
Head Trauma

Apr 3rd, 2015
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  1. Janitor work is usually pretty awful, especially at a place that's kid or family friendly. You tend to see pretty vile and awful stuff, but I still question what I saw at that place I worked. Normally the places of horror stories are the bathrooms and the main restaurant or attraction floor, sometimes the kitchen if the place has one. This place? Maintenance and management. I've worked at other similar places in the past, I'll admit my record's a bit shady, fired for cutting corners, being a lazy piece of shit really. Dino Dan's sacked me for adding more kitschy crap from my dad's old disco getups to their robots.
  3. That Freddy Fazbear's though...
  5. Typically in the evening, before graveyard shift, we have the place closed by around 10 to clean the place up thoroughly. One guy handles the front areas, I tend to cover the back rooms, like security, management, and maintenance, which overlaps with the main hall. Turn lights on, clean stuff up, move cleaning stuff out, kill lights. Well, security isn't too bad, guard for evening shift usually just lifts their legs and stares at their tablet, sometimes there's a drink spill. Maintenance is tricky cause we're not supposed to mess with the costumes, so we have to clean around them and it's some rough stuff like oil spills, sometimes blood when a clumsy maintenance folk gets slightly caught in some of the mechanical parts. Management is worrisome though, you know that feeling like you're being watched? Manager has a lot of family photos that feel like they're always watching you. Not so bad since they seem to be having a good time and all, still a touch eerie. Now, that's what I typically encountered when I followed the schedule.
  7. Pass me one of those beers will ya?
  9. Only punch? Whatever, pass it here.
  11. Now where things got odd was when my usual lazy piece of shit went off the rails, ended up putting off doing maintenance a bit later and turned on the lights. Now, I've seen a room go from black to white from roaches scattering from the light before, but that couldn't prepare me for what I saw. The room seemed to be nearly vacant, but was... stretched out, for lack of a better term? Like a slinky, it was then compressed back into place, the floor rising rapidly up in the room when I hit the light switch, and in the gaps of the walls there seemed to be what looked like neon ink or paint running down shapes I didn't think could exist. In colors I didn't think could exist, like something I could only describe as neon black.
  13. I know it sounds dumb, and I thought it might be a tumor, but it gets weirder from there. Feel free to call me crazy, but you're the one listening to this crap.
  15. Now, management. I went there next, it was getting late, about quarter after 11. Groping along the wall to find the lightswitch, I uh. I guess felt or heard would be the right terms, some sort of muttering, rattling in my teeth. Never heard the language before, but seemed I could understand clear as day, calling for help, calling my name, it seemed ready to say something else when it stopped as soon as I hit the lights. Change in the office too, though was subtle enough that I didn't notice it at first. Was when I was using the wood polish on the desk that I noticed something off about those family photos. They weren't happy looking any more.
  17. Shut it, I already told ya, I'm not entirely sure what I witnessed.
  19. Anyway, they didn't look so happy. They looked kinda deadpan. The kinda gaze a person gets when they've seen something terrible, thousand yard stare thing. I'd challenge the doctors at the looney bin that I did in fact see they were all staring directly at me, and their heads turned as I moved around. That's when I felt my veins freeze over, colder than a corpse, and just booked it. Now, I may be a coward and lazy, but dammit, I at least wanted to collect a paycheck. So my dumb ass went back the next night.
  21. After cleaning the puddle of piss of the guard who couldn't keep it all in their jar, since management thought bathroom breaks for guards was a dumb idea, I tried to see if I could replicate that shit again.
  23. Shut up, replicate isn't too big of a word for my lexicon.
  25. So what if I got the definitions off of drink lids?
  27. Anyway, so tried to do stuff to see if the same stuff would happen again. I got different results. Instead of shapes, the weird paint crap was running down... faces I guess you could call them. There was also the parts of the animatronics that looked like I interrupted something and they tried to get back into their original position like they hadn't been busted for weird shit going down. I hurried and cleaned that room out and slammed the door behind me.
  29. Management again. I thought I had a stroke or something, when I blinked, I was looking at myself turning on the lights. My eye sockets seemed to be empty holes, and as I fumbled about, I could look around and only see from some position on the wall. I felt the pain as I tripped over the trashcan and slammed into the filing cabinet, so it couldn't have been fake, I've got a scar right here to prove it, you dick. So yeah, those family photos? They all seemed to be staring up at something, their eyes seemed to be missing as well, from what I could see at this distance. I looked up, saw something for an instant, I still don't know what, but I'm sure Lucifer himself couldn't come up with something like that. I can't even find the words to describe it, but when I blinked, I was getting up from the floor, blood tricklin' down my forehead and onto the floor. I could see from myself again, like normal. I looked up, normal ceiling tiles. Down at the desk? All those happy folk were TOO happy.
  31. Grinning from ear to ear, more teeth than what a person should have, eyes wide open, not fully filling the sockets. Shit, I've seen good horror flicks with critters less spooky as that shit. Claws and stuff, seemed to be eyeing me, almost hungrily. I hurried the fuck up, threw the cleaning shit into the closet, started writing a letter of resignation and where to send the check.
  33. Self committed after that, and that's why I'm here now. I'm sure you wrote a big old report by now, I'm guessing I'm probably getting one of those fancy jackets and a padded room after that crap, eh?
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