
Criticism of gggmanlives Desync Review

Mar 5th, 2017
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  1. This is a response to this video review of Desync:
  3. I generally know after 15 seconds of watching an analysis video whether I'll like it or not, and after 15 seconds of this video, I had the same sentiment. I do not like this video. This is a bad video.
  5. Please read below and earnestly consider whether what I am saying is true.
  7. In the aberration level with the dual electricity rifle things, you never once use the shock combo. In all the footage here you never use the shock combo. It's like you've never played unreal tournament before. To be honest, I think you never right click in this entire video. Every weapon in the entire game has an alt fire function that directly combos with the primary fire, and you never right click even once. You have two buttons on your mouse and you only press one of them.
  9. You don't understand the comparison to bulletstorm, remarking that you just shoot at things until they die, but you also never use any of the weapon combinations the game provides you with and don't seem to understand they're there. And it's giving you big hints that they're there. It stops all the action and slows time down and announces it on the screen when it happens, and you just can't piece it together somehow. You even show one of these moments in this video, and it lists exactly what triggers it, but you don't seem to get it, remarking there's no glory kills or executions. Did you play bulletstorm? The primary thing was launching people into low-g, then kicking them or shooting them.
  11. Here's a tip, with the majority of weapons in this game, you can launch enemies, and you can damage them with the weapon's alt fire, or vice-versa. With the rocket launcher, you can pop enemies in the air, then shoot them again. This is why people compared it to bullet storm's creative kills, because it's the exact same system. The game is designed very very clearly so that some things are hidden and left for you to figure out for yourself, and it gives you these amazingly large bleeding hints every time you find something to make totally sure you understood that you found something. I mean come on, it lists the name of the weapon sequence and the exact means by which it's triggered and you don't think to experiment and try to find more of them?
  13. Have you ever seen someone play Quake or TF2 and pop someone else up in the air, then airshot them? Have you thought about how many weapons in this game have that type of knockback?
  15. In aberration mode, enemies are guaranteed to always drop at least one ammo. You always have enough ammo from a drop to kill one more enemy and a little bit extra, so you will never run out of ammo in aberration mode as long as you never miss, and you're given a reasonable tolerance limit to missing. Plus you get that ammo on both of your dual wielded weapon, not just one, so you're getting twice as much ammo each drop effectively. Given the way you complain about ammo, it's like you're not reloading. If you don't reload and just let it auto-reload, then you don't get as much ammo from each reload.
  17. Aberration mode isn't broken, you literally aren't hitting the enemies with enough accuracy. It even has a special dialog telling you you're out of ammo that lets you reset. Do you think the developer just included this without thinking? If you hit and don't miss. If you manually reload, you can never fail aberration levels. The whole system is rigged to prevent you from ever losing unfairly and you complain that it's unfair.
  19. Also, the pistol has a weapon sequence on its alt fire. If you finish off an enemy with the alt fire, it's guaranteed to drop 2 ammo, but given you never press right click, I guess you couldn't tell that. Also you can tell how much health an enemy has based on the cursor color when you hover over them. I'm surprised you didn't complain about health too, because you can also get health back by overkilling enemies (hitting them with significantly more damage than they have health left) which drops healing packs. (which I imagine you just thought was random)
  21. You say all these things like, "a lot of the combat arenas don't allow for circle strafing or moving while firing." Did you ever consider that maybe they're designed that way on purpose to force you to stop running away and instead face the enemy head-on? There's even a weapon sequence called Aggressor that rewards you for dashing straight into their face and shooting them. The game rewards you with bonus damage and bonus points for dodging enemy shots and shooting them back. It rewards you for getting in their face, and it's very deliberately and obviously designed to punish you for running away and you complain that you can't cheese the levels.
  23. "I've got no problems with hard games"
  24. Do you watch your own videos? You complained about the difficulty in your Serious Sam video. You complain about difficulty in a LOT of your videos. And you don't complain about unfairness (either randomness which the player cannot overcome or information they're required to act on that they cannot realistically discern) or balance (whatever that's supposed to mean in this context), you complain really regularly that the game is too hard for you, therefore it's unfair. This is why a number of people don't take you seriously, because you so readily complain about difficulty for the sake of difficulty. You don't seem to learn or adjust to the way a particular game works, you complain that because a game won't let you easily sail through it the way you're conditioned to play, that it must be too hard. You're like a child trying to fit a square peg into a round hole.
  26. You complain here about things like teleporting enemies, when those enemies have both a sound effect before they teleport, and an animation that you can see. In the very video clip you reference, you have a clear shot of the enemy as it teleports and you start to back away, but then you run back into it. You're given every chance to succeed and you claim it's unfair. You can dodge in literally any direction. You're given an excess of time and signalling to dodge in a way that doesn't even depend on you having a line of sight to the enemy. Come on.
  28. This is a game with a significant variety of weapons, a significant variety of enemies, that all function differently and all have combos and interactions between each other.
  30. You're given all the tools necessary to succeed, but you spurn them, and blame the developer. What is your actual problem?
  32. How can you think yourself fit to judge a game when you literally don't press all of the (very tiny selection) of buttons it gives you? You literally didn't use half the abilities the weapons give you in this game. We can see it on your steam achievements for the game. You beat the game, but somehow didn't do 1000 weapon sequences, which is something people typically do LONG before they complete the game. You never unlocked the attack absolute achievement, despite newbies who don't know how to play the game unlocking it way before you. You are literally and provably not playing the game right.
  34. You literally didn't understand the core principle of this game and you're somehow calling it unfair when it practically beat you over the head with it. You even included one of the weapon sequence discovery achievements in this video and somehow you didn't put it together that you're supposed to do combos like in bulletstorm. What the hell man?
  36. This game isn't some worthless dreck carried by a cool art style, it has a complex system for weapons, combos, enemies, and scoring that you provided us with documented video evidence that you did not understand. Please take this into consideration and understand that your review is horrendously off-point.
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