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a guest
Jul 19th, 2016
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  1. Update v1.06:
  3. Corrected an issue allowing players to float in the air by using the miracle Denial.
  5. Update v1.05 (Regulations v1.09):
  7. All Dagger weapons: increased critical attack power.
  8. Dark Sword: reduced weapon efficiency.
  9. Anri’s Straight Sword: reduced scaling effects.
  10. Wolnir’s Holy Sword: added faith scaling and adjusted weapon efficiency accordingly.
  11. Crescent Moon Sword: added intelligence scaling and adjusted weapon efficiency accordingly.
  12. Morne’s Great Hammer: added faith scaling and adjusted weapon efficiency accordingly.
  13. Lothric’s Holy Sword: added faith scaling and adjusted weapon efficiency accordingly.
  14. Yorshka’s Spear: increased FP damage effects.
  15. Scholar’s Candlestick: reduced sorcery-strengthening properties
  16. Demon’s Fist: reduced weight.
  17. Greatsword of Judgement: increased attack power.
  18. Heysel’s Pick: increased intelligence scaling.
  19. All shield-piercing weapons: added shield-piercing properties to regular attacks.
  20. All Skills that enchant a weapon with special properties: extended length of effect.
  21. Obscuring Ring: increased distance at which ring takes effect.
  22. Hornet Ring: adjusted efficiency.
  23. Black Serpent: adjusted tracking.
  24. Lightning Stake: now requires 1 attunement slot.
  25. Magic Barrier/Great Magic Barrier: extended length of effect.
  26. Divine Pillars of Light: increased attack power.
  27. White Dragon Breath: reduced stamina consumption.
  28. All Bug Pellet items: extended length of effect.
  29. Addressed other game balance issues and fixed other flaws.
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