
Mother Knows Best

Feb 8th, 2013
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  1. “Shining, Twilight, I'm home!” Twilight Velvet walked into their Canterlot home, trotting straight into the kitchen and placing the groceries in her saddle bags on the counter. “Shining? Twilight?” She heard shuffling upstairs, so she made her way up there.
  2. She stopped in front of Shining Armor's room and knocked on his door. “Shining? Honey?”
  3. She shuffling continued inside, and then a response: “Yes mom?”
  4. He sounded breathless. “Are you okay?” she asked.
  5. “Fine!”
  6. Something seemed off. “I'm coming in.” She pushed the door open.
  7. “Mom, don't-!” Shining shouted as Velvet stepped inside.
  8. Twilight Velvet stepped into the room, Shining's lower half covered in bedsheets. His face was flushed and he was shaking ever so slightly. “Are you... okay?”
  9. “Fine! Just fine. I was just, um, studying! For a test.”
  10. Velvet looked confused. “That's some intense studying. I don't think even your sister has studied so hard.” She noticed something twitching ever so slightly under the sheets, suspiciously close to Shining's legs. Something quite large. Her face flushed a bit.
  11. “It's a big test.”
  12. “It certainly seems so.” She pried her eyes away from the sheets and noticed something had fallen to the floor. “What's this?” She reached out with her magic and grabbed a picture of a pink pony. “Is this... Cadence?”
  13. Shining Armor tried to retreat under the sheets. “Yes...” he said softly.
  14. Velvet smiled. “Does my little colt have a crush on your sister's foalsitter?”
  15. Shining shrank more. “Yes.”
  16. Velvet trotted over and grabbed Shining in a bearhug. “I'm so happy for you-” She stopped as the sheets retreated from Shining's lower half, revealing an impressively sized cock, throbbing softly. Velvet's face flushed harder. “Oh my.”
  17. “...Mom?”
  18. Velvet tried to take her eyes off of her son's member, but found that incredibly difficult. “Where's your sister?”
  19. “...Out with Dad, getting new books.” Shining looked at his mom. “Are you okay?”
  20. Velvet finally snapped out of it and released Shining. “Fine. Just admiring how much my son has grown up.” She pulled away and smiled at him. “So, have you talked to her yet?”
  21. “A little.” He took a breath. “Whenever I try to tell her how I feel, I get all fluttery in my stomach, I start stumbling over words, and I just can't get it out.” He sighed. “I want to be a Royal Guard, and I can't even talk to a filly.”
  22. Velvet hugged Shining again. “You just need to practice.” She stepped back, noticing Shining had calmed down. Her heart sank a little as she shut the door. “Pretend I'm Cadence, and talk to me.”
  23. “I can't mom. It's you, it's not the same. She's so kind and caring, and that adorable little dance she has with Twily...”
  24. “Go on.”
  25. Shining took a breath. “I want to be with you. I love the dance, I love the sound of your voice, I love how you smell like strawberries, the way your smile lights up a room, and... well...” He swallowed, his face flushed. “I love you, Cadence.”
  26. Velvet hugged Shining again. “There! See? Wasn't that easy?”
  27. “No.” Shining hugged Velvet back. “But thanks, mom.”
  28. “Anything for my son.” They pulled apart. “Is there anything else I can help you with?”
  29. “Well... No, I'll wait for that.”
  30. “What?”
  31. Shining blushed. “Well, I've never been with a mare before. Like... that.”
  32. Velvet nodded. “I see.”
  33. “But there's no way I could practice that beforehand, right? I guess I'll just save myself for Cadence.”
  34. “Now, now, I won't have my son fumbling around like a fool on his special night. What have they taught you in school?”
  35. Shining looked surprised. “Well, they've gone over the parts, and what goes where...”
  36. “Well, that's something. But just being told is no good. It's always best to do it practically.”
  37. “I... guess?”
  38. “And you always learn best from those who've done it before.” Velvet stepped closer to Shining, blushing slightly.
  39. “That's true... but-” Velvet cut off her son's words with a kiss.
  40. “Just watch what I do, and remember.” Velvet pushed Shining down onto his bed, then placed herself above him, flank facing his face. She looked down and saw his cock filling itself and smiled to herself.
  41. Shining said nothing, stunned, his mother's privates directly in his face. Her marehood was starting to glisten. “Um-”
  42. Velvet's hoof moved down to her vagina, pointing at things as she talked. “I'm sure you know what this is, but like I said, being told is nothing compared to the real thing. See how it's getting wet?”
  43. Shining only nodded. His boner was starting to think for him.
  44. “Good. Mares do that when they're ready to mate. It helps for a smooth entry.” She removed her hoof. “Go on. Touch it.”
  45. Shining did so. It felt slick, as he slid his hoof up and down her slit. “It's warm.”
  46. “Mhm. Some stallions like to help it along by licking it.”
