
Want and Yearning

Jul 30th, 2015
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  1. >"Femanon, we're home!"
  2. >Mrs. Cake's lilting voice reverberated through Sugar Cube Corner, ushering in her arrival.
  3. >Her volume, disturbing the former silence of the house, annoyed you slightly.
  4. >She threatened to undo your evening's greatest accomplishment.
  5. >As the Cake's, Mr. and Mrs, trotted through the doorway you halted them with a whispered warning.
  6. "Shhh. I only just got them to sleep."
  7. >In your lap, one cradled in either arm and breathing peacefully in slumber, rested the baby cakes.
  8. >You sat rocking them gently with you in a rocking-chair, holding them gingerly snug to you.
  9. >You could feel their breathing, every innocent twitch they made in dream, and their tiny hearts beating against yours.
  10. >Weird as it may be, there was something about the sensation that you simply loved.
  11. >The connection was almost...peaceful.
  12. >You smile must have reflected your bliss.
  13. >Mrs. Cake smiled warmly at the scene.
  14. >Approaching you, she returned your whisper.
  15. >"I can't believe how good you are with them, Femanon."
  16. >You smiled inwardly.
  17. "You know, I just love kids. And I've had a bit of practice before."
  18. >Mrs. Cake gently grabbed up one of her children from your protection; Mr. Cake, the other.
  19. >"I really hope they weren't too much trouble tonight."
  20. "Oh, they didn't seem to want to sleep at first, but they always come around."
  21. >Mrs. Cake slowly made her way towards the children's room.
  22. >You job for the night accomplished, you rose, stretched, and prepared to leave.
  23. >"Well, thank you so much again for all of your help, Femanon. Will you be able to make it this Friday?"
  24. "Of course! You kidding me? I love spending time with your foals."
  25. >"Great! Thank you so much!"
  26. >A gracious smile blossomed on your lips.
  27. "Seriously, Mrs. Cake, it's my pleasure."
  28. >With that, you excused yourself from Sugar Cube Corner, spilling yourself out into the moonlit dirt streets of Ponyville.
  29. >All the way home you were walking on air.
  30. >You really did love those foals with a passion.
  31. >When the Cakes first offered you a job to sit for them, you were pretty sure both parties were skeptical on the idea.
  32. >You had never cared for foals before.
  33. >And you strongly believed that they only offered it to you out of pity as well as the fact that you boasted some admittedly generous breasts.
  34. >Parents are always far more willing to trust their kids to a body with breasts.
  35. >You figured it somehow made you more trustworthy.
  36. >This inherit perk of womanhood was one which you had exploited regularly back home.
  37. >Childcare simply seemed to be your de facto career; mothers and parents would frequently call upon you.
  38. >And to be fair, you did love kids of all ages.
  39. >It was a matter of fantastic pride to you to be a good mother.
  40. >From newborns to adolescents, they all made your heart swell.
  41. >So it is no wonder that even here in a world of colorful ponies that you would have fallen in love with the Cake twins.
  42. >No, it could never be said that Femanon was un-motherly.
  43. >And yet, as you walked in the darkness, tumbling these thoughts in your head, an old and persistent lament resurfaced.
  44. >You cared for children.
  45. >You loved children.
  46. >But they were always other people's kids.
  47. >You were motherly.
  48. >But you were not a mother.
  49. >And now stuck here in Equestria, you feared that you never would be.
  50. >Alone here, you would never have a little one to call your own.
  51. >A pang of sadness pierced your heart.
  52. >But you had long ago accepted this reality.
  53. >There was simply nothing to be done about it.
  54. >You swallowed your sadness as you opened the door to your house.
  55. >You walked languidly to your room, changed into your pajamas, and returned to the darkness of your den.
  56. >With a click your turned on the lights to your den and sat down heavy onto your couch.
  57. >Despite your efforts not to think about your sorry position, a spell of depression came over you.
  58. >Staring up at the ceiling in a tepid sadness, you gently closed your eyes.
  59. >You did not rest long before your attention was drawn to the next room.
  60. >A noise and some shuffling could be heard in the quiet.
