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How Mobius met Starr

a guest
Jan 21st, 2011
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  1. Mobius: I was attending an on-stage performance at a local hospital at San Diego. The audience was very welcoming and receptive to my comedic routines because most were of kids. I estimated that the average ages were between 11 to 14, but I saw some 6 to 9 year olds too so it was mainly charitable.
  2. Shadow:
  3. Flimzy clicks despite fair warning from jase
  4. Shadow: ...And shit went down.
  5. Waldo sits down
  6. Shadow: Hush and listen, please, Mobius "The Red Homo" is performing
  7. Jason: Lol Flim
  8. Jason listens, smirking
  9. Nyumi-chan: @Jason and Starr: I'm posting United's latest match now.
  10. Jason: Okay
  11. Eebit: Shadow: Hush and listen, please, Mobius "The Red Homo" is performing
  12. Mobius: Their hospital gowns notified me they were here for either to stay or visit, and I yearly pay attention to the unfortanate as I am use to obliging the needs of random individuals. Their smiles and laughter made my day complete as our final act was performed and the curtain lowered.
  13. Flimzy stops reading
  14. Flimzy: Bah
  15. Shadow: Eebit: Shadow: Hush and listen, please, Mobius "The Red Homo" is performing
  16. Flimzy: That didn't mentally scar me too much
  17. Jason: "Use to obliging the needs of random individuals" <- No duh XD
  18. Last message was written 2 minutes ago
  19. Mobius: As I bowed to my pleased audience, my eyes shot up at one particular girl smiling at me. She had glitter subtly applied on her face with little golden stars stickered everyone on her cheeks and forehead. It was truly a cute sight to behold, and my heart wept to see her, like the others, adorn that gown with a mellow sense of pride. It was getting late as we packed and some of the kids begged their parents for me to stay. They were hesitant to ask for my permission, but I assured them that I am absolutely fine staying the night if it would help them rest.
  20. Flimzy timewarps
  21. Shadow: lolololol
  22. Jason: Is this all improv?
  23. Shadow: yes
  24. Mobius: It was 10PM after I had shared some less than explicit stories with them. I told them of some tales from my experiences in space, and not an ounce of knowledge bestowed was embellished; however, it was time to call it a night and I promised I would stay until tomorrow afternoon. I had errands to run for Strangle and Punisher, but for now it would have to wait. I strolled the corridors of the kid%u2019s quadrant to bid them a good night individually, making sure my visits were only a minute long so I can equally give everyone some fair attention.
  25. Nyumi-chan left the chat
  26. Jason: Leaving before the good part hits XD
  27. Lord X-Giga-X: XD
  28. Jason: I bet one more person will end up leaving before Mob is done
  29. Lord X-Giga-X: inb4neverendingstory- *shot*
  30. Mobius: The last room I visited contained a minute sound of mourning. I recognized the loneliness and open the door, but to my surprised contained the heartful and meaningful smile belonging to that girl from earlier. I inquired to know what was wrong and closed the door behind me as I advent to keep what information she divulges to me secret. I sat on the bed next to her and looked unto her face, still sparkling from the glitter earlier that day, “What's wrong?”
  31. Jason: Heh
  32. Eebit: lol
  33. Shadow: lolol
  34. Jason: I must say he's good at improv
  35. Shadow: Damn good.
  36. Waldo: ^
  37. Mobius: “Nothing!” She said with such haste. I knew she was laying, but I didn't know exactly how to stimulate that part of her that would reveal the truth, “You're lying to me?” I said with a playful tone, smiling at her in the hopes her periphery would catch notice to my intentions, “you're the only friend I have here. You're leaving.” I was truly hurt to hear this. I was never one to shy away from a person in need, but I wasn't exactly sure how I would handle this particular case.
  38. Mobius: Microsoft word to chatzy = Fail
  39. Eebit: ^
  40. Waldo: ^
  41. Eebit: Chatzy = Fail
  42. Lord X-Giga-X: V
  43. Mobius: lying*
  44. Jason: ^
  45. Waldo: XD
  46. Jason: Eff
  47. Lord X-Giga-X: XD
  48. Jason: berb food
  49. Lord X-Giga-X: k
  50. Waldo: k
  51. Mobius: “Well.. I have to go sometime. Umm.. At least making you happy will be good enough that you will remember right? You can always think of today with a smile, not with sadness.” I tried to cheer her up, but my position to do so was rather dubious since, in her eyes, I am still leaving her, “Will you remember me?” She asked in what appears to be a sort of pouty expression, but I doubt she would make an insincere gesture. It was adorable how the water ceased when I told her that, but it would have been more fulfilling to bring that gorgeous smile back.