  47. “...Should I?”
  48. “Go ahead.”
  49. Cautiously, Shining stuck his tongue out and tasted her with it. “It tastes funny. Should I keep going?”
  50. Velvet only nodded. Shining licked again, becoming accustomed to his mother's taste. He kept going, his mother starting to pant. His tongue slipped inside as he ran his tongue down her, and he felt a knot of flesh. His mother sharply inhaled as he touched it.
  51. “What's this?” Shining asked, touching it with his hoof.
  52. “Mff- That's the clitoris. It's a very sensitive spot on mares.”
  53. He licked it again. “So, should I go for it first?”
  54. Velvet shook her head. “Some mares might want you to, but others will want you to, ah, play with them first.”
  55. “Oh.”
  56. “Also, some mares like it when you play with their anus. Just not me.” Velvet looked down at her son's throbbing member, taking another sharp breath has Shining started playing with her clit. “There are also things a mare can to to please her lover.”
  57. “Like wh-ooooohhhh...” Shining moaned as Velvet started licking his shaft.
  58. Velvet smiled. “I didn't say stop.”
  59. Shining started licking once more as Velvet stood his dick up, running her tongue around his tip. She could feel herself getting close. Somehow, her inexperienced son was doing a better job of pleasing her than her husband. She took Shining's tip into her mouth and slowly worked her way down, and felt Shining stop.
  60. It took a moment, but he went back to eating her out, instinct taking over. She worked her way down his length, stopping a little less than halfway, and coming back. Slowly, rhythmically, she slid her mouth up and down, marveling at her son's size. As she grew closer to climax, she moved faster, going a little further down each time, moaning at each movement of her son's tongue.
  61. She could hear her son grunting as well, trying to hold back. She pulled off of him long enough to shout “Do it!”, then took his entire length into her mouth. Shortly after, she felt hot fluids pulse down her throat as her son groaned with pleasure. She reached a hoof down to finish herself, as her son had stopped, very quickly bringing herself to her climax, squirting her juices all over Shining's face.
  62. As the waves of pleasure subsided, she heard Shining coughing a bit. She withdrew from him, his now flaccid cock flopping onto his belly. She turned to face him and rested herself on top of him. Shining wiped his mother's juices off of him with his hoof. She looked at him. “So, how was that?”
  63. “Awesome. I... I never expected it to be like this. Even the spraying. Do all mares do that?” Shining said, smiling.
  64. “That's called an orgasm, and all mares experience it differently.” She got up shakily and turned to Shining once more. “I should go and clean up, before your sister and father get home.” She kissed his cheek. “Maybe we can have lesson two another time.”
  65. Shining kissed her back. “I hope it's soon. I love you, mom.”
  66. “I love you too, Shiny.”
  68. ~
  70. Shining Armor seemed much happier and more confident since that afternoon four days ago, Twilight Velvet noticed, and she couldn't be happier. Of course, it had unintended side effects. She noticed he looked at her differently, almost hungrily, and she honestly couldn't say she didn't enjoy it a little. It had been a long time since Night Light had looked at her like that. She did love him still, but this was exciting, like the proverbial forbidden fruit.
  71. Unfortunately, she had no way to sample this fruit in the past two weeks. Either she and Night Light were doing something, Twilight was studying, or Shining was at school or training. Of course, she had to account for Cadence as well, now, seeing as Shining had managed the courage to ask her to lunch, which was where he was now. She was watching Twilight, feeling both happy for her son, and a little jealous of Cadence.
  72. No, that's a bad way to think. You're just getting him ready for the intimate times of a relationship, nothing more, Velvet thought. When they're ready, he'll be with Cadence, and you'll just have to hope you prepared him enough. The thought still saddened her, and it was getting harder not to think about these things.
  73. “Mom, I'm home!” Just the words she had been waiting to hear, and from the pony she wanted to hear them from.
  74. “Shiny!” Twilight sprang up from her book and hugged her brother tightly. “Didja have fun with Cadence?”
  75. “Yes, how was your date?” Velvet got up to greet him as well with a kiss on the cheek.
  76. Shining hugged Twilight and returned his mother's kiss. “Great, but we had to cut it short because she had something to do. She definitely wants to see me again.” He was positively beaming.
  77. Velvet hugged Shining tighter than she usually did. “I'm so proud of you!”
  78. “Are you gonna marry her?” Twilight asked.
  79. Shining laughed. “Well, I don't know. Ask me again in a few years.”
  80. “Twilight, honey, why don't you go back to your book? I want to talk to your brother for a while.” Shining took a moment to recognize the look Velvet was giving him.
  81. “Okay.” Twilight trotted back to her book, sounding a little sad.
  82. “Don't worry, Twily, I'll tell you all about the date when we're done.” Shining walked upstairs with Velvet, already blushing a little.
