
Through the Green Door

Dec 1st, 2015
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  1. [21:14] Sabin Tennagari "I have not being met your law giver, so I am being quite new to all of this... I am coming in from Turkey." His accent was heavily influencing his speech mannerism. The man would lean in watching the woman work the vodka into the vessel and smiles, he did love his drink, maybe more then hunting vampires and other such creatures that often went rouge against humans.
  3. [21:16] Anna: gets up on her tippy toes to peek in through the door of the tavern. She'd never really been in a bar before, drinking had never really been her thing after she saw what it did to her father, but the place looked warm and inviting so she figured she'd try it out. Maybe thay had some decent food in there. So despite not being tall enough to see through the windows on the door she pushed one of them opened and made her way in. She'd look around the place, it was homey in a good way. Heading over to the bar she'd scramble up on to one of the chairs. She wasn't sure if there was even a drinking age anymore but that didn't really bother her.- "I'll have one tomato juice please !"
  5. [21:20] Heather paused, then made sure the fellow's drink was passed to him, before setting the jar under the bar once more. "Well, my understanding is that as you come onto the island, you are read or handled the laws of the city. I have a few extra copies if you'd like." She glanced over as the doors open and the woman came in. The request actually had the brewer pausing, before she shook her head. "That's one I don't have. I have fresh cider? Might be able to a smoothie if you don't mind fruit," she offered.
  7. [21:24] Sabin Tennagari he considered her and nods. "You are to be forgiving me, I did not come to this city like others might, have been lingering in the city since having been kicked from my home country never to be returning, now I am living below the windmill among how you say the homeless crowd." His turkish accent still lingering in, and he reached out and takes the vodka and would drift his eyes over the quality checking to make sure it was free of any loose hair or anything that would hurt the drinks smoothness, before drinking slowly the stuff hitting the spot. Slowly he sets down the vessel after the drink and looked over, the girl had arrived surprisingly without his noticing her doing so and he lifts a brow slowly.... "You are to being quite sneaky..." He tried to look at her eyes to ascertain what she might be, he was aware of non-humans in this city, and of some of the worst kinds being vampires... atleast from what he was taught growing up vampires were bad.
  9. [21:28] Anna: she thought about it for a second as she was told there was no tomato juice.- "Hmm is it regular cider or the alcoholic kind ? If it's regular stuff then I'll have a glass please." -leave it to her to go to a tavern and not drink. She'd look to Heather, and then around at the rest of the building.- "This is a really nice place. I should have come in here days ago. If you don't mind me asking do you allow patrons to smoke inside ?" -her eyes would unfortunately be more or less completely obscured by the goggles she wore. Turning to the man that called her sneaky she'd smile, goggles covering her eyes and bandana covering her mouth.- "Oh, I know, I try my best to be sneaky, sneaky has kept me alive since I ran away from home when I was eight. If you're homeless you should check out the Union building, It's a labor union for helping find jobs for those that arrive in teh city with nothing"
  11. [21:33] Heather nodded to the woman's request. "Yep. Fresh, so it hasn't fermented into being alcoholic yet, and hard. Not everyone on the island is inclined to booze. Alas.." She grinned as she said it though, teasing. At the question of smoking, she tried not to cringe, and shrugged. "I prefer that people don't, but it's happened enough that I've given up preventing it." She grabbed up a glass, and smiled at the mention of the Union, nodding her agreement. "As I might have offered mention myself. Here." She paused, grabbing one of the sheets of the laws of the city, and passing it toward him. She then went about starting to fill the glass with the fresh cider. "Granted, if you know the work that you are looking for, I can help you in that direction right now."
  13. [21:36] Sabin Tennagari calmly looks, he had already blown a business opertunity being to overlly honest about his people preferences, so he straight out told nothing about what he was doing before he came to this country. "If you are needing a bouncer or some sort of security, I am good at fighting, that or I can brew a little, made some turkish beer with me father as a young boy, sad he got himself, drank down by a vampire which had gone completely mad with blood lust and warrented itself an exectuing... shame really." He didn't sound all to ashamed that the vampire had to be dealt with, the problem comes when monsters and men mingle in the same realm, the weak will be preyed upon and the strong will fight back, thats the eat or be eaten life he has lived up till now.
  15. [21:49] Anna: she pulled out the plastic cigarette case and sat it on the counter in front of her. The strong odor of pot filling the immediate area as she looked down at it. She thought real hard about lighting one up before she just shook her head and put the hardcase back in to her messenger bag and zipped it closed.- "Hmm if you're looking for that sort of job I'd say the best bet is to check out the Factory club, Though I'd invest in a pair of earplugs. I work next door and that place gets kind of loud. Speaking of which mister. Do you have an Ada chip enabled phone yet ? You'll need one if you want to make calls here in Convergence."