  52. Shadow: Oh god.
  53. Eebit: i fear for the safety and maidenhood of this fictional starr
  54. Jason: XD
  55. Lord X-Giga-X: XD
  56. Waldo: SHHHH, reading
  57. Jason: Eeb, Shadow
  58. Jason: Imagine Zieb reads this when it's done
  59. Mobius: “Of course, you will always be my cute little Starr.” I curled my finger under her chin so she may face me when those words were uttered. I wanted to her eyes to meet mine, and I turned her small head towards me gently enough, “I want you to remember me,” she said, and I smiked as the moonlight from the window rushed into the dark room. I was about to take my position to get up and leave thinking I have remedied her heart, but before I could even move her small hands raced around my neck and her lips came close to mines for a small kiss.
  60. Shadow: LMAO
  61. Shadow: Oh god. Lolicon.
  62. Shadow: well, at least it isn't Homowriting, isn't it?
  63. Shadow: More like, Heterowriting.
  64. Eebit: lol jase
  65. Eebit: i already said this a while ago
  66. Shadow: Unless Starr pulls a strap on...
  67. Eebit: <Eebit> remind me to post this on zieb's wall on fb
  68. Shadow: rofl
  69. Lord X-Giga-X: XD
  70. Jason: LOL
  71. Waldo: NO, he'll freak DX
  72. Jason: XD
  73. Eebit: I wasn't serious
  74. Waldo: But still..
  75. Eebit: ...maybe I'll inbox it to him
  76. Shadow: You asked for it
  77. Shadow: XD
  78. Waldo: He gets super crazy..
  79. Eebit: Chat, then?
  80. Shadow: rofl
  81. Waldo: NO
  82. Waldo: Please..
  83. Lord X-Giga-X: Better idea: Send it to Ziggy! *superepicshot*
  84. Shadow: LMFAO.
  85. Eebit: lol
  86. Waldo: Yeah, do that instead
  87. Eebit: I won't actually Starr
  88. Jason: LOL GIGA
  89. Waldo: Please don't, I don't want Zieb to be hurt/angered by that..
  90. Shadow: Implying I care.
  91. Jason: Hurt by an obviously fictional story
  92. Shadow: Guys
  93. Shadow: Enough chatter
  94. Shadow: Shadow: Hush and listen, please, Mobius "The Red Homo" is performing
  95. Jason: Sending it to, Ziggy, on the other hand... okay fine
  96. Waldo: Ziggy probably got over me, but meh
  97. Mobius: My mind raced at how much in trouble I am in, and surely if a nurse saw this then I'd certainly be in prison; though luckily my eyes caught no activity by the door at all, and I suspect the privacy of the patients are respected enough that cameras were no installed here. I humored her little petite kiss with the intention of harmlessly appeasing her need for affection before I send her off to sleep, but she mounted my thighs and affixed her body's alignment so where we were much more intimate. I parted away from her briefly, “What are you doing?” My voice trailed off mid-point, spoken lowly enough to not sound incredibly hostile, “Making you happy.”
  98. Shadow: Yep, Zieb IS going to freak out.
  99. Jason: Hahaha
  100. Eebit: ........................​.. omg
  101. Jason: And here is where it gets... uh... XD
  102. Waldo: Still love how he puts so many detail in his writting though
  103. Waldo: I'm certainly learning
  104. Eebit: too bad flim/nyumi didnt stick around lol
  105. Shadow: Eebit, it's nothing too bad. I mean, it's just a 20 year old man having intimate relations with a 8-10 year old and...yeah. Mobius you're fucked up.
