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Feb 13th, 2016
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  1. <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
  2. <results exportTime="2016-02-11 21:44:04 CST">
  3. <report label="S Report 5x" slug="L211">
  4. <record reporting_date_end="03/28/2014" narrative="null">
  5. <report label="Current Volume">
  6. <record central_volume_loads="166.79" zone1_volume="233.26" zone3_volume="17.52" zone2_volume="48.94" zone1_volume_pounds="6,671,777" zone4_volume_pounds="9,330,260" zone2_volume_pounds="700,694" zone3_volume_pounds="1,957,789"/>
  7. </report>
  8. <report label="Zone1">
  9. <record imps_percentage="92-94%" total_units="794,007" total_loads="19.85" weighted_average="274.76"/>
  10. <record imps_percentage="90%" total_units="1,091,657" total_loads="27.29" weighted_average="264.35"/>
  11. <record imps_percentage="85%" total_units="3,467,452" total_loads="86.69" weighted_average="228.20"/>
  12. <record imps_percentage="81%" total_units="12,501" total_loads=".31" weighted_average="228.24"/>
  13. <record imps_percentage="75%" total_units="195,690" total_loads="4.89" weighted_average="187.30"/>
  14. <record imps_percentage="73%" total_units="0" total_loads=".00" weighted_average=".00"/>
  15. <record imps_percentage="65%" total_units="1,110,470" total_loads="27.76" weighted_average="166.04"/>
  16. </report>
  17. <report label="Zone2">
  18. <record imps_percentage="92-94%" total_units="891,007" total_loads="22.28" weighted_average="275.26"/>
  19. <record imps_percentage="90%" total_units="1,813,306" total_loads="45.33" weighted_average="265.04"/>
  20. <record imps_percentage="85%" total_units="4,378,347" total_loads="109.46" weighted_average="231.04"/>
  21. <record imps_percentage="81%" total_units="256,289" total_loads="6.41" weighted_average="224.46"/>
  22. <record imps_percentage="75%" total_units="234,200" total_loads="5.86" weighted_average="183.03"/>
  23. <record imps_percentage="73%" total_units="0" total_loads=".00" weighted_average=".00"/>
  24. <record imps_percentage="65%" total_units="1,757,111" total_loads="43.93" weighted_average="165.35"/>
  25. </report>
  26. </record>
  27. <record reporting_date_end="03/21/2014" narrative="null">
  28. <report label="Current Volume">
  29. <record central_volume_loads="144.13" zone1_volume="215.06" zone3_volume="27.46" zone2_volume="43.47" zone1_volume_pounds="5,765,336" zone4_volume_pounds="8,602,512" zone2_volume_pounds="1,098,540" zone3_volume_pounds="1,738,636"/>
  30. </report>
  31. <report label="Zone1">
  32. <record imps_percentage="92-94%" total_units="857,233" total_loads="21.43" weighted_average="268.96"/>
  33. <record imps_percentage="90%" total_units="826,451" total_loads="20.66" weighted_average="260.82"/>
  34. <record imps_percentage="85%" total_units="3,104,954" total_loads="77.62" weighted_average="223.99"/>
  35. <record imps_percentage="81%" total_units="8,145" total_loads=".20" weighted_average="248.76"/>
  36. <record imps_percentage="75%" total_units="136,304" total_loads="3.41" weighted_average="183.96"/>