  61. >Opening your eyes and sitting up you called out across the room.
  62. "Hey! Is someone there?"
  63. >You could see a figure stir in the darkness of the next room.
  64. >Before you could jump up and arm yourself the figure leaped from the shadows.
  65. >With a whimsical and pretentious flourish, a blue coated mare presented herself before you.
  66. >"It is I! The Great and Powerful Trixie!"
  67. >Rightfully startled, you bark back.
  68. "Damnit, Trixie, what the hell are you doing breaking into my house at night?!"
  69. >Trixie upturned her nose and waved a dismissive hoof at you.
  70. >"Trixie could not sleep."
  71. "So you came here?"
  72. >"Why? Is Trixie not welcome anymore?"
  73. "Not unannounced. At my house. In the middle of the night."
  74. >"Then you should have told these rules to Trixie beforehand."
  75. "Yes, of course, it is my fault..."
  76. >"Just a bit, yes."
  77. >You sighed.
  78. >At times you wished you had never run into her that night so long ago.
  79. >You had just been coming back from sitting for the Cakes when, taking a wrong turn, you heard sobs off in the distance.
  80. >You followed them to the source and found the Great and Powerful one crying alone in an abandoned stable.
  81. >Feeling for anything that is upset, you stayed and talked to her.
  82. >Apparently she had just been publicly shamed by Twilight.
  83. >Something about a giant bear.
  84. >Frankly, you had missed the entire episode.
  85. >But Trixie's tears had been enough to turn your heart, even if she was clearly a pretentious and ostentatious weirdo.
  86. >So, motherly instincts kicking in, you comforted her in the best way you knew how.
  87. >By holding her tight and warmly to you, rocking her back and forth in your arms against your breast.
  88. >What happened next was a shock to you.
  89. >After a few minutes of sobbing into your chest and returned motherly coos and comforts, Trixie began nuzzling her muzzle against your chest.
  90. >You thought little of it at first, until she managed to undo some of your buttons and slide her mouth through your open shirt.
  91. >The clothesless freedom of Equestria had long since encouraged you to stop wearing anything you didn't need to.
  92. >For you, this meant your ever restrictive bra.
  93. >So when Trixie wormed her way through your shirt, she almost immediately latched onto a nipple.
  94. >You were surprised.
  95. >Shocked, even.
  96. >But oddly enough you did not fight it.
  97. >Honestly, it felt good.
  98. >You had never been pregnant, but for many years since you had taken up child care you had been lactating.
  99. >Far from being concerned, you encouraged the development.
  100. >After all, it made your breasts bigger.
  101. >It also made you feel more motherly; a quality you enjoyed.
  102. >So when the Childlike and Submissive Trixie began to drink from you, you allowed it.
  103. >A shameful and guilty form of wish fulfillment, you admit, but you were not going to squander this opportunity no matter the depravity.
  104. >Since that night Trixie had made many "calls" to you in secret.
  105. >And with absolute discretion you answered her calls.
  106. >Every one thus far, in fact.
  107. >However, this was the first time she had ever been so bold as to willfully sneak into your house for her desires.
  108. >So, weary, annoyed, and a little coy, you answered her as she stood before you in her den.
  109. "Trixie, why are you here?"
  110. >The blue mare trotted towards you on the couch.
  111. >"Trixie already told you, she cannot sleep."
  112. >Admittedly, you already knew where this was going.
  113. >Annoyed as you were, you decided to play with her a bit.
  114. "So?"
  115. >"So...Femanon can help Trixie."
  116. "And how is that exactly?"
  117. >The Great and Powerful mare huffed.
  118. >"You know very well how. It...comforts Trixie."
  119. >With a stone gaze you stared at her.
  120. "No."
  121. >Trixie was taken aback by your denial.
  122. >"What? B-but...Trixie needs it!"
  123. "You broke into my house and you aren't even asking nicely. So no."
  124. >It was a sight of wonder, and not a little joy, to see how quickly the great and powerful ones can be brought to beg.
  125. >"B-but...Trixie is sorry! She will not do it again, she promises!"