  17. [21:56] Heather paused for a moment as she listened to the fellow, her head giving a small cant. She then turned back to the task at hand, pouring the cider, as she listened to each of the patrons in turn. She finished pouring the cider, passing the glass to the woman with a small nod. She let her arms cross once more, tapping fingers in thought. "I haven't really had need for a bouncer. Most of the people coming in are just looking to relax, not start shit. And if they do, I ask them to politely take it outside." She nods her head to Louie, the large (NPC) to her side, who simply grins. "Now, if you are willing to clean tables, perhaps serve or cook and do the general duties I have everyone of my staff doing, then sure, I wouldn't mind someone who can fight being on the staff. Then again, everyone on the island is a survivor in some way, so a good number of them know how to fight. Considering they had to get passed infected."
  19. [21:58] Sabin Tennagari shook his head when he heard the word Factory club and shook his head "The club owner did not wish me to work for her when she approached me, I must have startled her with my being so good for the job." He shrugs and drinks down "I fear I cannot cook and I would not being good at bussing tables... my apologize..." He was only really good at fighting, or hunting anything else and he was simply ill fit for the job, "I may need to get work in with some sort of mercs around the city, know of any?" He asked if there was any mercenary group lingering around the city
  20. .
  21. [22:04] Anna: she thought for a moment.- "I'm not sure if they actually pay, but you can look in to getting work for CSA. but you have to not have ties with any sort of criminal organization." -she mumbled something under her breath about that last bit but then perked up.- "Well like I said, if you get an ADA equipped phone then I might be able to put you in touch with some people looking for a good soldier." -she was still new to the city herself, but one thing she was good at was making connections.-
  23. [22:08] Heather watched the woman with her answer, half waiting to see how she'd choose to drink the cider, before looking to the man. "There may be mercs in the city but... Why was it that the factory club wasn't interested?" she asked lightly, almost sounding confused more than anything. Her eyes then flicked to the woman. "I think I met your boss the other day, assuming you work at the Greasy Wrench?"
  25. [22:11] Sabin Tennagari calmly he listened as she was asking, "Because, I come from a past where one has had to kill non-humans among a society of humans who did not like the idea of non-humans since the D13, I am more or less not fond of vampires with what occured with vampires, and I care little for mages... but over all, I have my blades stained with non-human blood due to the work I've done in the past resulting in why something invloving fighting is relatively the only thing that truely works for me anymore..." He calmly looks to the girl. "I am being needing to get an American phone, Turkey was very anti-electronic after the D13 and fears rose that the technological advances were what caused the great calamity D13."
  27. [22:17] Anna: she wrapped her hands around the cup of cider and lift it to her lips, taking a good long sip before setting it back down. The taste was fantastic, tart and crisp just like a cider should be.- "Mmm this is fantastic, I don't think I've seen any apple trees around the city at all, where do you get them from ?" -she asked the question, never thinking that something like that might be kept hidden for a reason.- "Yeah I just started working up there. To be honest I kind of got the job on accident. I was helping Miss Rosalie around the shop with minor tasks and in exchange she was teaching me about robotics. Oh you met Miss Amara?" -she'd turn back to the turkish man.- "Well if you have any money I can take you over to the garage after we finish our drinks and get you set up with a phone. We have regular brick phones if all you want it for is phone calls, or we have some smart phones as well." -she edged away from the man slightly when he mentioned his blood stained past.-
  29. [22:22] Heather stilled a bit at the story, then started to chew on her lip in thought. She paused, and smiled to the man. "You said you are often found by the windmill, right? Mind leaving me a name and when you might be there? It'll give me a way to send someone to you if they are looking for a body guard or something." She then looked to the woman, eyebrows flicking up a hint, before smiling and nodding. "Yeah, at the bonfire the other night. If you see her, tell her the tavern says hello? I also once sold Theo, previous owner, some fuel and cleaning alcohol. Not what you'd want to drink, but for the robotics and such, probably perfect. If she needs any, just needs to let me know."
  31. [22:26] Sabin Tennagari watched as the girl slid away from him, it caused him to raise a brow it just made him grow suspicious, but even if she was anything, he didn't feel need to do anything, for he was a mercenary at heart and self defensive by nature, so long as he was not in any harms way by the by he was fine. He looks to the tender and would finish off his vodka before he answered "Sabin Tennagari, and I spend most my time if I am not working out on the city from below the sails... its usually when it rains I am in doors.." He gazes at the tender and flashed a smile and a wink, "I do not have the money for a phone, but if I get some jobs I may make the pay... I am also good at hunting and getting things, that may be out of reach for someone." He stated having an ableness to pick locks and pickpocket if he was asked to do so for the right amount of pay for the trouble.