  83. The instant they entered Shining's room, Velvet locked the door and threw herself at Shining, kissing him with the past two weeks worth of pent-up lust. After a second of surprise, Shining matched it,placing a hoof at the back of her head to hold her. They stayed this way for minutes that seemed closer to hours.
  84. Eventually, they did part, faces flushed. “Good, I'm not the only one who's been holding it in.” Shining said. “But Twily's downstairs-”
  85. Velvet cuts him off with a hoof to his lips. “Then let's be quiet. I've been meaning to give you lesson two for a while anyway.”
  86. “So, where do we start?”
  87. “That depends. Do you want to take the lead, or should I? I could go either way.”
  88. Shining smiled. “I think I'm ready. I've been doing a little reading on my own...”
  89. “Oh, have you now?” Velvet stepped back. “Why don't you show me what you've learned, then?”
  90. “You don't even want to warm up?”
  91. Velvet kissed him again. “I'm already warmed up.” She glanced between his legs. “And it looks like you are, too.” She thought a moment, then pulled him over toward the bed. “But a little foreplay never goes amiss.” She patted the bed.
  92. Shining Armor sat, erection fully presented. “That's what I read.”
  93. “You found your father's magazines, didn't you.” Velvet said, looking up at Shining looking a little embarrassed. “You naughty boy.” She gave his shaft a lick.
  94. “Well, all this isn't exactly wholesome...”
  95. “You didn't complain before.” Velvet licked him again, slower this time, lingering at his tip for a moment before taking him in her mouth.
  96. “I'm... not complaining now...” Shining said, Velvet's mouth doing a good job of silencing his.
  97. Velvet worked on her son slowly, looking up at him to see how he was liking it. His eyes were closed, his hoof on her head, so it looked like he was. It was a shame Night Light didn't go for this anymore. She picked up her pace a little, occasionally taking all of his length into her mouth. She could hear Shining starting to grunt a little, so she slowed down.
  98. She didn't slow down quite enough, as when she began her ascent once more, Shining groaned, and his seed began flowing into her mouth. She let go in her shock, catching the rest of his load with her face.
  99. “Sorry.” Shining said bashfully.
  100. Velvet giggled. “You really were pent up, weren't you?”
  101. “I guess so.”
  102. Velvet climbed onto the bed and presented herself to him. She looked back at him. “Well, you got off, so now it's my turn. Make mommy cum.”
  103. “Okay, mom.” Shining said, smiling. He ran his tongue up her already wet marehood, causing Velvet to shiver. He moved his head so that his horn rested on his mother's lower lips.
  104. Velvet looked back. “Shining, what are you oooohhh...” she moaned, as Shining's horn slowly made its way inside her. It was smooth, spreading her wider as it went in. She felt him move slowly, the slight ridges on his horn rubbing against her clit. He started moving faster for a few strokes, then removed himself. Velvet whimpered a little.
  105. She went to look back to find Shining had shifted, preparing to mount her. “Did you like the horn?”
  106. Velvet only nodded.
  107. Shining slowly pushed his way inside, Velvet moaning as he did so. He withdrew just as slowly, then started driving into her. It took a moment for him to hit his stride. Velvet cried out every few thrusts, when Shining would hilt himself. His breath was hot and fast on her neck, his thrusts picking up speed and intensity, not that Velvet was complaining.
  108. Velvet could feel herself growing close to climax as Shining now hilted himself with every thrust, his hips slapping against her flank. He must have been growing close to his own at the rate he was going. She found herself calling out Shining's name, louder than she would have liked. It wasn't long before she had to bury her face in the pillow to scream as she felt herself climax, her son still pounding her pussy as fast and hard as he could. Shining groaned and called out “Cadence!” as he released himself inside Velvet. Velvet's head popped up from the pillow, eyes wide with shock.
  109. A few final thrusts emptied the rest of Shining's seed, and he pulled out. Velvet shifted to a sitting position, Shining doing the same. He moved in for a kiss, but Velvet held up a hoof. She looked at him. “'Cadence?'”
  110. Shining rubbed the back of his head with his hoof and averted his eyes. “Did I really say that?”
  111. Velvet nodded. She looked at the floor. “You were thinking of her this whole time, weren't you?”
  112. Shining looked at the floor as well.
  113. Velvet sighed. “I should have known you would be.”
  114. “Mom, I didn't-”
  115. “No, it's all right. It's why we did this in the first place.” Velvet smiled sadly at Shining.
  116. Shining only nodded.
  117. They sat in silence for a while. Eventually, Velvet got up. “We should clean up before your father gets home.”
  118. “I'm sorry, mom.”
  119. Velvet kissed Shining on the cheek. “I was foolish to think I could keep you. You love her, and you'll be a great coltfriend to her. And maybe even a great husband.”
  120. Shining blushed. “Thanks. For everything.”
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