
Normal Norman: Around the World - Australia (unf)

Aug 25th, 2013
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  1. Normal Norman in
  3. "Normal Norman: Around the world - Australia"
  5. >Be Norman.
  6. >10:00 AM.
  7. >Already up and having breakfast with mom and dad.
  8. >Bacon and eggs. Nothing unusual.
  9. >This is gonna be a normal day for sure.
  10. >Finish my breakfast and go upstairs to play some Xbox.
  11. >After an hour of play I decide to go outside for a walk around the park.
  12. >Go downstairs
  13. >"Mom, im going outside for a walk."
  14. >"Oh, could you please take the dog with you?"
  15. >"Sure, i was thinking of going to the park."
  16. >"Thanks, honey."
  17. >"No problem, mom."
  18. >I take Duke, put on his leash and go outside.
  19. >I close the door behind me and start walking on the sidewalk
  20. >I go around the corner and see Orange walking her dog Winona.
  21. >She sees me
  22. >"Howdy there Norman, What's up with you?"
  23. >"Well, im going to the park with Duke."
  24. >"I was gonna come invite you to come to the park, that's why you saw me here."
  25. >"Oh, lets get going then."
  26. >Me and Orange start walking towards the park
  27. >"So, Norman, what's up with you?"
  28. >"Well, nothing unusual, just a normal day. How are you doing at the farm?"
  29. >"Well, we got a lot of work to do. We gotta build a new barn, because the old one is starting to collapse."
  30. >"I can come help you if you want."
  31. >"Aw, thanks Norman, but you don't need to."
  32. >"Nah, don't worry, i don't have much stuff to do anyway."
  33. >We reach the park and sit on a bench and let our dogs run freely.
  34. >"Have you heard anything from Purple?"
  35. >"After the incident, I haven't heard from her. She went in her house and won't let anyone in."
  36. >"She must be doing research and doesen't want anyone interrupting her."
  37. >"Well you know her, always researching and studying."
  38. >"Yea."
  39. >We spent the most of our time chatting and watching the dogs play with each other.
  40. >"Well, I gotta head back home Norman, see ya later."
  41. >"Bye."
  43. >Her dog came to her and she put on her leash.
  44. >Applejack waved at me for goodbye and i waved back.
  45. >I watched as applejack got lost in the distance.
  46. >Then Duke came and sat on the bench next to me.
  47. >Me and Duke were just looking around thinking what to do.
  48. >I get a call from mom
  49. >"Hello?"
  50. >"Hey, mom, what is it?"
  51. >"When are you gonna come back, we have a suprise for Duke."
  52. >"Sure, be there in a jippy."
  53. >"Bye."
  54. >I hang up and turn to Duke
  55. >"Come on boy, lets get going home."
  56. >I Put on his leash and we head straight home
  58. -Next Day-
  61. >Morning
  62. >11:00 AM
  63. >Wake up and decide to go take a shower.
  64. >Take off clothes and start running around the house naked.
  65. >Get to bathroom and lock myself in
  66. >I turned around and saw Aryan Beauty behind the curtains, hiding her body
  67. >"Oh, hey Norman, why don't you join me?"
  68. >Shocked, I instinctivly turn away, but when i looked at her again, she's gone.
  69. >Must've been an illusion
  70. >Still pretty confused, i enter the bathtub and start showering
  71. >I dropped the soap and i couldn't pick it up because it was slippery as shit.
  72. >And after 10 minutes of struggling to pick it up, i kick it in frustration and it flew around the room
  73. >It hit the mirror
  74. >Then it hit the ground
  75. >Then it hit the showerhead
  76. >Then it flew straight to my face
  77. >BAM!
  78. >Im on the floor unconcious
  79. >So this soap is, slippery, bouny and hard as fuck
  80. >I wake up 2 minutes later with small amounts of water leaking from the shower head.
  81. >Looks like its broken
  82. >And im still covered in soap
  83. >Well shit!
  84. >And as i was wondering what to do, shit got worse.
  85. >The showerhead fell to the ground and it shattered to pieces.
