
qt5 qtaomic_x86.h noninline assembly

Aug 29th, 2013
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  1. .code64
  2. .globl _q_basic_atomic_ops1_ref
  3. _q_basic_atomic_ops1_ref:
  4. lock
  5. addb $1, (%rdi)
  6. movl $0,%eax
  7. setne %al
  8. ret
  9. .globl _q_basic_atomic_ops2_ref
  10. _q_basic_atomic_ops2_ref:
  11. lock
  12. incw (%rdi)
  13. movl $0,%eax
  14. setne %al
  15. ret
  16. .globl _q_basic_atomic_ops4_ref
  17. _q_basic_atomic_ops4_ref:
  18. lock
  19. addl $1, (%rdi)
  20. movl $0,%eax
  21. setne %al
  22. ret
  23. .globl _q_basic_atomic_ops8_ref
  24. _q_basic_atomic_ops8_ref:
  25. lock
  26. addq $1, (%rdi)
  27. movl $0,%eax
  28. setne %al
  29. ret
  30. .globl _q_basic_atomic_ops1_deref
  31. _q_basic_atomic_ops1_deref:
  32. lock
  33. subb $1, (%rdi)
  34. movl $0,%eax
  35. setne %al
  36. ret
  37. .globl _q_basic_atomic_ops2_deref
  38. _q_basic_atomic_ops2_deref:
  39. lock
  40. decw (%rdi)
  41. movl $0,%eax
  42. setne %al
  43. ret
  44. .globl _q_basic_atomic_ops4_deref
  45. _q_basic_atomic_ops4_deref:
  46. lock
  47. subl $1, (%rdi)
  48. movl $0,%eax
  49. setne %al
  50. ret
  51. .globl _q_basic_atomic_ops8_deref
  52. _q_basic_atomic_ops8_deref:
  53. lock
  54. subq $1, (%rdi)
  55. movl $0,%eax
  56. setne %al
  57. ret
  58. .globl _q_basic_atomic_size_test_and_set_relaxed
  59. _q_basic_atomic_size_test_and_set_relaxed:
  60. movq (%rsi), %rax
  61. movq (%rdx),%r13
  62. lock
  63. cmpxchgl %r13d, (%rdi)
  64. movq $0, %rax
  65. sete %al
  66. ret
  67. .globl _q_basic_atomic_1_test_and_set_relaxed
  68. _q_basic_atomic_1_test_and_set_relaxed:
  69. movq (%rsi), %rax
  70. movq (%rdx),%r13
  71. lock
  72. cmpxchgl %r13d, (%rdi)
  73. movq $0, %rax
  74. sete %al
  75. ret
  76. .globl _q_basic_atomic_size_fetch_and_store_relaxed
  77. _q_basic_atomic_size_fetch_and_store_relaxed:
  78. mov (%rsi),%r13
  79. mov (%rdi),%r14
  80. xchg %r13,%r14
  81. mov %r14,(%rdi)
  82. mov %r14,%rax
  83. ret
  84. .globl _q_basic_atomic_1_fetch_and_store_relaxed
  85. _q_basic_atomic_1_fetch_and_store_relaxed:
  86. mov (%rsi),%r13
  87. mov (%rdi),%r14
  88. xchg %r13,%r14
  89. mov %r14,(%rdi)
  90. mov %r14,%rax
  91. ret
  92. .globl _q_basic_atomic_size_fetch_and_add_relaxed
  93. _q_basic_atomic_size_fetch_and_add_relaxed:
  94. mov (%rdi),%r13
  95. mov (%rsi),%r14
  96. xadd %r14,%r13
  97. mov %r13,(%rdi)
  98. mov %r13,%rax
  99. ret
  100. .globl _q_basic_atomic_1_fetch_and_add_relaxed
  101. _q_basic_atomic_1_fetch_and_add_relaxed:
  102. mov (%rdi),%r13
  103. mov (%rsi),%r14
  104. xadd %r14,%r13
  105. mov %r13,(%rdi)
  106. mov %r13,%rax
  107. ret
  113. 0 QResourceRoot::findNode 0x100beac3a
  114. 1 QResourcePrivate::load 0x100bea6aa
  115. 2 QResourcePrivate::ensureInitialized 0x100beb8c3
  116. 3 QResourceFileEngine::QResourceFileEngine 0x100bee72c
  117. 4 _q_resolveEntryAndCreateLegacyEngine_recursive 0x100c1b976
  118. 5 QFileSystemEngine::resolveEntryAndCreateLegacyEngine 0x100c1b6e2
  119. 6 QFileInfoPrivate::QFileInfoPrivate 0x100bd5dfd
  120. 7 QFileInfo::QFileInfo 0x100bd3b38
  121. 8 QFile::exists 0x100bcdcf8
  122. 9 QLibraryInfoPrivate::findConfiguration 0x100aa9161
  123. 10 QLibrarySettings::QLibrarySettings 0x100aa8e79
  124. 11 QLibraryInfo::location 0x100aa9868
  125. 12 QCoreApplication::libraryPaths 0x100c7f519
  126. 13 QFactoryLoader::update 0x100c6d768
  127. 14 QFactoryLoader::QFactoryLoader 0x100c6d5f4
  128. 15 _ZN13QGlobalStaticI14QFactoryLoaderLZN12_GLOBAL__N_112Q_QGS_loader13innerFunctionEvELZNS2_5guardEEEclEv 0x10064c65f
  129. 16 QPlatformIntegrationFactory::create 0x10064c4c0
  130. 17 QGuiApplicationPrivate::createPlatformIntegration 0x100654751
  131. 18 QGuiApplicationPrivate::createEventDispatcher 0x10065514f
  132. 19 QCoreApplication::init 0x100c7c0e8
  133. 20 QCoreApplication::QCoreApplication 0x100c7c067
  134. 21 QGuiApplication::QGuiApplication 0x10065339e
  135. 22 QApplication::QApplication 0x10003565e
  136. 23 main main.cpp 7 0x10000339f
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