  106. Waldo: I'm 15..
  107. Eebit: In this story, however
  108. Waldo: not 10..XD
  109. Waldo: Oh
  110. Eebit: he implies you are like 10
  111. Shadow: In this story it sounds like you're 8 or 10
  112. Jason: Which reminds me
  113. Eebit: or maybe shadow is just making images up in his mind
  114. Eebit: :x
  115. Shadow: LOL
  116. Jason: Explain to me how a 16 year old can own a lavish condo and hire a maid
  117. Shadow: Hahahah
  118. Shadow: You're just a lucky bastard
  119. Eebit: maybe your parents are super rich?
  120. Lord X-Giga-X: ^
  121. Shadow: Who invites men to his luxury mansion... and... do... yeah...
  122. Jason: And why the hell do I, of all people, have a swimming pool XD
  123. Shadow: XD
  124. Waldo: XD
  125. Shadow: The mansion came with it
  126. Lord X-Giga-X: XD
  127. Eebit: it came with the made
  128. Eebit: maid
  129. Eebit: dfkljsg
  130. Jason: XD
  131. Mobius: They say that sometimes the kiss is less important than the intent, and that could have been more truer than at this very moment. She pressed up against me verily as my hands held me up against her force, but she would not deter any further. Her eyes closed in immersion as her hands wondered off from my shoulders and to my waist. I dread what would happen next, but she seemed adamant in making me remember her. When our kiss finally broke apart I realized I was on the side of her bed still as her form lowered, and each second she inched her way to my pants then I dread it further. What kind of explanation can I give to anyone what they will find? In a way, I had only wished someone did interrupt this.
  132. Shadow: lol
  133. Waldo: Gotta go
  134. Eebit: Yeah, because Mob is definitely more of a shotacon than a lolicon
  135. Waldo: PM me the rest
  136. Waldo: Bye :/
  137. Jason: Mobius you are an incredible improv writer
  138. Eebit: Bye Starr
  139. Shadow: Bye
  140. Lord X-Giga-X: On second thought, screw sending- bye Starr- this to Ziggy. He's not cool enough to see this. XD
  141. Jason: Bye Starr, XD Giga
  142. Shadow: We're sending this to Zieb instead
  143. Mobius: Eebit: Yeah, because Mob is definitely more of a shotacon than a lolicon
  144. Mobius: What makes you say that?
  145. Eebit: LOL
  146. Jason: Indeed Shadow XD
  147. Lord X-Giga-X: brb
  148. Jason: k
  149. Lord X-Giga-X: back
  150. Jason: Has someone been copying?
  151. Shadow: I am
  152. Eebit: I'll get it when it's do- nvm
  153. Jason: Though you can see more in S/P than the regular chat
  154. Lord X-Giga-X: And CrazE's back
  155. Eebit: Called
  156. Mobius: “You don't,” I tried to persuade her but was aghast at the warm sensation that encompassed that apex of my yea.jpg. I was in an awkward mix of dismay and bliss from all sorts of perspectives. The more disheartening thought was that some of her teeth was missing, which was a bleak indication of her age currently. She could barely take my swollen head all the way in that tiny orifice and I knew that, as she stared up back at me in wonder if I am feeling happy as she wanted. Her tongue moving around beneath its tip as she pulled away and scraped me softly before merging it in, and my mind still awkwardly thought about how cold my stem is from the lack of comfort my shaft was given.
  157. Mobius: My breathing skipped as I stared back at her and those sparkling cheeks, those cute stars on her face that matched her delightful smile now pleasing in the attempt that I would remember her. I don't know which was more awkward, but by now I have grown to accept her fondness for me. I parted her hair from those eyes so I may exam them, my member growing within the confines of her small head, “does this feel good?” She asked, parting from me with a slurp, “Yes.” I replied quietly as she continued. I reclined a little further so my length can extend some more for her to play with. Her smile fingers curling around my exposed shaft gave some equilibrium as she bobbed back and forth. I felt myself nearing the end of our experience before she stopped at the first throb, “Huh?” I wondered, she moved up and away from my wet erection and mounted me again for a deep kiss. This time, my hands no longer held me up but felt her bottom as we kissed, her gown spread over my bare thighs as my member pressed against her immature slit. She intentionally positioned herself where those soft lips below would slightly apart onto my phallus to feel her warmth.
  158. Eebit: id mention something about cp v rp, but im busy loling at mob
  159. Shadow: Oh dear
  160. Eebit: WTF.
  161. Nyumi-chan: Wow.
  162. crazE: ROFL
  163. Nyumi-chan: Holy fuck.
  164. crazE: I don't think Nyumi is accustomed to the cult sexplays
  165. Jason: @Nyumi
  166. crazE: where Mobius gets to get all of us
  167. crazE: you'll probably be next XD
  168. Nyumi-chan: This is insane.
  169. Nyumi-chan: Actually, it's epic.
  170. Shadow: You haven't seen the homowriting
  171. Jason: XD Craz
  172. Nyumi-chan: It's epinsane.
  173. Shadow: This is heterowriting
  174. Eebit: giga, you're next ;D
  175. Jason: Best part is he makes these up on the spot
  176. Lord X-Giga-X: ...
  177. crazE: lol oh yeah
  178. crazE: beware Giga.....
