach does not go unnoticed for long, and the normal hustle and bustle gives way to an eerie silence.
  61. >Ponies speak in hush whispers as you pass, giving you a wide berth. Your mere presence sucks away the relevance of the sunny day; told by the cautious stares hounding your every step.
  62. >Whenever one meets your gaze the apparent spell breaks. They give a short bow before spinning around pretending to be busy.
  63. >It would be nice to say this was new, but since your transformation the effect has been ever present. The arrival of Anonymous only brought it to new highs.
  64. >Where once was a town of uncertain stumbling as you tried to remain casual now stood a field of statues.
  66. >And after everything you’ve done…
  67. >Easy, Twilight. Remember they are simply scared.
  68. >But they don’t have to be so cold!
  70. >The low tones of gossip stoke the flames.
  71. >Breath in and out.
  72. >In.
  73. >and out.
  74. >”Princess Twilight Sparkle!”
  75. >A yellowish-beige stallion rushes towards you, breaking the thought. Atop their pitch black mane sits a hat tagged as ‘Press’.
  76. >”I am Wize Khaki from the Equestrian Times, and I would greatly appreciate the chance to ask you a few questions.”
  77. >Hmm, is he the one writing the articles? This could work out in your favor.
  78. >If you give a detailed breakdown of your findings to him then his next article will spread the information to the ponies and beyond.
  79. >That will make your job much easier, and works better than your plan of gathering the entire town together, giving a speech that will mostly be ignored, and answering every inane question.
  80. >For now we’ll call it Plan B.
  81. “I would be happy to.”
  82. >Wize reaches under his hat and pulls out a notepad and pen.
  85. >”First of all, where is ‘Anonymous’ right now?”
  86. “Oh, they’re at Sweet Apple Acres.”
  87. >Scratches of notes buzz through the air.
  88. >”Is that because it is safer to keep Anonymous away from town?”
  89. “Well…yes, kind of. While that was the original intention this was before we—“
  90. >”I see. Miss Rarity and Miss Pinkie Pie are also there, correct?”
  91. “Um, yes, but I want to point out that keeping Anonymous away was not just for the sake of ponies. We could have been a threat, but it turns out they are not bothered by us.”
  92. >”I’ll be sure to include that. And what of the other Elements? Are they there too?”
  93. “They are, as well as Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. Fluttershy is watching over Anonymous and everyone else is helping with the harvest.”
  94. >Wize’s pen stops as his suspicious eyes focus on you.
  95. >”Harvest? Harvest of what?”
  96. “Food?”
  97. >The answer has the reporter flipping the notepad closed and fixing his hat. His voice slows and deepens as he draws a heavy glare.
  99. >”Princess Twilight, I am a reporter. I gather the facts, analyze them in a neutral light, and present them to the public in a manner meant to be informative yet thought provoking.”
  100. >You instinctively raise a foreleg to your chest.
  101. >”And you want to tell me that the heroines of the kingdom have all gathered by this –as of yet- unknown creature by mere coincidence. In the face of everything that has happened here, you expect me to believe, nay report, that it is because they are harvesting crops!”
  102. >At the end of the accusation your hoof slams into the ground.
  103. “Yes I do. Anonymous is not the threat you are building them up to be and I have evidence to prove it. I have spent nearly all of my time with Anonymous these last few days, and not once did they show any indication of being a direct threat. They have ways to protect themselves, yes, but whether confronted by small fillies or full grown stallions they have shown no hostility.”
  106. >Beige and black hold firm before unleashing a counterattack.
  107. >”You speak of fillies, but then why did three of them have to go to the hospital so urgently? Was that just another coincidence? Perhaps a farm accident gone wrong during the ‘harvest’?”
  108. >You stand confident in your defense and find a joyful desire in finally having a vent.
  109. >But that is not who you are; who you need to be. To prevent a confliction with what Rarity told the doctors that would strengthen the opposition more, to maintain a scientific mindset separated from pure emotions, to uphold the sanctity of confidentiality, to accept your duty as a representative by being a proper princess.
  110. >For all those reasons you must rein yourself in.
  111. “That is between them and their doctors. If there was a serious concern the princesses and hospital staff would have informed the public.”
  113. >Self control relaxes your form to its more neutral setting, although your words still drip with venom.
  114. >”I will not be an agent of propaganda.”
  115. >His words contain the same toxicity and resolve. Tucking the notepad back under his hat, the reporter turns to leave.
  117. >A dark figure of moonlight blue blocks the surprised the stallion.
  118. >Her guards fly overhead, but swiftly continue on without any visible command.
  119. >Neither the shy nor haughty Luna you knew is present. Instead a far more calm yet absolute presence dominates the exchange.
  120. >”We suggest you not be so quick to write the other off.”
  121. >”P-Princess Luna.”
  122. “Princess Luna.”
