
meme king

Feb 9th, 2016
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  1. Okay I'll say it, I don't know why they got rid of the unpopular opinion puffin. I think all memes have their own special place in the meme library, and it's really sad to see this one be banned. This is one of those days on the internet that everyone will rememdber for the rest of their lives. Mark my words.
  2. I want you to know that I know what I'm talking about I'm not just some guy. I'm pretty much the number one mem expert in the world. All over the web I'm known as the "Meme King". REddit, 9gag, ICanHaz, DailyHaha, all have featured my Memes at one point or another, and all of them would loved by everyone who saw them without a single detractor -- not one. I am probably the most famous Meme maker in the history of Memes. I had a hand in inventing over half a dozen of the memes you see every day. So I'm not just "some guy" who just "loves memes". I literally eat, breathe, and sleep memes. I think in memes. I talk in memes. I'm the "Meme King", that's who I am. What if I told you... I'm the world's number one memer, right? :-D
  3. I'm not surprised you haven't heard of me. I like to keep the company I keep... selective. I'm bombarded with media requests and autograph beggars enough as it is. I'm only coming out on this account because this is so important to me. This is an day that will live in infamy. And the Meme King is not happy about that.
  4. More than being the undisputed #1 memer in all of history, I have an IQ of 196. I'm smart enough to see the patterns in every day life, to read the writing on the wall. First Unpopular Opinion Puffin, then who? Confession Bear? Success Kind? Good lord almighty, Scumbag Steve? This is how things begin. It starts off with "That meme is racist" and then it ends with "Do not post memes, citizen. Move along nad be a producer in society." What a goof. This whole world is just a big goof, and if you had my IQ you'd be able to see that. WEll you can't ignore it now that unpopular opinion puffin has been killed, murdered by those who were supposed to protect her. In the world's of my favorite superhero DeadPool, "there is not justice in the world."
  5. You know, I don't think there's any subreddit as universally beloved as adviceanimals. Ask anyone, they'll probably say that's their favorite. I know I would, and, heh, as I've mentioned, I'm a genius with great taste in memes. When they undefaulted I knew it was the mods. They're just screwing things up for people who just want to laugh at memes. I've seen the writing on this wall, too. These mods are trying to bring down adviceanimals. I wouldn't be surprised if they weren't working for one of REddits competitors. 9gag? Maybe? I think we'll see the administration posting something about them shortly. About how they secretly infiltrated the world's number one mem palace and slowly chockd the life from it like a bunch of savages. MURDERES. SAVAGES. IMBECILES.
  6. I just hate this so much. I'm going to start rallying against the mods in AA. I suggest you all do the same.
  7. Meme King out.
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