
ltCd-: Truth or Trump

Feb 28th, 2018
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  1. 20:17 *** Donagen joined #politics
  2. MEGA:
  3. Topic set by ltCd-!~ltCd-@ on Tue Feb 27 2018 21:09:25 GMT-0800 (PST)
  4. 20:17 Ekko Greetings Donagen, #politics is currently moderated. If you wait a minute without changing your nickname, you can take part in the discussion (mode +v).
  5. 20:18 Mara47 tarasoff
  6. 20:18 +++ Ekko has given voice to Donagen
  7. 20:18 Mara47 that is the standard that is sued
  8. 20:18 Mara47 used
  9. 20:18 Mara47 and sued too i imagine
  10. 20:19 Donagen The topic is apparently broken.
  11. 20:20 ltCd- What's the latest on the anti-Trump talking point
  12. 20:20 pilgrim` I know how we deal with it here up the cnayon
  13. 20:20 *** Eneerge left #politics
  14. 20:20 *** Eneerge joined #politics
  15. 20:20 pilgrim` don't know how them fancy armani suits down in Salem do it
  16. 20:20 pilgrim` nor do I care
  17. 20:20 Donagen ltCd-: Which do you prefer, truth or Trump?
  18. 20:20 +++ Ekko has given voice to Eneerge
  19. 20:21 ltCd- If you can explain how the tax cuts will kill thousands, I'll engage further
  20. 20:21 ltCd- You're up, dyke
  21. 20:21 Donagen ltCd-: Which do you prefer, truth or Trump?
  22. 20:21 *** Donagen was kicked by ltCd- (Look alive)
  23. 20:21 !!! You have been kicked from #politics
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