  86. >And the water was still flowing
  87. >ohfuck.jpg
  88. >Water everywhere, the place is COVERED in water
  89. >Soon it mixed with the shampoos because i accidentaly knocked them over
  90. >Floor is all slippery and i cant walk without falling every two steps
  91. >Get one of the towels and start scrubbing the floor
  92. >I wasn't able to remove the water from the floor, until i realised, the showerhead was still soaking the place with water
  93. >"Goddammit, Aryan, you can kill people with your beauty." I think
  94. >After 25 minutes of pure pain, i was able to fix the place
  95. >Finish showering with the broken showerhead and go in my room to dry myself
  96. >Im exhausted as fuck
  97. >Its already 12:00 AM
  98. >Put some clothes on and go downstairs for lunch. (Yes, it's noon after 12:00)
  99. >Eat some sandwiches
  100. >Finish my lunch
  101. >"Norman, me and your dad have something to discuss with you."
  102. >"Yea, what is it?"
  103. >"Your friend, Purple called us."
  104. >This can't be good
  105. >"And?"
  106. >"You are going to australia with her and her friends."
  107. >W-w-what?
  108. >Why am i gonna go to australia with purple and her friends
  109. >Then i remembered
  110. >The incident
  111. >"Ok, when are we gonna go?"
  112. >"Tonight."
  113. >1:30 PM
  114. >"I have some time, im gonna go get ready."
  115. >"Ok, but be careful, Australia is a dangerous place."
  116. >"Don't worry, we are gonna be fine."
  117. >I go upstairs and prepare some clothes
  118. >Toothbrush: Check
  119. >Pijamas: Check
  120. >Sunglasses: Check
  122. >3:00 PM
  123. >Have some time
  124. >Go watch some TV
  125. >"We interrupt this program to bring you, Courage - The cowardly dog show, starring courage!"
  129. -Transition-
  132. >5:45 PM
  133. >Take a nap before going to the cathedral
  134. >In Dreamland
  135. >I wake up in a bathroom
  136. >Im a woman and my skin is white and my hair is purple
  137. >I am in a bathtub behind the curtains and someone coming in
  138. >Its me
  139. >Then I hide my body with the curtains and say
  140. >"Oh, hey Norman, why don't you join me?"
  141. >Then I remembered
  142. >The illusion I had. Im Aryan beauty.
  143. >Then I wake up infront of the TV
  144. >"Asta la vista, baby."
  145. >There was terminator on the TV and mom was sitting next to me
  146. >"Mom, what's the time?"
  147. >"It's 6:40."
  148. >"Oh crap, i gotta go to the cathedral."
  149. >Then i quickly run upstairs, take my luggage and head for the exit.
  150. >"Bye mom, bye dad."
  151. >Then i mount my motorcycle and start driving to the cathedral.
  152. >It was pretty far away, but i was gonna be able to reach it in time
  153. >While i was driving, i noticed a pink Porsche driving next to me
  154. >And then i see the driver. It was pink.
  155. >"Oh, hey norman, are you going to the cathedral too?"
  156. >"Yea, but how'd you know?"
  157. >"Im heading there too, Twilight sent me a text to be there."
  158. >"I guess we are all gonna be there."
  159. >"Yea, I guess."
  160. >Me and pink didnt say anything and we kept on driving until we reached the cathedral
  161. >Everyone was already there
  162. >Purple, Orange, Blue, Yellow, Aryan Beauty and...
  163. >Brad
  165. >We both share a bro-tier hug then Purple starts talking
  166. >"You all know why you are here."
  167. >Brad suddenly started looking serious and we all nodded
  168. >"Any questions?"
  169. >Silence
  170. >"Then lets head to the airport, the tickets are here."
  171. >Then she hands us 7 tickets
  172. >I take mine and read it
  173. >One Way ticket to Australia
  174. >Departure - 7:16 PM
  175. >"C'mon guys, hop in." said pink
  176. >All of the girls were in pink's car, but me and brad were on my motorcycle
  177. >"Let's go everyone!" said Purple
  178. >And off we go!!!
  181. -Transition-
  184. >We arrive at the airport at 7:10
  185. >We quickly head to the plane, give our tickets, then enter it
  186. >Blue sits with orange, I sit with brad, Purple sits with Yellow and Pink sits with Aryan
  187. >Brad and Aryan grabbed a drink from the passing by stewardess
  188. >Aryan Beauty looked really classy
  189. >The plane flew off and we were finally in the air
  190. >I was hungry, but as much as i heard about airplane food, no thanks.