  126. >You sat unimpressed.
  127. "Don't care, go home."
  128. >Trixie's mouth dropped agape.
  129. >"But...Trixie is sorry! Why now? Don't you care about Trixie? Don't you want to help her sleep?"
  130. >You shrugged, fully enshrouded in your facade.
  131. >You would make her beg for it first.
  132. >Then Trixie did something unexpected.
  133. >She leaped at you.
  134. >Less of a leap and more of a tackle, really.
  135. >She wrapped her forelegs around your waist, buried her face in the underside of your breasts, and beamed up at you.
  136. >Her eyes affected innocence and yearning.
  137. >She even began to shake her plot back and forth.
  138. >This show of supplication was new, even to her.
  139. >She reminded you of a dog begging for a treat.
  140. >"Pleeeeease, Femanon! Trixie is very thirsty, she'll only take a second!"
  141. >You looked down at those massive saucers for eyes and envisioned the puppy dog pout she was surely using beneath your bosom.
  142. >Your heart melted at such an adorable sight.
  143. >You held steadfast in your mask of annoyance, however.
  144. >Finally, after a minute of feigned contemplation, you spoke.
  145. "Ugh...fine, Trixie, you can drink. But only for a little bit, okay? I need to go to bed."
  146. >The blue mare's eyes lit up.
  147. >"Trixie, too, will sleep well!"
  148. >You couldn't fight back your grin as you unbuttoned your pajama shirt.
  149. >Trixie regarded each loose button with great anticipation.
  150. >With one final pop, the last button was freed.
  151. >With a gentle sashay of your hands you opened up your shirt like a curtain on a stage.
  152. >Your ample breasts rose and fell with your breathing, resting alluringly against your chest.
  153. >Round, pert, supple, soft, they offered an aroma sweetness.
  154. >Your nipples, swollen and sensitive from lactation, stiffened in anticipation of the feeding to come.
  155. >Trixie look entranced as she stared at them.
  156. >One may think she had never seen them before.
  157. >You giggled and patted your lap, inviting her to sit.
  158. >She hopped up, never breaking eye contact with your left nipple.
  159. >You shook your head incredulously as you realized she had already made up her mind as to from where she would drink.
  160. >Without further hesitation, you gave Trixie your queue: a gentle hand upon the back of her head inviting her to go down.
  161. >And so she did with alacrity.
  162. >You let out a withheld breath as Trixie's lips closed around your tender bud.
  163. >Trixie instinctively closed her eyes and began to suck.
  164. >You took a step out from yourself for a moment to survey the scene.
  165. >You were allowing a pony to drink your milk straight from the source.
  166. >You were sure this was beyond taboo.
  167. >But, as you wove your fingers through Trixie's mane, you realized that you fundamentally did not care.
  168. >This was what you wanted.
  169. >It made you feel validated in a way.
  170. >Supremely motherly.
  171. >And it made you shiver with guilty pleasure.
  172. >A wonderful chill ran down your spine as a minor climax shot through you from your nipple.
  173. >Trixie was running her tongue over it, lapping up your warm milk as it flowed.
  174. >You tilted your head back against the couch and closed your eyes, giving yourself up to the absolute pleasure of the moment.
  175. >Gingerly, you stroked both hands through Trixie's mane, petting and caressing, comforting her in the way you knew she liked.
  176. >And in the way you liked to give.
  177. >You began a gentle hum that filled the empty spaces of your den.
  178. >As Trixie nursed harder, her supple lips squeezing against your tender bud, you bit your lip and smiled.
  179. >If you couldn't have a child of your own...
  180. >You could at least give yourself this.
  181. >This was your paradise.
  182. >And your mind escaped to the combined rhythm of your heartbeat and Trixie's sucking.
  183. >A hand drifted from your mare and fell to your lap.
  184. >Trixie's teeth grazed against your nipple.
  185. >You gripped at your pajamas in pleasure.
  186. >It was all you could do to keep your hand from running up your stomach to your neglected breast to balance out the stimulation.
  187. >You felt a drip on the back of your hand.
  188. >You looked down to find your free breast dripping intermittently.