  123. >With a sure stride, Luna steps between you and Wize Khaki. Taking her position at the front, the sense of an invisible barrier separates the two of you while another protects the three of you from the outside world.
  124. >”We see before us two vessels of knowledge cast adrift on the open sea enraging the very waters they seek to calm. Too fierce is the resulting storm to turn the tide now, but cooler heads can try again once the waves settle.”
  127. >Wize remains stern, reinforcing your armor.
  128. >”Coincidences don’t just happen.”
  129. “If you would listen instead of jumping to conclusions then I could show that it was a logical chain of events.”
  130. >A single black wing screens the building winds.
  131. >”What good is the lens of truth when clouded by anger?”
  133. >At that, the stallions withdraws his attack and his stare turns inward.
  134. >The rear plate of your armor vanishes though your front remains.
  135. >Luna retracts her wing, taking the invisible barrier with it.
  136. >”Vigilant Wize Khaki, consider these words and save your article. Let another test their mettle until a better picture is drawn. And should you find a burning desire to write anyway, do so and then cast it into the hearth.”
  137. >Nodding once, he leaves through the crowd of ponies.
  138. >Princess Luna takes a look around and takes a quaint breath.
  139. >”AS YOU WERE.”
  140. >Ponies madly dash in every direction clearing the streets.
  142. >Absent from the onlookers, your armor buckles off with a heavy breath.
  143. >Things so far are not going as planned, but you do have alternatives.
  144. >Speaking of plans, why is Princess Luna out here? Shouldn’t she be asleep or waiting for you?
  145. >The mare in question remains as is in the abandoned street.
  146. “Princess Luna?”
  147. >Suddenly her stiffness cracks.
  148. >”A-ha! Twilight Sparkle, we were most pleased to witness your display.”
  149. “Huh?”
  150. >”When one should come under attack, the proper recourse is your own counter attack. And they pounced so verily. To not rebuttal in kind would be taken as a sign of weakness.”
  151. >Her jovial attitude has her swinging her head side to side.
  152. >”Sister would not agree, of course, so we shall keep this between us.”
  153. >Wait, is she implying that was how a princess should have acted?
  156. “I was right to do that?”
  157. >Luna’s swinging dies down, returning her to her soft spoken self.
  158. >“No. Forgive me, I forget myself at times. Diplomacy should be the first option no matter the slight.”
  159. >That final sentence; you are familiar with the source, but the previous point…
  160. “Is that how it used to be?”
  161. >”In another time, where heroes and myths walked the land alongside ponies who could only be described as ancient. Before tribes gave way to states, and diplomacy proved itself the most powerful tool.”
  162. >She looks to you, reassured in her answer.
  163. >”Had you deflected their anger there would have been no battle. Would that outcome not have been more beneficial for your goal?”
  164. >More than likely.
  165. “It did get pretty ugly.”
  166. >”Nothing is as ugly as the battle between two similar forces, separated only by a different point of view.”
  168. ===================================================================================================================
  169. Posted in Thread 1011
  170. ===================================================================================================================
  172. >Uh-oh, she’s on that thought path again.
  173. “Try not to think about it. It’s in the past.”
  174. >Her head perks up and perplexed eyes fall on you before rounding out.
  175. >Hmm? “Oh, yes. That is an example, but we were referring to you.”
  176. “Me?”
  177. >”Surely you did not find our words directed solely at the stallion. Your lens was just as clouded as his; and are your methods not shared?”
  178. >Shared? But he is a reporter and you are a scientist. Plus, he already knew what he wanted to hear and was looking for evidence.
  179. >But that was his goal not his methods.
  180. >’Gather the facts; be a neutral observer; present the evidence in a clean, concise way’
  181. >Maybe in another life…
  182. “I guess we are alike.”
  183. >”That is why the battle was so. With the way sister speaks of you it was most surprising to behold.”
  184. >And you disappointed Princess Celestia.
  186. >Your head sags and your eyes stray towards the ground.
  187. >”Is something the matter?”
  188. >The phrase echoes in your mind. Of course something is the matter or you would not have snapped like that.
  189. >You were taught better; you should have approached the problem like your regular self.
  190. >But therein lays the problem.
  191. “Luna, are we friends?”
  192. >Her serene manner offers but a simple flinch before composing itself. However, the wells of her eyes turn deep and wobbly.
  195. >”What do you mean? We are good friends able to confide in one another, yes?”
  196. “Yes, I mean, I still see you that way, but I’m not…things change.”
  198. >On the inside you are and always have been Twilight Sparkle, but on the outside you were now PRINCESS Twilight Sparkle. That is who everypony sees now.
  199. >A part of you expected that becoming a Princess would instantly make you a whole new pony to match, and sometimes you wish it did. Instead what you got was a pair of wings and a growing list of worries.
  200. >The chaos of the past few days has been a great distraction, but seeing the town like that… it’s amazing Zecora ever bothered to come back.