  196. >The flight was long
  197. >Only 30 minutes have passed, but it felt like 30 hours
  198. >It was really boring, there was nothing to do except watch those boring romantic comedy airplane movies that weren't even funny
  199. >The only interesting thing we could do is watch outside the window
  200. >We were traveling first class, but i still don't know how purple got the money.
  201. >The seats were quite comfortable and the place was really neat
  202. >Blue, Orange, Brad and Aryan were sleeping
  203. >I now regret taking that nap. Now i can't sleep at all, i feel fresh like a vegetable.
  204. >Soon enough i was the only one to stay awake.
  205. >"Maybe i can get a closer look at the girls." i think
  206. >I quickly shake that out of my head. What am i even thinking?
  207. >Even though i struggle with it, that thought doesent want to leave my head.
  208. >Im am now fighting with myself to not peek at the girls.
  209. >I look around and search for something to distract me
  210. >FOOD!
  211. >Airplane food? Yuck. But for the sake of distraction i decided to try.
  212. >There wasnt much stuff
  213. >There was a big bowl of salad, some meat, bread and plenty other normal looking foods.
  214. >Spent the next 15 minutes eating my food and looking out the window
  215. >I was able to shake that thought out of my head, but it was still trying to get back in.
  216. >Then I hear my brain talk to me
  217. >"Do it Norman, give her the D."
  218. >"NO!" I say shocked
  219. >I unfortunately waked up the others
  220. >"What's wrong norman?" Asked Orange
  221. >"Just had a bad dream, sorry for waking you up, no need to worry."
  222. >They all turn to sleep except Brad who whispered:
  223. >"You weren't dreaming, you were having dirty thoughts and you were trying to shake them off, am I right?"
  224. >I nod nervously
  225. >Brad gives me a pat on the back and goes back to sleep
  226. >I just can't take it anymore
  227. >I go to the bathroom and take my pants off
  228. >And with all my lust, I gently began to glide my hand across my shaft
  229. >Circles of pleasure were wavering through my body as I imagined Aryan's soft-skinned hands on my cock
  230. >My back curved from all the pleasure flowing through my body and even had small cringes
  231. >Soon the imagination of Aryan bobbing her head up and down across the base of my dick, came to my head
  232. >Small grunts and moans were coming out of my mouth as I was about to cum.
  233. >The pleasure was too much for me to withstand and and I started banging my head against the wall
  234. >I was stroking my cock faster than any other time i've ever fapped
  235. >Then, with that last stroke, My head banged the wall for the last time as I unleashed my load high into the air and let out a big moan
  236. >The semen stained all of my clothes, but I didn't care because that was the best fap i've ever had
  237. >Put my pants back on and wash the cum out of my hands
  238. >Then I come back to my seat and quickly fall asleep
  244. >I've been sleeping for 2 hours now, but we were still far from australia
  245. >Now everyone is awake and everyone was chatting with someone else
  246. >Brad was listening to Daft Punk and wasn't talking to me at all
  247. >And now again, there is nothing else to do
  248. >I see Purple alone and staring out of the window
  249. >I go there and sit next to her
  250. >"Hey, Purple, why so serious?"
  251. >"Well, with all the stuff that's happening, who can't be serious?"
  252. >"Aw, come on Purple, give me a small smile at least."
  253. >But she kept looking outside and didn't mind me
  254. >"Why are we going to australia anyway?"
  255. >"We need to search for artifacts all around the world"
  256. >search for artifacts all around the world
  257. >Artifacts all around the world
  258. >All around the world
  259. >Around the world
  260. >"How much artifacts are there?"
  261. >"Eight."
  262. >"Wh-what? Well, where are they at?"
  263. >"Australia, Germany, Italy, France, Argentina, Mexico, Russia and Scotland."
  264. >"Oh boy, i always wanted to go to italy."
  267. -Transition-
  270. >After 4 more hours we finally reach the airport
  271. >We start walking to the city through a large field
  272. >We hear a gunshot and then someone shout "ALL YOUR HEADS LOOK BLOODY TWELVE FEET TALL."
  273. >Then we cautiosly go to the person and hope for directions
  274. >We see a large wooden tower
  275. >The man looked at us
  276. >"Hey there mates, what can i do for ya'?"
  277. >"Excuse me, sir, do you know how to get to Sydney." asked Twilight politley
  278. "I'm actually heading to Sydney, I can take you with me."
  279. >"Well thank ya' kindly." said Applejack
  280. "No problem, mates, hop in."