  33. [22:34] Anna: "If you're skilled at getting things then why not try getting a job doing that? There's always work around the city for skilled scavengers. Especially if you're willing to go to the mainland. Hell I make most of my money scavenging and selling metal to the very place I work" -she turned to Heather and smiled, taking another sip of the cider, her mask, now down around her neck and totally has been since the first sip.- "She mentioned getting a bit tipsy at the party, I'm bummed that I missed out on it. All I got to see was the morning after hangover, and from what I can tell it was a doozy." -she'd look back to Sabin- "Did you say you worked below the sails, like on boats ? Do you have your own boat ? Why not work as a ferry running scavenger parties mainland ? There are loads of jobs available if you look hard enough."
  35. [22:44] Heather nodded to Sabin. "Heather. Owner and brewer here at the Green Door. If you hunt in the forest or mainland and bring it in, I know that the Bistro will buy it, the tailor might take hides, and I'll take some as well. Fishing and clamming as well, and any herbs collected. Just, might not recommend that space in the full or new moons, ya know? Check in with me and I'll let you know if I know anyone looking for you to offer work." She then looks to the woman, and laughs softly at the mention of the hangover, nodding. "Yes, well, there were interesting times to be had in true Convergence manner."
  37. [22:46] Sabin Tennagari he shook his head, "I am not good at finding what is valuble or not, only finding what is told to me is valuble, I can pick locks, pockets hunt beasts and other things.... I have been trained to do what it would require to hunt rouge non-humans and non-humans that would being having threats towards humans...." He simply said, "And I am being meaning the sails of the windmill...." He said calmly, "I am how you might say it a... man skilled at getting ones hands dirty for the sake of humanities saftey... or whatever puts food on the table and coin in ones pocket..." He was not good at going through scrap he was not a junk diver nor picker in the slightest. Either a thief or a killer, his list on his resume of job skills was very limited.
  39. [22:53] Anna: "Oooh the Windmill, I guess that makes a lot more sense. So you're a pickpocket, and a hunter. You look plenty big and strong, why not try getting a job that's just manual labor or something. You any good at digging holes ? There might be work at the cemetery as a grave digger or night watchman or something like that." -she thought for a moment, trying to think of anything else.- "Hmm I'm sure there's others. Winter's about here, I bet you could get a job shoveling snow off the sidewalks or something...but then again there might be a robot that does that."
  41. [22:57] Heather fell quiet as she listened to the pair. Her hip rested to the counter. After a few moments, she pulled out her cell, starting to send a text, though most of her attention was on the two as they spoke.
  43. [22:57] Sabin Tennagari would see he was to sober to deal with the job offers, "Might I have that beer now i am done with the vodka, I assure you i am not being nearly drunk enough yet." He would blow off a little on the young womans rapid fire suggestions, he found that he may be taking on any job he could get his hands on at this rate hang up his swords for all the good they may well do him in finding a job..... He calmly asked, "By the way, do you know if anyones found a crossbow in their scrap pile, I have been tolda fire arm would being a good option, unfortunately the nature of fire arms have always rubbed me wrong, but a crossbow may well work fine for me..." It also be good if he was going to be given a normal hunting carreer
  45. [23:10] Anna: "I don't know about in a scrap pile, but I know places to get a crossbow. There's a weapon shop a couple of doors down that sells recurve bows, there's a good chance they have crossbows as well. If that ends up being a bust I can get a hold of some people and check it out." -she pulled out her phone and sent a few texts. then sat her phone down to take another long sip of the delicious cider. Her phone would soon ring out with part of a song from some popular band from before D13 hit.- "Yeah, I know where to get a crossbow, but again you can't really get all that much in the city without cash, or at least something to trade for."
  47. [23:14] Heather continued to text as she watched the pair, then shifted to lean back on the counter, holding the phone up for a moment as she read a text. She lowered it as she heard the request, and nodded. "Sure." The phone was tucked away as she gathered a glass, moving to one of the large kegs. "Weapons shop is next door, actually. You may be able to work out a deal of working the counter for cash, and cash then to buy the bow. Might also see if there's anyone looking to pay for self defense." She glanced to Anna as she saw the texting, smirking a hint, then focused back to pouring the drink.