  201. >Your right ear flicks at a sudden gasp causing your eyes to travel back to Luna. Her face is literally beaming in joy.
  202. >”IS THAT WHAT VEXES YOU? Do not fret, friend Twilight, we can most certainly help you.”
  203. “You can?”
  204. >”But of course. The weight of royalty is a heavy burden, and to have it thrust upon one so suddenly; usually one is reared for the challenges while young. Though I speak no ill of my sister, the essence of nobility has never been her strong suit and thus her tutelage seems to have missed key points. Therefore, I shall be your teacher.”
  206. >Guidance, education, advice?
  207. *po—
  208. >No wings; stay down. Remain calm and think this through.
  209. “That would be fantastic, but isn’t it more important for you to be with Celestia?”
  210. >”You have helped us in adjusting to this new world in while managing to perform your duties. I would be remiss to not return the favor.”
  211. “I was happy to help, but surely Celestia would be willing to.”
  212. >”She did offer, yet the days of me being able to offer a fair exchange have long passed, and I am not a mare of pity.”
  213. “I didn’t mean—“
  214. >”We know. I am indebted to you for your efforts, Twilight, and this way we can share our wisdom as equals.”
  215. >As equals. That sounds nice.
  216. “It’s a deal.”
  219. >The hold of your emotional half subsides along with the tide of doubt. Your logic centers hiss as they become the dominant force, searching for questions.
  220. “How did you figure out what was bothering me?”
  221. >Her cheeks rise with the self-assured smile.
  222. >”You reminded me of another long ago.”
  223. >That’s a story you would like to hear. Maybe your puppy eyes will work better on her than Celestia.
  224. >Oh fizzles, Princess Celestia.
  225. “Not to cut this short, but I should get to Town Hall soon. Are you coming, too?”
  226. >”Ah yes, your letter. It would seem we have already offered our counsel on the relevant matter. We shall be aiding the guards with fighting off beasts as they search deeper into the wilds. I trust you, Celestia and Cadence with any remaining issues in my absence.”
  227. “They’re not in danger are they?”
  228. >”We sorely hope not; they are the royal guard. If a hydra or two is a problem then we shall have to shape them up.”
  229. >You give a silent prayer for your brother should he end up involved in either scenario.
  231. “I also have news to share about Anonymous. Are you sure you don’t want to stay?”
  232. >This time Luna bows her head and stays quiet for a moment. You search for a tell, but her stoicism is strong.
  233. >”The diplomacy of today is not one we; I, am skilled with. I am of better use in the field. You can share with me during our first lesson.”
  234. >If that is what she prefers, but while you have her here there is one more thing.
  235. “Alright, but can I ask you something?”
  236. >”Of course.”
  237. “Have you tried entering Anonymous’ dreams?”
  238. >There is no shift in her posture, no hint of surprise at the question, and her response is instant.
  239. >“No. Regardless of my domain, many from the other nations found the prospect of an alicorn seeing their dreams unnerving and so we agreed to only visit the dreams of ponies unless specifically asked. It is a treaty we shall continue to honor even if all of those who remember it are gone.”
  242. >A stern gaze locks on you as her expression goes rigid. What was to be an honest question has brought a Luna more serious than you have ever seen upon you.
  243. >”As the representative for Anonymous, do you give me permission to enter their dreams?”
  244. >Woah, woah, woah. You can’t make a call like that.
  245. >You may be looking over Anon, but this goes deeper; way deeper.
  246. >All the same, there are obvious benefits; a huge lists of benefits. You could skip the guessing game entirely. Every risk of miscommunication can be eliminated.
  247. >A literal Pandora’s Box is sitting in front of you begging to be opened.
  248. >However, you’ve been down this road before. Anonymous is the one who gets to decide what it shares and who it trusts.
  249. >You’re nearly forming sentences already. In time they can answer the question directly.
  250. “That’s not my call.”
  252. >The harshness of Luna’s features wane to pleasant comfort.
  253. >”Very well, but know that sometimes you will be forced to make a decision even when it seems you have no business doing so. You may wish for the issue to go away or for somepony else to take your place, but you have been entrusted to make the right choice. You have the power to affect hundreds and thousands. Be sure to consider it carefully.”
  254. >A thousand ponies relying on your choice? Keeping track of the ponies in Ponyville is hard enough; one thousand is almost too hard to conceptualize.
  255. “Was my choice the right one?”
  256. >“We may never know. Only the future can say for certain.”
  258. >As ominous as that sounds, the tide of doubt fails to make any impact on your pillar.
  259. >You have been doing this already on a small scale; the decisions you make concerning Anon will have a lasting impact.
  260. >Several have brought results which allowed you to light the way towards a better understanding. >And at the top of that pillar burns the fires of friendship feeding that light; a beacon you will never again allow to dim.
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