  37. <record imps_percentage="73%" total_units="0" total_loads=".00" weighted_average=".00"/>
  38. <record imps_percentage="65%" total_units="832,249" total_loads="20.81" weighted_average="164.72"/>
  39. </report>
  40. <report label="Zone2">
  41. <record imps_percentage="92-94%" total_units="995,233" total_loads="24.88" weighted_average="270.50"/>
  42. <record imps_percentage="90%" total_units="1,696,678" total_loads="42.42" weighted_average="262.66"/>
  43. <record imps_percentage="85%" total_units="3,929,416" total_loads="98.24" weighted_average="227.55"/>
  44. <record imps_percentage="81%" total_units="269,549" total_loads="6.74" weighted_average="220.32"/>
  45. <record imps_percentage="75%" total_units="181,125" total_loads="4.53" weighted_average="186.37"/>
  46. <record imps_percentage="73%" total_units="0" total_loads=".00" weighted_average=".00"/>
  47. <record imps_percentage="65%" total_units="1,530,511" total_loads="38.26" weighted_average="165.33"/>
  48. </report>
  49. </record>
  50. <record reporting_date_end="03/14/2014" narrative="null">
  51. <report label="Current Volume">
  52. <record central_volume_loads="126.80" zone1_volume="186.95" zone3_volume="25.49" zone2_volume="34.67" zone1_volume_pounds="5,071,823" zone4_volume_pounds="7,478,136" zone2_volume_pounds="1,019,473" zone3_volume_pounds="1,386,840"/>
  53. </report>
  54. <report label="Zone1">
  55. <record imps_percentage="92-94%" total_units="738,249" total_loads="18.46" weighted_average="263.39"/>
  56. <record imps_percentage="90%" total_units="783,791" total_loads="19.59" weighted_average="254.45"/>
  57. <record imps_percentage="85%" total_units="2,586,286" total_loads="64.66" weighted_average="220.72"/>
  58. <record imps_percentage="81%" total_units="49,348" total_loads="1.23" weighted_average="191.71"/>
  59. <record imps_percentage="75%" total_units="131,844" total_loads="3.30" weighted_average="182.33"/>
  60. <record imps_percentage="73%" total_units="0" total_loads=".00" weighted_average=".00"/>
  61. <record imps_percentage="65%" total_units="782,305" total_loads="19.56" weighted_average="150.54"/>
  62. </report>
  63. </record>
  64. </report>
  65. </results>
  67. exportTime label slug reporting_date_end narrative label2 central_volume_loads zone1_volume zone3_volume zone2_volume zone1_volume_pounds zone4_volume_pounds zone2_volume_pounds zone3_volume_pounds imps_percentage total_units total_loads weighted_average
  68. 2016-02-11 21:44:04 CST S Report 5x L211 03/28/2014 null Current Volume 166.79 233.26 17.52 48.94 6,671,777 9,330,260 700,694 1,957,789
  69. 2016-02-11 21:44:04 CST S Report 5x L211 03/28/2014 null Zone1 92-94% 794,007 19.85 274.76
  70. 2016-02-11 21:44:04 CST S Report 5x L211 03/28/2014 null Zone1 90% 1,091,657 27.29 264.35
  71. 2016-02-11 21:44:04 CST S Report 5x L211 03/28/2014 null Zone1 85% 3,467,452 86.69 228.20
  72. 2016-02-11 21:44:04 CST S Report 5x L211 03/28/2014 null Zone1 81% 12,501 .31 228.24
  73. 2016-02-11 21:44:04 CST S Report 5x L211 03/28/2014 null Zone1 75% 195,690 4.89 187.30