  189. >A thin stream of milky white ambrosia ran from your nipple down the contour of your breast.
  190. >You smiled inwardly; leaking wasn't unfamiliar to you, nor were the milk stains that were a frequent feature on your shirts.
  191. >You slowly brought your hand up to you and licked away the drizzle of milk which thereupon had fallen.
  192. >You took in a deep breath and savored the taste.
  193. >Rich, thick, and amazingly sweet.
  194. >Your taste buds tingled at the sensation.
  195. >It became no wonder to you that the Great and Powerful one kept wanting more.
  196. >You ego swelled slightly at the thought that you could produce something so delicious.
  197. >In you pondering Trixie lifted her head and looked up to you through half opened eyes.
  198. >Her lips were white and wetted.
  199. >Had you not known through experience, it would have been easy to see that Trixie's mind was in a fog.
  200. >You donned a motherly smile and nodded your head towards your vacant breast, inviting her to continue.
  201. >Trixie, in turn, donned a languid, yet gracious smile and accepted.
  202. >The blue mare gingerly latched herself onto your right nipple and began to suck.
  203. >Another sharp inhale.
  204. >A steady exhale in tow.
  205. >Your toes curled at the touch of her moist lips upon you.
  206. >Again, she worked her tongue against you, licking and lapping at your tender bud as well as the trickle that ran down your ample breast.
  207. >You wonder at what a greedy mare she became when she got like this.
  208. >Your humming resumed.
  209. >Trixie's ears twitched at the tune.
  210. >It was then you did something you had not before.
  211. >With all the grace and tenderness of a dutiful caring woman, your head bowed and you bestowed a loving kiss upon the top of Trixie's head.
  212. >You could swear you felt her lips pucker into a smile upon your breast as she nursed.
  213. >The joys, the peace, the pleasure of being a mother.
  214. >For so long, this is all you had wanted.
  215. >And though you would never vocalize it, you thanked Trixie for giving you this.
  216. >As you stroked your fingers up and down Trixie's back, drawing designs in her coat, the Great and Powerful lifted her head.
  217. >You looked at her and cocked an eyebrow.
  218. >Trixie smiled tiredly at you through half-open eyes.
  219. >With a yawn, Trixie rested her head heavy against your bosom.
  220. >You imagined they made great pillows.
  221. >Again, far from being put off, you welcomed the contact.
  222. >For a moment Trixie listened to your heart beat before finally speaking.
  223. >"Trixie is full now..."
  224. "Oh?"
  225. >The blue mare nodded lightly against your breasts.
  226. >She yawned again.
  227. >"Yes...Trixie is ready to sleep now..."
  228. >You smirked and stroked her mane.
  229. "Uh-huh. Are you going to make it back home?"
  230. >"Trixie will make it..."
  231. >It was very clear that this was a fib.
  232. >Neither of you had ever done this so late in the night before.
  233. >Though her nursing usually relaxed her immensely, Trixie had always enough energy to leave afterwards.
  234. >But she was now on the cusp of going out like a light, and you were close behind her.
  235. >The solution was obvious.
  236. "Nah...Trixie, just stay hear tonight."
  237. >"No...Trixie...can make..."
  238. >You caressed her mane.
  239. "'s okay. Just this night only."
  240. >The Great and Powerful mare did not respond.
  241. >Instead, she slowly closed her eyes and nuzzled her head deeper against your chest.
  242. >For your part, you managed to lay down on your couch, you head pillowed by the arm of the furniture.
  243. >You looked down.
  244. >The Great and Powerful had become the Calm and Peaceful.
  245. >You closed your eyes and rest into the couch.
  246. >As sleep began to take you you allow one hand to linger on Trixie, dancing lightly against her coat.
  247. >You focused not on sight or sound or touch.
  248. >Feeling drew you; the feeling of your heart against Trixie's slumbering head.
  249. >Yes.
  250. >This was perfect.
  251. >This was what you wanted.
  252. >If only for this brief time.
  253. >With gently snoring against your chest, you fell to sleep on a cloud of wholeness that made your living dream.
  255. FIN.
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