
Random shit

Nov 29th, 2016
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  1. Wanted to take a moment out of my workday and just hammer out a few interesting thoughts. Also, fuck Donald trump, don't give a shite, bring on the weird comments.
  3. First and foremost, things are going great, if you haven't already, swing on by to and grab your physical and ebook versions of "Wrath of Puppy monkey Baby"
  4. right here:
  7. Also, why not grab your copies of "Debate of Factions" as well?
  11. Next off, I'm working on a series of short books, a collection of short stories, a book of blogs, a book of collective tweets, Sogno Della Dinistia is becoming a real thing, and various other farts of genius I have.
  13. The reason I've kept relatively silent on FB is because, well, I had other things to do with my time than be distracted by whatever pointless FB game is the current craze... I dunno, "Donald Trump Simulator"? The goal being to annoy your way into the Presidency?
  15. That said, hello!
  16. Hi!
  17. How are you? This year is pretty shit, isn't it?
  18. Yep, I agree, there's a lot to worry about, and quite frankly, we shouldn't just sit around with our hands under our butts, because while the majority of you thought CURRENT POTUS Obama was going to steal your guns?
  19. The proceeding POTUS Trump REALLY will try to personally play grab ass with you.
  20. Most likely while you're not looking.
  21. And without you even knowing that's going to happen.
  23. You should protest!
  24. You should yell!
  25. Scream!
  26. Stand up for what you believe is true and right!
  27. You should rage and rant, dance and throw things!
  28. However, you should stop before it gets to the point of rioting. We still have hope the electoral College will overturn this thing, electing Clinton into office and collectively upsetting a bunch of already ticked off Republicans.
  30. All joking aside, the protests are a great thing, taking away the Anarchists that just like punching things for no reason, because punk will never die out, keep them going, keep that fire burning brightly, and never let down!
  31. I don't write these things because I wish to tick off a few of the more hard core Trumpers out there, but because this is my personal way of protesting, my way of helping out in a way that doesn't involve screaming stupid things into a megaphone.
  32. I'd use a hyper-phone.
  33. Better combo strings.
  35. If President-Elect Dumbass Turnip is decided to be the 45th POTUS, or, in regards to him and him alone, Problem of the United States, then we should give him a chance to prove us wrong. Offering him at least a peice of wet straw paper to pull him out of the quicksand that is his slowly approaching nightmare, is the very least we can do.
  37. So keep those protests going strong, never let up, never give up, never surrender your ability to protest, to express your thoughts, to prove to the world that you're more than just a bunch of DNA slapped together because two people got really excited about turkey. you are not alone.
  39. #Unitedwestand, #strongertogether.
  40. #Dividedwefall, allowing our opponents the opportunity to #makeamericagreatagain but only in their eyes.
  42. A really great way to make america better, is to buy my books, read them, and then throw them at Dumbass Jumping Turnip when he makes his first #stateoftheunion #address.
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