  281. >I sit in the front with the guy, while my friends are in the back of the van
  282. >The guy starts his van and drives west
  283. "So mate, what are ye' guys doin' in australia?"
  284. >"Well, we are searching for some "Artifacts", like my friend said."
  285. "Ahhhh, yer' talking about the Australian Clock, pretty hard to find ye' should know, I've been searching for it for years, but im still not able to find it. What do you wankas need it for?
  286. >"Wanka?"
  287. "Ehehehe, just a little poke in the ribs, don't take it personally mate."
  288. >"Well my friend got curse-"
  289. "Xanus' Curse? Oh boy, you are in a lotta trouble. You should find all eight fast."
  290. >"Why, whats gonna happen?"
  291. "First of all, everything around yer' friend is gonna start dying, then the range of the curse will increase, thus covering the whole planet and making everything die except yer' friend.
  292. >"Whats your name?"
  293. "Im Mr.Mundy, what's yer's mate?"
  294. >"Im Norman, my friends are, Applejack, Twilight, Brad, Rarity, Rainbow dash, Fluttershy and Pinkie ."
  295. "Pretty strange names mate, but who is who?"
  296. >"Well, Twilight is the purple girl, Applejack is the orange girl, Rarity is the Aryan girl, Pinkie is the pink girl, Fluttershy is the yellow girl and Rainbow dash is the blue girl."
  297. "And brad is the blue haired boy?"
  298. >"Yep"
  299. >Me and Mundy didn't say another word while traveling
  300. >Soon enough we reached Sydney
  301. >We all get out of the van
  302. "Here ya' go mates, i'll see ya' some other time."
  303. >"Bye, mister Mundy."
  304. >Then he drives off and we watched as he got lost in the distance
  309. >"Well, where are we gonna sleep?" I ask
  310. "There should be a hotel somewhere in the city. Meet me here after half an hour, i'll see what i can find." said Purple
  311. >Then she quickly wanders off
  312. >"So, What are we gonna do now?"
  313. "Let's go to cafe." said aryan
  314. >We all agree and start searching for a cafe nearby
  315. >Its been 5 mintues now and we havent found a single cafe and were starting to get impatient
  316. >Me and orange meet up at one point
  317. "Find anything, Norman?"
  318. >"Not yet, any luck?"
  319. "Nope, haven't found anythin'."
  320. >Just as she said that we hear someone calling my name
  321. "Norman, Applejack, there you guys are, I found a cafe really nearby, follow me!"
  322. >She almost dragged me with her and we were already running around the streets.
  323. >We turned to the left then to the right and then to the right again.
  324. >Soon enough we reached a small cafe called "Coffeedile Hunter."
  325. >Exhausted from all the running, I pulled out a phone and sent a text to everyone else.
  326. >"We are at a cafe called Coffeedile Hunter, It's on Alligator St."
  327. >Still panting and breathing heavily, we noticed Mr.Mundy drinking his coffee
  328. >He didn't notice us and continued reading the newspaper while talking on his phone.
  329. >Cautiosly, we sit on a table near Mr.Mundy and we could hear his conversation with his dad we supposed.
  330. >"D-Dad, dad, Look, im not a crazed gunman dad, I'm and assasin."
  331. >"What's the difference?"
  332. >"Well the difference be that one is a job and the other one is mental sickness."
  333. >The waitress came and we all ordered a pepsi
  334. >5 minutes later we see brad coming this way
  335. >He sees us and comes at our table
  336. "Well, now we gotta wait for the others."
  337. >"Yea." I say
  338. >Brad sits with us as we waited for the others to arrive
  339. >"How did you fins us?" I asked him
  340. "Google maps brah."
  341. >The waitress came and gave us our pepsis and brad ordered a coffee.
  342. >A few minutes later everyone found they're way here.
  343. >Now we were 8 people at one table chatting intensely.
  344. >With all this noise, Mr.Mundy surely would notice us.
  345. >But he didn't, he just kept on reading his newspaper.
  346. >He eventually finished reading and put the newspaper in his bag.
  347. >Taking his things, he left some money in the check and left without even minding us.
  348. >The chatting intensefied even more and we didn't feel when it became 5 PM until Brad noticed it was starting to get dark.
  349. >"Yo purple, we still don't know where we're gonna sleep tonight."
  350. "Don't worry I got it all covered."
