
OP x Dashfag Calcium

Aug 7th, 2013
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  1. O: Omg ar u okay bbz
  2. D: Yes, I type normally and respond very normally just like this... however, my posterior mandibular region is experiencing inexplicable amounts of pain right now... due to a surgical removal of all four of my third molars.
  3. O: omg bbz i luv teef and being a dentist meks my dikk so hard fer uuu bbz
  4. D: Well... OPtimistic... you're a smart man... and most certainly not a faggot. I respectfully ask for your advice on this subject.
  5. O: kk bbz yew need to get sum calcium becuz its magic <3 becuz i lov u boo
  6. D: OPtimistic... I...
  8. O: Omg ar u okay bbz
  9. D: Yes, I type normally and respond very normally just like this... however, the afflicted area that I told you about the other night is experiencing hemorrhaging due to rage induced by fictitious synthesis of drugs.
  10. O: omg bbz i luv teef and being a dentist meks my dikk so hard fer uuu bbz
  11. D: Well... OPtimistic... you're a smart man... and most certainly not a faggot. I respectfully ask to withdraw from your thread because the pain is almost intolerable
  12. O: kk bbz yew need to get sum sleep becuz its magic <3 becuz i lov u boo
  13. D: OPtimistic... I...
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