  179. Eebit: <Mobius> Yeah, I think I'll do Giga next 8)
  180. Shadow: No dotting Giga, Eebit is right
  181. crazE: then I'm after Giga
  182. Jason: David says he wants to see one of him O.o
  183. crazE: ;D
  184. crazE: ....
  185. crazE: GO DAVID!
  186. Shadow: LOL
  187. Nyumi-chan: I'd like one for me as well.
  188. crazE: David, you're so curious
  189. crazE: ROFL
  190. Shadow: ROFL
  191. Eebit: LMAO Mobius you ought to charge money for this shit
  192. Shadow: This is gold
  193. Jason: LOL
  194. Shadow: I'M DYING
  196. Mobius: “I want to be happy with you!” She whimpered, my right hand swam under her gown so I may feel her tushie unimpeded by those hospital garments. My left followed while my right grabbed on my erection to keep it stern, but I doubt I needed the assistance. Her body weight by now pushed me enough into her by she gulped in surprise of how large I was in comparison. My expanded head deflowered her as calmly as possible as she motioned down in an attempt to take me all, and I chuckled a little of how dutiful it was she would be so willing; however, only a fraction of me split her as her moaning started to get louder and her arms hugged my neck intensely. I knew at this point she was in great pain and went to such lengths to give me something to remember her by, and I will do my best to oblige her with the least amount of pain. At her age, I was impressed there was some form of lubrication that allowed my entrance besides her saliva. It was a slow and steady process to have even exit and entry to take as much as me as possible while her face buried into my neck as she tried to cushion her gasping.
  197. Mobius: “It hurts,” her breath muffled, “I know.. but we're happy together. It won't hurt anymore. Trust me.” I'll willingly admit that I only said this so we may continue. Her small lift and frame was incredibly tight, and the idea of taking her very young innocence aroused me in large magnitudes. I did find it childishly romantic that someone like her, in her age, would want to get intimately involved with me so young. I knew she would bleed eventually onto me, but I hoped that as slow we took it, there wouldn't be much. I tried to conceal my pleasure so as to not draw attention, and the rocking on the bed was subtle enough because of her lightweight. The moaning increased strongly between us as I held her by her butt with both hands to maintain momentum. She tried hard to continue but I knew she was exhausted when she claimed, “I feel weird.. something is happening!” I only hoped no one wondered what that meant, but her small form tightening at every place possible. I knew she had an orgasm then, and I was nearing mine.
  198. Mobius: “Starr..” I tried to be discrete as possible no matter how the moment intensified. I knew my throbbing was an indication that I was nearing my end. Her soft walls inside her only magnified how I ached to come. My head pulsated with the beat of my heart as I felt myself erupting inside of her. I gushed out so much at once that a loud groan between us both might have been heard, but luckily it was bass with breathing more so than actual tempo. When I had finally finished, I contracted the distance between our pelvises so all of me would dwell inside of her. Its heat only made my warm semen hotter as it leaked down and onto the bed. I heard her panting radically and felt the shortness of her breath onto my neck as we both relieved ourselves together. I lazily looked at the clock at my left and it said, “12AM.” I had no realized we spent almost two hours together, and no one even dared wonder where I went.
  199. Shadow: Mobius wins.
  200. Jason: Mob you take too long to write these
  201. Eebit: you cant rush genius
  202. Shadow: Hey, don't complain. We are getting free improvised xxx literature.
  203. Jason: True
  204. Shadow: Plus, I bet any other RPer would take longer
  205. Mobius: “Did I make you happy?” She wondered through her pants, “Yes.” I said with a sigh and a smile, “Will you remember me now?” With a whisper, “Of course.” I knew she was exhausted when she hummed herself unto my chest. I must have taken almost all the energy from her, and in turn she took some from me as well. We stood in position as my member was only half flaccid inside of her still; this lulled her to sleep in my arms until I laid her down in bed and kissed her nose before finally withdrawing from her. Our affection dripped on the bed when my member escaped her small vagina. I fixed myself to appear normal as she slept happily. I opened the door slowly and sneaked off, and luckily no receptionist was at the desk as I walked off. The next morning I put on the final act as, “Starr,” stood at the front row, laughing with the other kids and clapping at our antics on stage. We gave each other one last look before I said my final goodbyes, and I saw a glint of sadness in those clear eyes. When we were on our way out, I approached her at a table in the cafeteria and gave her a kiss on her lovely forehead, “Don't worry. I won't ever forget you.”
  206. Mobius: Panting.. pants... fuck English
  207. Mobius: The End
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