  49. [23:20] Sabin Tennagari "If you are both looking to help me then either way, you can aid me with your ways, if someone should need to hire me, I am being fine with you pointing them my way, and if someone is being needing me for a little different job then protection, you when I have a phone may help me, that way we have a how do you say workmans agreement is maybe the word for it..." He said calmly stroaks his five o'clock shadow a little and then taking the beer, "there being problem with working counter at store selling guns, am not specialized in such weapons... but blades and more archaic weapons I am more then capable of helping sell.."
  51. [23:23] Anna: "You should be fine then, I don't believe the weapons shop deals in guns. I saw a lot of swords, axes, bows, and bludgeoning weapons in there when I peeked in the window. Other than that I'll keep looking. Being homeless sucks the big one, I know from experience. If I see anyone hiring I'll run by the Windmill to let you know."
  53. 23:28] Heather passes off the beer and settles to her spot once more. She gives a small nod. "And I'm sure there's much that you could learn. That I think is something you should be open to. You say you want to take out the rogues and threats to... non-humans, right? You have that knowledge? How.. I mean... " She paused, then leaned forward on the counter. Her eyes flicked to the woman, then back to Sabina, her voice lowering. "What non-humans have you gone after? Have you killed a lot?"
  55. [23:34] Roxanne pulls her short jacket as closed as she can and ducks her head against the downpour as she runs along the side of the building as fast as her heels allow. Reaching the green door, she stops and looks up, grateful for the momentary respite. Wiping water from her face, she checks her makeup in the window reflection, and heads inside. As she enters the tavern, her shoulders relax a bit and she smiles at the patrons, adding a little wave to Heather. "Hi there..!"
  57. [23:35] Sabin Tennagari calmly he said as he takes the beer taking a long slow drink, and looks at her "The world outside this town is one that is in a state of ruin, there is being non-humans, things of fantasy and horror films running about because of the D13 incident, and in some cases these creatures... often have a way of using their strength as something otherworldly to get what they want, you have vampires ruling in Romania, you have the Greeks fallen to ruin, and many other places are now nearly void of humanity... I come from a small now desolate organization that was created to stop the wide spread near extinction of the human race due to non-human atrocities... I have seen a vampire consumed by its lust for blood, watched one drink my father till he was a withered up husk, then saw a mutant rip a few of my colleagues in half with four of its arms.... then a were of some sort slaughtering a few park goers..." He said as he calmly drank, "I have delt with over 20 cases of non-humans turned exceptionally heinous toward humanity,...." He said as he hears the door open and turns his gaze to meet the woman who enters and turns back to tell his tale, "In short, I have killed many different ones, and have brought to justice many others, I don't find my past doings having been anything wrong but others here may find what I've had to do sickening in order to ensure human survival..."
  59. [23:39] Anna: she sipped her cider, pretending like she wasn't listening to heather as she lowered her voice, but she unfortunately had supernatural hearing and heard every word. She had to admit, being non-human had always proven pretty useful to her, even when she was just sitting down for a drink. She listened to Sabin's response. it was something that she was mildly..maybe even morbidly curious about learning. She'd turn when she heard the door of the tavern open, curious about who might be out in this dreadful Oregonian weather. When she saw that it was nobody she knew she turned back to the man's story.- "What about the humans that turn against humanity, what would you do about them ?"
  61. [23:42] Heather looks up as the doors open, straightening from her lean on the counter. She offers a wave and a smile, gesturing her to come over. "What can I get you tonight?" she asks with a pleasant grin. She then looks to the pair that is already at the counter, and waves off Anna's question. "No, no.. I want to know what group he's part of. Was part? Is part of? I want to know how he got his training."
  63. [23:45] Roxanne cocks an ear in interest as she catches the tail end of the monster hunter's monologue, but doesn't speak up. Meeting each of their gazes in turn, she offers a friendly smile as she makes her way over to the bar. At Heather's greeting, she gives a little shrug in reply. "Hmm... I dunno." She glances quickly at the menu, then points at a line. "Oh, mulled wine sounds good. I'll have that. Do you really charge people for whining?" she adds, giving the poster on the wall a curious look.
