

Jan 19th, 2016
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  1. It was really cold today. I wear a very very large amount of clothing though so it was okay. The weather's been extremely mild this winter so far and it's kind of amazing that we're just now getting really cold days. And they won't even last. It'll be almost 40 next week.
  3. Really looking forward to 12 Hour Challenge. I want to show Rusty to more people and I want to bring more awareness of more unique titles. It's an incredibly difficult game and it's very different from what I normally play. Hope to see people stop by. I have plans that weekend though so I'll probably try for a shortened challenge or just hope I get it done in time. And if not, just do more Sunday.
  5. My mom's recovering really well. Once she's fully back on her feet I'll be going in on streaming since I won't have to help her out with much. I've kept any streams to no mic + short + easy to quit games because I need to be able to stop immediately if anything comes up. Stream plans are mostly casual and will range from classics I've been meaning to revisit to weird unique stuff I find to brand new bigger games.
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