  351. >She went inside to pay the check and came back.
  352. "Don't worry, just follow me."
  353. >We left the Coffedile Hunter an started following Purple.
  354. >She seemed as she knew the direction we're heading.
  355. >We see a taxi that looked like one of those hippie vans.
  356. >Purple started waving her hand to stop the taxi
  357. >The taxi stops and a jamaican dude popped out the window.
  358. "Eyyy, hombres, where can I take you." asked the taxi driver while making a small cough
  359. >"Could you please take us to The Alligator Homestead?"
  360. >"Hop in, hombres."
  361. >Everyone proceeds to enter the van while the driver keeps making small coughs
  362. >Me and Brad sit on the back and start listening to Daft Punk on Brad's earphones
  363. >Purple checks her purse and sits on her seat
  364. >The driver turns on the radio and drives off
  365. >Everyone puts on their earphones, because Bob Marley was playing really loud.
  366. >I tried to remember the way: Left then right, then right again, then left, then straight forward.
  367. >It was getting darker and darker with each past second
  368. >I fell asleep
  369. >The street lamps went on and we could see all the hardware stores, markets, hunting shops, fast foods etc.
  370. >Night came and it became completely dark if we didn't count the lamps
  371. >When I woke up, I saw brad quietly chatting with the driver
  372. >"Purple, how long exactl-"
  373. >I got interrupted by Brad's "shhhhhhh"
  374. >Then I noticed the girls are sleeping
  375. >Brad turns around and continues to chat with the driver
  376. >This goes on for half an hour until he said:
  377. "Hombres, we're here."
  378. >Purple wakes up and asks how much will she'll have to pay
  379. "That be 20 dollas hombres."
  380. >She takes out two ten dollar bills and hands them to the driver
  381. >We all come out of the bus and turn to the driver
  382. "If you hombres need a ride, you'll find me at the Coffeedile Hunter, I always hang out there"
  383. >Then he drives off as we wave for goodbye
  387. >We were standing infront of a giant 4-star hotel named "The Alligator Homestead."
  388. >There was a large wooden entrance door, that could fit a truck without it doing any damage to it.
  389. >As we went inside the hotel we noticed a nice degree difference.
  390. >Outside it was 33 degrees, but here inside was a pleasant 24 degrees
  391. >While we were loooking around the lobby, purple had already finished with the reception.
  392. >She hands us the key to our rooms.
  393. >I was in room 257 with Aryan.
  394. >We were all still pretty tired and went directly to the elevators and then in our rooms
  395. >Room 257
  396. >I unlock the door and go in
  397. >Leaving my luggage beside the bed, I quickly go to the bathroom and come back to the bed
  398. "Norman, can I be on the right side of the bed?"
  399. >"Of course."
  400. "Thank you."
  401. >"No problem."
  402. >Me and Aryan get in the bed and she quickly falls asleep, but I remained awake for a long time, thinking about purple and what gonna happen with her
  403. >I eventually fell asleep around 1:30 AM
  406. -Next day-
  409. >11:30 AM
  410. >Sunlight had already filled the room and warmness was in the air
  411. >Feeling something really soft, I tried to move, but I couldn't
  412. >Turning my head around I see Rarity cuddling tightly into my chest
  413. >Her skin was so soft, that I didn't want to let go of her and stay like that forever
  414. >But at that same moment, there was a loud sound of porcelain breaking
  415. >It startled us both and we looked at each other
  416. "NORMAN?"
  417. >"Aryan? Wh-what happened?"
  418. "We must've accidentaly cuddled in our sleep."
  419. >She blushed very deeply while looking at the broken vase that obviously fell down.
  420. "You don't think we didn't... you know."
  421. >"Oh, uh, I highly doubt it, we are with our pijamas aren't we?" I couldn't help but blush and look at the vase too.
  422. "I suppose I should clean it up."
  423. >"Nonononono, you go down for breakfast and i'll clean it up."
  424. "What a cute little gentleman you are."
  425. >She gave me a peck kiss on the cheek.
  426. >I almost felt as there were heart floating across my head.
  427. >Looking around the room searching for a broom and garbage can, I hear Brad shout in the distance.
  429. >"OKAY DAD!" I sarcastically shout.
  430. >Finish the cleaning fast and go down the stairs to the restaurant.
  431. >We were having the casual bacon and eggs for breakfast.