  65. [23:48] Sabin Tennagari he simply spoke, "We didn't do anything about them, we left them to their fate either as vampire cattle, or whatever they chose, it is human free will that ultimately comes with the par for the course you may be saying... the order... it is no more, destroyed from within, by a mage who took to sneaking within our order and taking control of one of our leaders using some form of mind control, using him to force the agents away from the central, and where he could kill the central leadership, we were once called, the Black Robes, you could akin us to.... say the templar knights or some order of knights tasked with the preservation of humanity in its most dire of times... I trained from a young age, learned sword play, lock breaking, hunting, horse back riding, wound sewing, bait brewing, and anything that I could put to use when hunting.... how you might call monsters..." It may have veritably been offensive to say monsters to refer to the non-humanoids, but to be fair his way of life had been much
  67. [23:48] Sabin Tennagari: different then as he was experiencing it may be now... He took a glance at the woman who entered, everyone here seemed fairly normal... he looked to Anna who for the most part while having an odd sense of fashion, and odd manner of speech seemed relatively normal enough...
  69. [23:56] Anna: grumbles softly as she watched Heather wave off her questions.- "So you hunted down "monsters" that were "threats to humanity" all the while ignoring the fact that one of the biggest threats to humanity are humans themselves ? That seems a little backwards if you ask me." -finger quotes were used when Monsters, and threats against humanity were said.- "I've seen humans atrocities just as vile as any "monster" I've watched a man kill his own wife for no good reason, and this was years before D13" -she swirled the cider in the cup, an expression of deep sorrow covering her face when she mentioned that last bit.-
  71. [23:59] Heather nods as she hears the order, then glances to the sign. "Oh... depends on my mood...." She kinda trails off as she looks back to Sabin, listening and following as best she can. As he finishes, she nods, grabbing what she needed to start to slowly heat the wine. She glances to Roxanne. "Give me a few and I'll have it for you," she tells her with a smile. She then looks to Anna, her head giving the smallest cant to the side at the grumbles, though she remains quiet as she speaks. She then gives a small nod at something, before turning her attention to making the drink. Her phone comes out to check and respond to a few texts, before sticking back away.
  73. [23:59] Roxanne doesn't seem to take any offense at the man's words, but listens with polite interest while at the same time not wanting to interfere. Still, there was no doubt that there were monsters in the world, so having people around to deal with them couldn't hurt. At Anna's sad words, she can't help but offer the girl a sympathetic look and nod. "There's no creature capable of greater evil than humans," she agrees. "There's good in us too, of course, but that seems to be harder."
  75. [00:02] Sabin Tennagari listens as Anna speaks, he didn't need to respond to her, the world was far bigger and far bloodier then she could imagine "I do not need to share how the world was ruined by humans meddling with affairs.... but its ultimately humans who have to clean up the messes made by humans.... for this... whole..." He waved his arms around as if he could emphisize the world, "Had been the world for humans, the things that came about after the D13 was things being of legend and horror, vampires drinkign people to death, mutents rending people in half...." He shook his head drinking his beer down, he still was to sober darn his high tolerance for wanting to actually get drunk for once, he passes the vessel back. "Get me the strongest you got, I think my tolerance is way to high for the weak stuff..."
  77. [00:08] Anna: she stared in to her cider, seemingly lost in thought before she picks the glass up and downs the rest of it's contents. She'd look to Heather as she pulled the black bandana back up over her face now that she had finished her drink. She'd pull her wallet out of her bag and remove a ten dollar bill from it as she slipped it over the counter to Heather.- "Thanks for the drink Miss, it was delicious." she'd turn to Sabin and blink a bit behind her goggles.- "You're wrong, it's not up to humans to clean up the mess, it's up to everyone left on this planet, no matter what they might be. By the way the "things" that come about after D13 had been there a long time before that awful disease took place." -she'd hop off her stool and pull out the cigarette case. She'd put a joint to her lips and offered a half assed salute to the occupants of the tavern as she spun on her heel and headed towards the door.- "Nice meeting you all"
  79. [00:12] Heather remained quiet, her expression shifting slowly to a soft calm and neutral expression as she watched each in turn. She gave a small nod to the woman preparing to leave. "Let me know if you'd ever like a jar to take with you..." She then looked to Sabin, eyebrows lifting. A small nod is given. "Just a moment then. I've got moonshine. Smooth stuff. Not backyard shit." She then went about pouring the mulled wine, and put it in easy reach of Roxanne. A casual movement and she gathered up the payments thus far.
  81. [00:12] Roxanne watches the people at the bar in silence for a moment, taking in the world weary cynicism of the hunter, the old hurt in the girl's voice, filing the information away for later. "Take care," she offers as Anna makes her exit, a thoughtful look on her face as she watches her go. With a sigh, she turns back to the remaining two and gives Sabin a little smile. "Must be rough, all the things you've seen," she offers. "But they can't *all* be monsters, can they? It's not that simple, I think. The world never is that simple." Handing Heather the payment for the wine, she then picks up the mug and cradles it in her cold hands. "Thanks."
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