
#you #arent #the #president #for #much #longer

Feb 13th, 2017
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  1. Because, we've got a few things to talk about, and I need some new material to add to "Messages to an Illegitimate President" It's all about the fine tuning of topics and the like, or that's what I want to think. Anyways, on the the whole Russian issue, yeah... You thought we'd just move on from that? Nah, we know that Russian did indeed hack the election, that you're as much a president as Billy the Fridge is a troll with a childhood filled with memories of being ignored by his parents, and you know? You two are more alike than you think. You both shoot your mouth off, you're both idiot trolls, and more importantly, I assume that both of you slowly just tear through tissues like no one's beusiness when watching "The Notebook". Trustm e, thatm ovie gets me everytime I don't watch it. Which, come to think of it, I never really have. Strange how that is!
  3. To the point, Drumpf, Now that you're actively shoving shards of fear based crystal meth into every ones eyes, and you're about to set the world ablaze in giant, green, mushroom clouds of death and alternative facts, now that you've made Shinzo Abe develop a paranoid fear of Oompa Loompas, and now that, we'll you're slow idiot voice and pretentious Alternative conducting has hypnotized America into believe you're a far greater asshole than anyone realy knows... Let's talk about Putin some Trump cards on his spotted dick. Ha! I was able to putt that one off! i'm actually kind of amazed there, but more to the point, Donald, go fuck yourself. I still have TIA and we are having the greatest conversation in the world, why, out side of being the political dick puppet of the Republican Party, which means Steve Bannon is the REAL president here, so this probably should be directed at HIM.
  5. Dear racist fuck headed nutless sack of dog shit, set on fire and flung into Milo's dinner for them onth. go fuck yourself, you stupid bitch. I hope, that like your ancestors victims, the people that hate you the most, for every reason imaginable to ring your fat swaddled neck till it pops off like the orgasms you've never given your wife, because like Trump, who might as well be the reincarnation of Hitler if he were a sad, angry, tired, sweaty mold covered ball of three month of ground beef left in a trassh heap for god knows how long, you both have belly buttons where your dicks should be, and in your hands, a calculator might as well be a surf board, because you have stupid tiny hands.
  7. Also, props to Rosie o Donald for cosplaying as you, I mean really, what greater way to say fuck you, than by having the Jester King's enemy dress up like you! It's a beuatiful year, because everyone fucking hates everyone you've given a place in the white house. I mean, really, Bannon, I've never met you, and I wish upon you, a fate that's equal to being slowly half eaten by several strains of flesh eating bacteria. Though, in retrospect, they'd probably retreat into god know what area of the world where that infectious, blunt, poisoned baby you dared call a website, isn't readable. Probably a place without Wifi. whihc, in the short term, is what Trump currently is. He's without his Wife by his side.
  9. Also, Kelly Ann Conway, you damned scarecrow looking swamp hag. I'm sure there are people in the world that like you just the way you are, but I'm not one of them. Look, kudos for running a winning campaign, but you're ass is going to get fired, and there's not going to be any second chances for you. Seriously, I don't... actually care about you. It's not a gender, religion, or political thing, I just in general don't really care for you. there's bot really much to say except shut the fuck up, or you're getting fired just as fast as Drumpf loses his erection anytime he see any other color besides gold when he pees.
  11. Meh, kind of a shit post...
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