  432. >When we finished our dinner, the receptionist came to our table
  433. "Excuse me, but who here is Twiight Sparkle?"
  434. "I am."
  435. "You have a letter." said the receptionist while handing purple the letter
  436. >She quickly opens it and reads it
  437. >"What does it say purple?" I asked
  438. "It contains our tickets for our next destination."
  439. >"Where's that?"
  440. "Paris, France."
  441. >Aryan beauty dropped her fork and it clinged loudly
  442. "Oh my lord, I've always dreamed of going to paris."
  443. >"Well, I guess thats a dream come true."
  444. >All of us share a laugh
  445. >Already bored, I looked around the room
  446. >I notice Mr.Mundy again eating his breakfast
  447. >Since I have nothing to do, I go to him and start talking
  448. >"Hey there Mr.Mundy, how are you?
  449. "Oh, hey there mate, Im fine, whats good with ye'?"
  450. >"Well, we're having breakfast then we're heading off somewhere."
  451. "Mr.Mundy, can I ask you a question?" Twilight asks
  452. "Ask me."
  453. "Do you know where we can find what we are looking for?"
  454. >Mr.Mundy thinks for a bit then takes a map out of his bag and gives it to us
  455. "Here, this should be the first step to finding it, it's somewhere out in the desert."
  456. "Thanks. LET'S GO GUYS!" She shouts to all of us.
  457. >"But I haven't finished breakfa-"
  458. >She starts dragging me by the elbow to the exit
  459. >Those orbs made her lotsa stronger and I can't escape her grip because it was too tight
  465. >We already prepared our stuff beforehand and Purple rented a desert jeep
  466. >We put our stuff and the required food and water in the trunk
  467. >Me and Brad are in the front seats and i'm driving
  468. >The car was in good condition and would surely handle all of us
  469. >Spinning the keys, the engine lets out a big cry and we go into the newfound adventure
  475. >The desert was inhumanly hot, So hot, it even made heat melt.
  476. >We had to drink water every 50 seconds
  477. >I felt like I would pass out any second
  478. >Everyone was sweating like pigs
  479. >We still didn't know where we were going, but Purple looks like she can understand the map, because its written in random gibberish
  480. >I've been driving for 50 minutes now! I turn around and ask purple if we can take a break.
  481. >She ignores me and tells me to change the direction
  482. >Goddammit, Purple.
  483. >I change the direction and continue driving anyway
  484. >Another 30 minutes have already passsed
  485. >"Ugh, Purple can we take a break, im exhausted."
  486. >She ignores me again
  487. >"PURPLE!"
  488. "Huh, what is it norman?"
  489. >"Can we stop for a bit, Im really tired."
  490. "Sure thing."
  491. >Yeeesssssss...............
  492. >I stop the truck and take out a sausage sandwich
  493. >Everyone gets out and looks around the sandy nothingness
  494. >The Desert looked so empty and gigantic, there were only 3-4 cactuses scattered around
  495. >I even saw skeletons from other missfortunate adventurers
  496. >2spooky4me
  497. >This place is a pure wasteland
  498. >I completley forgot about the sandwich in my hand
  499. >Leaving it to the side, I exit the truck and join the others
  500. >"What are you guys looking at?"
  501. >No response
  502. >"Guys?"
  503. >Still no response
  504. >"Guys, snap out of it."
  505. >No response yet again
  506. >I start to panic, what are they looking at, I don't see anything
  507. >"Guys what are you loooking at, What's wrong!?
  508. >I look at what they are looking at, but i don't see anything
  509. >I was starting to panic really badly
  510. >I started shaking them, but it was useless, they just didn't react to anything
  511. >"Guys, don't scare me, tell me what's happening!"
  512. >"GUYS!!!"
  513. >Aryan Beauty falls to her knees
  514. >Quickly grabbing her, I was her what is wrong
  515. >She doesn't struggle to remain concious and falls in my hands
  516. >My eyes start to flood in tears, is she dead?
  517. >No, she can't be dead, she just CAN'T
  518. >There she is, the girl I love so much is now dead in my own hands
  519. >I felt guilt
  520. >Now I am helplessly crying over her unconcious body
  521. >Losing all hope of survival, I just sit down with the Aryan Goddess' head resting on my lap.