  74. 2016-02-11 21:44:04 CST S Report 5x L211 03/28/2014 null Zone1 73% 0 .00 .00
  75. 2016-02-11 21:44:04 CST S Report 5x L211 03/28/2014 null Zone1 65% 1,110,470 27.76 166.04
  76. 2016-02-11 21:44:04 CST S Report 5x L211 03/28/2014 null Zone2 92-94% 891,007 22.28 275.26
  77. 2016-02-11 21:44:04 CST S Report 5x L211 03/28/2014 null Zone2 90% 1,813,306 45.33 265.04
  78. 2016-02-11 21:44:04 CST S Report 5x L211 03/28/2014 null Zone2 85% 4,378,347 109.46 231.04
  79. 2016-02-11 21:44:04 CST S Report 5x L211 03/28/2014 null Zone2 81% 256,289 6.41 224.46
  80. 2016-02-11 21:44:04 CST S Report 5x L211 03/28/2014 null Zone2 75% 234,200 5.86 183.03
  81. 2016-02-11 21:44:04 CST S Report 5x L211 03/28/2014 null Zone2 73% 0 .00 .00
  82. 2016-02-11 21:44:04 CST S Report 5x L211 03/28/2014 null Zone2 65% 1,757,111 43.93 165.35
  83. 2016-02-11 21:44:04 CST S Report 5x L211 03/21/2014 null Current Volume 144.13 215.06 27.46 43.47 5,765,336 8,602,512 1,098,540 1,738,636
  84. 2016-02-11 21:44:04 CST S Report 5x L211 03/21/2014 null Zone1 92-94% 857,233 21.43 268.96
  85. 2016-02-11 21:44:04 CST S Report 5x L211 03/21/2014 null Zone1 90% 826,451 20.66 260.82
  86. 2016-02-11 21:44:04 CST S Report 5x L211 03/21/2014 null Zone1 85% 3,104,954 77.62 223.99
  87. 2016-02-11 21:44:04 CST S Report 5x L211 03/21/2014 null Zone1 81% 8,145 .20 248.76
  88. 2016-02-11 21:44:04 CST S Report 5x L211 03/21/2014 null Zone1 75% 136,304 3.41 183.96
  89. 2016-02-11 21:44:04 CST S Report 5x L211 03/21/2014 null Zone1 73% 0 .00 .00
  90. 2016-02-11 21:44:04 CST S Report 5x L211 03/21/2014 null Zone1 65% 832,249 20.81 164.72
  91. 2016-02-11 21:44:04 CST S Report 5x L211 03/21/2014 null Zone2 92-94% 995,233 24.88 270.50
  92. 2016-02-11 21:44:04 CST S Report 5x L211 03/21/2014 null Zone2 90% 1,696,678 42.42 262.66
  93. 2016-02-11 21:44:04 CST S Report 5x L211 03/21/2014 null Zone2 85% 3,929,416 98.24 227.55
  94. 2016-02-11 21:44:04 CST S Report 5x L211 03/21/2014 null Zone2 81% 269,549 6.74 220.32
  95. 2016-02-11 21:44:04 CST S Report 5x L211 03/21/2014 null Zone2 75% 181,125 4.53 186.37
  96. 2016-02-11 21:44:04 CST S Report 5x L211 03/21/2014 null Zone2 73% 0 .00 .00
  97. 2016-02-11 21:44:04 CST S Report 5x L211 03/21/2014 null Zone2 65% 1,530,511 38.26 165.33
  98. 2016-02-11 21:44:04 CST S Report 5x L211 03/14/2014 null Current Volume 126.8 186.95 25.49 34.67 5,071,823 7,478,136 1,019,473 1,386,840
  99. 2016-02-11 21:44:04 CST S Report 5x L211 03/14/2014 null Zone1 92-94% 738,249 18.46 263.39
  100. 2016-02-11 21:44:04 CST S Report 5x L211 03/14/2014 null Zone1 90% 783,791 19.59 254.45
  101. 2016-02-11 21:44:04 CST S Report 5x L211 03/14/2014 null Zone1 85% 2,586,286 64.66 220.72
  102. 2016-02-11 21:44:04 CST S Report 5x L211 03/14/2014 null Zone1 81% 49,348 1.23 191.71
  103. 2016-02-11 21:44:04 CST S Report 5x L211 03/14/2014 null Zone1 75% 131,844 3.30 182.33
  104. 2016-02-11 21:44:04 CST S Report 5x L211 03/14/2014 null Zone1 73% 0 .00 .00
  105. 2016-02-11 21:44:04 CST S Report 5x L211 03/14/2014 null Zone1 65% 782,305 19.56 150.54
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