  522. >I just cant believe this is happening
  523. >The sun was setting and it was getting quite cold
  524. >I was so upset with Aryan that I didn't notice that the other girls were on the ground too
  525. >The sun was nearly gone it became really cold
  526. >I go back to the truck and take some blankets out
  527. >Returning to the girls, I cover all of them with their blankets
  528. >I sit next to aryan beauty again, and cover both of us
  529. >Still very sad and shocked, I managed to fall into a deep, calm slumber
  530. >Im having a dream
  531. >I am in a dark mansion, where the light source were only a few candles
  532. >There were demonic choirs coming from the distance that I barely could hear
  533. "Nooooooormaaaan." the beautiful voice of Aryan at long last brought pleasure to my ears
  535. "Over hereeeee."
  536. >I couldn't escape the feel that aryan's voice was a bit more.... Ghostlike
  537. >A door suddenly bursts open and pages started flying everywhere
  538. >It was a big entrance hall, all in ruin.
  539. >Windows were shattered, the staircases destroyed, carpets and curtains were torn to piece and scattered everywhere.
  540. >Bookshelves were on the ground, Books and shattered porcelain all over the floor
  541. >There was a light creepy wind coming from outside
  542. >Every last inch of me was trembling
  543. >The chandelier fell and shattered on the ground, leaving me scared out of my mysery
  544. >I felt like I was going insane, my vision was warping and I even saw a shadow lurking around the darkness
  545. >Examining the broken chandelier I notice a book stabbed on one of the sharp edges
  546. >A sudden scream of pain was heard in the distance, followed by an evil laugh that took my breath away
  547. >Focusing on the book again, I read its title
  548. >"??a??s?a µe??d??? ßasa??st?????"
  549. >I couldn't read it, but I opened it to see what is inside
  550. >The book was definatley old and the first page was almost torn to pieces
  551. >Opening a later page, I see some illustrations of a man hanging from his feet with his head down
  552. >Not knowing what it meant, I leave the book on the ground and start looking around again
  553. >Another shelf fell behind me and I jumped with a small muffled scream
  554. >I sit down and gasp heavily while searching for my phone
  555. >It wasnt in my pockets, It was gone.
  556. >A candle suddenly lit itself on a table nearby
  557. >I go and pick up the candle, but it went out
  558. >I leave it in its place and it lit again
  559. >Picking it up, It went out.
  560. >And again and again
  561. >I decide I should leave the candle and look around for more
  562. >Then I heard a noise I will never forget, a dark, monstrous growling and roaring very nearby somewhere
  563. >Freezing in my place, I am filled with terror as I watch the door fall from its hinges
  564. >Breathing really heavily, I see what caused the destruction of the door
  565. >Standing there, just several meters away from me, was a horrible and disgusting monster
  566. >It was missing all its toes and all his fingers, there were claws coming from its shoulder, Its face, It was terrible.
  567. >It had no eyeballs and there were daggers shoved in its nostrils, Its left cheek was cut off and an small arm had grown from there
  568. >Its body was slender, it was tall, big, and gruesome. There was a big T on the monster's chest and was bleeding from its mouth
  569. >The monster charges at me
  570. >I brought out a huge scream and was preparing for the agony that monster was about to bring to me
  571. >It stopped right infront of me. Its tongue was split in half.
  572. >The monster lets out that same laugh I heard a few minutes ago
  573. >I was so scared and terrified, that I couldn't even scream.
  574. >It stabbed me in the leg and I screamed with endless pain.
  575. >But it froze in place.
  576. >Everything around me got brighter and brighter and brighter
  577. >The brightness blinded me, and I wasnt able to see
  578. >Then the room became pitch black and slowly started to become bright
  579. >Still grunting and gasping in pain, I look around the room
  580. >It was still in ruin, except the door the monster broke down. It was still in its place
  581. >Suprised, I look at my leg, It was in perfect condition but I still felt pain in it and I couldn't walk normally
  582. "Noooooormaaaaaaan, where aaaareeee youuuuuu?"
  583. >Another door slowly opens by itself, It was the door where that monster came from
  584. >I got up and started walking slowly and limply toward the door that just opened
  585. >The book I found was open at the last page and there was something written in english
  586. >It reads: "Climb the steps."
  587. >That was it, that was the only thing written there
  588. >Feeling relief in my leg, I quickly sprint to the door and get into the next room
  589. >The door shuts behind me and I finally woke up from this godawful nightmare.
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